Micro Food
Macro Blessing
Fourth Edition
Harald W. Tietze
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
This publication seeks to demonstrate the beneficial application of Spirulina for various
disorders of the human body, but it is stressed that the contents of this book are in no
way a substitute for personal supervision by qualified professional medical personnel.
The contents of this publication are solely the opinions of the authors. People with
health problems should consult their physician.
© 1999/2001/2004 Harald W. Tietze
All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced without permission. However,
anyone may quote up to 1000 words of this text (but not third party sources), without
specific permission, as long as proper credit is given.
Harald W. Tietze Publishing
P. O. Box 34, Bermagui NSW 2546 Australia
Fax: 02-6493 4900 [International +61-2-6493 4 900]
Telephone: 02-6493 4552 www.wise-mens-web.com
Books by the same author:
Earthrays the Silent Killer; Kombucha The Miracle Fungus; Earthrays and Man-
Made Pollution; Kombucha Teaology; Pollution Solutions; Spirulina - Micro
Food, Macro Blessings; Herbal Teaology; Urine the Holy Water; Kefir - For
Pleasure, Beauty and Well-being; Water Medicine; Papaya (Pawpaw) The
Medicine Tree; Supreme Green Medicine; Nature’s Pharmacy For Animals;
Guava - Medicine For Modern Diseases, Living Wild Flower Remedies The
Stepanovs Method; Living Food for Longer Life; Happyology; Love
Remedies; Youthing How to Reverse the Ageing Process. “Health For All”
book series (current issue # 18)
Illustrations by: A. Jones, P.O.Box 7462, Bundall Qld, 4217, Australia
Printed in India by B. Jain Publishers at J.J. Offset Printers, New Delhi - 35
ISBN 1 876 173 16 5
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Harald W. Tietze
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
My special thanks to Tina and Peter White for opening my eyes to Spirulina. In 1984,
Tina told me about the “Food from Sunlight” and bought me the first Spirulina book.
Over the years we worked together on the project to grow Spirulina in a home
environment to feed the hungry in the world. We are certain that Spirulina is a very
important food for the future.
My special thanks to Kelly Moorehead, marine biologist, and Helen Morgan, author of
the book “Spirulina Nature’s Superfood“. I learned a lot from Kelly when I visited the
Spirulina Farm in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, built on young lava rock, where 100 years
earlier there was ocean. Kelly is a “walking encyclopaedia”, and with his knowledge
supports me in regard to Spirulina. Kelly is the kind of person you very seldom meet,
where you believe you have known this person for decades after talking only a few
moments. It is great to have Kelly as a friend.
Kelly, thank you for allowing me to take parts from your book, for my book.
My special thanks to Juta Stepanovs, for her contribution to this book in regard to the
external use of Spirulina for health and beauty. Juta specialised in treating skin disorders
with “feeding the skin” natural living food instead of chemicals. “Skin Saver
Remedies” is the title of her own book, which is highly recommended.
Many thanks also to Bell Huang, Manager of the “Australian Spirulina” farm in
Karama, Northern Territory.
Bell spent a large amount of time with me explaining Spirulina growing in tropical
Northern Territory.
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Introduction 7
Why Spirulina? 8
First Food 9
Spirulina as Food for Humans 10
Commercial Spirulina 12
Australian Spirulina 12
Spirulina is not Spirulina ? 13
Natural and Processed Foods 16
Super Food 16
The biggest selling items 17
Health Food 18
The Sun Food Spirulina 19
Total Food - Whole Food 19
Dosage - how much should I take? 20
Does Spirulina Have Negative Side Effects? 20
Spirulina - Drug or Food? 22
Spirulina as a Food Additive 23
Recipes 24
Spirulina for Better Health 25
The Complete Protein 27
Radicals. Eh? 28
Vitamins through the Alphabet 28
Vitamins Supplied by Spirulina 29
Other Good Things! 31
Chlorophyll - The Green Gold 33
Minerals 33
Typical chemical analysis of Spirulina 35
Nutritional Information 37
Best value for your money 38
Overdose of, or Too Much of a Good Thing 38
Spirulina for General Well Being and Body Cleansing 39
What people have experienced using Spirulina 40
Acne 42
Allergies 42
Anaemia 42
Arthritis 43
Cancer 44
Depression 45
Pain 46
Protection against Radiation 47
Heavy metal detoxification 47
Cholesterol, Hypertension, Arteriosclerosis 47
Pancreatitis 48
Loss of Vision, Cataracts and Glaucoma 48
Hepatitis and Cirrhosis 48
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Gastric and Duodenal Ulcers 48
Sexual Vitality 49
Anti ageing 49
Slimming - Spirulina for the Ideal Weight 50
Spirulina for Beauty 51
Future Food 56
Land area required to grow one food ration per year 58
Water Use 59
Energy Use 59
Chemical-free Food production 60
What will we be eating tomorrow? 60
Food for the Hunger in the World 60
Spirulina affordable for starving people? 61
The now ill and starving people will be as
healthy as Western society. 62
Growing your own Spirulina at home? 62
Plants and Animals 63
Spirulina compared to Chlorella and Green Barley 64
Other Spirulina Products 65
Bibliography 66
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Two thirds of the world is covered with water. The earliest life form, which began in
water, was algae. There are around 25,000 species of algae in the world. Walk on the
beach and you will find seaweed, which are the biggest forms of algae, some like little
trees with roots, stems, branches and leaves. Kelp and carrageen moss are the best
known seaweed and are red or brown in colour. At the other end of the big family are
tiny single-celled algae which are the most primitive plants on earth. Many people react
negatively when thinking about algae because the first thing that comes to their mind is
algae in swimming pools or toxic algae like the blue-green algae in Australian rivers.
With increasing world population and decreasing agricultural land, algae is discussed
more frequently for its nutritional value as a future food source which we desperately
need. The nutritional as well as the therapeutic value of algae varies with the water’s
quality (minerals, nutrition, pH), the water temperature, ocean currents and the intensity
of sunlight.
The degree of pollution in waters for food production is a concerning factor for the
qualities of the product.
The most prominent food alga is Spirulina. Chlorella, fresh water green algae, is one of
the smallest organisms and is approximately the size of a human red blood cell.
Spirulina is approximately 100 times larger and gets its name from the shape of the
plant which looks like little spirals. The dark green colour of Spirulina comes from the
high amount of plant blood or in other words, chlorophyll, which is only one molecule
different to haemoglobin in human blood. Chlorophyll in plants is collected sunlight.
All energy on the earth comes from only one source, the sun. First life, and with the
first life the first food or, so we have been told, the algae. Algae can live on water and
sunlight only. Humans are not as lucky because they cannot live from sun energy
directly. They are on top of the food chain. The lowest on the food chain is the
chlorophyll in our nature or in other words the “green” in our nature. Green matter is
eaten by animals and animals are eaten by humans. To feed a human being in Western
countries, with high meat consumption, the land use per head is 800 times higher than if
we were to eat algae directly. The largest mammal on earth is the whale which lives
solely on phyto-plankton algae; the largest mammal on land is the elephant which eats
green matter only.
The diet of humans has changed a few times since they first walked on the earth. For
most of the time we only gathered the seasonal foods - roots, fruits and seeds available
within an hour's walking distance and we hunted and fished; the only food intake was
fresh. As we became more sophisticated we started to preserve our food by smoking,
salting and drying. The oldest and still the best way of preservation is lactic acid
fermentation as in sauerkraut where the nutrients and vitamins are preserved as well.
Only in recent years have we learned to preserve by heating, drying and freezing, and
part of our food's value is lost during its processing.
I was introduced to Spirulina in 1984 by a good friend who worked in Spirulina
research for a very long time, and she gave me my first book on Spirulina, Food from
Sunlight, by Christopher Hills.
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
The simplest vegetable on earth fascinated me and the possibility of growing in desert
conditions enough food to feed the world, not only today but also in the centuries to
come, makes this smallest food the biggest solution.
“All diseases are curable but not all patients because they are very much
Why Spirulina?
Often, when we are searching for something new, something with special properties, we
tend to completely miss what is right in front of us. Deep amongst all the cabbages,
beans, fruits and thousands of other foodstuffs there lives this tiny plant called Spirulina
It's so small in fact, that a garden the size of a pin's head would contain a hundred or
more plants. There are indeed many other tiny, single celled plants which can be found
with the aid of a microscope, but none which have the unique properties of Spirulina.
When deciding what should be prepared for a meal, the wiser folk will always try to
produce a selection of food which offers a balance of all the things our body needs to
maintain good health, to ward off disease, and at the same time to make an enjoyable
repast. Such a meal will inevitably comprise fruit and or vegetables along with a light
meat of some kind. The variety is needed for interest, but more importantly to provide
the wide range of essential vitamins and minerals which the human body uses as fuel
and catalyst.
No one fruit, vegetable or meat can provide everything the human body demands, but
the tiny Spirulina comes so close to this ideal, that NASA has selected it as being the
most important plant to use in space stations of the future. Spirulina in fact, is the
richest of all living foods known, and is considered to be the original producer of the
worlds supply of oxygen. Like all plants it converts carbon dioxide to free oxygen by
the action of sunlight. This enables animals, and of course mankind to live here on
The cells of most plants are like little bags or boxes which contain the good foods; the
bag or box being made of a tough substance, usually cellulose, which cannot be digested
(unless you are a termite or a cockroach). Where Spirulina is different, is that the
covering of its single cell is not cellulose but a thin membrane made of complex sugars
which dissolve instantly in the digestive juices of the stomach. Because of that,
Spirulina is totally digestible and is the richest food source available to us. It is also
absorbed very quickly after being consumed. Because of its richness, this tiny plant is
capable of providing food for humans with almost no wastage and satisfies hunger very
quickly when eaten in only small amounts.
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
As living proof of Spirulina as a complete food, an old Japanese philosopher was
claimed to have lived exclusively on Spirulina for 15 years! Doubtless, an unexciting
diet, but perhaps his taste buds were a little jaded.
Spirulina is technically called a blue-green algae; its cells form into long strands which
look similar to a coiled spring. And that's exactly where the name comes from.
Spirulina means "little spring". Growing naturally Spirulina is found in warm and
highly alkaline lakes or shallow ponds of the tropics where it is very easy to harvest.
The harvest yield for any given area is equivalent to ten times more than soy beans,
twenty times that of corn and two hundred times greater than for beef cattle.
As we have already said, Spirulina is very close to being the ideal food for human
beings. Containing an almost perfect balance of protein, including the eight essential
amino acids, it is easily digested, quickly assimilated and satisfies hunger quickly. Far
less bulk is needed than any other food, and it is naturally low in cholesterol, calories,
fat and sodium. What it does contain are large quantities of carbohydrate in the form of
glycogen and some sugars. It has a total of nine important vitamins and at least fourteen
minerals which are bonded to the amino acids (this makes for quick and easy
assimilation by the body). Going back to harvesting foods, Spirulina, grown in an area
of one acre, could provide food for 400 people per year. This compares very well with
other high protein crops. Soy beans, for example, grown in the same area feed 16 people
and rice feeds only 2.
First Food
Algae were the first life form on earth. Algae can reproduce itself. The dying algae
delivers the nutrients for the new growing algae.
Other life forms developed and they fed on algae. Algae is not only the main food for
other living things but also produces oxygen as a by-product, while growing.
The algae always was and still is the main source of oxygen production. It is estimated
that 70% of the total free oxygen on our planet is produced by algae.
Spirulina as a food source was known by the natives in Mexico and in Africa, where the
largest Spirulina lakes are around Lake Chad - others are in East Africa, South America
and China.
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Clearly visible the spiralling algae Spirulina maxima.
I photographed this at the “Australian Spirulina” farm in the Northern Territory
Spirulina as Food for Humans
The first written records of the food source go back to the year 1524. Fray Toribo de
Bonavente reported that the Aztecs living on the Lake Texcoco ate a blue-green cake
called tecuitlatl. The Spirulina algae growing in the lake is the sole ingredient of the
cake. Other reports claim that the dry Spirulina was made into bread which tasted
something like cheese and it was mixed with some grain ingredients and put into
chilmolli, a sauce made from tomatoes and various spices including chilli pepper.
The Myans of Central America were the first to cultivate Spirulina in a network of
waterways. The water containing the Spirulina was also used for irrigating and at the
same time fertilising their crops.
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
The Kanembu people who live in the area of Lake Chad in Africa have, up until
recently, gained their main protein source from Spirulina.
The wind pushes the algae to shore where the thick mats are collected by the Kanembu
women using fine woven baskets. The Spirulina sludge is then brought to the sandy
dunes of the lake where the water drains easily into the sand. The hot tropical sun
quickly dries the paste into a biscuit which the natives call dih'e.
Millet, a daily food in this area, is served with a dih'e sauce which is made in a similar
manner to the Central American sauce from Spirulina, tomatoes, spices and chilli
pepper. The Kanembu people eat Spirulina for 70% of all of their meals and use
approximately 10-12 grams per person per day.
Spirulina is easy to harvest, since it is a fairly large algae. In commercial spirulina
farms, the water is pumped into basins lined with fine filter sheets. The sludge is then
immediately brought to the drying facility.
Harvesting Spirulina.
Bell Huang, Manager of Australian Spirulina farm
at Karama, Northern Territory.
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Commercial Spirulina
The first Spirulina on the market other than in areas where the natives used it for their
normal diet, came from Lake Texcoco in Mexico. At this time the Spirulina was
regarded by the soda manufacturers at Lake Texcoco as an undesirable nuisance
blocking their manufacturing equipment. Spirulina was burned as a form of disposal.
The first dried Spirulina product available was in health food stores in the United States
in 1979. With a strong, increasing market due to positive results in slimming, Spirulina
from Lake Texcoco quickly changed from a waste product to a highly demanded health
food. Mexico soon sold out and Spirulina pioneer, Larry Switzer, soon started the first
commercial Spirulina farm in California. This farm is, up to the present time, the
world’s largest commercial Spirulina production plant. It is now owned and managed by
the Japanese company DIC. Larry Switzer, founder and original owner of this plant is
also author of the book, Earth Food Spirulina. The second commercial Spirulina plant
was established in Hawaii; other farms are now in many countries.
Australian Spirulina
Apart from my own small-scale research in Spirulina growing at home, it was always
my vision, that someone grows Spirulina on a commercial scale here in Australia.
Australia with its clean environment, many areas of very alkaline and mineral rich
ground water and plenty of sunshine seems to be the ideal place to grow the highest
quality Spirulina.
Manager Bell Huang of Australian Spirulina (left) explains to the author of this book
Harald Tietze (right) how Spirulina is grown by a unique and patented method
developed at the farm.
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Spirulina is not Spirulina?
Spirulina is no exception to other food; it varies in quality seasonally due to a different
concentration of sunlight and also due to the minerals and nutrients in the water.
