(updated May 17, 2024)
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Dr. Simon LIČEN
Dept. of Educational Leadership & Sport Management College of Education Washington State U.
Cleveland Hall, Room 261 P.O. Box 642136 Pullman, WA 99164-2136 Office: 509-335-2154
PhD JournalismSocial Sciences, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), 2011.
Dissertation: Telecasting Sports: Sports Broadcasts on Slovenian Public Television.
Bach. Journalism, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), 2005.
Thesis: Kakovost anketnih vprašanj javnih glasovanj v slovenskih spletnih
medijih [The Quality of Web Surveys Published in Slovenian Online
Honours: Prešeren Award Nominee for Best Bachelor’s Thesis
Washington State University, Department of Educational Leadership & Sport Management
Associate Professor (with tenure), August 2019-present
Assistant Department Chair (Sport Management), August 2019-July 2023
Program coordinator (Sport Management), August 2018-August 2019
Assistant Professor (tenure-track), August 2013-August 2019
Institute for Sports and Events Medvode (Zavod za šport in prireditve Medvode municipal
sport authority), Director of Sport Programs, 2012-2013
Zdrav dih (“Healthy Breath”) Ltd., Researcher, 2011-2012
WTA Tour Banka Koper Slovenia Open, Director of Communication, 2008-2010
Communication Manager, 2005-2007
University of Ljubljana, Early-stage researcher
Faculty of Sport (Ljubljana, Slovenia), 2005-2010
FIBA.com, International Basketball Federation, Correspondent (Slovenia), 2004-2008
POP TV (main commercial TV channel in Slovenia), Assistant Editor, 2004-2005
TV Koper-Capodistria, Sports desk, Italian program (Internship), June-August 2003
Radio Tartini, Speaker/disk jockey, 1998-2001
Beijing Foreign Studies University, Senior Research Fellow, February 2022-Feb. 2026
Centre for International Sport Communication and Diplomacy Studies
University of Primorska, Visiting Associate Professor, October 1-December 31, 2020
Faculty of Tourism Studies, Portorož, Slovenia (funded by a grant by the Republic of
Slovenia and the European Social Fund)
Beijing Sport University, Visiting Lecturer, Sport Journalism, May 2015-June 2019
School of International Sport Organization (suspended since 2020 due to Covid-19)
Dr. Simon Ličen, Faculty CV
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Timing Ljubljana, Technical Direction, Ljubljana Marathon and Run of Trios, 2008-2013
City Office of Sport, Ljubljana, Team Manager, Five Cities International Basketball
Tournament, 2009-2011
FIBA Europe U20 Basketball European Championship for Men, Venue Manager, Gorizia
(Italy), July 2007
Sports Federation for the Disabled of Slovenia/Slovenian Paralympic Committee,
National Basketball Team Manager, Div. B European Championship, Summer 2006
Basketball Federation of Slovenia, Project Leader, localization of live statistical software,
2007-2009; Wheelchair basketball referee, 2005-2008; News editor (English), 2004-
2008; Web designer, 2000-2002; Assistant Tournament Director, U-20 Women’s
European Championship Qualifying Round, Summer 2001; Referee, national and
youth levels, 1998-2008
In progress
Ličen, S. & Čermelj, N. (revising before resubmitting). Promotion of the 2022 Olympic Winter
Games on Chinese and Western Social Media. To be submitted to the International
Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship.
Ličen, S. (revising before resubmitting). Twitter Activity of the International Basketball
Federation. Target publication: Journal of Global Sport Management.
Huang, L., Ličen, S.; Bi, X., & Wu, Y. (in progress). “Serious” avatars: An empirical study of
e-sports players from a Serious Leisure perspective. Target publication: TBD.
Under review
Ličen, S., Huang, L., Xiao, B., & Bi, X. (under review). Newspaper coverage of sport in
China, Slovenia and the United States. Under review at Asian Journal of Sport
History & Culture.
Ličen, S., Frandsen, K., Horky, T., Onwumechili, C., & Wei, W. (2022). Rediscovering
mediatizaton of sport. Communication & Sport, 10(5), 795-810. Doi:
Ličen, S., Antunovic, D., & Bartoluci, S. (2022). A Public Service? Mediatization of the
Olympic Games in Croatia and Slovenia. Communication & Sport, 10(5), 931-950.
Doi: 10.1177/21674795221090423
Ličen, S. & Jedlicka, S. (2022). Sustainable development principles in U.S. sport
management graduate programs. Sport, Education & Society, 27(1), 99-112. Doi:
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Ličen, S. & Bejek, B. (2020). Pogostost in vsebina poročanja o športu žensk v časopisih
Delo in Slovenske novice leta 2015 (Slovenian daily newspaper coverage of women’s
sports in 2015). Družboslovne razprave, 35(92), 7-33.
Ličen, S. (2019). Influence of hosting a major sports event on patriotic attitudes: The
EuroBasket 2013 competition in Slovenia. International Review for the Sociology of
Sport, 54(3), 361-383. Doi: 10.1177/1012690217722116
Jakubowska, H. & Ličen, S. (2019). The role of mass media in the formation of gendered
national identity: Polish coverage of women’s and men’s basketball championships.
