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Medical Coverage Policy: 0178
Medical Coverage Policy
Effective Date .................... 3/15/2024
Next Review Date .............. 3/15/2025
Coverage Policy Number ............. 0178
Breast Reconstruction Following
Mastectomy or Lumpectomy
Table of Contents
Overview ............................................ 2
Coverage Policy .................................... 2
Health Equity Considerations .................. 5
General Background ............................. 5
Medicare Coverage Determinations ....... 28
Appendix ........................................... 28
Coding Information ............................. 29
References ........................................ 34
Revision Details ................................. 48
Related Coverage Resources
Botulinum Therapy
Breast Implant Removal
Breast Reduction
Complex Lymphedema Therapy (Complete
Decongestive Therapy)
Compression Devices
Gynecomastia Surgery
Injectable Fillers
Panniculectomy and Abdominoplasty
Redundant Skin Surgery
Scar Revision
Surgical Treatment of Chest Wall Deformities
Surgical Treatments for Lymphedema and
Tissue-Engineered Skin Substitutes
Treatment of Gender Dysphoria
The following Coverage Policy applies to health benefit plans administered by Cigna Companies.
Certain Cigna Companies and/or lines of business only provide utilization review services to clients
and do not make coverage determinations. References to standard benefit plan language and
coverage determinations do not apply to those clients. Coverage Policies are intended to provide
guidance in interpreting certain standard benefit plans administered by Cigna Companies. Please
note, the terms of a customer’s particular benefit plan document [Group Service Agreement,
Evidence of Coverage, Certificate of Coverage, Summary Plan Description (SPD) or similar plan
document] may differ significantly from the standard benefit plans upon which these Coverage
Policies are based. For example, a customer’s benefit plan document may contain a specific
exclusion related to a topic addressed in a Coverage Policy. In the event of a conflict, a customer’s
benefit plan document always supersedes the information in the Coverage Policies. In the absence
of a controlling federal or state coverage mandate, benefits are ultimately determined by the
terms of the applicable benefit plan document. Coverage determinations in each specific instance
require consideration of 1) the terms of the applicable benefit plan document in effect on the date
of service; 2) any applicable laws/regulations; 3) any relevant collateral source materials including
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Coverage Policies and; 4) the specific facts of the particular situation. Each coverage request
should be reviewed on its own merits. Medical directors are expected to exercise clinical judgment
where appropriate and have discretion in making individual coverage determinations. Where
coverage for care or services does not depend on specific circumstances, reimbursement will only
be provided if a requested service(s) is submitted in accordance with the relevant criteria outlined
in the applicable Coverage Policy, including covered diagnosis and/or procedure code(s).
Reimbursement is not allowed for services when billed for conditions or diagnoses that are not
covered under this Coverage Policy (see “Coding Information” below). When billing, providers
must use the most appropriate codes as of the effective date of the submission. Claims submitted
for services that are not accompanied by covered code(s) under the applicable Coverage Policy
will be denied as not covered. Coverage Policies relate exclusively to the administration of health
benefit plans. Coverage Policies are not recommendations for treatment and should never be used
as treatment guidelines. In certain markets, delegated vendor guidelines may be used to support
medical necessity and other coverage determinations.
This Coverage Policy addresses reconstructive breast surgery and external breast prostheses and
mastectomy bras following mastectomy or lumpectomy.
For treatments related to lymphedema, see Cigna Medical Coverage Policies:
0354 Compression Devices
0531 Surgical Treatments for Lymphedema and Lipedema
Cobranded Cigna/American Specialty Health Coverage Policy Guideline 157 Complex
Lymphedema Therapy (Complete Decongestive Therapy).
For breast reconstruction related to gender dysphoria treatment, see Cigna Medical
Coverage Policy 0266 Gender Dysphoria Treatment.
For the surgical treatment of gynecomastia, see Cigna Medical Coverage Policy 0195
Gynecomastia Surgery.
For breast reduction surgery on the non-diseased/contralateral breast following a
mastectomy or lumpectomy, see Cigna Medical Coverage Policy 0152 Breast Reduction.
For surgical procedures for the excision of redundant or excessive skin, see Cigna Medical
Coverage Policy 0470 Redundant Skin Surgery.
Coverage Policy
Coverage for breast reconstruction* and breast prostheses following mastectomy or
lumpectomy is governed by federal and/or state mandates.
Breast Reconstruction
*Please note: Coverage for breast reconstruction services following mastectomy and
lumpectomy is available to both females and males. In addition, a diagnosis of breast
cancer is not required for breast reconstruction services to be covered, and the timing
of reconstructive services is not a factor in coverage.
Breast reconstruction following mastectomy or lumpectomy is considered medically
necessary for EITHER of the following:
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breast reconstruction procedures performed on the diseased/affected breast (i.e.,
breast on which the mastectomy/lumpectomy was performed), including:
areolar and nipple reconstruction (e.g., correction of inverted nipple)
areolar and nipple tattooing
autologous fat transplant (i.e., liposuction, lipoinjection, lipofilling, lipomodeling)
breast implant removal and subsequent reimplantation
flat closure chest wall reconstruction
implantation of tissue expander
implantation of U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved internal breast
oncoplastic reconstruction (e.g., breast reduction, mastopexy)
reconstructive surgical revisions
tissue/muscle reconstruction (i.e., flap procedures)
breast reconstruction procedures performed on the
nondiseased/unaffected/contralateral breast, in order to produce a symmetrical
appearance, including:
areolar and nipple reconstruction
areolar and nipple tattooing
augmentation mammoplasty
augmentation with implantation of FDA-approved internal breast prosthesis when the
unaffected breast is smaller than the smallest available internal prosthesis
autologous fat transplant (i.e., liposuction, lipoinjection, lipofilling, lipomodeling)
breast implant removal and subsequent reimplantation when performed to produce a
symmetrical appearance
breast reduction by mammoplasty or mastopexy
reconstructive surgery revisions to produce a symmetrical appearance
Intraoperative assessment of tissue perfusion is considered an integral part of the
breast reconstruction procedure and not separately reimbursable.
The following products* are considered medically necessary when used in association
with a medically necessary breast reconstruction procedure:
Acellular Hydrated Dermis
The following products* when used in association with a breast reconstruction
procedure are considered not medically necessary (this list may not be all-inclusive):
Reconstructive Tissue Matrix
Nerve Graft
Acellular Hydrated Dermis
Nipple Reconstruction Cylinder
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DermaMatrix Acellular Dermis
Monofilament Mesh/ Polydioxanone Surgical Scaffold
GalaFLEX 3DR Scaffold (formerly known as GalaFORM
GalaFLEX 3D Scaffold (formerly known as GalaSHAPE
Allograft Adipose Matrix
Surgical Scaffold
Reconstructive Tissue Matrix
Veritas Collagen Matrix
*Note: Refer to the table in Appendix A for a list of products and the associated CPT and
HCPCS codes.
The following breast reconstruction procedures are considered experimental,
investigational or unproven for this indication:
the use of adipose-derived stem cells in autologous fat transplantation
xenograft cartilage grafting
Suction lipectomy, ultrasonically-assisted suction lipectomy (liposuction) or excision of
redundant skin for correction of surgically-induced donor site asymmetry (e.g., trunk or
extremity) or tissue protruding at the end of a scar (e.g., dog ear, standing cone) that
results from one or more flap breast reconstruction procedures is considered cosmetic
in nature and not medically necessary.
Removal of either a saline-filled OR silicone gel-filled breast implant when associated
with breast reconstruction following mastectomy or lumpectomy for ANY indication,
including for the purpose of producing a symmetrical appearance of the nondiseased
breast is considered medically necessary. Refer to the Breast Implant Removal Medical
Coverage Policy for additional information on breast implant removal.
Following removal of a breast implant, the subsequent surgical implantation of a new
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved breast implant is considered
medically necessary for EITHER of the following:
breast reconstruction of a diseased or affected breast following mastectomy or lumpectomy
creation of a symmetrical appearance in the contralateral/nondiseased breast following
mastectomy or lumpectomy in the opposite breast
External Breast Prostheses and Mastectomy Bras
External breast prostheses and mastectomy bras following mastectomy or lumpectomy
are covered under the core medical benefits of the plan.
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Health Equity Considerations
Morrow, et al. (2014) conducted a retrospective analysis of women in Los Angeles and Detroit
diagnosed with breast cancer who underwent mastectomy and remained disease free at four years
to evaluate for breast reconstruction correlates and possible unmet needs of reconstruction.
Women (n=485) aged 2079 years were included in the study if they: were diagnosed with ductal
carcinoma in situ (DCIS) or invasive breast cancer between June 2005-February 2007, reported to
the National Cancer Institute’s Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) program
registries, could complete a questionnaire in English or Spanish, underwent mastectomy and
remained disease free at four years. Participants were excluded if they: had stage IV breast
cancer, died prior to the initial survey, or were Asian because of enrollment in other studies. In
order to ensure sufficient representation of racial/ethnic minorities, Latina and Black women were
oversampled. The primary outcome was whether or not a women underwent breast reconstruction
at any time post mastectomy. Patient satisfaction with various aspects of the reconstruction
decision making process (i.e., satisfaction with their decision to have reconstruction, whether they
regret their reconstruction choice, satisfaction about being informed about reconstructive issues)
and reasons why a participant did not have reconstruction or delayed reconstruction were
secondary outcomes. Patient demographics (i.e., age, education, race/ethnicity, partner status,
income, insurance, smoking status), clinical/treatment factors (i.e., staging, comorbidities, breast
size, chemotherapy, radiation, timing of reconstruction), and geographic location were
independent variables that were considered. Follow-up via patient surveys took place at a mean of
nine- and 50-months post cancer diagnosis. Overall, 41.6% of the 485 patients treated with
mastectomy who remained disease-free had breast reconstruction; 24.8% (n=146) of the
procedures were done at the time of mastectomy, and 16.8% (n=76) were delayed. Surgery with
implants or tissue expanders was the most common type of reconstruction (61.9%). Compared
with respondents, non-respondents to the follow-up survey were more likely to be Black (35.2%
versus 26.7%; p<0.001) or Latina (17.2% versus 13.3%; p=0.002), more likely to have stage II
or III disease (54.9% versus 37.8%; p<0.001), and more likely to have received mastectomy
(37.5% versus 30.8%; p<0.001). Black patients, those with a high school or lower education
level, those without private insurance, women with any major co-morbid condition, older women,
those residing in Los Angeles County, and those patients who received chemotherapy were
significantly less likely to undergo reconstruction than their counterparts. A total of 13.3% of
women reported being dissatisfied with the decision-making process and was associated with
being Black or Latina (p=0.032) but not with lower income or education levels. The most common
reasons among all women for not undergoing reconstruction was a desire to avoid additional
surgery (48.5%), the opinion that reconstruction was unimportant (33.8%), and fear of implants
(36.3%). However, ethnic minority groups were less likely to report the desire to avoid additional
surgery (70.0% for non-Black, non-Latina patients versus 39.7% and 34.1% for Blacks and
Latinas, respectively; p<0.001) or that reconstruction was not important (42.4% for non-Black,
non-Latina patients versus 21.6% and 31.3% for Blacks and Latinas, respectively; p=0.043).
More Latinas reported concerns about cancer detection interference, procedure complications, or
not being able to take time off from work or family. More Blacks and Latinas reported not having
insurance coverage as a barrier to reconstruction. The study is limited by the small geographic
sampling, retrospective study design, and possible errors in patient recall. This study highlights
the need for additional patient level education on factors that negatively impact the breast
reconstruction decision making process especially among minority women.
General Background
Breast reconstruction is designed to reduce post-mastectomy complications and to establish
symmetry between the surgical breast and the contralateral breast. Surgical procedures that are
performed to establish symmetry can include: breast reduction; breast augmentation with an
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FDA-approved breast implant; and/or areola-with-nipple reconstruction and nipple-area tattooing.
Breast reconstruction after mastectomy has evolved over the last century to become an integral
component of therapy for patients with breast cancer. Reconstruction can occur immediately after
a mastectomy or be delayed for weeks or years until a patient undergoes radiation,
chemotherapy, or decides whether they want breast reconstruction.
Prosthetic Reconstruction
Breast Implants: Breast implants can be inserted at the same time as the mastectomy (e.g.,
direct-to-implant breast reconstruction or one-stage immediate breast reconstruction) or in two
stages, using an implanted tissue expander in the first stage followed by removal of the expander
and insertion of a permanent breast implant (e.g., two-stage reconstruction or two-stage delayed
reconstruction). The FDA-approved implant is placed either deep in the breast on the pectoral
fascia (submammary) or beneath the pectoralis major. The advantages of tissue expander implant
reconstruction are the reliability, simplicity, and avoidance of donor-site morbidity. Complications
associated with the use of breast implants can occur in the immediate perioperative period or
years later. Such complications include exposure, extrusion, or infection of the implants.
term problems also include asymmetry, capsular contracture, malposition of the implant, rupture,
and pain. These conditions, when they become clinically significant, may require removal of the
implant (American Cancer Society [ACS], 2024; Roehl, et al., 2012; Roostaeian, et al., 2012).