Another factor in modern times is pollution, which is a negative factor in Spirulina
production. One does not have to be a genius to figure out that Spirulina produced near
one of the biggest and most polluted cities in the world like Mexico city is likely to have
a higher content of toxins in the end product than Spirulina produced in a South Pacific
island like Hawaii or in the outback of Australia.
But even if there is a five-star algae floating in the water, that doesn't mean that we have
a five-star product on the shelf in health food stores.
Harvesting, drying, tableting, packaging, the container and also the time factor can
change the best super food to a product without value. The time from harvesting to
packaging is important as oxygen degrades Spirulina and a long production time could
result in a low quality product. Of course the manufacturer has to go the golden middle
way since fast and very high heating of the product could destroy more valuable beta-
carotene than the longer time span.
Tableting of the dried Spirulina powder and use of a binding material by the
manufacturer could also have an effect on the quality of the product.
I was told by the manager of the Australian Spirulina farm that there are no binding
materials used in their Spirulina tablets, due to a double-pressing manufacturing
Another quality risk is the shelf life and with that the packaging. One of the main
reasons people buy Spirulina is its high content of beta-carotene. Spirulina, when it
grows in the water, is a producer of oxygen. Oxygen, on the other hand, can destroy the
beta-carotene in the Spirulina when it is being packaged. Oxygen digests the beta-
carotene in Spirulina. Oxygen is a very small molecule and is small enough to go
through plastic to destroy beta-carotene. Beta-carotene can vary in quality. Natural
beta-carotene as in Spirulina is in its natural balance and easy to digest in our bodies.
Unlike synthetic carotene, the carotene in Spirulina is not stabilised by the
preservatives. To protect high-grade Spirulina it should be packaged in oxygen resistant
Even if you buy Spirulina in the best oxygen tight container, every time you open it,
oxygen comes into the container and lowers the quality of the remaining contents. It is
advisable not to buy bottles of more than 500 tablets, or transfer a quantity of tablets to
smaller bottles, and keep the big Spirulina bottle in the freezer, this will protect its
valuable nutrients from attack by oxygen.
Another factor which should be considered when buying Spirulina is the additives to
Spirulina, not only the binder in the tableting process but also the additives to stretch
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Due to an article in a major newspaper in the United States with the heading, Safe New
Diet pill, Spirulina became very popular. The market came under pressure. The result
was that from only one Spirulina product originating from Mexico, within six months
35 brands were suddenly offered on the shelves in health food stores. From 18 brands
tested five had no Spirulina at all, only other green material like wheat grass, and eight
of the products had less than 50% Spirulina in their product. Within this six-month
period the price of bulk Spirulina skyrocketed from $5 per kilo to $36 per kilo.
Analysis reports provided by the manufacturer are typical analysis reports and do not
say if the test was done before or after manufacturing. Since all the other publications
in regard to Spirulina are written by people involved with manufacturing and marketing
Spirulina, who therefore have a vested interest in positive figures, I decided to make
independent laboratory tests for the most common brands of Spirulina on the market
from time to time. Test results can be obtained free by sending a stamped self-
addressed envelope to the address on the inside back cover of the book.
Not only in regard to Spirulina, but for daily shopping, we should really think a little bit
more about what we are really buying. Sadly, some advertising borders on the illegal,
in order to benefit big business rather than to be of service to people. Do you know
what organic or natural means? Really not much. Natural means nothing else but that it
comes from nature and the question is only “what does not come from nature? - in the
end everything comes from nature, we only process or manufacture it. But even if we
don't go so far and only look at the vegetables and fruit that we buy, there's still a big
difference in quality without even considering herbicides and pesticides in the food. It
is similar with organic food. Which food is not organic? And when it is mixed, as in
the case of some Spirulina manufacturers mentioned above, one has to ask what is the
percentage of organic matter to call it organic if it is not organically grown?
Only a few weeks ago I bought one of my favourite drinks, passion fruit. With this
special pleasant taste in mind I started drinking it and only tasted orange juice. The
label showed in big letters, passion fruit drink, in small letters, the contents of the bottle
which was 3% passion fruit juice, 40% orange juice, the rest water and all the other
additives usually in this kind of drink. I think the only thing we can build on is a 100%
pure product and certified by independent professionals. In regard to Spirulina there is
at the moment only one 100% organic certified product on the market.
Spirulina has one big advantage to other foods since it grows in an extreme
environment. Spirulina grows in very alkaline water where no other plant can grow.
That is also the reason that Spirulina farming does not require pesticides or herbicides.
Compared to other agricultural production Spirulina farming, in the long term, is the
best and safest method to produce healthy food without destroying the environment.
The following tables show the nutrient difference between vegetables grown organically
and these grown by other methods. Similar figures for Spirulina are not yet available.
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Organic is Better.
Organic grown vegetables.
Vegetables grown by other
Ca = Calcium. Mg = Magnesium.
K = Potassium.
Na = Sodium.
Data based upon F E Baer report for Rutgers
Trace elements - parts per million
- dry matter.
Organic grown vegetables.
Vegetables grown by
other methods.
B=Boron. Mn=Manganese. Fe=Iron.
Cu=Copper. Co=Cobalt.Data based upon F
E Baer report for Rutgers University.
Snap Be Cabbage Lettuce Tomatoe Spinach
Snap Be Cabbage Lettuce Tomatoe Spinach
Snap Be
Snap Be
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Natural and Processed Foods
Now that we live longer (hopefully), and wish to stay healthy for as long as possible,
our attitude towards diet and exercise has changed markedly to what it was years ago.
A busy working day frequently ignores the need for eating in a relaxed manner. This
results in an unbalanced diet and little spare energy available for that extra drive when
needed. Eating out for social or business reasons often denies us the ideal food intake
we should enjoy; seldom are these occasions relaxed and worse, they may even cause
the intake of foods which inhibit the absorption of some vitamins. To cope with these
health disasters, we take vitamin pills.
In theory, tablets or capsules which are used to supplement our vitamin, mineral or fibre
intake, can come very close to fulfilling the body's needs. In practice however, we know
that the human body has a distinct preference for natural foods which it handles much
better, even if at times these foods are less efficient. Naturally grown foods are known
to contain traces of obscure nutrients which science knows little about. We realise the
value of things like lutien, flavones and phenols, but how they work, and to some
extent, exactly what they do is far from being well understood.
Manufacturers could well produce the total pill, which would cover all our nutrient
needs. The pill would have to be large, and taken daily in large numbers. But such a
pill would still not provide everything the body requires, and certainly would be no
substitute for a nicely prepared meal served in pleasant surroundings with the
appropriate company.
Super Food
The main purpose of food is to preserve our health and life. Good flavour so as to enjoy
food is only secondary.
Food with high energy and high digestibility is the favourite food for athletes. The
oldest reports in regard to food for athletes go back to the Aztec Emperor, Montezuma,
who loved to eat fresh fish. The problem was that the emperor's palace was around 180
miles away the from the fresh fish source in the Gulf of Mexico. Marathon runners
were used as transport to get the catch of the day onto the emperor's table. It is said that
athletes could run up to 100 miles per day if Spirulina formed the main part of their diet.
Spirulina is a very concentrated, high protein food and the runners had to carry very
little weight to travel long distances and used only water to mix up the super food which
gave energy and endurance.
'We are what we eat’ is an old saying and the following list of items (in descending
order) is the items on our food hit list purchased in Australian supermarkets. I don't
believe that other western countries are much different. The list was published in the
Retail World, an Australian grocery magazine.
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
The biggest selling items
in Australian Supermarkets.
1. Coca-Cola, 375 ml
2. Coca-Cola, I litre
3. Coca-Cola, 3 litre
4. Diet Coke, 375 ml
5. Cherry Ripe
6. Nestle's condensed milk
7. Tally Ho cigarette papers
8. Mars bar
9. Kit~Kat
10. Crunchie Bar
11. Eta 5-star margarine - salt reduced
12. Heinz baked beans
13. Double-Circle tinned beetroot
14. Diet Coke, 1 litre
15. Bushell's tea
16. Cadbury Dairy Milk chocolate
17. Pepsi Cola, 375 ml
18. Coca-Cola, 1.5 litres
19. Kellogg's corn flakes
20. Maggi two-minute chicken noodles
21. Generic brand lemon drink
22. Panadol tablets, 24-pack
23. Meadow Lea margarine
24. Generic brand lemonade
25. Mrs. MacGregor's margarine
I don't think that I have to comment much on this list. Everyone can see what
advertising can do. My question is only, where is healthy food, or perhaps a better
name, real food?
Do you wonder that a painkilling tablet belongs to the 25 most purchased food items in
Australia? I don't, when you see our favourite foods. I wonder when people will start
to learn to think for themselves.
“Eat to live
but don't live to eat”.
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Health Food
We all know that we should eat healthier food with more vegetables on our table. Even
if you aren't among the people who comprise the statistics in the most purchased items
as in the list above and you eat a lot of vegetables (fresh and good looking of course),
you should ask yourself the question, is this a good vegetable? Of course you think so,
but does it come from a greenhouse or from a hydroponics manufacturing plant?
There's a big difference in the quality of vegetables. Greenhouse plants don't get
enough sun and don't produce the same vitamins as plants growing in real sunlight.
Hydroponics plants mostly grown in greenhouses as well, have no proper sunlight and
also only a very limited content of vitamins, minerals and trace minerals as the table
above shows.
Healthy food needs sunlight. Humans need sunlight as well and I remember that
children have been told to go for a certain time every day in the sunlight to stay healthy.
An old Italian saying is, 'When the sun doesn't come the physician has to come'.
For the last decade or two skin cancer has grown at an alarming rate. The sunburnt
country of Australia is on top of the list. The sun and the ozone hole is blamed for it.
The UV ray intensity is broadcast every evening in summer on TV to make people
aware of the danger of the sun. On a cloudy day the UV radiation is much lower than
on clear days. The new teaching is NO sun. Education in schools is of great concern
over the last few years where children learn in the first place of the negative effect of
the sun. The life giving and health maintaining energy of the sun is often ignored or
I have a few questions in regard to skin cancer. Statistics show that the skin cancer rate
is highest in the big cities of Sydney and Melbourne and in the Hunter Valley.
Consider that the smoke cloud of big cities could give protection against UV rays but on
the other hand there is also the highest incidence of cancer unexplained. One exception
is the Hunter Valley with its coal mining industry and related pollution.
Why is the skin cancer rate in the highest mountains, farming communities, fishing
villages and so on lower than in the cities?
Why is the cancer rate in animals not increasing in the same proportion as in humans?
Animals warm up in the sun during the morning and afternoon, however in the heat in
the middle of the day they are relaxing under shady trees and have always done so and
will continue to do so in the future. Who is to blame for skin cancer? The sun and
ozone hole or the air pollution, man-made radiation and the ignorance of ourselves
overriding our own subconscious warnings when baking in the sun. If we cannot read
our own subconscious mind any more perhaps we should learn from the animals. We
need sun to be healthy. We need it in the right doses not only for our skin but also for
our whole well-being.
“Control the risk factors before they control you”
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
The Sun Food Spirulina
Spirulina has its highest qualities when it gets as much sunlight as possible. Land areas
high in sunshine and nearly no cloud the year round are therefore the best places to
grow Spirulina. Spirulina has a thin and soft cellular membrane which is responsible
for its high digestibility. The tiny algae gets its own sun-protective defence from the
higher beta-carotene production in intensive sun. If Spirulina gets more sun it is richer
in beta-carotene. The hotter and stronger the sun shines at the location of the Spirulina
production farm, the better the quality of the product. Spirulina is a dried whole food /
health food in its natural balance. Healing with Spirulina is healing with nature's
simplest food.
Only nature and yourself can cure the diseases of modern man; nature simply because
we are nature. Hippocrates said 'Nature itself is the best physician'.
Modern chemical treatment can only help for a moment to bridge the valley but cannot
sustain health.
Total Food - Whole Food
Spirulina is a total food so people can live for a long period of time on Spirulina alone.
Toro Mattsui, an old Japanese philosopher, in the mountain retreat of Mt Hakone near
Tokyo, is living proof that Spirulina is a whole food for human nutrition. It is reported
that he lived for 15 years solely on Spirulina grown on his own waste. For space trips,
Spirulina may be the best, if not the only solution.
Percentage composition of Spirulina.
average may vary due to growing conditions.
Since Spirulina is a concentrated whole food, it is easy to incorporate Spirulina in food
preparations, especially for children who don't like vegetables.
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Dosage - how much should I take?
An old saying is 'The dosage makes the poison or the medicine'.
Even if there are people who lived for many years on Spirulina alone, and if astronauts
lived on an 80% Spirulina diet it doesn't mean that we should make Spirulina our sole
food. I personally never liked one-sided diets. When you talk to very old people about
what kind of diet they used to become old and healthy they all have one answer in
common; they never had a special diet, rather they have the answer: they eat everything
in moderation.
Of course there could be some reason for eating Spirulina as a sole food in the far
distant future. With the growing population of the earth or in the case of atomic war,
Spirulina could be the only and the last food.
Incorporating Spirulina in the diet, an intake per day of 10 grams per adult is widely
recommended to maintain health.
One has to find out for oneself when supporting treatment of serious disease how high
one would like and/or can go in the daily intake of Spirulina.
Does Spirulina Have Negative Side Effects?
Again the dosage makes the poison or the medicine. An overdose of anything can have
negative side effects. It was only a few weeks ago that a TV channel broadcast in the
news that somebody died from an overdose of water. Since I am interested in water
treatment and also wrote the book Water Medicine, I did a rare appearance in front of
my TV set. I wonder how far reporters can go to get higher ratings so that more people
watch their program. The story was of a young woman who drank seven litres of water
and died soon after. Only at the end of the story was it explained that she took an
overdose of drugs and then drank the water to flush the toxins out of the body to
survive. I think one does not have to be a genius to figure out that the young woman
didn't die from an overdose of water but from an overdose of drugs.
Introducing Spirulina to your diet could have side effects with some people. Reactions
will normally only last for one or up to three days. Some very sensitive people could
have, in rare cases, a longer time of detoxification effect. It is also called healing crisis
in that it first becomes briefly worse before it gets better.
The side effects could be:
Upset stomach, feeling a bit sick, hiccups, mild diarrhoea.
Nausea and constipation could come from gastric over acidity and poor digestion.
Feeling hungry, dizzy and low on energy could be side effects in people who suffer
from hypoglycaemia and anaemia.
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Slight fever could be a reaction of the body's metabolism. Spirulina is a concentrated
protein and could increase body temperature.
Excitement and sleeping problems could come from the fact that the body burns
excessive fats. It is advisable in these cases to take Spirulina only in the morning.
Headaches could come from a poor digestion and is normally only a very brief and rare
healing crisis.
Perspiration. Detoxification goes through the lung, the skin and the stools. During the
detoxification, perspiration can change for a period of time depending on the level of
Spirulina in its natural balance is a nutritious health food.