International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 54(3), 302-324. Doi:
Brown, K., Ličen, S., Billings, A.C., & Devlin, M. B. (2017). Envisioning Slovenia, Telecast
from Brazil: Relationships Between National Identity and Slovenian Viewership of the
2016 Rio Summer Olympic Games. International Journal of Sport Communication,
10(4), 487-507. Doi: 10.1123/ijsc.2017-0062
Ličen, S., Cole, A.N. (2017). Public Perception of Social Impacts of the 2013 EuroBasket for
Men. International Journal of Sport Management, 18(1), 89-115.
Ličen, S., Lončar, M., Delorme, N., Horky, T., & Jakubowska, H. (2016). International
newspaper coverage of the 2013 EuroBasket for men. Communication & Sport, 5(4),
448470. Doi: 10.1177/2167479516628271
Ličen, S. (2015). The eternal talent, the French Senegalese, and the coach’s troop:
Broadcasting soccer on Slovenian public television. Soccer and Society, 16(5-6),
657-673. Doi: 10.1080/14660970.2014.963312.
Slabe Erker, R., Ličen, S. (2014). Factors influencing leisure-time physical activity and
health-related quality of life (in Slovenian). Obzornik zdravstvene nege (Slovenian
Nursing Review), 48(2), 113-126. Doi: 10.14528/snr.2014.48.2.18
Billings, A., Brown, N., Brown, K., Guo Q., Leeman, M., Ličen, S., Novak, D. & Rowe, D.
(2013). From pride to smugness and the nationalism between: Olympic media
consumption effects on nationalism across the globe. Mass Communication and
Society, 16(6), 910-932. Doi: 10.1080/15205436.2013.822519
Ličen, S. (2013). Black as Kenenisa Bekele in a tunnel”: Representation of African athletes
in Slovenian Olympic broadcasting. Ecquid Novi: African Journalism Studies, 34(2),
93-108. Doi: 10.1080/02560054.2013.788455
Ličen, S. & Billings, A.C. (2013). Affirming nationality in trans-national circumstances:
Slovenian coverage of continental franchise sports competitions. International
Review for the Sociology of Sport, 48(6), 751-767. Doi: 10.1177/1012690212446821
Ličen, S. & Billings, A.C. (2013). Cheering for “our” champs by watching “sexy” female
throwers: Representation of nationality and gender in Slovenian 2008 Summer
Olympic television coverage. European Journal of Communication, 28(4), 379-396.
Doi: 10.1177/0267323113484438
Ličen, S. & Billings, A.C. (2012). Two perspectives on one competition: Slovenian coverage
of artistic gymnastics at the 2008 Summer Olympics. Science of Gymnastics, 4(3),
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Slabe Erker, R., Kustec Lipicer, S., & Ličen, S. (2012). Sport for all and the state in
Slovenia: A review. Šport, 59 (1/2), 13-18.
Dežman, B. & Ličen, S. (2010). A reference model of the structure of the game of
basketball. Šport, 58(1-2), 68-74.
Billings, A.C., MacArthur, P.J., Ličen, S., & Wu D. (2009). Superpowers on the Olympic
basketball court: The United States versus China through four nationalistic lenses.
International Journal of Sport Communication, 2(4), 380-397.
Ličen, S. & Doupona Topič, M. (2008). The imbalance of commentators’ discourse during a
televised basketball match. Kinesiology, 40(1), 61-68.
Doupona Topič, M., Bergant, S., Weiss, O., & Ličen, S. (2007). A sport index as a mean for
assessing the societal significance of sport. Šport, 55(4), 36-39.
Ličen, S., Lozar Manfreda, K., & Hlebec, V. (2006). The quality of survey questions
published on Slovenian journalistic web sites. Metodološki zvezki, 3(2), 355-368.
Ličen, S., Dežman, B., & Plut, R. (2006). Analysis of referee and umpire calls in basketball.
Šport, 54(4), 13-17, suppl.
Ličen, S., Cecić Erpić, S., & Doupona Topič, M. (2006). Athlete-coach relationship in
Slovenian top-level basketball teams. Šport, 54(4), 44-48, suppl.
Ličen, S., & Lončar, M. (2006). Cognitive and conative dimension of referees in ball sports.
Šport, 54(3), 16-20.
Lončar, M., Dežman, B. & Ličen, S. (2004). Tracking two and three referees with a
computer. FIBA Assist, (8), 40-43.
Under review
Ličen, S. (under review). From the Balkans to the World: Social Media Presence of
Peripheral Basketball Leagues. In Billings, A. C. & Hardin, M. (Eds.), Routledge
Handbook of Sport & Social Media. London: Routledge.
Ličen, S. (under review). International News Coverage. In Pedersen, P. M. (Ed.),
Encyclopedia of Sport Management (2
ed.). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Ličen, S. & Mir, M. (2024). King of the flying hill: TV broadcasts of ski jumping events in
Planica, Slovenia. In Solberg, H.A., Swart-Arries, K., & Storm, R. (Eds.), Research
Handbook on Major Sporting Events (pp. 285-299). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Ličen, S. (2023). Sport, media and business in Southeast Europe in the 21st century:
Recommendations for professionals and scholars. In Dašić, D. (Ed.), Sporticopedia
(pp. 23-35). Belgrade: Faculty of Sport.