Indications for implant reconstruction include: bilateral reconstruction, individuals requiring
augmentation in addition to reconstruction, individuals not suited for long surgery, a lack of
abdominal tissue, individual unwilling to have additional scars on either their back or abdomen,
and a small breast mound with minimal ptosis. Relative contraindications to implant reconstruction
include: young age (i.e., may need implant replaced multiple times), individual unwilling to follow
up, or very large or ptotic breast. The contraindications to implant reconstruction include: silicone
allergy, fear of implants, previously failed implants, or the need for adjuvant radiation therapy
(Roehl, et al., 2012).
Surgical complications associated with breast implantation are like those encountered with other
breast surgeries: infection, bleeding, change in nipple sensation (e.g., hypersensitivity or
hyposensitivity), malposition, delayed healing, and anesthetic accidents.
Although implantable breast prostheses may be inserted for either reconstructive or cosmetic
reasons, clinically significant post-implant complications may occur, necessitating removal of the
implants. Local complications associated with implanted breast prostheses include: capsular
contracture, persistent infection, silicone implant extrusion, tissue necrosis and silicone implant
rupture. These conditions, when they become clinically significant, may require removal of the
implant. Additionally, the presence of an implant may interfere with the diagnosis or treatment of
breast cancer. Infections that may occur in or around an implant include wound infections, as well
as infections within a capsular contracture or because of a ruptured implant. Removal of the
implant may be necessary when the infection does not respond to antibiotics. Unstable or
weakened tissue and/or interruption in wound healing may result in the implant breaking through
the skin or extrusion. Necrotic tissue may form around the implant, requiring implant removal.
Silicone gel-filled implant rupture may cause the contents to leak into the surrounding tissues.
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA): In the FDA labeling for approved breast implants
(FDA, 2021c), Mentor Corp., Santa Barbara, CA; Ideal Implant
Inc., Dallas, TX; Allergan Corp.
(formerly Inamed), Irvine, CA and Sientra, Inc., Santa Barbara, CA are listed as manufacturers of
silicone and saline breast implants.
FDA-approved saline-filled implants:
Allergan Medical RTV Saline-Filled Breast Implant
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Ideal Implant Saline-Filled Breast Implant (PMA Number: P120011)
Mentor Saline-Filled and Spectrum
Breast Implants (PMA Number: P990075)
The FDA approved saline-filled breast implants for breast augmentation in women age 18 or older
and for breast reconstruction in women of any age. They are also used in revision surgeries, which
correct or improve the result of an original surgery.
FDA-approved silicone gel-filled breast implants:
Allergan Natrelle
Allergan Natrelle
410 Highly Cohesive Anatomically Shaped Silicone-Filled Breast Implant
Mentor MemoryGel
(PMA Number: P030053)
Mentor MemoryShapeSilicone Gel-Filled Breast Implant (PMA Number: P060028)
Silicone Gel Breast Implant (PMA Number: P070004)
The FDA labeling for silicone and saline breast implantation states that breast implant surgery
should not be performed in women with: an active infection, existing cancer or precancer of a
breast that has not been adequately treated, or who are pregnant or nursing.
In June 2011 (updated 2018), the FDA released a report updating the clinical and scientific
information for silicone gel-filled breast implants, including preliminary safety data from studies
conducted by the manufacturers as a condition of their November 2006 approval. The conclusion
in the report states that, Based on the totality of the evidence, the FDA believes that silicone gel-
filled breast implants have a reasonable assurance of safety and effectiveness when used as
labeled. Despite frequent local complications and adverse outcomes, the benefits and risks of
breast implants are sufficiently well understood for women to make informed decisions about their
use.” Manufacturers and physicians should continue to provide balanced and up-to-date
information to women considering breast implants to help inform their decisions (FDA, 2018). On
July 24, 2019, the FDA requested that Allergan, recall specific models of their textured breast
implants from the U.S. market due to the risk of breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell
lymphoma (BIA-ALCL). The FDA's analysis was attributed to a new worldwide reported total of 573
unique BIA-ALCL cases including 33 patient deaths. Of the 573 cases of BIA-ALCL, 481 are
reported to have Allergan breast implants at the time of diagnosis. (FDA, 2019b; FDA, 2019c).
In September 2022, the FDA issued a safety communication informing the public about emerging
and rare reports of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and various lymphomas in the scar tissue that
forms around smooth and textured and saline and silicone breast implants. Ten medical device
reports (MDRs) about SCC and 12 MDRs about various lymphomas related to breast implants have
been reported to the FDA as of September 1, 2022 and in some cases, people were diagnosed
years after having the breast implants. The following recommendations were provided for people
who have or are considering breast implants:
“If you are considering breast implants or if you have them, learn more about the risks and
benefits of breast implants.
If you have breast implants, you do not need to change your routine medical care or
Be aware that cases of SCC and various lymphomas in the capsule around the breast
implant have been reported.
Monitor your breast implants for as long as you have them. If you notice any abnormal
changes in your breasts or implants, promptly talk to your surgeon or health care provider.
If you do not have symptoms, the FDA does not recommend the removal of breast
implants because of this safety communication.
If you have breast implants and experience a problem, the FDA encourages you to file a
report through MedWatch, the FDA Safety Information and Adverse Event Reporting
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program. Your report, along with information from other sources, can provide information
that helps improve patient safety.”
The following recommendations were provided for health care providers:
“Continue to provide routine care and support to your patients with breast implants.
Be aware that cases of SCC and various lymphomas in the capsule around the breast
implant have been reported.
When examining breast implant specimens (for example, seroma, capsule, devices) for
diagnostic evaluation, characterize all findings and potential diagnoses.
Report cases of SCC, lymphomas, and any other cancers in the capsule around the breast
implant to the FDA. Prompt reporting of adverse events can help the FDA identify and
better understand the risks associated with medical devices (FDA, 2022a)
Tissue Expanders
Following mastectomy, some individuals have inadequate elasticity in the remaining tissue to
accommodate and support a breast implant. For these individuals, tissue expanders can be
inserted under the chest muscle or skin. The expander is an empty balloon-like container that,
over time, is injected with saline to cause the tissue to expand. The tissue expander is surgically
removed once an adequate pocket has been established, and the permanent implant is then
inserted. The most appropriate patients for this type of reconstruction are individuals who do not
qualify for autogenous reconstruction, individuals who do not want additional scars from other
donor sites, individuals who prefer a typically quicker postoperative recovery period, and
individuals who have relatively small breasts. Contraindication for this type of reconstruction are
mastectomy flaps that are too thin for adequate implant coverage and the completed or planned
use of adjuvant radiation therapy because of higher implant complication rates (ACS, 2019; Hu, et
al., 2007).
Tissue Flap Procedures
Autologous tissue/muscle breast flap reconstruction procedures are safe and effective and are a
well-established standard of care. Methods of autologous tissue breast reconstruction include local
flaps and distant flaps. Local flaps rely on transposition of muscle, subcutaneous tissue, and skin
into the mastectomy defect and remain attached to the native blood supply of the muscle (e.g.,
latissimus dorsi myocutaneous (LD) flap, pedicled transverse rectus abdominus myocutaneous
(TRAM) flap). Distant flap breast reconstruction requires the use of microvascular free-tissue
transfer (e.g., free TRAM flap, deep inferior epigastric perforator [DIEP] flap, superficial inferior
epigastric artery perforator [SIEP] flap, inferior or superior gluteal flap, superior gluteal artery
perforator flap, Reubens flap, transverse upper gracilis (TUG) flap). Breast reconstruction using
these donor sites relies on harvesting the flap with its vascular pedicle, which is anastomosed
using microsurgical technique to appropriate recipient vessels in the mastectomy site. The two
most common types of tissue flap procedures are the TRAM flap and the LD flap. Other tissue flap
surgeries are more specialized and may not be available everywhere. The choice of procedure for
a given individual is affected by age, health, contralateral breast size and shape, personal
preference, and the expertise of the reconstructive surgeon (ACS, 2019, Roehl, et al., 2012;
Spear et al., 2007; Mehrara et al., 2006; Alderman et al., 2006; Garvey et al., 2006; Bajaj et al.,
2006; Wechselberger, et al., 2004; Behnam et al., 2003).
Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforator (DIEP) Flap: A modification of the free TRAM flap is the
deep inferior epigastric perforator (DIEP) flap. This flap does not harvest any muscle or fascia
from the abdomen, and reportedly has significantly less donor-site morbidity than the usual TRAM
flap. Patients are thought to have reduced postoperative pain, a lower risk of abdominal bulge or
hernia, and less postoperative abdominal donor-site weakness. In reducing the amount of
disturbance to the abdominal wall donor site, however, use of the DIEP flap unavoidably reduces
the number of perforators supplying blood to the flap. This could potentially lead to a reduced
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supply of blood to the flap, thereby causing an increase in partial flap loss and fat necrosis
(American Society of Plastic Surgeons [ASPS], 2017; Kroll, 2000).
Latissimus Dorsi Myocutaneous (LD) Flap: The LD flap moves muscle and skin from the back
to reconstruct the breast. The LD flap is ideally suited for single-stage reconstruction for
individuals with small breasts and a moderate degree of ptosis and for patients with no available
abdominal donor site due to scars or lack of tissue. The LD flap can be used to correct
lumpectomy defects which require a smaller implant or no implant. Some individuals may have
weakness in their back, shoulder, or arm after this surgery. Relative contraindications to the LD
flap include: planned postoperative radiation therapy, bilateral reconstruction, and significant
breast ptosis. Contraindications to the LD flap include: previous lateral thoracotomy and
individuals with large breast volume who do not desire reduction (Roehl, et al., 2012).
Rubens Flap: The Rubens flap is based on the circumflex iliac vessels and is an option for
individuals who have an excess of soft tissue over the hips. Because this reconstructive procedure
is limited in bulk and skin envelope, and often requires a balancing procedure on the contralateral
hip, it is not usually considered as a first option for breast reconstruction (Roehl, et al., 2012).
Superficial Inferior Epigastric Perforator/Artery (SIEP/SIEA) Flap: The skin and fat of the
lower abdomen are supplied by perforators (vessels that perforate the rectus abdominis muscle),
including the superficial inferior epigastric artery (SIEA). For this type of reconstruction, an
elliptical flap of tissue is transferred from the lower abdomen to the chest while still allowing a
tension-free closure of the donor site in the abdomen. The apex of the triangular flap becomes the
tail of the reconstructed breast. The internal mammary artery perforators or thoracodorsal vessels
are often a good size match for the SIEA; these are anastomosed to the perforators of the graft
using microsurgical technique. Construction of an SIEA flap presents several technical challenges
and cannot be used in all cases (Hayes, 2014, reviewed 2016).
Superior or Inferior Gluteal Free Flap: The superior or inferior gluteal free flap requires skin,
fat, blood vessels, and muscle to be removed from the gluteus maximus to reconstruct the breast.
This technique is an option when the abdomen is no longer an alternative for flap transfer. This
flap is technically complex and has complications including: seroma, sciatica, unfavorable scar
location, and asymmetrical buttock contour (Roehl, et al., 2012).
Thoracodorsal Artery Perforator (TDAP) Flap: The TDAP flap is a rarely chosen source for
autogenous tissue breast reconstruction. The TDAP flap is an evolution of the LD flap. The TDAP
flap allows for collection of skin and soft tissue from the upper back without sacrifice of muscle
tissue. The flap is based on proximal perforating vessels that originate from the thoracodorsal
artery and vein. These vessels pass through the latissimus dorsi muscle and into the overlying
skin and fat (DellaCroce, 2015, updated 2023).
Transverse Rectus Abdominus Myocutaneous (TRAM) Flap: The TRAM flap is the most
commonly performed autologous reconstructive procedure and is considered the gold standard in
breast reconstruction because of the lower abdominal tissue’s similarities in consistency with
breast tissue and its aesthetic appearance. There are three types of TRAM flaps: unipedicle,
bipedicle, or free. Pedicle flaps involve leaving the flap attached to its original blood supply and
tunneling it under the skin to the breast area. Free flap involves cutting the flap free of skin, fat,
blood vessels, and muscle from its original location and attaching the flap to blood vessels in the
chest area. These procedures are indicated for individuals with (Zenn, 2021a, 2021b, 2023; Roehl,
et al., 2012):
large tissue requirement after mastectomy
history of radiation to the chest wall
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small or large opposite breast that is difficult to match with an implant
previous failure of implant reconstruction
excess lower abdominal tissue
Abdominal complications resulting from this surgery include loss of abdominal strength, abdominal
bulge and hernia formations. It is recommended that reconstruction be delayed when adjuvant
chemotherapy is planned, because complications of the reconstruction can be detrimental in
beginning the individual’s therapy.