There are no negative effects of very high dosages known since it was taken over a long
period of time as a sole food by many people. It is a concentrated whole food. It is
organic food and this is the difference to other vitamin concentrates. Most vitamins
available from the shelf are synthetic and if taken in high dosages can have negative
side effects such as with synthetic vitamin A which can lead to hair loss, blurred vision,
liver damage and headaches and with synthetic vitamin D which can interfere with the
functioning of our muscles including our heart and can lead to a build up of calcium
deposits. The body's own production of Vitamin D while sunbathing cannot create an
overdose of Vitamin D but synthetic supplements can do so.
“If you walk two steps towards Nature,
Nature would come
four steps towards you”.
“A diet is a penalty for exceeding the feed limit”.
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Drug or Food?
“One can preserve our health and life by eating good food only but not by
eating drugs only”.
Whether something is a drug or a food is more or less a legal matter. I know that many
people don't understand the laws in some western countries. The situation is that a
healthy food could become a drug with all the legal consequences and high costs if there
are claims in regard to health benefits. For example if there is a book explaining about
the benefits of Spirulina sold in connection with a Spirulina product, Spirulina could
become a drug and could become too expensive for many people. In the US it is
recommended by the FDA that the literature is placed at least 3.5 metres away from the
product, if this literature could mislead customers. The regulations in Australia and
other countries are similar. I know of other goods where the product became illegal
only because of the name mentioned in a publication. By changing the name of the
product but not the contents of the packaging, the product is still really distributed. On
the other hand, everyone can produce this particular herbal mixture that I have in mind
themselves. Health food stores sell the ingredients, and if one knows the recipe, one can
then make one's own mixture. All the ingredients are legal. I do not understand that
regulation, do you? Is the name on the label a drug or is it the product itself that is a
The law goes through very complex and, for me, hard to understand procedures to
determine if something is declared a drug or a food.
For me it is very simple. A drug is something that people take to help for a certain
period of time in disease, like a painkiller against pain. The food is something to
preserve our health and life - to maintain a healthy body. Surely food is also for our
enjoyment because of its good taste. The third category is complete food which is food
on which we can exist solely. One, of course, needs water as well. Water is not a food.
Food creates heat in the body, water is only a carrier of nutrients, waste etc.
Spirulina is a whole food. One can live on whole food or as some say, total food, like
barley, rice (whole rice) and one can even be healthier with whole foods than with our
common food intake in western countries. When you look at the list of the 25 most
purchased grocery items in Australian supermarkets perhaps you don't wonder why we
are not as healthy as people living on only a few handfuls of rice per day only. Healthy
food like Spirulina is not a drug even if many maintain or regain health as fast or even
faster, as they perhaps do, taking a drug. If with the healthy food, health is quickly
restored, then that only is a sign of healthy food - real healthy whole food in its
natural balance.
Not every so-called health food is in my opinion healthy food. Some vitamins, as well
as other substances, can easily have long-term side effects if they are synthetic and out
of their natural balance and/or highly concentrated like essential oils.
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Spirulina is a complete food since people can live solely on Spirulina, at least for a
certain period of time, without negative effects, as we know from quite a number of
people and from space food research.
A test to see if something is a drug or a food does not need millions of dollars of
expenses. To cut a long explanation short I would not see it a problem to live for a few
months on Spirulina only, and drinking water of course, but I see problems for a person
living for a couple of months on painkillers or other drugs only.
Spirulina as a Food Additive
“Health is harmony, disease is discord”. Aristotle
Spirulina rose to commercial heights in the early 1980's when many people, always
seeking a new slimming aid, created huge demands for this newly discovered plant.
Many companies suddenly added this product to their list and prices for the raw material
rose sharply.
After all the shouting and excitement had died down, sales of Spirulina quietened
although not to what it had been in the past. Many more people were now aware of this
wonderful little plant, so a reasonable level of demand remained. New uses were found
to be successful, so topical applications, food colouring, weight loss programs and the
inevitable food additive came into being. Spirulina was widely used to colour anything
from spaghetti or chewing gum, to chips and even toothpaste.
Many foods aimed at the juvenile market were advertised as containing the delicious
Spirulina with its pretty blue-green colour. Add it to milk shakes, jellies, biscuits or
cakes. The following recipes are just a few we have found which may be of interest.
Yes, we can cut the need for
every second hospital bed in Western countries,
and save 40,000 children in third world
countries every day at the same time!
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Recipes as found in "Spirulina, Nature's Superfood" by H. Morgan & K. Moorhead.
Spirulina with fruit juice
You probably want to begin with a teaspoonful of Spirulina mixed with fruit juice in a
blender or with an electric mixer. Apple, pineapple or papaya work the best. You can
increase the amount of Spirulina to suit your taste and your personal health program.
Spirulina smoothie.
Half a cup of yoghurt, one cup soy milk or cup of fruit juice (apple, orange or
One or more of the following: 1 papaya, 1 peach, 1 mango, half a cup of boysenberries
or raspberries, 1 teaspoon Spirulina.
Blend all ingredients.
Another Spirulina smoothie.
1 ripe papaya, 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon, 1 teaspoon Spirulina juice of 1 lime. Blend all
Spirulina Salsa
Simply add a teaspoon of Spirulina to a bowl of salsa. The Spirulina enhances the taste
and gives the salsa an interesting colour and a nice texture.
2 avocados, Cayenne pepper, Fresh lime juice to taste, 2 medium tomatoes, 2 cloves
crushed garlic, salt to taste, 1 teaspoon Spirulina, 2 tablespoons salsa (optional), 1
tablespoon finely chopped onion (optional)
Mash avocados. Add all other ingredients and blend well. Spirulina gives guacamole a
beautiful colour.
Avocado dip.
1 avocado, Paprika to taste, 1 tablespoon sour cream, Tamari or soy sauce to taste, 1
teaspoon Spirulina. Mash all ingredients together.
Cream dip.
4 tablespoons sour cream or non-fat yoghurt, juice of 1 lemon, 3 teaspoons tamari or
soy sauce, 1 teaspoon Spirulina. Mix all ingredients together.
Another cream dip.
4 tablespoons sour cream or non-fat yoghurt, 1/2 teaspoon garam marsala and 1/4
teaspoon cumin or 3/4 teaspoon curry powder. Small glove of garlic, 3 teaspoons
tamari or soy sauce 1 teaspoon spirulina. Mix all ingredients together.
Tofu salad
8 ounces firm tofu, 1 bell pepper (green or red), 2 medium tomatoes, 1 medium
zucchini, 1 medium grated carrot, 2 stalks celery, 2 spring onions, finely chopped, 1
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
tablespoon tamari or soy sauce, generous pinch of basil, thyme and marjoram, hot
pepper sauce or cayenne pepper (to taste), 1 heaped teaspoon Spirulina
Mix all ingredients together. Almost any combination of raw vegetables can be put into
a tofu salad.
Pesto (pasta sauce).
1 packed cup fresh basil leaves, 3 - 5 tablespoons virgin olive oil, 2 tablespoons
parmesan cheese, 3 cloves garlic, 2 teaspoons Spirulina, Pinch of salt, 2 ounces pine
nuts, macadamia nuts, almonds, or walnuts. Blend all ingredients.
Rice topping.
3 tablespoons shoyu (or soy sauce), 1 tablespoon roasted sesame seeds
Dried bonito (optional), 1 teaspoon Spirulina. Combine ingredients and serve over rice.
Spirulina Pate.
Juice of half lemon, 1 teaspoon shoyu (or soy sauce), 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 clove
crushed garlic, 1 teaspoon Spirulina
Mix the Spirulina with the garlic. Add the lemon juice and shoyu, and mix well with a
fork. Stir in the olive oil. Serve on toast or crackers with slices of tomato and onion
Grated parmesan cheese, 1/2 tablespoon dulse flakes (or other seaweed), garlic powder
to taste, cayenne pepper, chilli pepper or paprika, 1 tablespoon Spirulina.
Make popcorn as usual. Mix together any or all of the above ingredients. While
popcorn is still warm, add seasoning mixture and shake vigorously so that the popcorn
is evenly coated.
Spirulina for Better Health
“There are many ways to the top of the mountain but the view is always the same,” is an
old saying. Spirulina is a good food to maintain health and it is a good aid to regain
health. For healthy people with a well balanced diet it is just another food source to add
to the many other healthy foods. A healthy person with a good energy level is like a
person on the summit of a mountain. You can only go to the top but no higher.
For other people with health problems Spirulina can sometimes work miracles.
Spontaneous healing from pain which they have suffered from for many years is quite
often reported. You find this with many other traditional healing methods and aids. We
are all individuals and have all different diets. On top of this we have stress and stress
is one of the main causes of illness. Stress could be from electro-pollution, family
problems, too much work, noise and so on - the list is very long. In regard to food,
stress can come from a one-sided diet or from preservatives in food and other chemicals
we are taking, very often without thinking, like over-the-counter tablets such as
painkillers, laxatives and sleeping tablets. Some over-the-counter medicines, as well as
some strong herbal medicines give the body a certain stimulant. This works for a while
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
and does not harm when it is only used on rare occasions. Taking laxatives on a daily
basis for example is like whipping a horse, it might run faster for a while but is soon
more exhausted and if you use a stronger whip it gets stressed, numb and doesn't react
to any more stimulants.
Concentrated medicine like modern chemical medicine as well as concentrated natural
medicine should only be taken wisely. Except for financial reasons from marketing
companies I cannot understand why we have this thinking problem that we have to
extract the active ingredients from natural food sources only to make a new pill out of it.
In my opinion modern so-called traditional or alternative medicine makes the same
mistake as modern medicine or chemical medicine. When I read in advertising all
natural when the product is an extract from a plant I sometimes just shake my head.
Advertising even goes further, with claims that people for thousand of years have taken
this natural medicine with best results in treating all sorts of illness. It is true, as herbal
books report, that the herb has been used for a long time for such illness and that people
have had really good successes with it. The difference between the modern herbal
medicine in pills to the natural form we have been treating our problems with over
thousands of years is that we used the fresh herbs direct from nature in its natural
Herbal extracts, for example tinctures, are extracts from the total herb as well and are
the second best way of using herbs. But again there is a difference in the quality of
herbal tinctures when it is made with the fresh herb. If made using dried herbs then
quality will depend upon how old the dried herb is. A tincture made from a low quality
herb cannot be a good quality product. Make your own tincture from plants in your
backyard garden or from the fields and forests fresh from the plant and you will see how
effective your own product is, and form your own opinion.
Of course there are some exceptions where you have to treat the herb in a certain way or
maybe store it for a certain time as with alder bark which has to be stored for a year to
avoid negative side effects. When people have had good success for thousands of years
with herbal treatment fresh from nature where the plant grows in its natural environment
it's still a long way from meaning that we have the same success with cultivated herbs
pushed to grow in quantity not quality; manufactured, extracted, put into plastic bottles
with a use-by date of maybe five years or longer on the container. I think everyone has
to start to think for themselves. A good way to find out the difference in quality is to
have a few of your own herbs in the garden and to use them fresh for treating the
problem. As well as this, they are free and you get some exercise which is healing as
well. Surely there are many great products available but if you haven't done it before
use your hands to work in the herbs and plant a few herbs and enjoy watching them
grow and have a great feeling when you harvest them.
Using your hands to grow herbs in your own backyard or in pots on your balcony is, in
my opinion, better than using your hands to open your wallet to buy a medicine.
The herbs themselves, the exercise and also your mind, will help you and in addition to
the medicinal value you also have the placebo effect. I see very often from people who
do not favour traditional medicine the comment, "this is only a placebo effect". What's
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
wrong with a placebo effect? The only thing that matters is that it helps. Healing with
placebo only would be the best thing.
I hope I didn't confuse you too much with the negative side of modern traditional
medicine. Surely most of the products are produced with the best intention and are
available in the best quality. It would take a whole book to go through all the herbal
medicines and explain why some are working and others simply can't.
The Complete Protein
Spirulina is about sixty per cent protein. This is a much higher percentage than any
other food. A complete protein is one which contains all the essential amino acids.
Animal proteins for example, tend to contain in addition, calories, cholesterol and fat.
Spirulina on the other hand, is about five per cent fat, most of which is unsaturated. A
frequently misunderstood measurement is the quantity of protein claimed in some
advertising. A food may contain a certain quantity of protein, but it can be in a form
which the body cannot benefit from. So for this reason, one has to know the quantity of
protein in a given product, as well as how much of that amount is available for use.
Now we have two quantities: total protein and useable protein. This second quantity is
the more important to us when evaluating a food.
Available protein in some foods.
“There ain't much fun in medicine,
but there's a heck of a lot of medicine in fun”.
Josh Billings
10 20 30 40 50
Soy flour
Dried Milk
Dried Eggs
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Radicals. Eh?
Well this term is not intended to refer to the extremes of any political party. Except that
the building blocks of cells of plants and animals are called molecules. Then in simple
terms, a radical is a part of a molecule. However, when the radical is separated from its
partner in a molecule, is becomes chemically unstable, and thus highly active. In this
activated state, the radical will cause extensive cell damage by stripping whatever
particles it needs from cells to restore it's own chemical balance. The body naturally
releases free radicals in its daily functions, so there is a need to have these little
particles, but too many of them, or perhaps not enough will give rise to problems which
may develop to further troubles within the body.
Antioxidants are, if you like, the opposite to a radical and will combine to form a
harmless molecule. If our body's balance is upset by an overload of free radicals, our
immune system cannot cope with the problem, then antioxidants derived from herbs and
some unprocessed foods can restore the balance and bring about a return to good health.
Antioxidants provide the partner for radicals, thus preventing cell damage. Examples of
powerful antioxidants are Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Beta-Carotene etc.
Vitamins through the Alphabet
Vitamins are those things which we are told are good for us, but which don't seem to
have any taste and are not sold gift wrapped. They always seem to come with breakfast,
with fruit, with meat and with anything. Never alone to be disliked for themselves.
Advertisers love them and think everyone else should too. Vitamins are essential foods
which the body needs in small amounts, to work normally and to stay healthy. They are
essential for proper growth in children, and for the preservation of good health for all.
Vitamins are commonly classified under thirteen headings, using letters of the alphabet,
and are considered according to their ability to be absorbed in fat or water. The vitamins
which are soluble in fat are A, D, E and K, they are usually consumed with fat-
containing foods and the body can store them within its own fat. For this reason, they
are retained over some period of time, so it is not necessary to eat or drink them each
day. Water soluble vitamins are the B group and vitamin C. These cannot be retained
in the body so we need to take foods which contain them every day.
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Vitamins Supplied by Spirulina
B6 or pyridoxine helps in the breakdown and assimilation of proteins. It offers
protection to the heart and reduces oedema.
Best Sources of Vitamin B-12.
micrograms per 100 grams.
Biotin is an enzyme that carries carbon dioxide and acts as an agent in the assimilation
of some B complex vitamins.