Ličen, S. (2021). More than fun and games: How the world will look at American sports
and Americaafter Covid-19. In Billings, A.C., Wenner, L., & Hardin, M. (Eds.),
American Sport in the Shadow of a Pandemic: Communicative Insights (pp. 31-46).
Pieterlen and Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang.
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Ličen, S. & Jedlicka, S. (2021). Governance of Professional Sport Beyond the U.S. In
Ruihley, B.J. & Li, B. (Eds.), Administration and Governance in a Global Sport
Economy (pp. 229-246). Dubuque, IA: Kendall-Hunt.
Ličen, S. (2020). Bailouts and tax breaks: Slovenian Olympic Committee’s communication
during Covid-19. In P. M. Pedersen, B. J. Ruihley, & B. Li (Eds.), Sport and the
pandemic: Perspectives on Covid-19’s impact on the sport industry (pp. 137-145).
London: Routledge.
Kustec, S. & Ličen, S. (2020). Sport and Welfare in Central and Eastern European
countries. In Martelli, S., Testa, A., & Porro, N. (Eds.). Sport, Welfare and Social
Policy in the European Union (pp. 132-142). London: Routledge.
Ličen, S. (2019). Sport and National Identity: Building a Nation Through Mediated
Distinction. In Pedersen, P., Thibault, L., & Thompson, A. (Eds.), Contemporary Sport
Management, 6
ed. (p. 387). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Ličen, S. (2018). Field Interview. In Bass, J. R. (Ed.), Introduction to Sport Management, 2
ed. (p. 133-134). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Ličen, S. (2017). Sport as international communication. In Billings, A. C. (Ed.), Defining
Sport Communication (pp. 209-222). London: Routledge.
Billings, A., Brown, N., Brown, K., Guo Q., Leeman, M., Ličen, S., Novak, D. & Rowe, D.
(2016). From pride to smugness and the nationalism between: Olympic media
consumption effects on nationalism across the globe. In Billings, A. and Hardin, M. R.
(Eds.), The Global Impact of Olympic Media at London 2012 (Chapter 5). London:
Routledge. (Reprint)
Ličen, S. (2016). The eternal talent, the French Senegalese, and the coach’s troop:
Broadcasting soccer on Slovenian public television. In van Sterkenburg, J. and
Spaaij, R. (Eds.), Mediated Football: Representations and Audience Receptions of
Race/Ethnicity, Nation and Gender (Chapter 5). London: Routledge. (Reprint)
Ličen, S. (2013). Slovenia. In Horky, T. and Nieland, J.-U., International Sports Press
Survey 2011 (pp. 148-162). Norderstedt: Book on Demand.
Ličen, S. (2012). Mister Olympic programming. In Eastman, S. and Ferguson, D., Media
Programming: Strategies and Practices (9th ed.) (Chapter 7, Non-Prime-Time
Programming, pp. 18-19). Stamford, CT: Wadsworth.
Dežman, B. & Ličen, S. (2012). A reference model of period structure in a basketball game.
In Dežman, B. (Ed.), Struktura košarkarske igre in igralna učinkovitost (pp. 3-12).
Ljubljana: Faculty of Sport, Institute for kinesiology.
Dežman, B. & Ličen, S. (2012). A model of the course of a basketball game. In Dežman, B.
(Ed.), Struktura košarkarske igre in igralna učinkovitost (pp. 13-26). Ljubljana: Faculty
of Sport, Institute for kinesiology.
Dežman, B. & Ličen, S. (2009). Studying basketball officiating and basketball officials. In
Dežman, B. and Ličen, S. (Eds.), Košarkarsko sojenje: zbornik raziskav (pp. 11-15).
Ljubljana: Faculty of Sport, Institute for kinesiology.
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Dežman, B. & Ličen, S. (2009). Infraction calls in three-person officiating with regard to the
officials’ on-court position. In Dežman, B. and Ličen, S. (Eds.), Košarkarsko sojenje:
zbornik raziskav (pp. 95-105). Ljubljana: Faculty of Sport, Institute for kinesiology.
Dežman, B., Ličen, S., & Plut, R. (2009). Infraction calls in two-person officiating. In
Dežman, B. and Ličen, S. (Eds.), Košarkarsko sojenje: zbornik raziskav (pp. 87-94).
Faculty of Sport, Institute for kinesiology.
Ličen, S. (2009). (Im)partialness and subjectiveness in the discourse of sports journalism. In
Velikonja, M., Stankovic, P. and Starc, G. (Eds.), Kalejdoskop športa: uvod v športne
študije (pp. 233-247). Maribor: Aristej.
Ličen, S. (2009). Psychological dimensions of basketball officiating. In Dežman, B. and
Ličen, S. (Eds.), Košarkarsko sojenje: zbornik raziskav (pp. 1-10). Ljubljana: Faculty
of Sport, Institute for kinesiology.