Numerous factors place an individual at higher risk for complications and are therefore considered
relative contraindications to TRAM flap surgery (e.g., cardiac and/or pulmonary disease, diabetes,
history of pulmonary embolus or deep venous thrombosis) (Zenn, 2021a, 2021b, 2023; ASPS,
2017; Roehl, et al., 2012):
Transverse Upper Gracilis (TUG) Flap: The TUG flap is taken from the upper inner thigh area.
Part or all of the gracilis muscle is included with the flap to ensure the most reliable blood supply.
This is a breast reconstructive option for those individuals who have limited flap donor sites.
Candidates for TUG flap breast reconstruction include individuals desiring autogenous breast
reconstruction with sufficient upper inner thigh tissue but who have had a previous
abdominoplasty, or a flap taken from their abdomen. Very thin or athletic individuals who have
insufficient abdominal donor tissue may be candidates for the TUG flap. This flap may be referred
to as the TUG Perforator Flap which, as a perforator flap, it is a flap made of skin and fat only (no
muscle). The TUG Myocutaneous Flap includes skin, fat, a portion of the gracillis muscle and the
blood vessels associated with it to keep it alive. It is not usually considered as a first option for
breast reconstruction.
Omental Free Flap (LHOFF)/Omental Fat-Augmented Free Flap (O-FAFF): An omental flap
can be retrieved by laparoscopic or open approach and can be free or pedicled. During the free
flap procedure, the greater omentum is detached from the colon and stomach and the right
gastroepiploic vein and artery are clipped and connected to the internal mammary artery via
microsurgery. Reported advantages of an omental flap include: minimal blood loss, minimal donor
site morbidity, mimics the feel of a natural breast, low risk of ischemic complications, can be used
in obese individuals, and shows unique phenomenon of size gain. Limitations have been reported
as: unpredictable volume and not suitable for reconstruction in whole breast mastectomy.
Contraindications include: omental malignant nodules, omental cake, or malignant ascites, and
marked abdominal adhesions (Khater, et al., 2017; Zaha, et al., 2006; Cothier-Savey, et al.,
Flat Closure Chest Wall Reconstruction: Some individuals may elect to forgo breast
reconstruction for a variety of personal reasons. Others may not be candidates for breast
reconstruction due to health issues (e.g, obesity, blood circulation issues). In these situations, flat
closure chest wall reconstruction is an option. The National Cancer Institute defines an “aesthetic
flat closure” as “A type of surgery that is done to rebuild the shape of the chest wall after one or
both breasts are removed. An aesthetic flat closure may also be done after removal of a breast
implant that was used to restore breast shape. During an aesthetic flat closure, extra skin, fat,
and other tissue in the breast area are removed. The remaining tissue is then tightened and
smoothed out so that the chest wall appears flat.” (NCI, 2024; ACS, 2021)
Intraoperative Assessment of Tissue Perfusion
One of the reported causes of early complications following breast reconstructive procedures is
considered to be inadequate tissue perfusion. Accurate and reliable intraoperative evaluation of
tissue perfusion is needed to reduce complications and improve clinical outcomes. Besides clinical
judgement, several technologies to assess tissue vascularity have been evaluated in studies and
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are used clinically (e.g., intraoperative laser angiography using indocyanine green (ICG);
fluorescein, doppler) (Gurtner, et al., 2013). One device that is used is the SPY
Imaging System (Stryker, Kalamazoo, MI; formerly Novadaq Technologies Inc., Mississauga,
Ontario) (510(k) Number: K083898). Intra-operative assessment of tissue perfusion is considered
an integral part of a breast reconstruction procedure.
Reconstruction of the Nipple-Areolar Complex
This portion of the breast reconstruction is usually performed as a second or third stage after the
breast mound has been constructed. The recreation of the nipple-areolar complex involves various
proposed techniques such as skin grafts, autologous and xenograft cartilage grafts, local tissue
flaps, tissue-engineered structures, and tattooing and/or transplantation of nipple-areolar tissue
from the opposite breast. It has been reported that within 12 months, most reconstructed nipples
undergo a 50% reduction in projection. Therefore, the nipple should be made larger than desired
during the initial surgery. The rebuilding of the nipple-areolar area is conducted first, and the
tattooing procedure is done when swelling has subsided, usually 36 weeks after nipple creation.
Successful nipple-areola reconstruction is expected to maintain nipple projection and areola size;
however, longevity of this reconstruction is highly variable and is influenced by factors such as
tissue thickness, scar contracture, trauma and radiation. Tattooing is commonly repeated (Chun,
2017, updated 2023; Beckenstein, 2014; Roehl, et al., 2012; Heitland, et al., 2006; Guerra, et al.,
Local tissue flaps are the most frequently performed methods of nipple reconstruction. Nipple
reconstruction with local flaps is achieved with various techniques, each with its own proponents
and benefits. These include the skate flap, bell flap, double opposing tab flap, star flap, top-hat
flap, twin flap, propeller flap, S flap, rolled dermal-fat flap, and autologous cartilage. Acellular
dermal matrices used alone or in conjunction with local flaps are being proposed as well as
injectable materials for nipple reconstruction. Some have also advocated creating a more stable
de-epithelialized skin base for the reconstructed nipple to minimize loss of projection (Chun, 2017,
updated 2021; Beckenstein, 2014).
Loss of nipple projection commonly occurs a few years after reconstruction. This problem may be
reduced with the use of bell and double opposing tab flaps. Various procedures such as re-
elevating the flap; inserting autologous dermal tissue, autologous or banked cartilage; and using
filler injection or AlloDerm are proposed as secondary nipple reconstruction procedures.
Discoloration and uneven pigment distribution may occur over time and can usually be corrected
with tattooing (Chun, 2017, updated 2021).
In a systematic review, Winocour et al. (2016) reported the efficacy, projection, and complication
rates of different materials used in nipple reconstruction. A total of 31 retrospective and
prospective studies with controlled and uncontrolled conditions reporting on outcomes of
autologous, allogeneic, and synthetic grafts in nipple reconstruction were included. The authors
reported heterogeneity in the type of material used within each category and inconsistent
methodology used in outcomes assessment in nipple reconstruction. Overall, the quality of
evidence is low. Synthetic materials have higher complication rates and allogeneic grafts have
nipple projection comparable to that of autologous grafts. The authors reported that further
investigation with high-level evidence is necessary to determine the optimal material for nipple
Xenograft Cartilage Grafting: The use of cartilage is another method of nipple reconstruction,
particularly in prosthetic reconstruction where there might be a soft-tissue deficiency. The
procedure is applicable to both unilateral and bilateral nipple reconstruction, is reported to be an
easy procedure to perform, does not involve a donor site, and maintains long-lasting projection. A
reported disadvantage of donated cartilage is that the resulting nipple is unnaturally firm. If the
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grafts are placed too superficially and do not have a smooth contour, they can extrude through
the skin, warranting revision and/or removal. Caution is recommended with thin skin flaps or
irradiated tissue which can also make extrusion more likely. The use of simple nipple–areola
tattooing is recommended for these patients. Autologous cartilage grafting in breast
reconstruction procedures is the standard of care. There is a lack of lack of evidence in the peer
reviewed published literature on the long-term outcomes, safety and efficacy of Xenograft
cartilage use in breast reconstructive procedures.
: Juvederm (Allergan, Irvin, TX) Voluma
XC hyaluronic acid filler has been proposed
to reshape nipples after reconstruction of the breast following mastectomy. On October 22, 2013,
Juvederm Voluma XC received FDA premarket approval (PMA). The FDA indications for use state
that the device is indicated for deep (subcutaneous and/or supraperiosteal) injection for cheek
augmentation to correct age-related volume deficit in the midface in adults over the age of 21.
Breast reconstruction is not specifically mentioned as an approved FDA indication (PMA Number:
P110033). Evidence in the published, peer-reviewed scientific literature supporting the use of this
product in breast reconstructive procedures is lacking and its role is unclear.
: Radiesse (BioForm Medical, Inc., San Mateo, CA) has been proposed to reshape
nipples after reconstruction of the breast following mastectomy. Radiesse injections consist of very
small, smooth calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA) microspheres that are suspended in a water-based
gel carrier. Radiesse has received PMA approval by the FDA as a medical device for subdermal
implantation for two indications: correction of moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds such as
nasolabial folds and the correction of facial fat loss in people with human immunodeficiency virus
(PMA Number: P050037). There remains a lack of evidence in the peer reviewed published
literature on the long-term outcomes, safety and efficacy of Radiesse in breast reconstructive
Cook Biodesign
Nipple Reconstruction Cylinder: The Cook Biodesign Nipple Reconstruction
Cylinder (Cook Biotech Incorporated, West Lafayette, IN) is a porcine non-cross-linked, non-
dermis-based biologic graft material that is marketed for breast procedures including breast
reconstruction, breast revision and mastopexy. It may be used in combination with Biodesign
Tissue Generation Matrix. On June 20, 2011, the Cook Biodesign Nipple Reconstruction Cylinder
received FDA 510(k) approval. The FDA indications for use states it is intended for implantation to
reinforce soft tissue where weakness exists in plastic and reconstructive surgery of the nipple. The
cylinder is supplied sterile and is intended for one-time use. The Biodesign Nipple Reconstruction
Cylinder is a rolled Small Intestinal Submucosa (SIS) mesh and available in sizes from 0.7 cm to
1.0 cm in diameter and 1.0 cm to 2.5 cm in length. The cylinder is a scaffold which becomes
infiltrated by the host cells during the body’s natural repair process. The device is implanted using
a skin flap procedure that prevents migration of the device. The clinical performance of the
Biodesign Nipple Reconstruction Cylinder was assessed in two case studies and anecdotal evidence
of 186 device implants. Of the 188 implants, complications included device extrusion (number of
extrusions not given). Follow-up periods ranged from 2 to 12 months. The clinical studies showed
the Biodesign Nipple Reconstruction Cylinder as substantially equivalent to its predicates in its
application (510(k) Number: K110402).
In the first multi-center prospective study, Collins et al. (2016) reported on the use of the
Biodesign Nipple Reconstruction Cylinder (NRC) during reconstruction of the nipple after
mastectomy in patients with a history of breast cancer and mastectomy. Unilateral or bilateral
nipple reconstruction was performed. Skin flaps were raised, the NRC was placed beneath the
flaps as a stent, and the site was protected for up to four weeks with a nipple shield. Nipple
projection was measured for 12 months after surgery. Patient satisfaction was measured, and
adverse events were recorded. Follow-up examinations were performed at one week, and then at
one, three, six, and 12 months after surgery. A total of 82 nipple reconstructions were performed
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in 50 patients. Related postoperative adverse events were minor but reported in eight
reconstructions (9.8%) representing seven patients (14.0%). Average projection at six and 12
months was 4.1±1.6 mm and 3.8±1.5 mm, respectively, compared with 10.5±2.2 mm one
week after surgery. Of patients completing the satisfaction questionnaire at 12 months, 70/75
(93.3%) of reconstructions were rated "pleased" or "very pleased" with the overall outcome.
Overall, 45/46 (97.8%) patients would recommend nipple reconstruction to other women. This
study is limited by the small homogenous sample size, lack of a control group and short-term
There is a lack of evidence in the peer reviewed published literature regarding the long-term
outcomes and efficacy of the Cook Biodesign Nipple Reconstruction Cylinder for use in breast
reconstruction or for any other indication.
Contralateral Breast
Although the goal of breast reconstruction is to maintain symmetry, the process may leave the
opposite or contralateral breast larger or smaller than the surgical breast. To correct this
asymmetry, a mastopexy or reduction mammoplasty may be performed on the contralateral
breast. If the reconstructed breast is larger, then an augmentation mammoplasty with implant
may be performed on the nondiseased breast (Roehl, et al., 2012).
Oncoplastic Reconstruction
Oncoplastic procedures are performed immediately or one to two weeks after lumpectomy, once
final pathology is available. They include rearrangement of the remaining breast tissue through a
variety of techniques, often adhering to breast reduction principles. In addition, more tissue can
be brought into the breast to correct the volume deficit, often in the form of a latissimus dorsi
flap. Indications for these procedures depend on the patient’s preoperative breast size, available
remaining breast tissue, and overall goals for ultimate breast size and shape. All these procedures
are done prior to radiation to prevent contracture of the lumpectomy defect and distortion of the
nipple-areolar complex (Roehl, et al., 2012).
Radiation Tattoo Markers: Ink markers are tattooed as landmarks before radiotherapy of breast
cancer with the purpose of obtaining a precise radiation field. These tattoos are permanent and
are the size of a freckle. Individuals may have these tattoo markers removed via laser or punch
biopsy excision as a part of the overall breast reconstruction procedure (Bregnhoj, et al., 2010).
Nonsurgical Options
Some women may choose not to have breast reconstruction or are poor candidates for
reconstruction. For these women, an external breast prosthesis and/or mastectomy bras are
additional options (Hu, et al., 2007).