B12 or Cobalamin is very difficult to extract from vegetables, but Spirulina is rich in
this rare vitamin. The deficiency of B12 is indicated in cases of pernicious anaemia,
nerve degeneration etc.
Pantothenic Acid is used in the adrenal glands along with vitamin C and cholesterol to
produce steroids such as cortisone in response to physical and mental stress.
Folic Acid is essential for making new red blood cells.
Inositol keeps the liver healthy and balances blood cholesterol. It is probably the most
abundant vitamin in the body after niacin.
Niacin is considered to be a cholesterol lowering agent as well as being essential to
mental health.
B2 or Riboflavin prevents eye problems and severe eczema.
B1 or Thiamine maintains glucose level in the blood. A serious deficiency of this
vitamin may result in death.
E or Tocopherol. Preserves heart and vascular health and retards ageing.
Carotenoids. Some substances in plants are not always true vitamins, but they may be
something from which the body can produce its own vitamins. The carotenoid
Beef Liver
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
compound of Spirulina is just such a substance. Carotenoids act as free radical
quenchers, so they behave as a protector for the body's own cells.
Normally, vitamin A is available only from the liver of some animals. Since vitamin A
from animals is fat soluble, the human body stores it with its own fat reserves and it is
not naturally expelled when an excess is consumed. Hence, vitamin A poisoning can
Beta-Carotene is a very important antioxidant. As we have seen earlier, there are some
sources which are artificial, and others which exist within some of our vegetable foods.
The latter group or natural beta-carotenes are much to be preferred since the body can
absorb these much more quickly. Several studies have indicated that people whose diet
contains a lot of beta-carotene tend to have a lower risk of developing cancer. Other
developing cancer. Other advantages are that natural sources do not contain
preservatives or colouring materials.
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
Best Sources of Beta-Carotene.
Milligrams per 100 grams.
Many common foods are rich in beta-carotene and may be enjoyed for their flavour as
well as their goodness. Kale and spinach with their dark green leaves, broccoli,
pumpkin, carrots, squash, papayas and cantaloupes all supply this important substance.
Green and yellow vegetables in general should be embraced as important foods for good
health. Spirulina of course is very rich in beta-carotene, and by using it regularly you'd
ensure the body was not in need of this essential food.
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Other Good Things!
Depending upon growing conditions, Spirulina will be from 65% to 71% protein. This
protein content is said to be biologically complete. That means that all eight essential
amino acids are present in their correct ratios. A lot of plants contain various ranges of
protein, but with differing quantities of amino acids. Thus some degree of
incompleteness will exist.
Best Sources of Amino Acids.
milligrams per 100 grams.
Here again Spirulina is different in that it contains a total of 18 amino acids in the exact
proportion to mother’s breast milk.
It has these eight complete amino acids regarded as ideal for the human body.
Regrettably, the human body is unable to store amino acids, so when incomplete foods
are taken, there is frequently an imbalance in the diet. Spirulina can come to the rescue
with its full range of complete amino acids. These are as follows.
Isoleucine (4.13%). Needed for growth, intelligence development and nitrogen balance
within the body. Also assists with synthesising other nonessential amino acids.
Leucine (5.8%). Helps to increase muscular energy levels and stimulate brain function.
Lysine (4.0%). used for forming blood antibodies, improves the circulatory system and
promotes cell growth.
Methionine (2.17%). Vital for metabolising fats and lipids that maintain a healthy liver.
Also helps calm the nerves.
Beef Liver
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Phenylalanine (3.95%). Used by the thyroid for the production of thyroxin which in
turn governs metabolic rate.
Threonine (4.17%). Improves competence of the intestines and thus aids digestion.
Tryptophane (1.13%). Enhances the use of B group vitamins, improves nerve fibres.
This in its turn contributes to emotional stability and calmness.
Valine (6.0%). Assists with the co-ordination of the muscular system as well as
contributing to improved mental capacity.
Nonessential amino acids
Another group of amino acids are termed as nonessential, and there are twelve of these.
Well Spirulina doesn't have all of them, but does have ten; not bad eh? Nonessential
means that if not present in normal foods, they can be synthesised; it does not mean that
the body has no need of them. Again, the following list is that of the nonessential amino
acids which Spirulina can provide.
Alanine (5.82%). Strengthens the walls of cells.
Arginine (5.98%). Important for the production of (male) seminal fluid which is about
80% arginine. Assists in keeping the blood clean.
Aspartic Acid (6.34%). Helps with the transformation of carbohydrates to energy.
Cystine (0.67%). Aids with pancreatic health and thus stabilises blood sugar etc. May
help towards alleviating food allergies.
Glutamic Acid (8.94%). Along with glucose it fuels the brain cells. Can reduce the
craving for alcohol and also stabilise mental health.
Glycine (3.5%). Promoter of energy.
Histidine (1.08%). Improves nerve relays, especially in the hearing organs. Has even
been used as a remedy for deafness.
Proline (2.97%). A Precursor of Glutamic acid.
Serine (4.0%). Helps with the formation of the fatty sheath surrounding nerve fibres.
Tyrosine (4.6%). May slow the ageing of cells and suppresses hunger. Involved in the
colouration of hair and skin, and indeed helps with sunburn protection.
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Chlorophyll - The Green Gold
Spirulina is very high in chlorophyll. It has an average of three times the amount of the
green gold of other highly developed green plants. The dark green colour of Spirulina
comes from the large amount of plant blood or in other words, chlorophyll, which is
only one molecule different from haemoglobin in human blood and with it, a very
important substance in a healthy diet. Chlorophyll in plants is collected sunlight. This
“light-energy”, as Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp, Germany, calls it, is an important key factor in
the human metabolism and cell communication.
Already in 1915 Prof. Richard Willstätter was honoured for his research about
chlorophyll with the Nobel Prize. He proved, that chlorophyll is able to produce living
substances from dead matter with the help of the stored, converted sunlight.
Dr. Ingfried Hobert, Germany, Chairman of the International Federation to Research
and Develop Traditional Healing Methods and author of the book “Das Algen
Gesundheits Buch” (The Algae Health Book), highlights in his book the benefits of
chlorophyll in maintaining good health. Chlorophyll is mentioned for the prevention
and treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers, acne, to strengthens the heart muscles,
build up immunity and energy, as a possible anti-bactericide, only to mention a few.
Along with vitamins, we are always told how important minerals are. Well, to most
people minerals come from rocks to form stalactites, or simply make washing water
harder to wash with! Minerals really are chemical elements which we know are very
important for good health. They are used in extremely small amounts however.
Spirulina grows in shallow ponds which contain very high concentrations of minerals.
These ponds are very alkaline and in fact almost no other plant life can survive in this
type of environment. Spirulina has the ability to lock many minerals into amino acids.
By doing this, when we consume Spirulina, we receive the minerals in a form which our
body can readily make use of. This next list shows those minerals and trace elements
which Spirulina can provide.
Best Sources of Calcium.
milligrams per 100 grams.
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Calcium (1,315 mg/Kg). The most abundant mineral in the human body. Essential for
strong bones and teeth. Calcium also contributes to nerve transmission ability and
absorbs acids in the body.
Potassium (15,400 mg/Kg). Used for regulating electrolytes. A deficiency can lead to
heart attack and muscular collapse.
Zinc (39 mg/Kg). Assists with mental health, skin tone, prostate function and the ability
for wounds to heal quickly.
Magnesium (1,915 mg/Kg). Assists with the assimilation of vitamins B and C and also
some proteins. A deficiency may lead to muscular and cardiac problems.
Manganese (25 mg/Kg). Activates enzymes together with zinc. Helps stabilise blood
Selenium (0.40 ppm). Improves cardiac efficiency, reduces some types of toxicity and
may retard ageing processes.
Iron (580 mg/Kg). Used for making haemoglobin, the oxygen carrier in the blood.
Best Sources of Iron.
Milligrams per 100 grams.
Phosphorus (8,942 mg/Kg). Found in almost every cell of the human body, and
together with calcium contributes to strong bones, and assists with digestion of
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Sirloin Steak
Chicken Liver
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Typical Chemical Analysis of Spirulina.
Per 3 grams - one teaspoon Spirulina powder or six 500 mg tablets:
Physical Properties:
Appearance Fine powder
Colour Dark green
Odour and taste Mild resembling sea vegetables
Bulk density 0.5 g/ml
Particle size 9-25 microns
General Composition (average) Proteins
60.% Carbohydrates
19.% Lipids
06.% Minerals
08.% Moisture 7%
% of Total Mg per Gram
Essential Amino Acids
Isoleucine 5.43 32.6
Leucine 8.15 48.9
Lysine 4.37 26.2
Methionine 2.22 13.3
Phenylalanine 4.35 26.1
Threonine 4.68 28.1
Tryptophan 1.41 8.5
Valine 6.23 37.4
% of Total Mg per Gram
Non Essential Amino Acids
Alanine 7.74 46.6
Arginine 7.94 47.6
Aspartic acid 12.14 72.8
Cystine 0.93 5.6
Glutamic acid 14.07 84.4
Glycine 5.32 31.9
Histidine 2.50 15.0
Proline 4.11 24.7
Serine 4.42 26.5
Tyrosine 3.97 23.8
Total 100 600
Cyanocobalamin (B12) 6.60 mcg
Vitamin E (d-a Tocopherol) 45.00 mcg
Folic acid 0.90 mcg
Niacin 621.00 mcg
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Pyridoxide (B6) 13.20 mcg
Riboflavin (B2) 99.00 mcg
Thiamine (B1) 102.00 mcg
Biotin (H) 0.969 mg
Inositol 2.04 mg
Beta-Carotene 9.00 mg
Vitamin A (as Beta-Carotene) 15,000 IU
Calcium 12.00 mg
Phosphorus 31.20 mg
Iron 3.18 mg
Sodium 21.90 mg
Magnesium 14.40 mg
Potassium 45.60 mg
Manganese 78.00 mcg
Zinc 36.00 mcg
Boron 30.00 mcg
Copper 3.00 mcg
Molybdenum 3.00 mcg
Fatty Acids
(total 48 mg per gram) Omega 6 Family:
Gamma Linolenic (GLA) 30.00 mg
Essential Linolenic 33.00 mg
Dihomogamma Linolenic 1.59 mg
Omega 3 Family
Alpha Linolenic .0435 mg
Docosahexaenoic (DHA) 0.0435 mg
Monoenoic Family
Palmitoleic 5.94 mg
Oleic 0.51 mg
Erucic 0.072 mg
Other Fatty Acids
Palmitic Acid 60.00 mg
Myristic Acid 1.24 mg
Stearic Acid 0.204 mg
Arachidic Acid .144 mg
Behenic Acid 0.144 mg
Lignoceric Acid 0.072 mg
Pigments and Enzymes
Chlorophyll 23.7 mg
Beta-Carotene 9.0 mg
Total Carotenoids 12.0 mg
Phycocyanin 333.0 mg
Superoxide Dismutase 1.2 mg
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Spirulina is also a rich source of enzymes, RNA, DNA, sulpholipids, glycogen, and
other potentially important nutrients.
Nutritional Information
Serving size 2 teaspoons (6g) 6 tablets (3g)
Calories 20 10
Protein 4g 2g
Carbohydrate less than 1g less than 1g
Fat less than 1g less than 1g
Sodium 10 mg 5 mg
Percent of US Recommended Daily Allowance per Serving;
Protein 4g 8% 2g 4%
Vitamin A 30.000 IU 600% 15,000 IU 300%
(as beta-carotene)
Vitamin C 0 mg 0 mg
Thiamine (B1) 300 mcg 20% 150 mcg 10%
Riboflavin (B2) 240 mcg 15% 120 mcg 8%
Niacin 800 mcg 4% 400 mcg 2%
Calcium 6 mg * 3 mg *
Iron 4 mg 20% 2 mg 10%
Vitamin B12 24 mcg 400% 12 mcg 200%
*Less than 2% of the US RDA of these nutrients.
Suggested use per day
Powder: Start with one teaspoon daily, increasing as desired.
Tablets: Minimum of 6 and optimally 18.
Nutritional Information:
1 tsp. of Spirulina powder equals 6 Spirulina tablets
1 Tbsp. of Spirulina powder equals 18 Spirulina tablets
Spirulina is a low price health food when compared to the cost of the same nutrients
bought in brand nutritional supplements.
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
best value for your money.
The whole-food Spirulina may not be the cheapest food, but when you look more
closely and calculate only some of the ingredients like Beta-Carotene, Organic Iron,
GLA, Amino Acids, Chlorophyll and Superoxide Dismutase [SOD], you will find that if
you buy them separately, you would pay approximately 2.5 times as much.
Overdose of,
or Too Much of a Good Thing
Over dosages of natural whole foods are unknown, but where extracts and synthetic
supplements are used, then for some vitamins, it may occur.
In our enthusiasm to enjoy a better standard of health, or to protect against terminal
disease, it is a simple matter to start taking every pill we can lay our hands on. Is this
such a bad thing, we may ask. Consider the carrot juice fanatics. They drink gallons of
carrot juice and eventually wonder why the palms of their hands and other parts of the
body begin to turn yellow in colour. That is not really a serious problem, and it is
probably reversible. But using large quantities of synthetic vitamins may bring about
unwelcome results, which may not be reversible. The long term effects of taking high
doses of synthetic food supplements is still unknown, and most doctors tend to warn
against such practices.
Using synthetic: -
Vitamin A. At about 5 times the normal dose, one may find liver damage, hair loss,
blurred vision and headaches.
Vitamin B6. Above 400 mg a day can bring about numbness of the mouth and hands,
and develop difficulty in walking.
Vitamin C. High doses may produce diarrhoea and stomach pains.
Vitamin D. Daily doses above 50,000 IU's cause excess calcium deposits, which bring
about muscle dysfunction. Not good for the heart!
Niacin. Heavy overdoses can produce liver damage and jaundice.
Iron. At six times the normal dose iron may inhibit the absorption of zinc. This would
reduce wound healing and bring about immune system problems
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Spirulina for General Well-being
and Body Cleansing
In our time we really can't avoid eating some unwanted food additives and residues
from primary production. These unwanted additives are all at a safe level, at least we
are told so. A strange thing about safe levels is that different countries have different
safe levels which are sometimes not only a few percent different but multiplied by the
hundreds. Safe levels of food contamination are more a political/ financial issue that
has little to do with the real effect on our body. For a healthy person whose digestion is
working well, the elimination of waste occurs quite naturally. Over a long period of
time the body even develops immunity. The pure and simple whole food, Spirulina, has
a cleansing and detoxifying effect on our bodies. Some people have mild side effects
when they start eating Spirulina such as loose bowels and gas. In these cases start with
maybe only one or two tablets per day.
Spirulina is best taken with plenty of water.
Spirulina is available in powder and tablet form.
Powder is less expensive than tablets and is assimilated a little bit faster than tablets.