Ličen, S. (2009). A sociodemographic profile of elite Slovenian basketball officials. In
Dežman, B. and Ličen, S. (Eds.), Košarkarsko sojenje: zbornik raziskav (pp. 17-25).
Ljubljana: Faculty of Sport, Institute for kinesiology.
Ličen, S., Dežman, B., & Plut, R. (2009). Comparison of referee and umpire calls in
basketball. In Dežman, B. and Ličen, S. (Eds.), Košarkarsko sojenje: zbornik raziskav
(pp. 77-85). Ljubljana: Faculty of Sport, Institute for kinesiology.
Lončar, M., Dežman, B., & Ličen, S. (2009). Differences in distance covered by and
movement speed of officials in two-person and three-person officiating. In Dežman,
B. and Ličen, S. (Eds.), Košarkarsko sojenje: zbornik raziskav (pp. 37-48). Ljubljana:
Faculty of Sport, Institute for kinesiology.
Lončar, M. & Ličen, S. (2009). Officials’ heart rate in two-person and three-person
officiating. In Dežman, B. and Ličen, S. (Eds.), Košarkarsko sojenje: zbornik raziskav
(pp. 57-64). Ljubljana: Faculty of Sport, Institute for kinesiology.
Ličen, S. (2009). Distance covered/fatigue and heart rate/functional loading of a basketball
official in three-person officiating. In Dežman, B. and Ličen, S. (Eds.), Košarkarsko
sojenje: zbornik raziskav (pp. 65-75). Ljubljana: Faculty of Sport, Institute for
Ličen, S., Turk, J., & Doupona Topič, M. (2009). Violence experienced by basketball
officials. In Dežman, B. and Ličen, S. (Eds.), Košarkarsko sojenje: zbornik raziskav
(pp. 107-115). Ljubljana: Faculty of Sport, Institute for kinesiology.
Doupona Topič, M., Weiss, O., Methlagl, M., & Ličen, S. (2009). The role of sport in society.
In Doupona Topič, M. & Ličen, S. (Eds.), Sport, Culture & Society: an Account of
Views and Perspectives on Social Issues in a Continent (and Beyond) (pp. 60-64).
Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport.
Ličen, S. (2008). The objective cheer: An overview of ethical codification in sports reporting.
In Doupona Topič, M. & Ličen, S. (Eds.), Sport, Culture & Society: an Account of
Views and Perspectives on Social Issues in a Continent (and Beyond) (pp. 93-98).
Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport.
Ličen, S., & Bračič, M. (2008). Attitudes to doping among players in Slovenian top-level
basketball teams. In Milanović, D., & Prot, F. (Eds.), 5
International Scientific
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Conference on Kinesiology, Zagreb, Croatia, September 10-14, 2008. Proceedings
book (pp. 774-776). Zagreb: Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb.
Ličen, S. (translator) (2007). Olympics and the mass media. In Girginov, V., Parry, J.S., &
Hosta, M. (Eds.), The Olympic Games Explained: A Student Guide to the Evolution of
the Modern Olympic Games (Slovenian edition) (pp. 52-64). Ljubljana: Faculty of
sport, Institute for Sport.
Ličen, S., Plut, R., & Dežman, B. (2006). Analysis of referees’ interventions in basketball. In
Dancs, H., Hughes, M., & O’Donoghue, P. (Eds.). Book of proceedings (pp. 138-
149). Szombathely: Berzsenyi Daniel College.
In progress
Ličen, S. & Mir, M. (book draft under development). International Sport Broadcasting
(working title).
Dežman, B., & Ličen, S. (Eds.) (2009). Officiating Basketball: Research Aspects (In
Slovenian). Ljubljana: Faculty of Sport, Institute for kinesiology.
Doupona Topič, M. & Ličen, S. (Eds.) (2008). Sport, Culture & Society: An Account of Views
and Perspectives on Social Issues in a Continent (and Beyond). Ljubljana: University
of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport.
Doupona Topič, M. & Ličen, S. (Eds.) (2008). Sport, Culture & Society: Abstract book.
Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport.
Kustec Lipicer, S., & Ličen, S. (2011). State interventions for the sport activity of the
population: Assessments and perceptions of executors and decision-makers.
Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Centre for Policy Analyses.
Kustec Lipicer, S., Slabe Erker, R., Ličen, S., & Bilavčić, N. (2011). Efficient governmental
support for the sport activity of the population. Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana,
Centre for Policy Analyses and Institute for Economic Research.
Ličen, S., & Erčulj, F. (Eds.) (2006). Mini-basketball Officials’ Handbook. Ljubljana: Faculty
of Sport, Institute for sport, 2006.
Ličen, S., & Erčulj, F. (Eds.) (2006). Basketball Rules for Beginning Referees. Ljubljana:
Faculty of Sport, Institute for sport.
Ličen, S., & Dežman, B. (Eds.) (2003). Officiating Mechanics for Beginning Basketball
Referees. Ljubljana: Faculty of Sport, Institute for sport.
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Ličen, S. (2024, April). Social media in international sport contexts. Northwest Association of
Sport in Higher Education conference, Seattle, Wash., USA.
