Party Planning Guide
General Information
The holiday parties are the parents treat to the class. Following are general instructions to
assist the parent volunteers in planning the school parties.
The School Director schedules the four parties at the beginning of the year and the dates are
included on the school calendar distributed to families at the beginning of the year.
Each party has a party planner who coordinates and organizes volunteers for the big day. The
party planner should send an email to the class approximately 3 weeks in advance asking for
volunteers for the different areas, or perhaps even just to fill in the blanks. 2 weeks prior, the
planner should send an email confirming assignments.
The party is set up similar to the class format, snack table, craft table, games. The children float
between the "stations" as they want. If someone volunteers for a certain station, they should
"man" that area. For instance, if a parent volunteers to bring the craft, they should be the lead
instructor for all the children at the craft table. Often times, parents can split up the station
assignments. One parent may lead a game for the first half the party, and another may for the
second half of the party. Either way, the planner should make sure the stations are covered for
the entire party.
Several of the parties have special activities associated with them. Party planners should
incorporate these activities into the party schedule.
Halloween Children dress are encourages to dress in their Halloween costumes. Each
child is given the opportunity to show off their costumes to the other students in the
schools large group format. The children then are led by teachers to trick or treat at the
offices in the church and next door at the library. This usually happens at the beginning
of the party.
Holly Days -
Valentine’s Day – The school holds a Valentines exchange. Similar to the Halloween
party, the students are able to show the class their valentines. This is usually done at
the beginning of the party, led by a teacher in the large group format.
Year End This is a fun, easy party at Patriarch Park. No games or crafts needed. Just
food and drinks to keep the children energized to play at the “castle.”
Since the class parties are the parents gifts to the children, please encourage special or new
ideas. Often times, parents want to bring extra food, give gift bags, a second craft maybe a
cupcake decorating, by all means, do everything to accommodate. The purpose of the parties
is to encourage parent involvement.
Volunteer Opportunities
Following is an outline of the stations to get the planner started.
fruit plate
something savory
something sweet
beverages sometimes someone will volunteer, if not, the students can drink water like
they usually do in class.
Game 1 and provide small inexpensive prizes
Game 2 and provide small prizes
The school has several games on site, so inquire if you lack a volunteer.
Craft of the parents choice.
Its also nice to have a second volunteer to help with the craft if you have extra parents.
Paper Goods
4 tablecloths
Cups (if applicable)
Community Project (Optional)
The last several years, classes chose to do several fun, easy community projects in conjunction
with the holiday parties. A parent, usually not the planner, volunteers to lead this project. The
volunteer/s chooses the charity and sends communication to the class. Past projects have
included: canned food drive for the Food Bank, personal care items for homeless and domestic
abuse shelters, Toys for Tots.
Sample Agenda
With parties that have several activities, often times a simple agenda is helpful.
8:30 9:00 Set Up
9:20 10:00 Pictures and Gifts with Santa
10:00-11:00 Craft, Games, Cookies and Snacks
11:00 Mission Completed
More Helpful Advice
The school asks that if the planner or parent volunteers have ideas that vary from these in this
guide, please run it by the school director just to make sure it is acceptable. The director also
might have suggestions on how to make the party go even more smoothly.
Most importantly, the parties should be fun! All parents (and even grandparents, aunts, uncles
and siblings) are welcome to attend the party, whether they are bringing something or not.
Please do not to hesitate to contact parent volunteer and board member, Rebecca Blake, at
[email protected]rg or 256-7596 with any questions. Thank you for volunteering. It does make a