Another advantage of powder is that it can be incorporated into the daily diet such as in
fruit juice and other dishes. Some mixtures really tickle the taste buds very pleasantly
and it is recommended to try some of the recipes mentioned in the book.
Most people prefer tablets for two reasons, one is the convenience and some don't like
the taste in the beginning and solve the problem by swallowing tablets. The taste of
course also changes with the different products.
The negative side effects mentioned earlier are only the response to the cleansing effect
and are a sign that Spirulina has begun its work to detoxify. After a while the benefits
of the super nutrition will show clearly. If someone feels undue discomfort a physician
should be consulted. Cleansing is the first step for well-being. Other support like
moderate exercise and dry brushing of the skin enhance the cleansing process. Why not
walk barefoot every morning in wet grass which discharges your body's electricity and
gives you free reflex zone massage on the feet? When did you last have a sauna bath
with its deep cleansing effect?
Spirulina can be an important aid to better health to correct years of poor diet or abusive
life style. Cleansing does not happen overnight but a long journey starts with the first
step. The natural balance, high digestibility and abundance of protein, vitamins,
minerals and enzymes make Spirulina a good tool to stay vital with a highly efficient
immune defence so that treatment of the diseases below is not necessary.
The immune system is our main defence against viruses and bacteria. With a weak
immune system our body becomes susceptible to infection related diseases, to cancer
and other diseases like arthritis and diabetes. Antioxidants like beta-carotene, Vitamin
E, calcium ascorbate, in the form of Vitamin C, and selenium are known to strengthen
the immune system to fight against viruses including AIDS.
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
The following is what people have experienced
using Spirulina.
I feel better in the mornings and have more stamina and energy.
And: This is an excellent product which has put the desire to live back in me. Before I
started the tablets I was so miserable with pain of all kinds all over my body, shooting
pains, tired pain in my hip, aches in my calves. I am now improved so that I can
exercise, which is also good for me. My diet has not changed much nor my medication
for diabetes and hypertension.
However, my feeling is vastly different. I have told many others and started my two
sisters and a fellow worker on it. I hope they are helped by it too, although mine was no
extreme case which medical doctors and chiropractors couldn't seem to help.
And: Your product is doing wonders for me and I am enthusiastically spreading the
news to friends and neighbours. (M. R. P, 90 years old)
And: I wish to tell you how much I appreciate the introduction to your Spirulina. I first
became aware of the product when I asked a neighbour what her secret was in keeping
in such good shape and how she gets so much energy. She told me that she had eaten
your Spirulina for one year, and gets the energy from this product. I was at that time in
the process of moving, and was afraid, by doing all the work myself, I will hurt myself
again, especially my shoulders (bursitis ), and back (old age, I guess). I am 59 years
I started to eat six Spirulina tablets daily, two weeks before moving. Needless to say, I
got through all with flying colours, experienced strength I had not known for a long
time. Thank you for making this product available to me. I feel younger, better,
stronger, can work better with more energy. I am recommending your Spirulina to my
friends, and for a good deed, I get them started with a first supply. (E.C.H.)
And: I’m 54 years old and had arthritis for many years. Since taking Deep Sea
Spirulina I am amazed that the aches and pains have subsided that they now hardly
worry me.
And: I am absolutely positive that Spirulina was the only thing which kept me going
over the last few weeks of selling our home. I completely lost interest in food, so you can
see how Spirulina helped me.
And: I now find that my stamina has been greatly improved, my swimming times are
getting better and better, since taking Spirulina.
And: I have been under a great deal of stress and was unable to cope with the daily
activities of life. But now after taking Spirulina for over six months, I am full of energy
and have started new things.
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
And: I was in my final year of high school and hoped to go to university. I have been
taking Deep Sea Spirulina for the final year and achieved a TER score of over 90.00. I
am sure that because I felt good I did so well.
And: Dear Harald, My name is Dave Ralph. I am a self taught artist. I started out 30
years ago, after a very bad accident.
I have found since that time that I would go 3 or 4 months, sometimes 6 month, with one
half of me wanting to paint, the other not. Until the halves come together, I can not
paint - I would leave my painting within reach all the time. My wife is not too happy
about it! To complicate matters, I suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome.
Since taking Deep Sea Spirulina (grown in Hawaii) I can now paint all day, every day,
starting at 5 am.
And: I was at the South Coast and a friend gave me Spirulina. I was in pain for nearly 4
years. After 2 weeks taking Spirulina, I was pain free and still am.
And: Hi. Just a quick note on my experience with Spirulina. I have found that using
Spirulina with a decent physical exercise schedule will produce the following results:
If ingested before meals it will reduce your weight and produce good muscle tone.
Ingested after meals, it will reduce bulk and muscle tone.
Other than that it improves overall performance and stamina for work and exercise.
“Food is your Fate, Future, & Fortune”.
“There are no limitations to the mind
except those we acknowledge”.
Napoleon Hill
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Spirulina against certain illnesses
The wonderful beauty of teenagers is often spoilt by acne in the years when children
become adults. Hormonal changes, and also unbalanced nutrition are the main causes
of acne. Teenagers select food by how it looks, “do my friends eat it” or “what will
others think” if I eat that, and of course “does it taste good”. They do not like to hear
that some foods or sweets are only good for feeding the acne so that it develops better,
but not to feed the healthy body to prevent acne. Many teenagers, especially the
females, buy expensive creams to treat the problems from outside or to cover up with
make-up. It only makes the problem worse and disappointment and scars are the result.
On top of this some of the external treatments have negative side effects in the long
The fast growing teenage body with stress and emotional problems coming from family,
friends and school needs a high-grade food. Most teenagers don't want to know that
acne comes from inside. Acne can be avoided in teenagers if food rich in the Vitamin E
group as well as Vitamin A and chlorophyll is incorporated in the diet. Spirulina is the
richest food in the above combinations. Other foods beneficial in the fight against acne
are fresh fruit, with the one exception of oranges. Vegetables like beans and sprouts as
well as rice (but please unpolished) should be an important part of the diet.
Acne sufferers should avoid many of the foods teenagers love so much because of
strong advertising eg. cola drinks, all the chocolate-containing sweets that come in bars
with bubbles, cherries and in all other forms and sizes as well as too much oil,
especially if the oil originates from animals. Protein originating from animals including
processed milk should be avoided as well.
More relaxation and less chemicals helps give temporary relief from pimples as well.
The immune deficiency killer disease has been spreading in the world since the early
eighties. Surely, Spirulina is not a magic AIDS cure but is definitely beneficial to boost
the immune system, as research with water extract of Spirulina platensis shows. “The
extract inhibits HIV-1 replication in human derived T-cell lines and in human
peripheral blood mononuclear cells” (Ayehunie S. Belay A. Hu Y., Baba T., Ruprecht
R. 7th IAAA Conference, Knysna, South Africa 17.04.96.)
Allergic sensitivity has been reported to have been reduced with Spirulina.
Decolourised Spirulina was used for children allergic to cow's milk and even soy bean
Spirulina is, after dried eggs, the second richest food of digestible protein. Protein is the
main raw material of the red blood cells. Not enough digestible protein means anaemia.
Of course there are other blood forming factors as well as iron for haemoglobin
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
including enzymes and so on. A deficiency in Vitamin B12 and folic acid will cause
anaemia as well. Spirulina with its easily assimilated protein, Vitamin E, folic acid,
Vitamin B6 and B12 as well as iron and copper makes it an ideal food source for
patients suffering from anaemia. Good improvement is reported after two weeks and
normal levels after 45 to 60 days.
It is recommended to incorporate foods like bananas, honey, liver, sunflower seeds,
sesame seeds and egg yolk in the daily diet. Caffeine as in green and common tea, mate
tea and coffee should be avoided.
The positive effects of Spirulina on our health in regard to general well-being, cancer,
hepatitis, anaemia, slimming, diabetes and so on has been the subject of many scientific
studies. It is strange that the feedback from people taking Spirulina is that in the first
place they feel spontaneous relief of pain which they have sometimes had for a very
long time. The cause of the pain was not diagnosed or mentioned. The second group are
people reporting that they had, within a relatively short period of time, relief from
The following is what people have experienced:
I am 64 years of age and have had a bone density test. They determined I have arthritis
in two vertebrae, pelvic bone and knee joint. I was in so much pain it was hard to walk
any distance and had trouble sleeping as I would wake with severe pain in entire right
leg. When I first heard about Spirulina I did not think it would work but I was willing to
give it a try. After three weeks I can now walk two miles without pain. I thank God for
Spirulina and for Clara who told me about it.
I just want to let you know how Spirulina changed my life. Two and a half years ago,
when I was 29 I developed a painful arthritic condition known as Reiter's syndrome.
My doctor gave me a prescription drug which only upset my stomach and gave me
vertigo. By this time I was finding it difficult to sleep, let alone walk, and I was forced to
quit my job. Then my doctor gave me another prescription drug which brought me
some relief during the acute stage. The main drawback, besides it's exorbitant price,
was that it was very hard on my stomach. I spent the next six months in a state of
nausea......... I was able to walk short distances but it still hurt like hell.
Then one day a friend gave me some Spirulina .....after a few days something wonderful
happened - I realised I had no pain. ....... I didn't attribute it to the Spirulina, however, I
thought it was a natural occurrence. After a few weeks I ran out of Spirulina, and sure
enough, those nagging aches began to return. After a few painful days, I finally hit
myself on the head and said, "it was the Spirulina!"
Since that day, about six months ago, I've never been without them. Not only has my
arthritis disappeared, my overall mental and physical state is better. Thanks to
Spirulina, I wake up each morning feeling fine and able to do things I was afraid I
would never be able to do again. What can I say? Spirulina is the greatest! (M. S. F.)
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
I am a 63 year old woman, have always been very active, and still have a cleaning
service where I do a lot of work myself. I've known for several years that I have the
telltale signs of arthritis, the swollen joints on my fingers, and a very tender lump on
one of my knuckles. I was beginning to think I would have to give up my business as I
was in so much pain, especially in my hands. Also my ankles made a cracking noise
when I walked.
A friend of mine told me about Spirulina and I thought, well I might as well give it a try.
After taking Spirulina for three weeks, the first thing I noticed was that all the soreness
and pain were gone from my hands and that my ankles didn't make a noise when I
walked. After my second bottle I could work eight and ten hours straight and still no
I was out of Spirulina after my third bottle and after two weeks the soreness and pain
had returned. After starting back on Spirulina, within four days all the swelling and
pain had gone. I have more energy and just feel better all over. I've stopped taking all
my other vitamins. I find that taking three tablets in the morning and three at bedtime
works best for me. I've recommended Spirulina to several of my friends and family
members who are now taking it with positive results. I know for myself I don't want to
be without Spirulina again.
Preventing cancer would be the ideal way to go. The largest amount or maybe all of the
money, spent in cancer research is used to find a cure for cancer - a medicine which
destroys cancer. Wouldn't it be better to use a larger amount of the money to research
cancer prevention?
Only a few months ago a study from the USA broadcast on TV said that in the year
2000 every second death will be from cancer. I can remember when statistics showed
that one out of twenty will die from cancer. Why such a dramatic increase? There are
some reasons why we get cancer in the first place, one is our environment. We hear a
lot about global warming, air pollution, the ozone hole and so on and complain about
the big industry, high tension power lines and other well published environment
polluters. The media lives on reports like that but what can we really do about it?
The main environmental problems come from our own house and there are possibilities
to change it. Electropollution is more and more linked with cancer and is ten times
higher in most houses than outside. The bed area is very often highly electrically
charged with radio clocks, electric blankets, TV's and so on around the bed and this is
exactly the area that really doesn't need any charge. The body should repair itself
during sleep and should not be charged with the high voltage and with it a 50 Hertz
frequency and the magnetic field that comes with it.
If you are interested in reading more about how we punish our health in our own
environment, our own house, and what solutions we have, it is recommended to read
Reinhard Kanuka-Fuchs book Healthy Home and Healthy Office as well as my book
Earthrays and Man-made Pollution.
The other group which is responsible for us developing cancer is our food. Spirulina
became very popular in the research of the prevention and cure of cancer. A study at
the Harvard University showed that an extract from spirulina-dunaliella is highly
successful in the treatment of cancer. "As you begin to treat with the Phycotene
(Spirulina - dunaliella extract) or beta-carotene, you begin to see a shrivelling up, a
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
death, the destruction of the tumour cell and this becomes more evident as you go to a
higher concentration" said Dr Schwartz. And: "in another series of experiments we
used two different types of Spirulina extracts or Phycotene
in relationship to the
control tumour cells, again demonstrating that as we increase the concentration, there
is a dramatic decrease in the number of oral cancer cells, oral tumour cells". Dr
Shklar commented at the same press conference that he and his team compared the
effects of naturally occurring beta-carotene rich algae with synthetic beta-carotene and a
non-toxic treatment to the traditional toxic chemotherapy. Hamsters with cheek pouch
cancer have been used as a test since the cheek pouch tissue is closest to human tissue.
Chemotherapeutic agents, which are immune system suppressants, had an unsatisfactory
result. One of the early chemotherapy agents produced even bigger tumours. While
during the test period too many hamsters have been lost due to unsuccessful treatment
with chemotherapy, all the hamsters with algae extract survived.
The test results at the Harvard University confirmed the principle of traditional holistic
medicine that healing can only be achieved when natural balance is maintained.
Healing with toxins cannot, in the long term, cure.
However, this test was performed in about 1989. L.E. Schlipalius (Betatene Ltd.) wrote
me the following: It was only an animal model and there are many reports of animal
cancer studies showing positive results, but unfortunately, similar effects have not been
demonstrated in humans. Dose and the method of cancer induction may play a role. It
should also be remembered that carotenoids appear in humans to be preventative of
cancer, not curative. The only suggestion of cure of which I am aware is for oral
leukoplakia, the white precancerous lesions in the mouth which are remitted by beta-
To aid cancer treatment papaya (papaw) extract is reported to have good effects as well
as the semi-mature fruit together with the skin and seeds. Papaya is also very high in
beta-carotene. The papaya leaf extract has to be made fresh since it only lasts in the
refrigerator for three to four days. Lactic acid fermented papaya extract has a long shelf
In his foreword to the book Papaya (Pawpaw) The Medicine Tree, Dr. William L.
Mayo said “I believe the time has now come, due to abundant anecdotal and historic
evidence about cures ascribed to papaya use, for the pioneers in natural health, people
such as author Tietze, to work hand in hand with the established medical community to
develop medical trails to prove the value of these common sense beliefs.
In the case of papaya we now have a hundred year trickling of information in position
and although anecdotal it can become a torrent of medical evidence which can not be
For further reading, this book as well as the books Kombucha The Miracle Fungus and
Kombucha Teaology and Guava, Medicine for Modern Day Diseases, is recommend.
Guava becomes very popular in cancer treatment since it seems to be the plant with the
answer to our modern health problems. Many scientists world wide researched Guava
and proved that it is beneficial in the treatment of pain, cancer, diabetes, arthritis,
cholesterol, high blood pressure and others.