Ličen, S. (2023, December). Women in newspaper sport coverage in China, Slovenia and
the U.S. The role of sport in social life: Women, sport, and social changes
conference, Zagreb, Croatia.
Huang, L., Ličen, S.; Bi, X., & Wu, Y. (2023, July). “Serious” avatars: An empirical study of
e-sports players from a Serious Leisure perspective. 2023 International Association
for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) conference, Lyon, France.
Ličen, S., Huang, L., Xiao, B., & Bi, X. (2023, Mar.). Newspaper coverage of sport in China,
Slovenia and the United States. 4
World Association for Sport Management
conference, Doha, Qatar.
Ličen, S. & Čermelj, N. (2023, Mar.). Social media promotional strategies of the 2022 Winter
Olympic Games. 4
World Association for Sport Management conference, Doha,
Ličen, S. (with Huang, L., Xiao, B., & Bi, X.) (2022, June). Sports reporting in the East and
West: ISPS 2021 in China and the US. Play the Game, Odense, Denmark.
Antunovic, D., Ličen, S., Bartoluci, S., (2022, May). “Our” Region, Many Voices: Sports
Media Research in Central and Eastern Europe. Sports Communication Interest
Group (SCIG), International Communication Association pre-conference, Paris,
Ličen, S. (2022, Mar.). The different worlds of sports reporting: A comparative analysis of
print media sports reporting on five continents. National results of the International
Sports Press Survey 2021 (United States). IACS Summit on Communication and
Sport, Glassboro, NJ, USA.
Ličen, S. (with Crawford, T., & McGrath, C.) (2019, Oct.). Like in the movies? Giving a voice
to international female student-athletes at American universities. Play the Game,
Colorado Springs, CO, USA.
Ličen, S. (with Jedlicka, S.) (2019, Oct.). Teach your children well: Sport management v.
sport for development at American universities. Play the Game, Colorado Springs,
Crawford, T., Ličen, S., & McGrath, C. (2019, April). Female International Athletes at
American Universities: Reasons to Attend and Experiences that Followed. College
Sport Research Institute, Columbia, SC, USA.
Ličen, S. (2019, Mar.). Shifting Meanings of National Identity in Three Countries. Summit on
Communication and Sport, Boise, ID, USA.
Dominy, M. & Ličen, S. (2019, Mar.). Media Framing of FIFA’s Human Rights Scandals,
2010-2018. Summit on Communication and Sport, Boise, ID, USA.
Ličen, S. (2018, Apr.). National Identification and Mediated Sport in Global Contexts.
Summit on Communication and Sport, Bloomington, IN, USA.
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Ličen, S. (2018, Apr.). Twitter Activity of the International Basketball Federation. Summit on
Communication and Sport, Bloomington, IN, USA.
Ličen, S. (2018, Mar.). Twitter Activity of the International Basketball Federation.
Washington State University Academic Showcase.
Ličen, S. (2017, Nov.). Impact and Legacy of the 2013 EuroBasket in Slovenia. Play the
Game, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
Ličen, S. & Willoughby, R. (2017, May). Focused World Engagement: Twitter Activity of the
International Basketball Federation. North American Society for Sport Management
conference, Denver, CO, USA
Ličen, S., Billings, A.C., & Brown, K. (2017, Apr.). Envisioning Slovenia, Telecast from
Brazil: Relationships Between National Identity and Slovenian Viewership of the 2016
Rio Summer Olympic Games. Summit on Communication and Sport, Phoenix, AZ,
Sipocz, D., Coche, R., Billings, A.C., Ličen, S., & Smith, L. (2017, Apr Covering the Rio
Olympics (panel). Summit on Communication and Sport, Phoenix, AZ, USA
Ličen, S. (2016, Nov.). Effects of Media Consumption of Two (Mega-) Events in Slovenia.
North American Society for the Sociology of Sport, Tampa Bay, FL, USA.
Ličen, S. (2016, Mar.). Cataloguing Sport Communication Programs: An IACS Initiative.
Summit on Communication and Sport, Grand Rapids, MI, USA.
Ličen, S., Coche, R., Horky, T., Onwumechili, C., Wenner, L., Haynes, R. (2016, Mar.). The
Internationalization of Communication and Sport. Summit on Communication and
Sport, Grand Rapids, MI, USA (panel organizer/moderator).
Ličen, S., Butterworth, M.L., Grano, D.A., Oates, T.P., Wenner, L. (2015, Mar.). Forty Years
of Mythic Spectacle. Summit on Communication and Sport, Charlotte, NC, USA
(panel organizer/moderator).
Alspach, S.L., Horky, T., Nie T., Onwumechili, C., Walker, J., Ličen, S. (2015, Mar.). The
Internationalization of Communication and Sport. Summit on Communication and
Sport, Charlotte, NC, USA (panel organizer/moderator).
Hassall, K.M., & Ličen, S. (2015, Mar.). A Double Minority in a WASP’s World: Impact of
Media Representation on the Identities of Female Minority Rowers. Summit on
Communication and Sport, Charlotte, NC, USA.