Skin Substitutes
During breast reconstruction, acellular dermal skin substitutes (i.e., AlloDerm
, AlloMax
and FlexHD
) are primarily used in the setting of tissue expander and breast implant
reconstruction. Patients should be in overall good health and have no underlying condition that
would restrict blood flow or interfere with the normal healing process (e.g., uncontrolled diabetes,
hypertension, previous surgery). These matrixes may be indicated when there is insufficient tissue
expander or implant coverage by the pectoralis major muscle and additional coverage is required,
as may be the case in a very thin patient; if there is viable but compromised or thin post-
mastectomy skin flaps that are at risk of dehiscence or necrosis; or if there is a need to re-
establish the inframammary fold and lateral mammary fold landmarks. When used in appropriate
candidates, these skin substitutes are proposed to improve control over placement of the
inframammary fold and final breast contour, enhance use of available mastectomy skin, reduce
the number of expander fills necessary, reduce time to complete expansion and eventual implant
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exchange, potential improved management of a threatened implant, reduce the need for
explantation and the potential for reduction in the incidence of capsular contracture. However,
there are ongoing concerns regarding the increased risk of seroma and infection, a higher risk of
an implant having to be removed, and tissue flap death (ACS, 2019; Nguyen, et al., 2011; Sbitany
and Serletti, 2011).
There is a paucity of data comparing the skin substitute products directly. The products vary in
many aspects, including the source of tissue, processing, storage, surgical preparation and
available sizes. The most familiar product to most plastic surgeons, AlloDerm, was the first human
dermis product available in 1994 (Cheng, et al., 2012).
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Depending on the purpose of the product and how it functions, skin substitutes are regulated by
the FDA premarket approval (PMA) process, 510(k) premarket notification process, or the FDA
regulations for banked human tissue.
Products that are classified by the FDA under the PMA process as a class III, high-risk device
require clinical data to support their claims for use. These devices may be used as a long-term
skin substitute or a temporary synthetic skin substitute. They actively promote healing by
interacting directly or indirectly with the body tissues.
Other wound care devices are approved by the 510(k) process, and their primary purpose is to
protect the wound and provide a scaffold for healing. They may or may not be integrated into the
body tissue. Some devices are rejected by the body after approximately ten days to several weeks
and removed prior to definitive wound therapy or skin grafting.
In 2021, the FDA issued a safety communication regarding acellular dermal matrix (ADM)
products indicating that higher complication rates may be present in certain ADMs used in
implant-based breast reconstruction. ADMs are developed from either human (e.g., FlexHD,
AlloMax, AlloDerm) or animal skin (e.g., SurgiMend) and have had the cells removed leaving
behind the support structure for use. The FDA has not approved any ADMs for the indication of
implant-based breast reconstruction. The FDA’s safety communication cited a prospective corhort
study evaluating safety outcomes (i.e., reoperation, explantation, infection) from implant-based
breast reconstruction surgeries after mastectomy in multiple centers in the United States and
Canada that showed significantly higher complication rates in patients with FlexHD and AlloMax
ADMs two years after surgery compared to a control group that did not receive an ADM. The FDA
pointed to a need for additional, high-quality studies evaluating the safety and efficacy of ADMs.
As a result of their analysis, the FDA has given the following recommendations for health care
“Discuss the potential benefits and risks of all relevant treatment options with your patients
as part of a shared decision-making process.
Be aware that the FDA has not approved or cleared any ADM products for use in implant-
based breast reconstruction. Data analyzed by the FDA and published literature suggest
that some ADMs may have higher risk profiles than others.
Be aware that the FDA does not recommend reoperation or removal of implanted ADM as a
preventive measure.
Report any patient adverse events to the FDA MedWatch program, using the information in
the Reporting Problems with Your Device page” (FDA, 2021d).
Donated skin that requires minimal processing and is not significantly changed in structure from
its natural form is classified by the FDA as banked human tissue, is not considered a medical
device, and does not require PMA or 510(k) approval. Donated skin (human cells or tissue)
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intended for implantation, transplantation, infusion, or transfer into a human recipient is regulated
as a human cell, tissue, and cellular and tissue-based product (HCT/P) by the Center for Biologics
Evaluation and Research (CBER) (FDA, 2021). The American Association of Tissue Banks (AATB)
sets standards for the safety and use of donated human tissue (AATB, 2019). AATB oversees a
voluntary accreditation program and the FDA focuses on preventing the transmission of
communicable diseases by requiring donor screening and testing. Tissue establishments must
register with the FDA and list each cell or tissue produced. An example of a banked human tissue
product is AlloDerm, an acellular dermal matrix (FDA, 2004).
The following skin substitutes are derived from human tissue and therefore subject to the rules
and regulations for banked human tissue developed by the American Association of Tissue Banks
(AATB) (this list may not be all-inclusive):
The safety and efficacy of the skin substitutes listed below are supported by the evidence in the
published peer-reviewed scientific literature and/or are established treatment options for post-
mastectomy breast reconstruction.
: AlloDerm (Allergan
, Parsippany, NJ [formerly LifeCell
Corporation, Branchburg,
NJ]) is an acellular dermal matrix allograft classified as banked human tissue by the FDA because
it is minimally processed and not significantly changed in structure from the natural material.
AlloDerm is an established treatment option and is supported by the evidence in the published
peer-reviewed scientific literature for tissue repair during postmastectomy breast reconstruction
(Lee, et al., 2018; McCarthy, et al., 2012; Cheng, et al., 2012; Vardanian, et al., 2012; Jansen
and Macadam, 2011; Salzberg, et al., 2011; Joanna, et al., 2011; Antony, et al., 2010; Haddock,
et al., 2010; Spear, et al., 2008; Bindingnavele, et al., 2007; Breuing and Colwell, 2007;
Zienowicz, et al., 2007; Gamboa-Bobadilla, 2006; Glasberg, et al., 2006; Salzberg, 2006;
Breuing, et al., 2005; Nahabedian, 2005). Various forms of AlloDerm are available including
Regenerative Tissue Matrix, AlloDerm Select
Tissue Matrix and AlloDerm Select Duo
Tissue Matrix Bilateral Pair (Allergan Aesthetics, 2023; Hayes, 2019, reviewed 2020).
: AlloMax Surgical Graft (Bard Davol, Inc. Warwick, RI) is an acellular non-cross-linked
human dermis allograft. Because AlloMax is a natural human product it is classified as banked
human tissue and does not require FDA approval. It is regulated by the American Association of
Tissue Banks and the FDA guidelines for banked human tissue. AlloMax Surgical Graft is available
in multiple sizes. The AlloMax Surgical Graft for Breast Reconstruction (previously marketed as
NeoForm) is proposed for post-mastectomy breast reconstruction and is an established skin
substitute for this indication (Venturi, et al., 2013; Bard, 2017).
Cortiva (RTI Surgical, Alachua, FL) is a non-crosslinked, cadaveric human acellular dermal matrix
processed by Tutoplast technology using low-dose gamma irradiation. The matrix is FDA regulated
as human cell, tissue, and cellular and tissue-based product (361 HCT/P) and proposed for the
repair, replacement, reconstruction or augmentation of soft tissue, including supplemental support
and reinforcement of soft tissue in breast reconstruction and hernia repair. There are three
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products: Cortiva, Cortiva 1.0 mm and Cortiva 1 mm tailored allograft dermis. The matrixes are
offered in regular and 1 mm thicknesses and supplied in a range of sizes from 2x4 cm to 16x20
cm (RTI, Inc., 2021; Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services [CMS], 2015). Cortiva has
evolved into an acceptable tissue substitute for breast reconstruction and a randomized controlled
trial with short-term follow-up reported that outcomes with Cortiva were not inferior to outcomes
using AlloDerm.
Parikh, et al. (2018) reported the outcomes of a phase 2 randomized controlled trial that
compared outcomes following breast reconstruction surgery using Cortiva 1 mm allograft or
AlloDerm Ready to Use (RTU) regenerative tissue matrix. The 16x8 cm graft was used as a sling
to support tissue expanders placed in the submuscular location in one study arm, and prepectoral
reconstructions with tissue expanders (TEs) or direct-to-implants (DTI) in a second study arm.
The interim analysis of the submuscular reconstruction group is reported herein. Breasts
reconstructed with AlloDerm RTU (n=17 patients; 28 breasts) or Cortiva 1 mm (n=17 patients; 31
breasts) submuscular TE, completed the interim analysis. During the study a significant shift to
prepectoral reconstructions was noted and the prepectoral arm of the study was added to optimize
enrollment rates. Patients who underwent prepectoral breast reconstruction with either DTI or TE
supported by a 20x16 cm ADM sheet were compared in a separate study arm. The decision to
proceed with prepectoral or submuscular reconstruction with either a TE or DTI was determined
preoperatively. Female patients, aged 2270 years old, undergoing immediate prosthetic
reconstruction following therapeutic or prophylactic skin- or nipple-sparing mastectomy with a
body mass index (BMI) less than 36 kg/m
were included. Excluded patients were those who were
pregnant or breastfeeding immediately before mastectomy. The primary outcome measure was
premature explantation of the TE before exchange, or unintended explantation of a DTI
reconstruction during the first three months postoperatively. Secondary outcome measures
included other complications (e.g., seroma, cellulitis, wound or ADM dehiscence, skin flap
necrosis). Patients undergoing TE placement in either study arm were followed until there was TE
exchange with an implant, flap, or both, or there was premature removal of the device. Patients
undergoing DTI reconstruction were followed for at least three months following surgery. Patients
undergoing reoperation of the surgical site without device exchange or removal were kept in the
study. Patients underwent planned exchange of TEs for implants or flaps within 145.6 ± 51.6 days
in the AlloDerm group and 167.0 ± 61.5 days in the Cortiva 1 mm group (p=0.27), not
statistically significant. Most patient were exchanged with breast implant alone, but 14.3% in the
AlloDerm group and 26.6% in the Cortiva group (p=0.25) received an autologous flap, not
statistically significant. There was no significant difference between the group in integration of the
ADM to the mastectomy flap (p=0.69), in drain removal between the groups or in physical well-
being, or satisfaction with information or plastic surgeon. A significant difference was seen in
detectable seroma in the AlloDerm (n=3) vs. the Cortiva group (n=0). Premature explantation
was performed in no Alloderm breast vs. one breast with Coriva. The initial size of the TE selected
was significantly larger in patients reconstructed with Cortiva 1 mm (p=0.02). The AlloDerm RTU
group was comprised of a significantly higher proportion of patients who had never smoked
(p=0.009). This interim analysis of submuscular reconstructions patients revealed no evidence of
inferiority of outcomes of AlloDerm vs. Cortiva. Limitations of the study include the small patient
population and short-term follow-up.
: DermACELL (LifeNet Health
, Virginia Beach, VA) is an acellular human dermis
allograft collagen scaffold proposed for the treatment of breast reconstruction. LifeNet Health is
registered with the FDA as an establishment producing tissue- and cellular-based products.
is a patented process that removes > 97% of donor DNA that renders Demacell
acellular. Terminal sterilization is performed by low dose gamma irradiation. The use of
DermACELL for breast reconstruction has evolved into an accepted standard of practice. Although
the evidence supporting DermACELL for breast reconstruction is primarily in the form of case
series and retrospective reviews, outcomes reported a significant improvement in time to drainage
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removal and fewer “red breast episodes” compared to AlloDerm (Pittman, et al., 2016). Zenn et
al. (2016) reported that DermACELL was as good as Alloderm RTU in the occurrence of
postoperative infection, implant loss, seroma and hematoma. Other studies have also reported
favorable outcomes with DermACELL (Bullocks, et al., 2014; Vashi, 2014). Therefore, DermACELL
has evolved into an accepted skin substitute for breast reconstruction (Swisher, et al., 2022;
Ortiz, 2017; Chang and Liu, 2017; Pittman, et al., 2016; Zenn, et al., 2016; Bullocks, et al.,
2014; Vashi, 2014).
Acellular Hydrated Dermis: FlexHD Acellular Hydrated Dermis (Musculoskeletal
Transplant Foundation, Edison, NJ) is a matrix derived from donated human allograft skin. The
product is regulated by the American Association of Tissue Banks and the FDA guidelines for
banked human tissue. FlexHD is indicated for the replacement of damaged or inadequate
integumental tissue or for the repair, reinforcement or supplemental support of soft tissue defects.
Flex HD is available in multiple sizes and configurations including the FlexHD Pliable PREwhich is
a deeper cut of ADM consisting entirely of reticular dermis for ease of graft placement. Results of
case series and retrospective reviews in the peer-reviewed literature support the safety and
efficacy of FlexHD for use during postmastectomy breast reconstruction. FlexHD is an established
skin substitute for this indication (Lee, et al., 2018; Liu, et al., 2014; Seth, et al., 2013; Seth, et
al., 2012; Brooke, et al., 2012; Rawlani, et al., 2011; Cahan, et al., 2011; Topol, et al., 2008).