Why are people depressed? They see everything negatively and dark. They ask
themselves why do I have this, that or the other problem and have difficulty in seeing a
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
positive side. Other people in exactly the same situation are very happy. Depression is
in the first place a problem of a wrongly trained mind. For three years I have been
writing a book which will be published under the name Happyology and I have
distributed thousands of questionnaires and interviewed countless people. I talked to
people who are extremely depressed and unhappy and to others who are very happy.
Re-educating the mind is surely the main step from depression to happiness. Food, as
well, can make a person happy or unhappy. Everyone knows that after a rich meal and
some hard-to-digest foods a person can be unhappy. Spirulina is concentrated sunlight,
easily digestible and definitely a good food to help with depression. I know of a few
cases where Spirulina helped in depression even with children and made a big
difference within a week.
Another food to aid depression is the old Egyptian recipe of the mummy.
Recipe of The Mummy
Ingredients - 250g of figs, 250g of dates, 2 tablespoons of whole cornflower (or
wholemeal wheat flour).
The dates and figs are put in a pot together with water, but just a little bit less water so
that the water is not totally covering the dates and figs. Add the corn flour (or the wheat
flour). Simmer for 15 minutes and stir well. The mummy recipe meal is also taken by
old people. For depression and constipation at the same time, 5 grams of finely ground
senna is added as well. The mummy meal is stored in an airtight container in the
refrigerator. The dosage is not mentioned in the old recipe which became very popular
in the last decades in middle Europe. Most people take 1-3 teaspoons per day on an
empty stomach half an hour before meals.
Another good remedy against depression is St. John’s Wort Tea. However, the best
remedy against depression is in my opinion urine. Yes, your own urine has hormones
against depression. Homeopathic drops, or fresh urine drops are taken under the tongue.
For more information, the book “Urine The Holy Water” is recommended.
Pain is not always accounted for in the diagnosis. On this subject, we have the following
I am 70 years of age. At the time (I started taking Spirulina tablets) I was having severe
pain in my knees and legs, which became much worse when I would lie down. I
couldn't kneel and had difficulty even bending my knees.
Now I am able to bend my knees and even do knee bends. I am very happy to say I no
longer have the pains in my knees. I am so happy I have discovered these miracle
tablets. I feel so much better, not only with my knees and legs, but in my general health.
Several years ago I took a prescription drug for severe neck pain. I stopped taking it
when my sister told me about Spirulina. I seldom have any discomfort in this area now.
The prescription drug was not nearly as effective as Spirulina. ( N. H. I.)
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
I have been taking Spirulina for six months. Mostly six tablets a day, sometimes more. I
started taking your Spirulina when I had a painful condition in my right knee from
what I thought was arthritis. Within two weeks I had no pain left. It also gave me so
much energy. I have not been hungry between meals. I also noticed that I do not get
colds and that during the 'flu season, even though I was in contact with my family who
did have 'flu, I did not get it. I know that when I forgot to take Spirulina my symptoms
returned. I know this natural product is from God. I recommend it to anyone. Thank
Protection against Radiation
The nuclear disaster in Chernobyl was a big shock for everyone around the world. The
radiation poisoning spread far over the boundaries of the former Soviet Union. The
long-term effect around the disaster area cannot yet be calculated. Chernobyl was the
first big atomic disaster but definitely not the last. The atomic time-bombs in power
plants can explode at any time, not to mention the possibility of an atomic war.
Spirulina was used to help the 160,000 children with their radiation related poisoning
such as anaemia, birth defects, cancer, leukaemia, thyroid problems, loss of vision and
of course anything else which comes from a non-functioning immune system. Russian
scientists from the Gorensky State Medical University use Spirulina to ease radiation
sickness and patented the use as a medicinal food. It is reported that they isolated pre-
school children, 25 boys and 15 girls, and applied only 5 grams of Spirulina daily for 45
days. All 40 pre-school children had a dramatic decrease in immunoglobulin (IgE).
Elevated levels of immunoglobulin are found in Chernobyl children and is linked with
the high allergic sensitivity in radiation poisoning.
Heavy metal detoxification.
Spirulina is also beneficial in the fight against heavy metal poisoning, an increasing
problem of our times. The research team of Dr. Loseva studied the effect of Spirulina
against intense infections in the mouth, caused by heavy metal poisoning, especially
lead poisoning. People with a high level of lead in the blood and in the urine showed,
after taking Spirulina, on average a 30% reduction of the lead readings!
According to the WHO (World Health Organisation), lead levels should not be over the
maximum of 0.1 mg/litre in the blood and 10 mg/litre in the urine.
Cholesterol, Hypertension, Arteriosclerosis
High cholesterol levels are linked to modern diseases such as heart attack, hypertension
and arteriosclerosis. A German research study using Spirulina for a weight loss
program found that weight loss runs parallel with a decrease in the cholesterol levels.
Suggestions that reduction in cholesterol levels may cause the weight loss was not
confirmed by Japanese research. Significant reduction of cholesterol was achieved
without weight loss by normal weight people. No changes in their diet were made
except that Spirulina was included in it.
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
The pancreas supplies digestive enzymes and hormones which digest sugar, fats and
proteins. Mr. Minoru Tanaka, at Kyoto Medical College use Spirulina as a dietary
treatment for treating pancreatitis with good success.
Loss of Vision, Cataracts and Glaucoma
The eye is the mirror of the soul and the eye is the mirror of the body are old sayings
and are now with modern techniques even further developed to do diagnosis for all sorts
of disorders. Iris diagnosis is the most commonly used form and is even done today
with modern computer techniques. A clinical report by Yoshito Yamazaki, MD,
lecturer at Tokyo College of Medicine and Dentistry clearly shows the benefits of
Spirulina in eye diseases.
In the Japanese research with Spirulina and other aiding measures confirmed it to be
highly effective in 90% of geriatric cataracts out of a total of 480 cases. The treatment
included eye-disease related diseases such as geriatric cataracts, diabetic retinal damage
(retinitis), nephritic retinal damage, high blood pressure and hardening of retinal blood
vessels (angiosclerosis) (Hills).
In cases of retinal arteriosclerosis and high blood pressure good results were achieved in
320 cases. A dosage of 30 tablets of Spirulina per day was applied. Spirulina was
given in some cases in combination with other medications.
The patients were given strict orders about lifestyle, especially diet and were prohibited
from watching television. It was also suggested that they wear protective glasses to cut
down ultraviolet radiation.
Hepatitis and Cirrhosis
The liver is a key organ in our digestion. It continuously carries out chemical reactions.
A healthy liver can produce bile juice, synthesise amino acids and different enzymes
and coenzymes - to mention just a few functions. It has been shown in many clinical
reports in Japan that Spirulina has a preventative as well as a corrective power for fatty
liver and hepato-cirrhosis. After only one month of Spirulina intake a positive effect
was obvious. After three months a change to the normal condition was reported.
Other foods supporting the liver are apricots, bean sprouts, cucumber, dandelion, green-
leafed vegetables, lemons, raw goats' milk, papaw, healthy animal liver and more.
Caution should be taken with hot food, wine, refined sugar and salt.
Gastric and Duodenal Ulcers
The amino acids, cystein and high content of high quality protein makes Spirulina a
very good treatment for ulcers. Spirulina with its richness in chlorophyll also makes it
valuable for retaining and restoring a good digestion.
The meals should be in more but smaller quantities. An old saying is chewing well is
half digested and should definitely be followed in gastrointestinal disorders. Oranges
and other acidic fruits should be avoided as well as hot food, salt, coffee, tea, tobacco
and alcohol.
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Sexual Vitality
Impotency has its cause in most cases in an improper diet. Chronic illness such as
diabetes may be responsible as well. The best anti-aphrodisiac is an overloaded
stomach, too heavy food, too much alcohol, stress and so on. If the workload for the
blood is too high to digest food there is not enough energy to increase marital bliss. The
high content of protein and its high digestibility as well as all the other vitamins,
minerals and enzymes make Spirulina a super food to improve sexual vigour. When
changing the diet sensibly from a one-sided or too heavy diet to a well-balanced diet
incorporating Spirulina many report as a side effect, a positive one, that sex drive has
improved as well. Another interesting factor is that Spirulina has a relatively high
content of arginine which is important for males. The seminal fluid is 80% arginine.
Anti ageing
Under the heading Der Dauerfrühling der Japanischen Senioren und die Mikroalge
Spirulina-platensis (The endless spring of Japanese seniors and the microalgae Spirulina
platensis), Dr. Ingfried Hobert mentions in his book Das Algen Gesundheitsbuch, that
Japan is importing cars, TV’s, and Video cameras, but also imports large shipments of
Spirulina. The reason for this is, that Spirulina became as popular as the best known
vitamins, and with this, the turnover for the super food went within 10 years from zero
to $US 45 million. Spirulina is taken in the USA by people in the age group 20 to 40
years, to counteract the stress of their lifestyle. In Japan, 73 % of the customers are over
50 years old, 57% of them women. This is very surprising in view of other countries.
The statistics show, that these health conscious seniors take Spirulina for different
v 45% take it to counteract certain specific deficiencies
v 28% simply to stay healthy and for well-being
v 12% to have a secure base in their nutrition.
From the group who take Spirulina against certain deficiency,
v 22% take it to balance the blood sugar level
v 15% for better eyesight
v 14% for better digestion.
An old saying is, that health starts in the intestines. Many people suffer from
constipation and take laxatives with undesirable side effects. The Japanese seniors do
not consider Spirulina as a fashion. Typical intake is 4 gram of Spirulina per day.
Spirulina is rich in three substances known to have an anti-ageing effect. Tyrosine,
Vitamin E or Tocopherol and Selenium.
v Tyrosine may slow the ageing of cells and suppresses hunger and is involved in the
colouration of hair and skin which is a further anti-ageing effect.
v Vitamin E or Tocopherol Preserves heart and vascular health and retards ageing.
v Selenium improves cardiac efficiency, reduces some types of toxicity and may retard
the ageing processes.
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Spirulina for the Ideal Weight
The desire to be slim is such a fat market for the industry, so much so that it is very
difficult for the average overweight person to make a good decision. The slimming
industry spends millions of dollars every year for advertising, in Germany alone 65.6
million deutschmarks (1993). Diet, fitness and slimming products had a turnover in the
same year of 23.4 billion deutschmarks.
“Advertising is the art of making someone think he has longed all his life for things he
has never even heard about”.
With a healthy body, having the capacity to meet its goals, the individual ideal weight
must be defined. Many women make their lives difficult by frequently setting incorrect
goals and trying one diet after another. Success is often only short lived or not
noticeable at all. New miracle diets are constantly being offered in newspapers and
women's magazines. However no-one has yet found the pearl of wisdom. There are no
miracle treatments that can, for example, achieve a strong bone structure and yet still
have the body of a model. One has to find one's own ideal weight. The question has to
be put to people, whether they prefer to be slim and sick or healthy with their personal
ideal weight. Being overweight of course is just as dangerous as being too slim. As
with many other things, the aim should be to find the golden middle way between the
two. Extremes on both sides will only have negative effects. A well-balanced healthy
diet plus moderate exercise is the key to reach the ideal weight.
Spirulina became very popular with articles like The Safe New Diet Pill. Indeed
Spirulina can be used for weight loss. It is low in calories and fat and is highly
digestible and what is very important, it is in its natural balance. Research in Germany
showed, in a double blind crossover study, that overweight people lose weight slowly
but steadily with Spirulina.
There is a side effect, a positive one, a drop in serum cholesterol levels was registered as
well. The daily intake was only six tablets and the researchers concluded that a higher
dosage of Spirulina may result in a faster weight reduction. An important factor, why
Spirulina is beneficial for slimming is the high content Tyrosine which suppresses
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Spirulina for beauty.
Feed your Skin with Spirulina.
Spirulina is one of the most beneficial living foods on our planet, full of enzymes,
protein, vitamins and minerals.
To obtain a perfect balance in our health it is a necessity to feed our bodies internally,
and externally through the skin with living foods, vitamins and minerals.
The skin is a living, breathing organ that needs to be taken care of just like our internal
organs. It needs to be cleansed, nourished and protected from chemicals, harsh
environment and synthetic products.
In general, the skin is impermeable. Water for instance, will not go through it. When the
molecular structure of an oil or an emulsion is fine enough to cross the epidermal
barrier, then the active ingredients can be carried not only through the epidermis but
deep into the skin and sometimes throughout the body via the blood stream. There are
three main routes of skin penetration, through the hair follicles into the sebaceous gland,
through the sweat glands and through the unbroken stratum corneum.
Vitamins were first used and applied through the skin after the Second World War. Ex-
prisoners, who had severe deficiencies of vitamins and couldn’t take them by mouth,
were treated through the skin with good results. Today increasingly more medication is
applied through the skin such as hormonal cream to menopausal women. The extracts
from plants in the form of essential oils are also absorbed through the skin. Tests on
animals have showed that after an application of essential oils, it was found in their
urine, half an hour after application.
Last century, father Sebastian Kneipp, the most famous teacher of external application
of medication in Europe, promoted this way of treatment to stimulate faster relief and to
unburden the digestion of a sick person without losing valuable herbal ingredients in the
digestive tract.
Spirulina is rich on organic ingredients and ideal for skin care.
For best results, Spirulina can be used externally and internally.
Beta carotene.
Spirulina is very rich in Beta carotene, which protects the skin and gives it elasticity.
Together with vitamin E, Selenium and Zinc, Beta carotene helps to deep cleanse the
skin in a gentle, protective way.
Chlorophyll is “preserved” sunlight and very beneficial for a healthy skin, due to the
cell building factor and oxygen storing ability. It is also beneficial against skin
Gamma Linolenic acid (GLA)
The body can not produce GLA itself. This ingredient protects the skin against UV
radiation, dehydration and activates the blood circulation of the skin.
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Spirulina is rich in natural minerals and trace minerals, which are easy absorbed by the
skin and are beneficial for an optimal function of the skin.
The high content on the natural amino acid Tyrosine in Spirulina slows down the ageing
process of cells. It is involved in the coloration of hair and skin, and helps with sun burn
Spirulina is rich in organic Vitamins and ideal for skin treatment.
However, Vitamins from other sources can be applied to the surface of the skin, either
from a capsule or mixed into creams, oils, ointments, herbal infusions or fruit juices.
v The following are just a few of the commonly applied skin benefactors.
v Vitamin A has been successfully used in treating dry ageing skin and acne.
v Vitamin D has a healing effect on the skin, often used in ointments for burns and
good for acne and pimples.
v Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant. It promotes the formation of skin cells, improves
blood circulation and helps relieve symptoms of dermatitis.
v Vitamin A, B, C, E and iron are suitable as a nourishing moisturiser for dry older
skin with under active sebaceous glands.