Ličen, S. (2014, June). EuroBasket 2013: Perceived impact and potential legacy. Sport&EU
conference, Köln, Germany.
Ličen, S., Slabe-Erker, R., & Cole, A.N. (2014, May). Mega-events in new democracies:
Public perception of benefits associated with the 2013 men’s EuroBasket. North
American Society for Sport Management conference, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
Ličen, S., Lončar, M., Delorme, N., Begović, M., & Horky, T. (2014, Mar.). Major events for
major promotion? International newspaper coverage of the 2013 Men’s EuroBasket.
Summit on Communication and Sport, New York City, NY, USA.
Billings, A., Brown, N., Brown, K., Guo Q., Leeman, M., Ličen, S., Novak, D. & Rowe, D.
(2013, Aug.). From pride to smugness and the nationalism between: Olympic media
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consumption effects on nationalism across the globe. Association for Education in
Journalism and Mass Communication Conference, Washington, D.C., USA.
Ličen, S. (2013, Feb.). Congratweetlations! 2012 Olympic twitting by the Slovenian public
radio. Communication & Sport Summit, Austin, TX, USA.
Ličen, S. & Billings, A.C. (2012, Nov.). Affirming nationality in trans-national circumstances:
Slovenian coverage of continental franchise sports competitions. National
Communication Association 98
Annual Convention, Orlando, FL, USA.
Kustec Lipicer, S., Slabe Erker, R. & Ličen, S. (2012, Sep.). Governance of sport for all
policies in Slovenia. European Association for Sport Management Conference,
Aalborg, Denmark.
Ličen, S. & Billings, A.C. (2012, Mar.). Cheering for “our” champs by watching “sexy” female
throwers: Representation of nationality and gender in Slovenian 2008 summer
Olympic television coverage. Communication & Sport Summit, East Peoria, IL, USA.
Ličen, S. (2011, Oct.). Embracing or despising diversity? Sports broadcasts on public
television, the case of Slovenia. Play the Game, Cologne, Germany.
Ličen, S. & Doupona Topič, M. (2010, May). Athlete portrayals in TV Slovenia's 2008
Olympic coverage. European Association for the Sociology of Sport, Porto, Portugal.
Ličen, S. & Doupona Topič, M. (2009, Nov.). Biased representations and bizarre remarks in
Slovenian Olympic telecasts. North American Society for the Sociology of Sport,
Ottawa, Canada.
Billings, A.C., MacArthur, P.J., Ličen, S., & Wu D. (2009, Nov.). Superpower on the Olympic
basketball court: U.S. vs. China through four nationalistic lenses. North American
Society for the Sociology of Sport, Ottawa, Canada.
Ličen, S. (2009, May). Us vs. them: Partisanship in the discourse of Slovenian sports
telecasters. European Association for the Sociology of Sport, Rome, Italy.
Ličen, S. & Doupona Topič, M. (2009, May). Can the press fire a coach? An analysis of the
relation between Aleksandar Džikić and newspaper journalists. European Association
for the Sociology of Sport, Rome, Italy.
Ličen, S. & Bračič, M. (2008, Sept.). Attitudes to doping among players in Slovenian top-
level basketball teams. International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology, Zagreb,
Ličen, S. (2008, May). The respect of journalistic principles by sports journalists. European
Association for the Sociology of Sport, Bled, Slovenia.
Ličen, S. (2006, Dec.). A comparison of play-by-play broadcasts of a basketball match on
two TV stations. International Christmas Postgraduate School, Szombathely,
Ličen, S., Plut, R., & Dežman, B. (2006, Aug.). Analysis of referees' interventions in
basketball. World Congress of Performance Analysis of Sport, Szombathely,
Dr. Simon Ličen, Faculty CV
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Ličen, S., Lozar Manfreda, K., & Hlebec, V. (2005, Sept.). The quality of survey questions
published on Slovenian journalistic websites. International Conference of Applied
Statistics, Ribno, Slovenia.
“International Sport Broadcasting,submitted to the Washington State University College
of Education 2024-2026 Faculty Research Funding Awards. July 2024-June 2026.
Amount requested: $5000, funded $4000. Role: Principal Investigator (PI).
“British media coverage of English Premier League club ownership,” submitted to the
Washington State University College of Education 2022-2023 Faculty Research
Funding Awards. July 2022-June 2023. Amount requested: $5000, funded. Project
cancelled due to change in circumstances and research priorities. Role: Principal
Investigator (PI).
“Krajša in daljša gostovanja tujih strokovnjakov in visokošolskih učiteljev na
slovenskih visokošolskih zavodih 2019-2022” [Short-term and long-term visits by
foreign experts and higher education instructors at Slovenian institutions of higher
education, 2019-2022], funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the
Republic of Slovenia. Total value €10,655.59, funded. Role: Visiting faculty, long-term
visit (three months).
“Un passo avanti” [A step forward], grant proposal submitted to the Chairos/Con il SUD
Foundation in Italy. Not funded. Role: Interpreter.
“Fool’s Gold: A Series,” proposal submitted to the Amazon Catalyst program. Amount
requested: $25,000, not funded. Role: Principal Investigator.