Dermis: Neoform Dermis (Mentor Corp., Santa Barbara, CA) is a solvent-dehydrated,
gamma-irradiated preserved human allograft dermis indicated for use as a soft tissue graft for
horizontal and vertical soft tissue augmentation of thickness and length, such as breast
reconstruction. NeoForm is classified as banked human tissue by the FDA. Although evidence in
the published, peer-reviewed scientific literature supporting the use of this product in breast
reconstruction is limited, Neoform Dermis is an established skin substitute used for tissue
expansion in breast reconstruction following a mastectomy. Neoform is no longer available for
Other Skin Substitutes
Additional skin substitutes have been proposed as treatment options in breast reconstruction as
discussed below, but the evidence in the published peer-reviewed scientific literature does not
support the safety and efficacy of the use of these substitutes. The number of available studies is
limited and involves small, heterogeneous patient populations, short-term follow-ups, minimal
comparisons to the established treatment method for the condition, and/or lack of a control group.
In some cases, reported outcomes are inconsistent, and a consensus on patient selection criteria
and the appropriate surgical approach and techniques that should be used have not been
Reconstructive Tissue Matrix: ARTIA Reconstructive Tissue Matrix (Artia Tissue
Matrix)/ ARTIA Tissue Matrix-Perforated (Allergan
, Parsippany, NJ [formerly LifeCell
Corporation, Branchburg, NJ]) is a surgical mesh that is derived from porcine skin that is
processed and preserved in a patented phosphate buffered aqueous solution containing matrix
stabilizers. ARTIA was originally developed by LifeCell Corporation and is currently distributed by
Allergan. According to the FDA 510(k) approval, ARTIA Tissue Matrix is intended for use as a soft
tissue patch to reinforce soft tissue where weakness exists and for the surgical repair of damaged
or ruptured soft tissue membranes which require the use of reinforcing or bridging material to
obtain the desired surgical outcome. The implant is intended for reinforcement in plastic and
reconstructive surgery (510(k) Number: K162752). There is insufficient evidence to support the
safety and efficacy of ARTIA Reconstructive Tissue Matrix as a skin substitute for breast
reconstructive surgery.
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Nerve Graft: Mastectomy can result in diminished or absent sensation which can lead
to a decreased sense of femininity and sexuality and potential thermal or mechanical injury.
Neurotization is a technique used to repair the loss of sensation and can be achieved through
autografts, allografts, or nerve conduit tubes depending on the length of the gap (Hamilton, et al.,
2021). Neurotization using allografts has been proposed as a means to bridge large nerve gaps
when nerve autografts are not feasible with the potential to recover sensation earlier and with
increased quality and quantity. Avance Nerve Graft (AxoGen, Inc., Alachua, FL) is an acellular,
processed human peripheral nerve tissue proposed for the surgical repair of severed peripheral
nerve discontinuities to support regeneration. The device maintains a 3-dimention scaffold that is
proposed to support cell migration and tissue regeneration. Avance is regulated by the FDA
Human Cellular and Tissue-based Products and the guidelines of the American Association of
Tissue Banks (AATB). The product is available in 16 sizes (Axogen, 2024).
Literature Review
There is insufficient evidence to support the safety and efficacy of neurotization with processed
nerve allografts (e.g., Avance Nerve Graft) after mastectomy either during immediate or delayed
breast reconstruction. Studies are in the form of a cohort studies and case reports limited by small
patient populations, short term follow-up and heterogeneity of surgical procedures. Studies were
also lacking safety outcomes (Peled, et al., 2023; Momeni, et al., 2021; Djohan, et al., 2020;
Peled and Peled, 2019).
Momeni et al., (2021) conducted a cohort study of individuals from a single institution to evaluate
sensation outcomes of the reconstructed breast following neurotization using a processed nerve
allograft. This study was an arm of the Registry study of Avance Nerve Graft utilization,
Evaluations, and outcomes in peripheral nerve Repair (RANGER). Patients (n=59; breasts=96)
ranged in age from 2469 years old. A total of 33 patients were white, 14 were Asian, and 12
were Hispanic. Patients who underwent microsurgical breast reconstruction following mastectomy
with free abdominal flaps by a single surgeon with follow-up of ≥12 months were included in the
study. Patients who underwent autologous reconstruction using donor-sites other than the
abdomen, reconstruction with stacked flaps, and implant-based reconstruction were excluded.
There were two cohort groups: patients who underwent flap neurotization utilizing a 1-2mm x
50mm processed human nerve allograft (i.e., Avance, AxoGen, Alachua, FL) (n=39; breasts=59)
and those who did not undergo neurotization (n=20; breasts=37). The primary outcome
measured was cutaneous pressure threshold using the Semmes-Weinstein monofilaments test
(SWMF) at nine pre-defined locations on the breast. Follow-up took place at three, six, twelve, and
eighteen months. The majority of patients in both groups underwent bilateral immediate
reconstruction following nipple-sparing mastectomy for malignancy. However, procedures also
included areola-sparing, skin sparing, and simple mastectomy and reconstruction also included
delayed-immediate and delayed. A total of 22 patients (group 1=22 breasts; group 2=14 breasts)
had a complete data set at ≥12 months and were included in the final analysis. Compared to
those who did not undergo neurotization, group one was associated with a greater likelihood for
return of protective sensation in the majority of breast locations (p<0.01). Author noted
limitations of the study included: non-randomized study design, small sample size, and a lack of
secondary outcomes (e.g., impact of medical conditions, chemotherapy, radiotherapy on sensory
outcomes). Additional limitations of the study include short term follow-up, heterogeneity of
mastectomy procedures, and the lack of safety outcome measures. Additional long-term, high
quality studies are needed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of neurotization using processed
nerve allografts on sensation outcomes in patients who underwent mastectomy and breast
Acellular Hydrated Dermis: BellaDerm Acellular Hydrated Dermis (Musculoskeletal
Transplant Foundation, Edison, NJ) is human allograft skin minimally processed to remove
epidermal and dermal cells and is packaged in an ethanol solution. The process utilized preserves
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the extracellular matrix of the dermis. The resulting allograft serves as a framework to support
cellular repopulation and vascularization at the surgical site. BellaDerm is processed to remove
cells while maintaining the integrity of the matrix with the intent to address the issues of the
specific and nonspecific inflammatory responses. It is used for the replacement of damaged or
inadequate integumental tissue or for the repair, reinforcement or supplemental support of soft
tissue defects. Grafts of BellaDerm can range between 0.8mm and 1.7mm. It is used for breast
augmentation revision procedures, including correction of symmastia, capsular contracture,
bottoming out and malposition. There is insufficient evidence to support the safety and efficacy of
BellaDerm Acellular Hydrated Dermis as a skin substitute for breast reconstructive surgery.
DermaMatrix Acellular Dermis: DermaMatrix (formerly manufactured by Synthes Inc., West
Chester, PA) is an allograft derived from human skin and is classified by the FDA as banked
human tissue. DermaMatrix is proposed for use for breast reconstruction postmastectomy. Per the
manufacturer, as of June 2014, DermaMatrix is no longer available for distribution.
Monofilament Mesh/ Polydioxanone Surgical Scaffold™: DuraSorb
Monofilament Mesh/ Polydioxanone Surgical Scaffold (Surgical Innovation Associates, Inc [SIA];
Philadelphia, PA) is a resorbable, colorless, monofilament knit surgical mesh made entirely of
uncolored and undyed polydioxanone (PDO) thread. Polydioxanone Surgical Scaffold is proposed
for use in reinforcement of soft tissue where weakness exists. On August 1, 2018, 510(k) approval
(510(k) Number: K181094) was given to Polydioxanone Surgical Scaffold. It is manufactured in
two rectangular shapes: 6x16 cm and 10x25 cm. According to the manufacturer’s Instructions for
Use, DuraSorb has not been studied for use in the repair of direct inguinal hernias, intraperitoneal
use, contaminated and/or infected wounds or in breast reconstructive surgeries (Surgical
Innovation Associates, 2021). Evidence is lacking in the published peer-reviewed literature to
support the clinical effectiveness of DuraSorb Monofilament Mesh/ Polydioxanone Surgical Scaffold
for any indication.
Scaffold: This
surgical scaffold (Tepha, Inc., Lexington, MA) is a sterile, knitted,
resorbable mesh, constructed of non-dyed monofilament fibers made from poly-4-
hydroxylbutyrate (P4HB). P4HB is produced from a naturally occurring monomer and is processed
into monofilament fibers and knitted into a surgical fold. It is provided in single sheets of varying
widths, lengths and shapes, and may also be cut to the shape or size desired for a specific
application. According to the FDA 510(k) approval GalaFLEX Scaffold is indicated for use “as a
transitory scaffold for soft tissue support and to repair, elevate and reinforce deficiencies where
weakness or voids exist that require the addition of material to obtain the desired surgical
outcome. This includes reinforcement of soft tissue in plastic and reconstructive surgery, and
general soft tissue reconstruction”. In November 2017, Hayes published a Clinical Research
Response for this product concluding that "Based on a review of published abstracts, there is
insufficient evidence to inform conclusions regarding the efficacy of GalaFLEX Surgical Scaffold for
use as reinforcement in soft tissue reconstruction”. There is insufficient evidence to support the
safety and efficacy of GalaFLEX Scaffold as a skin substitute for breast reconstructive surgery
(Hayes, 2017; Williams, et al., 2016) (510(k) Number: K140533).
3DR Scaffold: GalaFLEX
3DR Scaffold (Tepha, Inc., Lexington, MA) is a
bioresorbable surgical scaffold manufactured from P4HB. According to the FDA 510(k) approval,
GalaFLEX 3DR Scaffold (formerly known as GalaFORM 3D scaffold) is indicated for use as a
bioresorbable scaffold for soft tissue support and to repair, elevate and reinforce deficiencies
where weakness or voids exist that require the addition of material to obtain the desired surgical
outcome. This includes reinforcement of soft tissue in plastic and reconstructive surgery, and
general soft tissue reconstruction. GalaFLEX
3DR Scaffold is also indicated for the repair of fascial
defects that require the addition of a reinforcing or bridging material to obtain the desired surgical
result. The predicate device is GalaFLEX
Scaffold (510(k) Number: K162922). There is
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insufficient evidence to support the safety and efficacy of GalaFLEX
3DR Scaffold as a skin
substitute for breast reconstructive surgery.
GalaFLEX 3D Scaffold: GalaFLEX 3D Scaffold (formerly known as GalaSHAPE 3D) (Tepha, Inc.,
Lexington, MA) is a 3-dimensional monofilament scaffold made from poly-4-hydroxylbutyrate
(P4HB). After implantation, the scaffold is proposed to gradually bioresorb over 18-24 months
providing a lattice for new tissue ingrowth and regeneration. The FDA 510(k) approval indications
for use state that “GalaSHAPE3D is indicated for use as a bioresorbable scaffold for soft tissue
support and to repair, elevate and reinforce deficiencies where weakness or voids exist that
require the addition of material to obtain the desired surgical outcome. This includes
reinforcement of soft tissue in plastic and reconstructive surgery, and general soft tissue
reconstruction. GalaSHAPE3D is also indicated for the repair of fascial defects that require the
addition of a reinforcing or bridging material to obtain the desired surgical result” (Galatea
Surgical, 2024) (510(k) Number: K161092). The Galatea products are available in various sizes in
oval, rectangular, triangular, circular shapes and can be custom made. There is insufficient
evidence to support the safety and efficacy of Galatea products as a skin substitute for breast
reconstructive surgery.
: hMatrix Acellular Dermis (Bacterin International Holdings Inc., Belgrade, MT) is an
acellular dermal scaffold processed from donated human skin. The dermis is processed using a
proprietary method and the matrix is packaged and sterilized using low-dose gamma irradiation.
hMatrix is regulated by the American Association of Tissue Banks and the FDA guidelines for
banked human tissue. The product is stored and supplied frozen. Bacterin hMatrix PR for breast
augmentation (Bacterin, 2015). hMatrix is available in four sizes. There is insufficient evidence to
support the safety and efficacy of hMatrix as a skin substitute for breast reconstruction.
: OviTex
, Inc., Malvern, PA) is a reinforced tissue matrix composed of
interwoven biologic material derived from ovine rumen and polymer reinforcement. The polymer
fiber is available in resorbable or permanent variations. It is proposed for use as a surgical mesh
to reinforce and/or repair soft tissue where weakness exists. Indications for use include the repair
of hernias and/or abdominal wall defects that require the use of reinforcing or bridging material to
obtain the desired surgical outcome. The OviTex portfolio of products includes: OviTex, a four
layer device not intended for intraperitoneal placement; OviTex 1S, a six layer device with smooth
external layers suitable for intraperitoneal placement; OviTex 2S, an eight layer device with two
smooth external layers suitable for intraperitoneal placement; OviTex LPR, a four layer device with
a smooth side suitable for laparoscopic and robotic-assisted intraperitoneal placement; and OviTex
PRS, a two or three layer device available in four shapes for plastic and reconstructive surgery. In
order to achieve better fluid management, tissue integration, and directional flexibility, OviTex
PRS was designed with micropores, macropores, and stents to address soft tissue repair in plastic
and reconstructive surgery (TelaBio
Inc., 2024). OviTex received FDA 510(k) (K141053) as
Ovine Tissue Matrix (OTM) in 2014 (FDA, 2022). It is available in various sizes. Evidence in the
published, peer-reviewed scientific literature supporting the use of this product in breast
reconstruction is lacking and its role is unclear.