To receive maximum benefits from vitamin preparations on the skin, apply after a facial
sauna (through steaming), a hot bath or strenuous exercise. The physical exertion
improves the skin’s absorption abilities. When possible leave preparations on for 20
minutes, then simply cleanse or blot off the excess.
Zinc has the ability for wounds to heal quickly.
Enzymes and Cosmetics
The art of using enzymes in cosmetics has long been known.
Raw fruits, fresh vegetables and kelp are rich in enzymes and vitamins and minerals.
When enzymes are applied to the skin, it helps to stimulate the life processes in the skin
cells, making it firmer and fresher, with a healthy glow. For the enzymes to have a
beneficial effect on the skin, only small quantities of enzymes, measured in millionths
of a gram per litre are needed.
When preparing enzyme rich food for home beauty treatments, you need to make a
fresh preparation each time. It is like preparing your fresh living food for your daily diet
Spirulina for Beauty
Spirulina IS the wonder anti-ageing “living food”.
For our busy life styles today, the following is an easy way of nourishing and treating
your skin inside and out.
On a daily basis whenever you prepare your raw fruit juices or fruit smoothies, add one
teaspoon of Spirulina powder to start off with.
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Before enjoying your anti-ageing healthy tonic drink, take out a couple of tablespoons
and apply to your face. For best results leave on for 15-20 minutes.
Then rinse off and tone and moisturise for a healthy glowing skin. What a great way to
start each day. Continue the treatment for three weeks and notice the difference in how
you feel and look. You don’t have to believe this, you will know it.
Spirulina Kitchen Cosmetics
Be adventurous when feeding your skin, it is just like your body that needs variety. You
will find the food that works best for you, because every one’s skin is unique.
Normal Skin/Combination
Increase these foods into your diet, brewer’s yeast, bran, carrots, sprouts, green and red
peppers, goats milk, Kefir, Kombucha, oatmeal, oranges, lemons, pumpkin, parsley,
whole grain bread and cereal, rose hips, water cress. Add olive oil to diet and increase
purified water and herbal teas to daily diet. Add Spirulina as a living natural vitamin and
mineral food supplement.
Foods: Almond meal, apple cider vinegar, bran, brewer’s yeast, butter milk, cream, egg,
Kefir, Kombucha, honey, kelp, oatmeal, sour cream, Spirulina, wheat germ.
Fruit and vegetables: Apricots, avocado, banana, papaya, peach, pear, melons, carrot,
celery, cucumber, lettuce, potato.
Herbs: Aloe-vera, borage, clover, calendula, comfrey root, dandelion, elder flower,
fennel, lavender, lemon grass, mint, nettle, rosemary, violet.
Essential oils: Carrot seed, camomile, frankincense, geranium, jasmine, lavender,
neroli, orange, patchouli, palma rosa, rose, rosewood, sandalwood, ylang ylang.
Infused oils: Borage, calendula, carrot, evening primrose, rose hip.
Cold pressed oils: Almond, apricot, avocado, grape seed, jojoba, olive, Soya bean,
sesame, sunflower, safflower, wheat germ.
Be creative, for your skin changes every day so change your formulas. Experiment with
the different foods and oils as mentioned above for your skin.
What you need is time and patience; keep a record of all your trials and errors.
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
The following is a basic guide
to mix your personalised formulas.
Natural yoghurt 250 g, honey 5g, Spirulina powder 3g, essential oils 0.25 ml.
Mix ingredients together. Apply twice daily onto moist skin and massage in gently, then
rinse well with water.
Cider vinegar 10 ml, Spirulina powder 2g, rain water 80 ml, essential oils 0.25 ml
Mix ingredients together. Shake well before each use; apply twice daily as a splash on
toner after cleansing.
Apricot Oil 30 ml, grape seed oil 25 ml, vitamin E 1 drop, essential oils 0.25 ml,
Spirulina powder 1g.
Mix ingredients together. Shake well before using for Spirulina powder sediments will
separate. Use 5-10 drops massage oil into the skin twice a day after toner.
Oatmeal fine 60 g, corn starch 40 g, Spirulina powder 3g, essential Oils 0.25 ml.
Mix ingredients together and add water until a soft paste. Apply with a soft pastry
brush. Avoid contact with the eyes. Leave mask on for 10 minutes. Rinse with warm
water, following with a toner and moisturising oil. Use once a week.
Fresh fruit facial
Avocado 1/2, pure honey 1 tsp, Spirulina powder 3g, fresh cream 1 tsp.
Mix ingredients together and apply to well cleansed skin. Lie down and relax with fresh
cucumbers on the eyes. Leave for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water, then with
cool water following with toner and moisturising oil.
Hair care Recipes
Spirulina is rich in protein which is what the hair needs to be fed with internally and
externally to maintain healthy, shiny and sleek hair.
Protein suds-less Shampoo
Shampoo will cleanse and nourish the hair. without stripping the natural oil out of your
hair. Can be used for all hair types.
Whole egg (depending on hair length) 1 or 2, milk 3 tbsps, Spirulina powder 1 1/2g (1/2
tsp.), lavender essential oil 3 drops.
Whisk the ingredients together until thoroughly blended. Wet hair and use as normal
shampoo. Rinse off thoroughly, adding 1 tablespoon of cider vinegar or Kombucha to
the final litre of rinsing water.
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Body building shampoo
Shampoo enhances body and shine, and rejuvenates the hair follicles.
Shampoo ¼ cup, filtered water ¼ cup, fresh avocado 1/2.
Combine all ingredients into a blender, and blend until smooth. Wet hair and apply
shampoo, gradually adding warm water and working into a lather.
Rinse thoroughly until the hair is clean. Then use hair conditioner, and add 3 drops of
lavender essential oils, then rinse thoroughly.
Protein Hair Pack
This conditioning hair pack is suitable for dry or for chemically treated hair.
Whole egg 1, olive oil 25 ml, natural yoghurt 150 ml, pure honey 2g,
Spirulina powder 2g, sandalwood essential oil 10 drops.
Whisk the ingredients together until thoroughly blended. Apply to dry hair and cover
with a plastic shower cap, then wrap in a warm towel and leave on for 20 minutes.
Apply shampoo directly onto the treatment then rinse. Reapply shampoo and rinse off
thoroughly, adding 1 tablespoon of cider vinegar or Kombucha to the final rinse water.
Hair loss pack
This hair pack is rich in vitamin E, protein, lecithin and essential fatty acids. It feeds the
follicles with nutrients required for healthy hair growth.
Avocado oil 2 tbsp, wheat germ oil 1 tbsp, whole egg 1, Spirulina powder 11/2 g,
rosemary essential oil 5 drops.
Mix all the ingredients together. Massage thoroughly and gently into the scalp, put on a
shower cap, and wrap the head in a hot towel and leave on for 20 minutes. Apply
shampoo directly onto the treatment then rinse with warm water. As the hair pack is
highly emollient it may need to be shampooed twice. Use Spirulina shampoo for it is
gentle and stimulates growth.
Spirulina Bath Treat
Pampered and treat yourself to a nourishing luxurious aromatic bath. Evoke a vision of
Cleopatra lolling seductively in her swan-shaped tub.
Nourishing milk Bath
Spirulina powder 1-2 tsps, fresh milk 1-2 cups, sandalwood essential oil 5 drops
Soothing Oatmeal Bath
Oatmeal fine ½ cup, Spirulina powder 1-2 tsps, lavender essential oil 5 drops, warm
water 2 cups.
Moisturising Oil Bath
Olive oil 1 tbsp, sesame seed oil ½ tbsp, Spirulina powder 1-2 tsps, geranium
essential oil 5 drops.
Reviving Salt Bath
Epsom salts ½ cup, sea salt ¼ cup, Spirulina Powder 1-2 tsps, pine essential oil 5 drops
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Refreshing Vinegar Bath
Apple cider vinegar, 1 cup or Kombucha vinegar, Spirulina powder 1-2 tsps, lemon
essential oil 5 drops.
For the above bath treats, place all ingredients into a blender, whisk until blended. Fill
the bath before adding mixture. Swish to combine, then luxuriate for at least 15 minutes
while your body is being nourished.
Aromatic Herbal Bath
Lavender dried herbs 1 tbsp, rose petals 1 tbsp, geranium 1 tbsp, boiling water 1 litre,
Spirulina powder 1-2 tsps
Pure boiling water on to dried herbs, cover and allow to steep for 3 hours.
Strain and cool then add Spirulina and blend before adding to the bath
N.B Increase Spirulina powder in any of the above bath recipes to your body’s desire.
Future Food
What will we be eating tomorrow? Everyone knows that we have two problems - on the
one hand too many people are starving world-wide and each day around 40,000 children
die of diseases from malnutrition. On top of that the world population increases year by
On the other hand agricultural land decreases every year by overuse and bad land
management. The deserts are getting bigger. Everyone knows that we can't continue in
the way we are going at the moment. We need to understand our history to learn for the
future. Problems like not having enough food for our growing population with current
production methods and the fact that the food we eat has changed quite a few times
since humans have been on this earth. First humans were hunters and gatherers only.
With the growing population it was convenient for people to raise domestic animals and
to start growing plants. Using only the seeds from the best plants made it possible for
the same plants to grow much bigger fruits. Corn, for example, was only the size of the
little finger and we all know the size of corn today. It is the same with nearly all our
foods, vegetables and seeds that we harvest today.
The early form of agriculture had one big problem. The food production per hectare
was very low and always new, fresh land had to be used to produce a good crop. This
land rotation was the only solution and is still the only system used in areas like South
America and Papua New Guinea. I found it very interesting in Papua New Guinea how
land rotation and modern agricultural machinery, chemicals and irrigation work so
closely together. On the one hand the natives clear little land areas for their garden,
have good crops for two years but since they don't fertilise or make any other land
improvements, it would not be worthwhile to grow crops for the third year on the same
land. New land is cleared and bush reclaims the gardens. On the other hand tea, coffee,
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
sugar and other crops are produced with modern know-how with its negative influence
on the fragile environment. Land rotation developed further, for example in Europe,
where for two years crops were planted and harvested and in the third year the land was
given a rest and every weed which grew by itself was ploughed under. In this way the
plant matter was used as a green fertiliser. Around 500 years ago in the highly
populated areas of middle Europe, people had approximately the same questions as
today: what will we be eating tomorrow? Agriculture had to change again. From the
two-year crop and one-year rest system the plant rotation system developed. In the third
year mostly leguminous crops were planted to enrich the soil with free nitrogen. Other
labour intensive crops were planted as well as potatoes and beets where the weeds were
dug under as a green fertiliser. All the manure from the animals in the stables was stored
and in autumn it was ploughed into the soil to conserve the nitrogen which would
otherwise be absorbed by the sun. Permaculture was born.
In the last century agriculture had to change again. In the highly overcrowded
Germany, Justus von Liebig (1803-1873) became very popular with his studies in
agriculture especially with animal and plant production. With his minimum theory he
became the father of mineral fertilisers and modern agriculture at the same time. His
theory, which is still practised up to the present day, is that a plant can grow only as
much as the nutrients its gets. If a plant gets 150% nitrogen, 100% phosphorous, and
only 30% K, plant production would be only 30% of the possible 100% growth.
Getting nutrients for the plant to the 100% level led to mineral fertilising which
incorporated partly waste products from industry.
What this system does not incorporate is the effect of trace minerals in the soil on the
plant - plants growing in different soils have different qualities. I think the best known
example of this is in relation to the taste of wine, where people with sensitive palates
can tell exactly where the wine was grown.
In the so-called green revolution agriculture changed again and with the use of
herbicides and pesticides as well as the addition of mineral fertilisers, the same land
produced more. This short term solution was only to get the maximum quantity per
hectare. Labour intensive crops became labour extensive crops by using chemicals.
The first changes in agriculture took thousands of years until the raising of domestic
animals and the growing of plants commenced, then hundreds of years with the change
of land rotation to plant rotation, then decades with the change to mineral fertilising and
chemical herbicides and pesticides.
The situation at the moment needs a change. It has to happen faster than the changes
over the last 50 years. Growing Spirulina is definitely one of the answers if not THE
answer. The land lost to desert and the land where the forests have been cut back too
much needs to be regained to make life for humans possible in the long-term future.
Part of our diet has to change. The ever increasing quantity of food which humans
consume has to come from the lower end of the food chain or from the first part of the
food chain which brings us back again to Spirulina.
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Our agriculture works at the moment on the edge of production or perhaps already over
the edge.
We don't have to change our diet dramatically, at least not for the moment.
Incorporating Spirulina in our diet means that we have a very healthy basic whole food
which needs only a fraction of the land, water and energy than other food production.
Not to mention at this moment the chemicals used as pesticides and herbicides as well
as mineral fertilisers polluting our environment.
Agriculture can change again and has to change again. Agriculture has to be in the
future more and more aqua culture. Two thirds of our planet is water and we have to
work with our water area wisely. For beef, soy beans, eggs, corn, rice and other basic
food we need fertile soil. For Spirulina growing we need only desert area which is non-
productive at the moment and more than we wish is available world-wide.
Land area required to grow
one food ration per year.
To feed people with Spirulina only waste desert land is required, and also only a smaller
fraction of the land is required to produce the same amount of food. Only 2% of the
total agricultural land in the United States could feed the whole world with Spirulina.
But you would not even need the 2% fertile agricultural land, you only need desert land.
Using only small parts of our deserts could feed the world for a long time in the future.
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Spirulina can be grown in tropical areas all year, but due to unsuitable weather
conditions with too much rain and storms during the monsoon season, some farms stop
production to ensure the best quality product.
Ponds at the Australian Spirulina Farm, which are closed during the wet season.
Water Use
Other production of basic food needs quite a lot of water during the process. On top of
that it needs a good quality of water to irrigate crops such as for corn and soybeans or as
drinking water for animals. To produce the same amount of protein in beef instead of
Spirulina, the water use is more than 28 times higher than with Spirulina and again not
first grade water is required but only brackish water with a pH level of 8.5 to 11; water
in which almost nothing else can grow except Spirulina.
Contrary to other vegetable production where the food is grown in soil, water, next to
climate and environment is the main factor for the mineral rich Spirulina production.
The Australian Spirulina farm uses water from a bore. When I visited the farm I was
offered a glass of this wonderful water - lucky Spirulina!
Energy Use
The use of energy to produce food is very low in Spirulina farming. Only a pedal wheel
circulating Spirulina and to get oxygen into the water is used. Further energy is only
used for processing Spirulina.
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Chemical-free Food production
Chemicals like pesticides and herbicides are not used in Spirulina growing.
No run-off and environmental pollution comes from Spirulina farming.