“Toward a Contemporary Measure of Nationalism,” proposal submitted to the FACE
Foundation Thomas Jefferson Fund program. Amount requested: $17,860, not
funded. Role: Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI), with Nicolas Delorme (University of
Bordeaux in Bayonne).
“National Identification and Mediated Sport in Global Contexts,” proposal submitted to
the Washington State University Office for Grants and Research Development 2017
New Faculty Seed Grant awards. Amount requested: $20,400, not funded. Role:
Principal Investigator (PI).
“National Identification and Mediated Sport in Global Contexts,” submitted to the
Washington State University College of Education 2017-2018 Faculty Research
Funding Awards. July 2017-June 2019. Amount requested: $5000, funded. Role:
Principal Investigator (PI).
“Towards a Theory of Sport Communication in Africa: A Theory of Sports
Journalism,” Letter of Intent submitted to the Washington State University Office of
Research Grand Challenges Seed Grant awards. Estimated amount: $15,000, not
funded. Role: Principal Investigator (PI).
“Content and motivation to follow social media in sports: An international study,”
submitted to the Washington State University Office for Grants and Research
Dr. Simon Ličen, Faculty CV
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Development 2015 New Faculty Seed Grant awards. August 2015-June 2016.
Amount requested: $29,025, not funded. Role: Principal Investigator (PI).
“Content and motivation to follow social media in sports: An international study,”
submitted to the Washington State University College of Education 2015-2016
Faculty Funding Awards. August 2015-June 2016. Amount requested: $4910,
funded. Role: Principal Investigator (PI).
Virtual 5K for Research, funds recipient, October 2014. Amount collected: $817, funded.
“Football as a Carrier of Identity Change, international project submitted to the
Humanities in the European Research Area Joint Research Programme on Cultural
Encounters. June 2013-June 2016. Amount requested €160.000 (Slovenia only), not
funded. Role: Principal Investigator (PI).
“Efficient State Support for Population Sports Activity” (orig. Učinkovita državna
podpora za športno aktivnost državljanov), project No. V5-1031 funded by the
Slovenian Research Agency (Agencija za raziskovanje Republike Slovenije). October
1, 2010-September 30, 2012. Amount granted: €30.000, funded. Role: Research
TEACHING EXPERIENCE/COURSES TAUGHT (undergraduate unless specified)
SpMgt 579 Mass Communication for Sport Organizations (graduate) (in-person and online)
SpMgt 379 Sport Communication
SpMgt 367 Sport in American Society
SpMgt 384 Global Sport Management
SpMgt 491 Internship supervision
Business Tourism and Events (graduate) (online synchronous)
Sport Tourism (graduate) (online synchronous)
Communication in Tourism
Congress Events and Tourism (online synchronous)
Congress Management (online synchronous)
Digital Marketing in Tourism (online synchronous)
Event Management
Fundamentals of Event Management
Sport Events and Tourism (online synchronous)
BEIJING SPORT UNIVERSITY (2015-present, suspended since 2020/Covid-19)
Sport Journalism
Sport and Media; Sport Sociology; Theory and Methodics of Basketball
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University of Primorska, Faculty of Tourism Studies, Motivations to watch and participate
in sporting events (graduate), Dec. 21, 2023.
University “Union – Nikola Tesla,” Faculty of Sport. Sport, media and business in
Southeast Europe in the 21st century: Recommendations for professionals and
scholars (keynote lecture). Sport, Business and Media conference, Belgrade
(Serbia), Oct. 13-14, 2023.
University of Primorska, Faculty of Tourism Studies, Motivations to watch and participate
in sporting events, and the 2022 FIFA World Cup (graduate), Jan. 3, 2023
Beijing Foreign Studies University, Centre for International Sport Communication and
Diplomacy Studies, “Transition, Transformation, Transcendence: International Forum
on the Olympic Communication and Media Operation in the East Asia (2018-2022),”
Content Analysis of Official Social Media Accounts of the XXIV Winter Olympic
Games, Beijing, China, Apr. 23, 2022.