: The Permacol Crosslinked Porcine Dermal Collagen Surgical Mesh (Tissue Sciences
Laboratories PLC, Hants, United Kingdom), a xenograft, is a fibrous flat sheet comprised of
acellular porcine dermal collagen and elastin. According to the FD) 510(k) approval, Permacol
intended for use as a soft tissue patch to reinforce soft tissue where weakness exists and for the
surgical repair of damaged or ruptured soft tissue membranes (510(k) number: K992556). Breast
reconstruction is not specifically mentioned as an approved FDA indication. However, muscle flap
reinforcement is an FDA-approved indication for use. Permacol is available in multiple sizes.
Evidence in the published, peer-reviewed scientific literature supporting the use of this product in
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breast reconstruction is lacking and its role is unclear (Knabben, et al., 2017; Ramsden, et al.,
Mesh: Phasix Mesh (Bard Davol, Inc. Warwick, RI), is a fully resorbable P4HB polymer
material proposed for use in breast reconstructive procedures. The P4HB is produced from a
naturally occurring monomer and is processed into monofilament fiber then knitted into a surgical
mesh. Phasix Mesh received FDA 510k approval on March 31, 2015 to reinforce soft tissue where
weakness exists in patients undergoing plastic and reconstructive surgery, or for use in
procedures involving soft tissue repair, such as the repair of hernia or other fascial defects that
require the addition of a reinforcing or bridging material to obtain the desired surgical result
(510(k) Number: K142818). The FDA approved indication for Phasix has no specific language
related to breast reconstruction. Phasix is available in multiple sizes as round, rectangular, and
square implants (Hayes, 2019, reviewed 2020). Evidence in the published, peer-reviewed
scientific literature supporting the use of this product in breast reconstruction is lacking and its
role is unclear.
Allograft Adipose Matrix: Renuva
Allograft Adipose Matrix (MTF Biologics, Edison,
NJ) is an injectable allograft adipose matrix processed from human adipose tissue. It has been
proposed for use as part of a breast reconstruction procedure post mastectomy. According to the
manufacturer’s Instructions for Use, it is indicated for the replacement of damaged or inadequate
integumental adipose tissue matrix in areas of the body where native fat would exist and for the
reinforcement or supplemental support in underlying adipose tissue matrix as the result of
damage or naturally occurring defects (MTF Biologics, 2020). Renuva Allograft Adipose Matrix is
regulated by the FDA under 21 CFR Part 1271 Human Cells, Tissues and Cellular and Tissue-Based
Products (HCT/Ps). It is available in 1.5cc and 3cc. Evidence in the published, peer-reviewed
scientific literature supporting the use of this product in breast reconstruction is lacking and its
role is unclear.
Acellular Dermal Matrix: Repriza (Promethean Lifesciences Inc., Pittsburg, PA) is a
human skin, acellular dermal matrix. The product is regulated by the American Association of
Tissue Banks and the FDA guidelines for banked human tissue. Repriza is membrane free and
proposed for implantation for reconstructive surgery including breast reconstruction, abdominal
wall reconstruct and augmentation of soft tissue irregularities. The matrix is provided in 4X12 cm
and 6X16 cm sheets. It can also be custom made. There is insufficient evidence to support the
safety and efficacy of Repriza for breast reconstructive surgery.
Surgical Scaffold: SERI Surgical Scaffold (Sofregen Medical Inc., Cambridge, MA formerly
Allergan, Medford, MA) has been proposed as a skin substitute for breast reconstruction (Jewell, et
al., 2015). Breast reconstruction is not specifically mentioned as an approved FDA indication. The
FDA 510(k) summary states that SERI is a “knitted, multi-filament, bioengineered, long-term
bioresorbable scaffold. It is derived from silk that has been BIOSILKpurified to yield ultra-pure
fibroin. The device is a mechanically strong and biocompatible bioprotein” (FDA, 2013). The FDA
indications for use state, “SERI Surgical Scaffold is indicated for use as a transitory scaffold for
soft tissue support and repair to reinforce deficiencies where weakness or voids exist that require
the addition of material to obtain the desired surgical outcome. This includes reinforcement of soft
tissue in plastic and reconstructive surgery, and general soft tissue reconstruction” (510(k)
Number K123128). There is insufficient evidence in the published peer-reviewed scientific
literature supporting the efficacy of SERI Surgical Scaffold for breast reconstruction.
In May 2015 the FDA issued a warning letter to Allergan stating that the FDA approval of SERI
Surgical Scaffold did not include the use of SERI Surgical Scaffold for breast reconstruction. Per
the FDA, this indication falls outside of the intended use “because surgical mesh has not been
cleared or approved for use in breast reconstruction using a tissue expander or implant”. The FDA
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requested Allergan “immediately cease activities that result in the misbranding or adulteration of
the SERI Surgical Scaffold” for breast reconstruction” (FDA, 2015).
Sofregen Medical Inc., issued a statement indicating that as of Dec 31, 2021, Seri Surgical
Scaffold is no longer commercially available. Sofregen pointed to the fact that the remaining
inventory was approachign the end of the approved shelf life as the reason for discontinuation
(Sofregen Medical Inc., 2021).
SimpliDerm™: SimpliDerm(Aziyo Biologics, Silver Spring, MD) is a pre-hydrated human
acellular dermal matrix minimally processed to remove epidermal and dermal cells and then
preserved in an irradiation protection solution. The process utilizes a proprietary and patented
technology to preserve the remaining bioactive components and extracellular matrix of the
dermis. It is proposed for the repair or replacement of damaged or insufficient integumental tissue
and for the repair, reinforcement, or supplemental support of soft tissue defects or any other
homologous use of human integument (Alutia, 2024). The product is classified as a human tissue
and cell-based product regulated by the American Association of Tissue Banks (AATB) and in
compliance with U.S. FDA regulations (21 CFR 1271). It is available in both Ellipse
rectangular sizes. There is insufficient evidence in the published peer-reviewed scientific literature
to support the safety and efficacy of Simpliderm (Hydrated Acellular Dermal Matrix) for any
Reconstructive Tissue Matrix or LTM Surgical Mesh: Strattice Reconstructive
Tissue Matrix or LTM Surgical Mesh (Allergan
, Parsippany, NJ [formerly LifeCell
Branchburg, NJ]) is an acellular, xenographic tissue matrix derived from porcine dermis (FDA,
2007). It is FDA 510(k) approved as LTM-RC surgical mesh “for use as a soft tissue patch to
reinforce soft tissue where weakness exists and for the surgical repair of damaged or ruptured soft
tissue membranes. The implant is intended for the reinforcement of soft tissues repaired by
sutures or suture anchors, during rotator cuff surgery. Indications for use also include the repair
of hernias and/or body wall defects which require the use of reinforcing or bridging material to
obtain the desired surgical outcome” (FDA, 2007). Strattice is proposed for use during
postmastectomy breast reconstruction to support medial repair for breast pocket size and position.
Strattice is available in seven sizes with various shapes. There is insufficient evidence in the
published peer-reviewed scientific literature supporting the efficacy of Strattice. Studies are
primarily in the form of retrospective reviews (Dikmans, et al., 2016; Barber, et al., 2015; Lardi,
et al., 2014; Kilchenmann, et al., 2014; Maxwell, et al., 2014; Glasberg and Light, 2012).
In June 2015 the FDA issued a warning letter to LifeCell Corporation stating that the FDA approval
for Strattice did not include the use of Strattice for breast reconstruction. Per the FDA, this
indication falls outside of the intended use “because surgical mesh has not been cleared or
approved for use in breast reconstructive surgery applications”. The FDA requested that LifeCell
“immediately cease activities that result in the misbranding or adulteration of the Strattice
Reconstructive Tissue Matrix” for breast reconstruction.
Collagen Matrix: SurgiMend or SurgiMend Collagen Matrix (Integra
Corp., Plainsboro, NJ formerly TEI Biosciences Inc., Boston, MA) is an acellular dermal tissue
matrix derived from fetal or neonatal bovine dermis. The matrix acts as a scaffold that is
progressively integrated, remodeled, and replaced by the functional host tissue. Approved as a
Class II, FDA 510(k) device, SurgiMend is “intended for implantation to reinforce soft tissue where
weakness exists and for the surgical repair of damage or ruptured soft tissue membranes”
specifically for plastic and reconstructive surgery, muscle flap reinforcement, and hernia repair
(e.g., abdominal, inguinal, femoral, diaphragmatic, scrotal, umbilical, incisional) (510(k) Number:
K083898). SurgiMend is available in multiple sizes and thicknesses. SurgiMend PRS, a pure
collagen product, is designed for plastic and reconstructive surgery and is available in multiple
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shapes, sizes and thicknesses (Integra LifeSciences Corp, 2023; Butterfield, et al., 2013, Gaster,
et al., 2013, Ohkuma, et al., 2013; Endress, et al., 2012; Craft, et al., 2011; Cromwell, et al.,
TEI has historically marketed SurgiMend for breast reconstruction. In May 2015, the FDA issued
TEI a warning letter stating that TEI did not have FDA clearance or approval to market SurgiMend
for breast reconstruction. Per the FDA, this indication falls outside of the intended use “because
surgical mesh has not been cleared or approved for use in breast reconstructive surgery
applications”. The FDA requested that TEI “immediately cease activities that result in the
misbranding or adulteration of SurgiMend” for breast reconstruction (FDA, 2015).
Veritas Collagen Matrix: Veritas Collagen Matrix (Synovis
Surgical Innovations, St. Paul, MN)
is an implantable noncrosslinked biologic mesh made from bovine pericardium. Veritas is FDA
approved as a surgical mesh under the 510(k) process for use as an implant for surgical repair of
soft tissue deficiencies including: muscle flap reinforcement. There is also a Veritas Collagen
Matrix Dry product that is FDA approved as a predicate device for the conventional Collagen Matrix
(FDA, 2008; FDA, 2006). There is insufficient evidence to support the use of Veritas Collagen
Matrix. The limited number of published studies investigating is primarily in the form of
retrospective reviews.
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis: Ho et al. (2012) conducted a systematic review and
meta-analysis to determine an aggregate estimate of risks associated with acellular dermal matrix
(ADM)-assisted breast reconstruction. AlloDerm was used in the majority of studies. ADMs other
than AlloDerm were used in one study (i.e., FlexHD, Strattice). Seven complications were studied
including seroma, cellulitis, infection, hematoma, skin flap necrosis, capsular contracture, and
reconstructive failure. Sixteen studies met the inclusion criteria. The pooled complication rates
were seroma 6.9%, cellulitis 2.0%, infection 5.7%, skin flap necrosis 10.9%, hematoma 1.3%,
capsular contracture 0.6% and reconstructive failure 5.1%. Five studies reported findings for both
the ADM and non-ADM patients and were used in the meta-analysis to calculate pooled odds ratio
(OR). ADM-assisted breast reconstructions had a higher likelihood of seroma, infection, and
reconstructive failure than breast reconstructions without the use of ADM. The relation of ADM use
to hematoma, cellulitis, and skin flap necrosis was inconclusive. In the studies evaluated, ADM-
assisted breast reconstructions exhibited a higher likelihood of seroma, infection, and
reconstructive failure than prosthetic-based breast reconstructions using traditional musculofascial
flaps. ADM is associated with a lower rate of capsular contracture. The authors reported that given
the relatively low-quality evidence that currently exists in the literature, additional randomized-
controlled studies are needed to further evaluate the safety and efficacy of ADM in implant-based
breast reconstruction.
Kim et al. (2012) conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to evaluate complication
outcomes from human acellular dermal matrix (ADM) used as an adjunct to traditional
submuscular tissue expander/implant breast reconstruction. Forty-eight uncontrolled cohort
studies met inclusion criteria. Thirteen studies had information only on human ADM matrix-based
reconstruction, 29 had information only on submuscular-based reconstructions, and six reported
complications on human ADM and submuscular techniques. A total of 2037 human ADM
reconstructions and 12,847 submuscular reconstructions were included in the meta-analysis. A
total of 877 human ADM and 3464 muscular reconstructions from six studies were used to
calculate relative risks. Average follow-up time was 13.8 months in the human ADM group and
28.3 months in the submuscular cohort There was an increased rate of total complications, 15.4%
vs. 14.0%; seroma, 4.8% vs. 3.5%; infection, 5.3% vs. 4.7%; and flap necrosis, 6.9% vs. 4.9%
in the human ADM cohort compared to the submuscular reconstruction cohort. The rate of
hematomas was greater in the submuscular cohort 1.5% vs. 1% in the human ADM. Meta-
analysis revealed an increase in the risk of total complications (relative risk, 2.05; 95 percent
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confidence interval, 1.55 to 2.70), seroma (relative risk, 2.73; 95 percent confidence interval,
1.67 to 4.46), infection (relative risk, 2.47; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.71 to 3.57), and
reconstructive failure (relative risk, 2.80; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.76 to 4.45) in the
human ADM cohort. There was a trend toward increased risk of hematoma (relative risk, 2.06; 95
percent confidence interval, 0.86 to 4.95) and flap necrosis (relative risk, 1.56; 95 percent
confidence interval, 0.85 to 2.85) in the human acellular dermal matrix cohort, but the results
were not statistically significant. Most pooled complication analyses showed significant
heterogeneity. The meta-analysis suggested that the use of human ADM increases complication
rates compared to submuscular approach.