On the contrary, Spirulina farming helps to save the environment for the future since it
produces oxygen by growing. Putting green Spirulina production ponds in desert land
will take the pressure off fertile agricultural land. This lessened pressure on agriculture
should produce more quality instead of quantity, which benefits all of us, and food
could even taste much better. When I think about strawberries back when I was a child,
I still have the wonderful taste in the memory of my taste buds. In the last 10 or 20
years I thought my taste had changed because strawberries no longer tasted as good as
strawberries in my childhood. Only a few months ago I found in my old garden little
wild strawberries which tasted as good as they did in my childhood. The strawberries I
bought the same day in the supermarket didn't taste like strawberries and if somebody
had blindfolded me I wouldn't have known whether it was a strawberry or maybe a
watermelon, from the taste only of course. Many foods today are produced for good
appearance and a longer shelf life, like the hard strawberries, but not to tickle the taste
buds. I think to find out how good fruit and vegetables really can taste, one has to grow
one's own food in one's own backyard garden.
What will we be eating tomorrow?
The micro vegetable Spirulina could be an answer or THE answer for our main problem
at the time and for the future.
I receive many letters from concerned people, worrying about tomorrow's food. Is it
time to think about your own private food production? It might be a question of
survival to grow your own Spirulina at home!
Spirulina is the super food of the future to save the planet and to feed the growing
number of starving people in the world. Not only that, it also is considered as a
solution for all the overeating illness in our modern western society. It is the oldest
food on earth and the simplest food, low on sugar and low on fat.
Food for the Hunger in the World
The aid agencies are very active in advertising for help for the starving people in third
world countries. The pictures they show of malnourished people, mainly little children,
are disturbing. Surely, due to unexpected long droughts, natural catastrophes and so on,
food shortage in one part or another in the world can happen. It is great that the rich
countries with illness due to too much food, give food to people in need. In most areas
that the foods goes to the starving is not due to catastrophes but due to overpopulation
and overuse of the land. Sending food is no help in the long term since tomorrow they
need more food and the day after more again.
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Spirulina, affordable for starving people?
You may ask, how can this algae save the world, if it's so expensive?
Spirulina costs next to nothing to produce if recycled, and would be the ideal solution
for malnutrition, especially in the main problem areas where the deserts are expanding
rapidly as for example in Africa.
The only way to help people in poor countries with food shortage is to show them
how they can produce their own food.
A village plant would work as follows:
The waste from livestock and human toilets is pumped into a biogas digester. When I
saw my first biogas digester 33 years ago I saw it as a fertiliser and fuel future in
agriculture. In the biogas digester, liquid waste produces methane gas (CO
) which can
be used as fuel for running the pedal wheel in the Spirulina ponds as well as for cooking
or for tractors working in the crop fields. One part of the digested manure, the solids,
goes to the compost and field crops. The liquid part is filtered through sand, sterilised
in a solar steriliser and added to the growing ponds. Spirulina can easily be harvested
with a thin woven fabric or sieve. It is then dried and consumed by humans or if there is
too much Spirulina the overproduction goes straight in liquid form into a pond to feed
water weeds and fish. Not only would the food problem be solved but also the
sewerage problem and a dependency on energy like electricity and petrol.
Please note, that the commercial Spirulina, which you buy, is not grown with this
The costs to build Spirulina farms are, seen long term, minimal compared to the never
ending and increasing costs of feeding people.
Let's not build weapons to kill but
Spirulina plants,
to save starving people
that they can feed themselves in the future.
The royalty from this book is invested in the development of Village Spirulina farms in third world
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
The now ill and starving people
will be as healthy as Western society.
'We are what we eat’ is an old saying. With a Spirulina diet, modern diseases like
arthritis, cancer, pain, diabetes, cholesterol and high blood pressure could be strange
words only.
Spirulina is the super food of the future, not only to solve the problem with starving
people of the world, but even more to solve the health crisis in the western world.
According to famous doctor I. Hobert from Germany, every second hospital bed is
“occupied by a patient self afflicted disease, with a "disease of affluence", meaning a
person who has caused his own illness by personal wrong behaviour. Most of them
seem to have the desire to kill themselves with fork and knife”.
If the now hungry of the world grow their own Spirulina and use it as a major part of
their diet, their health will be much better than in western countries.
It is recommended to read the book Holistic Healing For The New Millennium by
Ingfried Hobert, M.D.
Growing your own Spirulina at home?
Yes, it is possible to grow your own Spirulina. Where I live, in Bermagui, on the South
of NSW, the temperatures are only suitable to grow Spirulina in the summer. I did grow
it in winter, but indoors, in my mother’s lounge room while she was on holiday in
Germany. Certainly, I only told her after she came back. To get the right temperature, I
heated one big container with a heating panel as is used for Kombucha brewing and
another one with a submersible aquarium heater.
To get the right light intensity for greener colour and higher beta-carotene, a growing
light was installed on the ceiling. The stirring was done by an aquarium pump. To get
the optimal pH level, alkaline water with a pH of 10 was produced with the “Water
Activator”, dividing pH 7 water into pH 3 and pH 11 water. The high pH of 10 or even
10.5 is important, since not only the algae likes this alkalinity but also to avoid the
growth of unwanted algae's and contaminants. However, the culture has its highest
production at a pH of 9.5. Under optimal conditions, one can harvest up to 10 gram
dried Spirulina per one square meter pond.
The Spirulina grew quite well, but the costs of production under these circumstances
and the high cost of the growing medium, at that time, were much higher than the value
of the harvest.
Conditions are much better outdoors in summer, when the sun shines bright and the
temperatures are optimal. The essential stirring can be done by an aquarium pump or by
a paddle wheel. A safe place, in order to avoid “fertilisation” by dogs and other
uninvited ingredients, the flat carport roof seemed to me to be the ideal place. Spirulina
grows quite well under these conditions when looked after. My friends, Tina and Peter
White, who actually made me aware of Spirulina and gave me the first book about
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Spirulina and the first living culture, studied along with me. They live in Queensland,
where the temperatures are optimal for growing Spirulina. They developed an organic
fertiliser to grow Spirulina more economically. Spirulina can be grown in a bathtub or
in big containers on a balcony of a unit.
However, when the use of commercial organic fertilisers and the time spent for the
production are taken into account, it is still cheaper to buy the commercial Spirulina
product, but one could say the same with other home grown vegetables from the back
yard garden. Although, for one’s own experience and pleasure, it is a lot of fun to
produce the super vegetable at home.
Plants and Animals
Whilst considering the benefits of Spirulina for people, we should not overlook the use
of gardeners and veterinarians. Ageing dogs and cats will improve their sad fur and stiff
joints when given Spirulina. Their general well-being improves as they show increased
stamina and a better appetite.
Mrs. C.M. wrote the following letter to me:
"Our family Rottweiler, of six years is a wonderful, loving female who guards and
protects all the family. But in the spring and summer we always had a problem with her
coat. No matter what good food we fed her, by the start of summer she had developed
an itch and most of her coat was in poor condition and slowly falling out. After many,
and different vet visits and bottles and tubes of many different creams and lotions, I was
at a loss what to do. I had been taking "DeepSea Spirulina" for several years and had
felt the wonderful qualities over that period, so I thought if it's great for me, then why
not Tammy? I started to sprinkle DeepSea Spirulina into her food each night, it was
funny to see this huge dog with green all over her mouth, she loved it! Within six weeks
her coat was shining like a show dog and she had totally lost the itch. She has been that
way ever since". "I always recommend it to friends and their pets".
Note: DeepSea Spirulina is grown in Hawaii.
Koi carp may be fed on Spirulina to improve their colour, health and chances of
winning a larger prize. Bird breeders use it for improving colour and condition of prize
birds, whilst gardeners use it as an effective foliar plant food. So you can see, that while
Spirulina is not exactly a new product, it does have a great deal to offer, and should be
much more widely used than it is at present.
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Spirulina compared to Chlorella and Green Barley
Which is the best algae and which algae should I buy you may ask yourself when
offered different products and all are the best - at least according to the sales person.
You have to answer this question yourself. Compare the ingredients and the price of the
product and last not least how you feel taking the product. Read the label with open
eyes. If one tablet contains for example 500 mg 100% pure Spirulina, find maybe on the
other side of the bottle how many mg are in one tablet. If each tablet has 1000 mg ask
the question what is the rest you pay for. You buy a container of pure Spirulina plus
something else.
As you know, protein for example is not protein - the digestibility is important! The
following table compares a few compositions in the algae Spirulina and Chlorella and
green barley.
(10 g)
Spirulina Chlorella Green
Protein 63 % 58% 25 %
18 % 23 % 54 %
Fats (lipids) 5 % 9 % 4 %
Minerals 9 % 5 % 12 %
23000 IU 5500n Iu 5000 IU
Vitamin C 0.5 mg 1 mg 31 mg
Vitamin E 1 IU 0.1 IU 3 IU
Thiamin, B1 0.31 mg 0.17 mg 0.03 mg
Riboflavin 0.35 mg 0.43 mg 0.20 mg
Niacin 1.46 mg 2.38 mg 0.75 mg
Vitamin B6 80 mg 140 mg 128 mg
Vitamin B12 32 mg 13 mg 3 mg
Sodium 60 mg 0 mg 3 mg
Folacin 1 mg 2.7 mg 108 mg
Biotin 0.5 mg 19 mg 11 mg
10 mg 130 mg 240 mg
Zinc 0.3 mg 7 mg 0.5 mg
Manganese 0.5 mg # 1.0 mg
Copper 120 mg 10 mg 200 mg
(10 g)
Spirulina Chlorella Green
Phycocyanin 1500 mg none none
Chlorophyll 115 mg 280 mg 55 mg
Carotenoids 37 mg # #
135 none none
Source: The Medline Report - May 1997 # No data available
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Other Spirulina Products
Spirulina shampoo, conditioner, ointment and powder, are available by mail order
from Planetary Naturals Australia Pty Ltd.
Margaret Centre, 52 Wilson St, St. Marys NSW 2760
Phone: Free call 1800650618
Spirulina skin care products, living nutrition for the skin are available from
Kneipp Cure Pty.Ltd, P.O.Box 755, Dapto NSW 2530.
Phone 02-42611980
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Aihara, Herman. "Acid and Alkaline" George Oshawa Macrobiotic Foundation, 1544 Oak Street,
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Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
A book you have to read:
Medicine For Modern Diseases
Guava was used through history by many cultures. The knowledge about its medicinal uses has
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But modern medicine also has discovered the incredible healing power of Guava.
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Quercetin found in the Guava leaves has strong anti-spasm relief properties and has a beneficial
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The Guava fruit has a lowering capacity to counteract diarrhoea and control harmful bacteria in
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Guava leaves have morphine-like analgesic properties, useful for toothache.
Guava leaves have been used to control epilepsy.
Health For All
Back Issues Still Available
Health For All # 5
Lantana; Drug or Food? Super Yoghurt. THE SECRET OF WATER; The Moon
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Electromagnetic Pollution Solutions. Herbal Teaology - Love your weeds! Kombucha
Fermented Trace Minerals. Homoeopathy - The Gentle Treatment. The Zapper -
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face - and is it safe? Pet Fleas.
Health For All # 6
Skin $aver Remedies. Strong emotions have the same effect as strong medication.
Guava, a tropical plant with incredible healing power. The Super GREENS: Spirulina,
Chlorella, Barley. The Cure Against Many Diseases. The Miracle Drug Against
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The Healing Power of Sounds. The Prophecy. Survival Food and Real Health Food;
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Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Health For All # 7 (Available as e-book ONLY)
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Health For All # 8
Colloidal Gold - Enhancing brain functions. Medicine and Astrology are inseparable
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Health For All # 9
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Health For All # 10
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Health For All # 11
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Health For All # 12
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Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Health For All # 13
The power of your mind. Telepathic Healing. Building Materials & Cancer. Why are
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Health For All # 14
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Why wait for a miracle when you have the answers to your questions at your fingertips?
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Cosmic Energy, Infallibility of the dowsing rod, High-voltage power distribution lines,
Forest Dieback
Health For All # 15
Is Coenzyme Q10 “The Elixir of Youth”?
Dealing With Infectious Diseases Naturally, Amla: Non-diarrhoeal form of Ascorbic
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Health For All # 16
Gentle Therapy for Children - Treatment with intuitively selected remedies, Safe
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Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
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Youthing - How to reverse the ageing
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Urine Therapy Books
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Shri Damar Tantra Shivambu Kalpavidhi 6.95
Shivambu Gita by Dr.G.K.Thakkar 3.95
The Golden Fountain, Van Der Kroon 33.95
Urine The Holy Water, H. Tietze 3
Edition 15.--
Wonders of Uropathy by Dr.G.Thakkar 15.--
Other Books
Aromatherapy: The Basics, Leger, (82 p) 12.90
Ayurvedic Cookbook, Amadea (350p) 29.--
Ayurvedic Cures for Common Diseases 18.--
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The Stimulating Points, Colour chart (4)
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Homoeopathic Books
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Hom. in Emergencies of Medicine (202) 26.--
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Practice of Homoeopathy at Home, (601) 34.--
The Prescriber - Homoeopathy (382 p) 23.--
You & Your Child Hom. Guide (142) 19.--
Videos By Harald W. Tietze
Water Medicine 29.--
Back to Nature with Medicinal Herbs 29.--
Earthrays and Man Made Pollution 29.--
Kombucha Culture 19.--
Kefir Culture & Kefir book
Water Activator
(Research unit) to make
Ionised Alkaline Water - incl. book.
Water Activator -Jug style-
unit) to make Ionised Alkaline Water
Electronic pH Meter
Kombucha Heating Panel 79.--
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Colloidal Silver Maker (Research unit)
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About the Author
Harald Tietze is a popular lecturer, researcher and writer on a wide range of natural
health subjects. Harald’s experience with herbal medicine dates back to his childhood in
the 40’s and 50’s. Having grown up in a German city originally named "Herbolis",
Harald learnt about herbs from his father who was also an accomplished herbalist.
Harald W. Tietze is author of over 30 health books. His work is translated into 19
languages. He has lectured in all continents, visiting 49 countries. The first book he
wrote was on intuition and Earth Energies. Dowsing, Earth Energies and “Youthing” are
still his favourite lectures.
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessing
Books by the same author:
Earthrays the Silent Killer
Kombucha The Miracle Fungus
Earthrays and Man-Made Pollution
Kombucha Teaology
Pollution Solutions
Spirulina - Micro Food Macro Blessings
Herbal Teaology
Urine the Holy Water
Kefir - For Pleasure, Beauty and Well-being
Water Medicine
Papaya (Pawpaw) The Medicine Tree
Supreme Green Medicine
Nature’s Pharmacy For Animals
Guava - Medicine For Modern Diseases,
Living Wild Flower Remedies
The Stepanovs Method
Living Food for Longer Life
Love Remedies
Youthing How to Reverse the Ageing Process
“Health For All” book series (current issue # 18)
Ask for the updated book list!
Harald W. Tietze Publishing Pty/Ltd.
ABN 27078377198
P. O. Box 34, Bermagui NSW 2546 Australia
Fax: 02-6493 4900 [International +61-2-6493 4 900]
Telephone: 02-6493 4552
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