Nguyen et al (2011) conducted a systematic review of the literature to assess the quality and
quantity of evidence regarding the use of acellular dermal matrices (ADM) (e.g., AlloDerm) in
prosthetic breast reconstruction. Eighteen articles in the form of case reports, prospective cohort
studies and retrospective reviews met inclusion criteria. The authors analyzed the evidence for the
following proposed advantages of ADM: decrease or eliminate the need for expanders to create a
tissue pocket for an implant; reduction in postoperative pain; decrease in operative time;
increased initial fill volumes; fewer expansions; precise control of over the lateral and
inframammary fold; ability to use more of the mastectomy skin flaps; faster time to completion of
reconstruction; improved lower pole expansion; decreased incidence of capsular contractures;
decreased rate of revisions; improved aesthetic outcome of the breast. The authors concluded that
there was insufficient data to support any of the above proposed benefits of ADM for breast
reconstruction due to the paucity of actual data and conflicting data. Some studies did not
formally quantify or report applicable data; evidence was inconsistent due to the variations in size
of the matrix, type of mastectomy, size and viability of the mastectomy flaps and surgeon
judgment; and data was conflicting due to variations in surgical technique, patients’ physical
characteristics, and number of expansions used.
Use Outside of the US
Skin substitutes are offered outside the US by several companies. Several products have received
CE Mark approval (e.g., Integra
SurgiMend PRS Meshed, Strattice, Veritas Collagen Matrix).
Products approved in the US may not be approved for use outside of the US and products
approved outside the US may not be approved for use in the US. Also, the approved indications
for the products may not be the same within and outside of the US. Integra LifeSciences has CE
Mark approval for Surgimend PRS Mesh for pre- and sub-pectoral breast reconstruction in Europe.
Strattice has CE Mark approval by the Netherlands-based notified body, KEMA, for its Strattice
Reconstructive Tissue Matrix. The CE Mark allows Strattice to be marketed in 27 Europena Union
member states. Strattice is proposed for use in breast reconstruction. Native
(mbp, Germany)
porcine acellular dermal matrix is proposed for use in Europe for breast reconstruction.
Autologous Fat Transplant (Lipoinjection, Lipofilling, Lipomodeling)
Despite various techniques of reconstruction with autologous tissues or prostheses, autologous fat
transplant (i.e., lipoinjection, lipofilling, lipomodeling) has been proposed to replace volume after
breast reconstruction or to fill defects in the breast following breast conservation surgery. It has
been proposed as a stand-alone procedure or as an adjunct to other breast reconstruction
techniques. The use of autologous fat transplant for primary breast augmentation is controversial
due to a lack of clarity regarding its safety and efficacy. It has been proposed that injection of fat
into a previous tumor site may create a new environment for cancer and adjacent cells.
Additionally, fat transplant to the breast has been discouraged since it has been reported that
calcifications secondary to fat necrosis may mimic breast cancer or that radiological changes post
fat grafting would obscure and delay the diagnosis of subsequent breast cancer. In breast
reconstruction, unlike elsewhere in the body, fat is implanted in a poorly vascularized and loose
space which may attribute to the poor results.
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Autologous fat transplant generally involves the transfer of fat from the abdomen or thighs into
the breast under local anesthesia. The harvested fat is injected into the breast, usually in small
parcels and thin strips, at different levels in the subcutis. It has been reported that a certain
amount of fat resorption is expected in all cases of fat grafting. Clinically, volume loss has been
reported between 40%-60% and usually within the first 4-6 months. Patients usually have 2-4
sessions of lipomodelling depending on their condition. The proposed benefit of the procedure is
that it can restore volume to the breast without the morbidity associated with other reconstruction
techniques. Although refinement in technique has aided reproducibility of favorable results, a
standardized method of fat harvest, preparation, and injection is needed. Results are dependent
on technique and surgeon expertise. It is recommended that breast reconstruction using
autologous fat transfer be carried out by surgeons with specialist expertise and training in the
Literature Review: The available literature consists mostly of case reports, case series and
expert opinion and describes autologous fat transplant for various breast indications, both
cosmetic and reconstructive. Although the published evidence supporting the role of autologous
fat transplant as a breast reconstruction procedure is not robust, limited data from several small
studies indicate that autologous fat transplant raises no major safety concerns and may improve
outcomes in a carefully selected subset of patients. Additionally, autologous fat transplant is
widely used and accepted in clinical practice as a breast reconstruction procedure (Tukiama, et al.,
2022; Hayes, 2020; De Decker, et al., 2016; Claro, et al., 2012; Parikh, et al., 2012; Saint-Cyr,
et al., 2012; Rosing, et al., 2011; de Blacam, et al., 2011; Losken, et al., 2011; Petit, et al.,
2011a; Petit, et al., 2011b; Illouz, et al., 2009; Hyakusoku, et al., 2009; Kanchwala, et al., 2009;
Chan, et al., 2008; American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS); 2008; Coleman, et al.,
2007; Spear, et al., 2005). Research is ongoing to distinguish benign from malignant lesions after
fat grafting (Parikh, et al, 2012).
Professional Societies/Organizations:
The 2008 American Society for Dermatologic Surgery
(ASDS) guidelines of care for injectable fillers states that, “One significant concern is the safety of
fat transfer into the female breast. Calcifications and nodularity may develop and require the
patient to undergo numerous tests and repeated evaluations to rule out an underlying
malignancy” (Alam, et al., 2008).
Australian Safety and Efficacy Register of New Interventional Procedures –Surgical
(ASERNIP-S): ASERNIP-S published a systematic review on autologous fat transfer for cosmetic
and reconstructive breast augmentation. The authors concluded that “the evidence base in this
review is rated as poor, limited by the quality of the available evidence. Specific limitations of the
evidence include absence of studies comparing autologous fat transfer to the nominated
comparator procedures, as well as a lack of standardized reporting of outcomes. Autologous fat
transfer for cosmetic and reconstructive breast augmentation is considered to be at least as safe
as the nominated comparator procedures. It is important to note that this rating is based on
indirect comparisons that have been made using overall complication rates. Important safety data
examining the effect of microcalcifications following autologous fat transfer on subsequent breast
cancer detection were not reported in the studies included in this review; therefore, safety in
regards to this outcome cannot be determined. The efficacy of autologous fat transfer cannot be
determined from the literature included in this review. Efficacy outcomes reported in the included
autologous fat transfer studies varied from those reported for the nominated comparator
procedures; therefore, it was not possible to compare efficacy. However, the inability of
autologous fat transfer to achieve a volume increase comparable to that of prostheses or
autologous tissue augmentation suggests that it is less efficacious than these comparator
procedures. There is a need for controlled trials (ideally randomized), assessing the effects of
microcalcifications following autologous fat transfer on immediate and long-term breast cancer
detection, to be conducted. Studies to determine the maximal breast volume increase reliably
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achieved by autologous fat transfer would also be useful in order to define the patient population
who would benefit most from the procedure, as well as which breast indications should be treated
using autologous fat transfer” (Leopardi, et al., 2010).
Autologous Fat Transplant with the use of Adipose-Derived Stem Cells
Research has indicated that subcutaneous fat contains many stem and regenerative cells including
cells important in tissue survival and vascularization. It is proposed that autologous adipose-
derived regenerative cells (ADRCs) may increase graft survival. With the growing use of
autologous fat grafting, published preclinical and clinical data describing cell enriched adipose
tissue transplants in breast defect repairs and breast augmentation are increasing. After adipose
harvesting using syringe liposuction, the tissue is processed with a system such as the Celution
800 System
, (Cytori Therapeutics, Inc., San Diego, CA) which washes the graft and isolates
ADRCs (Kamakura, et al., 2011).
Literature Review: The available literature is limited and consists mostly of case reports and
case series, both cosmetic and reconstructive (Ito, et al., 2017; Pérez-Cano, et al., 2012;
Kamakura, et al., 2011). Optimal patient selection criteria have not been established through well-
designed comparative clinical trials with long-term outcomes data (Kamakura, et al., 2011;
Yoshimura, et al., 2008).
Pérez-Cano et al. (2012) conducted a single-arm, prospective, multicenter clinical trial of 71
women who underwent breast conserving surgery for breast cancer and autologous adipose-
derived regenerative cell (ADRC)-enriched fat grafting for reconstruction of defects =150 mL (the
RESTORE-2 trial). Endpoints included patient and investigator satisfaction with functional and
cosmetic results and improvement in overall breast deformity at 12 months post-procedure.
Females presenting with partial mastectomy defects and without breast prosthesis were eligible.
The RESTORE-2 protocol allowed for up to two treatment sessions and 24 patients elected to
undergo a second procedure following the six-month follow-up visit. Of the 67 patients treated, 50
reported satisfaction with treatment results through 12 months. Sixty-one patients underwent
radiation therapy as part of their treatment; two patients did not receive radiation and the status
of radiation treatment was not known for the other four patients. Using the same metric,
investigators reported satisfaction with 57 out of 67 patients. There were no serious adverse
events associated with the ADRC-enriched fat graft injection procedure. There were no reported
local cancer recurrences. The investigators reported improvement from baseline through 12
months in the degree of retraction or atrophy in 29 out of 67 patients, while 34 patients had no
change and four patients reported worse symptoms. Post-radiation fibrosis at 12 months was
reported as improved in 29 patients, while 35 patients had no change and three patients had
worse symptoms. Management of atrophy was reported as improved in 17 patients, with 48
patients having no change and two patients reporting worse symptoms. The authors reported that
future comparative studies are needed to determine the benefit of ADRC-enriched fat grafting as
compared to traditional fat grafting in various clinical circumstances.
In a case series study, Kamakura et al. (2011), reported on the use of autologous adipose-derived
stem cell (ADSC) enriched fat grafting for breast augmentation (n=20). After the adipose tissue
was harvested by liposuction, it was processed in the Celution 800 System
to wash and isolate
the adipose-derived regenerative cells and produce a fat graft enriched with the regenerative cells.
The average number of cells per gram of harvested adipose tissue was 3.4 x 10
, and the mean
cell viability as measured with an automated cell counting system before graft delivery was 85%.
Clinical outcomes measured included improvement in circumferential breast measurement from
baseline state. There was improvement in circumferential breast measurement in all patients, and
breast measurements were stable by three months after grafting. At nine months, the mean
breast measurement had increased 3.3cm from preoperative measurements. Through nine
months, overall patient satisfaction was 75%, and physician satisfaction 69%. The procedure was
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well-tolerated without any serious adverse events. Postoperative cyst formation was seen in two
patients. This study was limited by small sample size, no control group and lack of long-term
outcomes. The authors reported that to date a, a randomized, controlled study has not been
performed to compare the outcomes of cell-enriched fat transfer with those of traditional fat
Suction-Assisted Lipectomy and Excision of Redundant Skin
Suction-assisted lipectomy of the trunk or extremity area is a procedure in which excess fat
deposits are removed using a liposuction cannula. Excision of redundant skin is a procedure in
which excess skin and/or subcutaneous tissue (e.g., dog ear, standing cone) is removed. Both
procedures have the goal of recontouring the body, thereby improving appearance. These
procedures may be performed alone or as one component of the flap breast reconstruction
procedure. Suction-assisted lipectomy and excision of redundant skin, when performed alone and
not as part of a medically necessary flap breast reconstruction procedure are considered cosmetic
in nature. When these procedures are performed as part of a medically necessary flap breast
reconstruction procedure, they are considered incidental to the primary procedure.
External Breast Prostheses and Mastectomy Bras Following Mastectomy or Lumpectomy
Breast reconstruction has become an integral component of the treatment of patients with breast
cancer who have undergone a mastectomy or lumpectomy. External breast prostheses are
available for women who have uneven- or unequal-sized breasts and who decide not to, or are
waiting to, undergo surgical breast reconstruction. They may choose to wear a breast prosthesis
and mastectomy bra, or elect to wear a mastectomy garment that has the prosthesis already
inserted in it.
Prostheses can attach to the skin with a fabric backing and adhesive or may be worn unattached
with a mastectomy bra. Prefabricated prostheses come in various shapes, sizes and skin tones.
Custom-fabricated breast prostheses are custom-designed and special ordered for the individual,
based on an impression of the chest wall. In general, prefabricated prostheses can adequately
meet the external prosthetic needs of most individuals. Reusable external nipple prostheses are
available to cover flat or missing nipples.
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
The FDA classifies external aesthetic restoration prostheses as Class I devices that are exempt
from premarket notification (FDA, 2023).
Federal Mandate
The Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act of 1998 (WHCRA) was enacted as a federal mandate
in October 1998. The federal mandate defines coverage for breast reconstruction following
mastectomy as:
reconstruction of the breast on which the mastectomy was performed
surgery and reconstruction on the other breast to produce symmetrical appearance
prostheses and treatment of physical complications in all stages of mastectomy, including
Under this mandate, benefits for breast reconstruction services following mastectomy or
lumpectomy must be provided to both men and women; a diagnosis of breast cancer cannot be
required; and timing of breast reconstruction services is not a factor in coverage. In addition, the
mandate prohibits any limitations to the number of prostheses or the length of time from the date
of the mastectomy.
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Medical Coverage Policy: 0178
Medicare Coverage Determinations
Determination Name/Number
Revision Effective
Breast Reconstruction Following Mastectomy
External Breast Prostheses (L33317)
Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery
First Coast
Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery
Cosmetic and Reconstructive Surgery
Plastic Surgery (L37020)
Note: Please review the current Medicare Policy for the most up-to-date information.
(NCD = National Coverage Determination; LCD = Local Coverage Determination)
Appendix A
Considered Medically Necessary
C1781, Q4100
Considered Not Medically Necessary
Reconstructive Tissue Matrix
Avance® Nerve Graft
64912, 64913
C9399, Q4100
Acellular Hydrated Dermis
Nipple Reconstruction Cylinder
DermaMatrix Acellular Dermis
Monofilament Mesh/ Polydioxanone
Surgical Scaffold
15777 C1781
C9399, Q4100
GalaFLEX 3DR Scaffold
C9399 Q4100
GalaFLEX 3D Scaffold
19350, 11950
11950, 19350
Allograft Adipose Matrix
No specific code
Page 29 of 49
Medical Coverage Policy: 0178
Surgical Scaffold
C9399, Q4100
Reconstructive Tissue Matrix
Collagen Matrix
C9358, C9360
Veritas Collagen Matrix
Coding Information
1. This list of codes may not be all-inclusive since the American Medical Association (AMA)
and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) code updates may occur more
frequently than policy updates.
2. Deleted codes and codes which are not effective at the time the service is rendered may
not be eligible for reimbursement.
Breast Reconstruction
Considered Medically Necessary when criteria in the applicable policy statements listed
above are met:
Tattooing, intradermal introduction of insoluble opaque pigments to correct color
defects of skin, including micropigmentation; 6.0 sq cm or less
Tattooing, intradermal introduction of insoluble opaque pigments to correct color
defects of skin, including micropigmentation; 6.1 to 20.0 sq cm
Replacement of tissue expander with permanent implant
Removal of tissue expander without insertion of implant
Repair, complex, trunk; 1.1 cm to 2.5 cm
Repair, complex, trunk; 2.6 cm to 7.5 cm
Repair, complex, trunk; each additional 5 cm or less (List separately in addition to
code for primary procedure)
Muscle, myocutaneous, or fasciocutaneous flap; trunk
Grafting of autologous fat harvested by liposuction technique to trunk, breasts,
scalp, arms, and/or legs; 50 cc or less injectate
Grafting of autologous fat harvested by liposuction technique to trunk, breasts,
scalp, arms, and/or legs; each additional 50 cc injectate, or part thereof (List
separately in addition to code for primary procedure)
Implantation of biologic implant (eg, acellular dermal matrix) for soft tissue
reinforcement (eg, breast, trunk) (List separately in addition to code for primary
Breast reduction
Breast augmentation with implant
Removal of intact breast implant
Removal of ruptured breast implant, including implant contents (eg, saline, silicone
Insertion of breast implant on same day of mastectomy (ie, immediate)
Insertion or replacement of breast implant on separate day from mastectomy
Nipple/areola reconstruction
Page 30 of 49
Medical Coverage Policy: 0178
Tissue expander placement in breast reconstruction, including subsequent
Breast reconstruction; with latissimus dorsi flap
Breast reconstruction; with free flap (eg, fTRAM, DIEP, SIEA, GAP flap)
Breast reconstruction; with single-pedicled transverse rectus abdominis
myocutaneous (TRAM) flap
Breast reconstruction; with single-pedicled transverse rectus abdominis
myocutaneous (TRAM) flap, requiring separate microvascular anastomosis
Breast reconstruction; with bipedicled transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous
(TRAM) flap
Revision of peri-implant capsule, breast, including capsulotomy, capsulorrhaphy,
and/or partial capsulectomy
Peri-implant capsulectomy, breast, complete, including removal of all intracapsular
Revision of reconstructed breast (eg, significant removal of tissue, re-advancement
and/or re-inset of flaps in autologous reconstruction or significant capsular revision
combined with soft tissue excision in implant-based reconstruction)
Unlisted procedure, breast
Note: Considered experimental/investigational/unproven when used to report
autologous fat transplantation using adipose-derived stem cells
Note: Considered Not Medically Necessary when used to report nipple reconstruction
with Juvederm, Radiesse, or Cook Biodesign® Nipple Reconstruction Cylinder.
Note: Considered medically necessary when used to report thoracodorsal artery
perforator (TDAP) flap with a breast reconstruction procedure performed on the
diseased/affected breast. Considered experimental/investigational/unproven when
used to report adipose-derived stem cell autologous fat transplantation.
Prosthesis, breast (implantable)
Implantable breast prosthesis, silicone or equal
Breast reconstruction with gluteal artery perforator (GAP) flap, including harvesting
of the flap, microvascular transfer, closure of donor site and shaping the flap into a
breast, unilateral
Breast reconstruction of a single breast with "stacked" deep inferior epigastric
perforator (DIEP) flap(s) and/or gluteal artery perforator (GAP) flap(s), including
harvesting of the flap(s), microvascular transfer, closure of donor site(s) and
shaping the flap into a breast, unilateral
Breast reconstruction with deep inferior epigastric perforator (DIEP) flap or
superficial inferior epigastric artery (SIEA) flap, including harvesting of the flap,
microvascular transfer, closure of donor site and shaping the flap into a breast,
Not covered when used to report intraoperative assessment of tissue perfusion as it
considered integral to the primary procedure and not separately reimbursable:
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Medical Coverage Policy: 0178
Intravenous injection of agent (eg fluorescein) to test vascular flow in flap or graft
Considered Not Medically Necessary: /Cosmetic in nature when used to report
correction of surgically-induced donor site asymmetry or excess tissue that results from
flap breast reconstruction procedures. Considered incidental to the primary procedure
when used to report suction-assisted lipectomy of the trunk as part of a medically
necessary flap breast reconstruction procedure:
Excision, excessive skin and subcutaneous tissue (includes lipectomy); other area
Suction assisted lipectomy; trunk
Skin/Tissue Substitutes/Fillers (see Appendix A)
Considered Medically Necessary when criteria in the applicable policy statements listed
above are met:
Alloderm, per square centimeter
Dermacell, per square centimeter
Flex hd or allopatch hd, or matrix hd per square centimeter
Considered Medically Necessary when used to report AlloMax
Mesh (implantable)
Skin substitute, not otherwise specified
Considered Medically Necessary when used to report Cortiva
Unclassified drugs or biologicals
Skin substitute, not otherwise specified
Considered Not Medically Necessary:
Acellular pericardial tissue matrix of nonhuman origin (Veritas), per sq cm
Dermal substitute, native, nondenatured collagen, fetal bovine origin (SurgiMend
Collagen Matrix), per 0.5 sq cm
Dermal substitute, native, nondenatured collagen, neonatal bovine origin
(SurgiMend Collagen Matrix), per 0.5 sq cm
Porcine implant, Permacol, per sq cm
Injection, Radiesse, 0.1 ml
Strattice TM, per sq cm
Page 32 of 49
Medical Coverage Policy: 0178
Considered Not Medically Necessary when used to report ARTIA
Reconstructive Tissue
or Matrix, Biodesign® Nipple Reconstruction Cylinder:
Connective tissue, nonhuman (includes synthetic)
Considered Not Medically Necessary when used to report when used to report Phasix
Mesh and OviTex®:
Mesh (implantable)
Considered Not Medically Necessary when used to report BellaDerm® Acellular
Hydrated Dermis, DermaMatrix Acellular Dermis, GalaFLEX® Scaffold, GalaFLEX 3DR
Scaffold, GalaFLEX 3D Scaffold:
Mesh (implantable)
Unclassified drugs or biologicals
Skin substitute, not otherwise specified
Considered Not Medically Necessary when used to report SERI™ Surgical Scaffold:
Mesh (implantable)
Skin substitute, not otherwise specified
Considered Not Medically Necessary when used to report Juvederm:
Unclassified drugs or biologicals
Considered Not Medically Necessary when used to report Avance® Nerve Graft and
Unclassified drugs or biologicals
Skin substitute, not otherwise specified
Experimental/Investigational/Unproven when used to report the injection of a non-
covered product listed in the policy statement above or when used to report autologous
fat transplant using adipose-derived stem cells or xenograft cartilage grafting:
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Medical Coverage Policy: 0178
Subcutaneous injection of filling material (eg, collagen); 1 cc or less
Subcutaneous injection of filling material (eg, collagen); 1.1 to 5.0 cc
Subcutaneous injection of filling material (eg, collagen); 5.1 to 10.0 cc
Subcutaneous injection of filling material (eg, collagen); over 10.0 cc
Considered Not Medically Necessary when used to report Biodesign
Reconstruction Cylinder:
Connective tissue, non-human (includes synthetic)
Considered Not Medically Necessary when used to report ARTIA
Reconstructive Tissue
Matrix, BellaDerm
Acellular Hydrated Dermis, DermaMatrix Aceullular Dermis,
Surgical Scaffold, GalaFORM
3D, Juvederm
, Phasix
Mesh, or SERI
Surgical Scaffold:
Mesh (implantable)
Unclassified drugs or biologicals
Skin substitute, not otherwise specified
Considered Not Medically Necessary when used to report Renuva
Allograft Adipose
Unclassified biologics
Considered Not Medically Necessary when used to report Strattice
, per square centimeter
Experimental/Investigational/Unproven when used to report breast reconstruction
procedures using adipose-derived stem cells in autologous fat transplantation or
xenograft cartilage grafting:
Breast reconstruction with other technique
Unlisted procedure, breast
Cosmetic in nature/Not Medically Necessary when used to report correction of
surgically induced donor site asymmetry that results from flap breast reconstruction
Page 34 of 49
Medical Coverage Policy: 0178
Suction assisted lipectomy; trunk
Suction assisted lipectomy; lower extremity
Note: Considered incidental to the primary procedure when used to report suction-
assisted lipectomy of the trunk as part of a medically necessary flap breast
reconstruction procedure
External Breast Prostheses and Mastectomy Bras Following Mastectomy or Lumpectomy
Considered Medically Necessary when criteria in the applicable policy statements listed
above are met:
Breast prosthesis; mastectomy bra, without integrated breast prosthesis form, any
size, any type
Breast prosthesis, mastectomy bra, with integrated breast prosthesis form,
unilateral, any size, any type
Breast prosthesis, mastectomy bra, with integrated breast prosthesis form,
bilateral, any size, any type
External breast prosthesis garment, with mastectomy form, post mastectomy
Breast prosthesis, mastectomy form
Breast prosthesis, silicone or equal, without integral adhesive
Breast prosthesis, silicone or equal, with integral adhesive
Nipple prosthesis, prefabricated, reusable, any type, each
Nipple prosthesis, custom fabricated, reusable, any material, any type, each
Custom breast prosthesis, post mastectomy, molded to patient model
Breast prosthesis, not otherwise specified
*Current Procedural Terminology (CPT
) ©2023 American Medical Association:
Chicago, IL.
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Revision Details
Type of Revision
Summary of Changes
Annual Review
Revised policy statement for areolar and
nipple reconstruction.
Added policy statement for “flat closure
chest wall reconstruction”.
Revised policy statement for oncoplastic
Added policy statement for “DuraSorb®
Monofilament Mesh/ Polydioxanone Surgical
Scaffold” to the list of EIU products.
Removed policy statement for hMatrix and
Revised policy statement for lipectomy or
excision of redundant skin statement.
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“Cigna Companies” refers to operating subsidiaries of The Cigna Group. All products and services
are provided exclusively by or through such operating subsidiaries, including Cigna Health and Life
Insurance Company, Connecticut General Life Insurance Company, Evernorth Behavioral Health,
Inc., Cigna Health Management, Inc., and HMO or service company subsidiaries of The Cigna
Group. © 2024 The Cigna Group.