University of Primorska, Faculty of Tourism Studies, Motivations to watch and participate
in sporting events (graduate), Dec. 23, 2021
Presidency of the Republic of Croatia to the Council of the European Union, Role and
Influence of Media in Sport conference, keynote speaker, June 2020 (cancelled due
to Covid-19)
Washington State University, Sport Management Research Meetings, Sustainability in
Sport Management Education at American Universities (open), Oct. 9, 2019
Beijing Sport University, Effects of Media and Sport (all-university), June 6, 2019
Beijing Sport University, Current trends in sport media (all-university), June 4, 2018
University of Memphis, Olympic Broadcasting (undergraduate), Feb .12, 2018
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences, Sport journalism (graduate), Nov. 23,
Washington State University, Sport Management Research Meetings, Impact and Legacy
of Major Sports Events: Findings from the 2013 EuroBasket (open), Oct. 25, 2017
University of Memphis, Honors College, Olympic Broadcasting (undergraduate), Nov. 7,
Lewis-Clark State College, Dr. Bob Frederick Sport Leadership Lecture Series, Lessons
from the Rio 2016 Olympics (all-university and general public), Oct. 12, 2016
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences, Sport journalism (undergraduate), May
25, 2016
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences, Sport journalism (graduate), Nov 18,
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences, Introduction to Sport Journalism
(undergraduate), Mar. 11, 2013
University of Primorska, The relation between media and sport (undergraduate), Dec. 13,
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University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences, Sports journalism discourse
(undergraduate), Nov. 12, 2012
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences, Sports journalism and its relations with
politics and corporate interests (graduate), Nov. 7, 2012
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences, Sports journalism and sports reporting
(undergraduate, graduate), 2012-2013
University of Alabama, Cultural diversity in sports broadcasting: Notions of identity on
Slovenian television (undergraduate), Mar. 26-28, 2012
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences, Sport as a tool of diplomacy
(undergraduate), Jan. 18, 2012
Also held over 60 lectures, courses, workshops and seminars between 2003-2012 for a
variety of professional institutions and organizations including Television Slovenia, Institute
for Fair Play and Tolerance in Sport, Basketball Federation of Slovenia, Slovenian PR
Society, I Came to Play NGO, City Office for Sport in Ljubljana.
(asterisk denotes advisor role/committee chairmanship)
Doctoral dissertation
Kelsey Elizabeth Quinn (La Trobe University, Australia), 2022 external examiner
Master’s theses
Hannah Martian*, 2024
Esther Akinniyi, 2024 (anticipated)
Nastja Čermelj* (University of Primorska,
Slovenia), 2022 co-mentor
Emily Weber*, 2020
Mary Barnett*, 2016 co-chair
DJ Mackie, 2016
Barbara Bejek*, 2016 (University of
Ljubljana, Slovenia) co-mentor
Devon E. Carroll, 2015
Kerry M. Hassall*, 2015
Master’s comprehensive exam
Brian Green, 2025 (forthcoming)
Taylor Callow*, 2024
Bailey Arnold*, 2023
Gabriel Chaikin*, 2023
Gabrielle Charles*, 2023
Erica Fraley, 2022
Robert Jackson, 2022
Marie Lund-Hansen*, 2022
Taylor MyCoy, 2022
Austin Melhart, 2022
Scott J. Driscoll*, 2021
Lewis Hubbard*, 2021
Kylar Hunt, 2021
Andrew Kalahar*, 2021
Hailie Palafox, 2021
Taylor Shewchuk, 2021
Marit Thorkildsen, 2021
Cassie Thompson*, 2020
Binta Bojang, 2020
Melissa Dominy*, 2020
Hayley Halkovic*, 2020
Monica McNamara, 2020
Shaorui Zhu, 2020
Rachel Horras, 2019
Jordan Hunter, 2019
Wei Ching Liao*, 2019
Kaitlyn Layman*, 2019
Titus Nordquist, 2019
Jacob Staniszewski, 2019
Michael Marlow*, 2018
Henry Evans*, 2018
Jaime Flowers, 2018
Cheyenne Gaspar, 2018
Marielle (Molly) Gagnon, 2018
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Deja’Nay Gilliam*, 2018
Kourtney Guetlein, 2018
Melissa Olsen, 2018
Gordon Anderson, 2017
Ethan Cobb*, 2017
Kelly Forsyth, 2017
Korin Hedlund, 2017
Alec Hurley, 2017
Dominique Kropp, 2017
Anastasia Rarig, 2017
Jessica Reagan, 2017
Robert Willoughby, 2017
Chase Winkler, 2017
Hayase Yoshizumi, 2017
Brandon Altenburg, 2016
Kendall Boliba*, 2016
Christine Cook, 2016
Giles Dakin-White, 2016
Leigha Krick, 2016
Katelyn Spradley*, 2016
Tess Taylor*, 2015
Spencer Roland, 2015
Jennifer Hale, 2015
Rachel Wright, 2015
Hannah Gwazdauskas, 2015
Master’s temporary advisor
Marie Benedetti* (comp., 2024)
Michael Chwaluk* (comp., 2024)
Dalton Dierickx* (comp., 2024)
Spencer Leal* (comp., 2024)
Christopher Mackey* (comp., 2024)
Juliva Motuga* (comp., 2024)
Simon Samarzich* (comp., 2024)
Honors theses
Samuel DuByne, 2023
William Millick, 2021
Emily Fallin*, 2021
Julia Brady*, 2019
Jim Crawford*, 2015
Kelly Forsyth, 2015
Jaci Barbano, 2014
Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program
Teresa Zaragoza*, 2017-2018
Bachelor’s theses (University of Ljubljana)
Mojca Horn, 2012 Jaka Potrpin, 2009
Peter Pavšič, 2011 Jurij Nučič, 2009
Alenka Perhavec, 2011 Gregor Štorman, 2009
Stjepan Paladin* (co-mentor), 2010 Polona Jarc, 2006
Gašper Sojar, 2010
Academica Turistica Tourism and Innovation Journal (AT-TIJ), Associate Editor, 2023-
Communication and Sport, Special issue co-editor: Sport and Mediatization: Sports Events
and Cultures Across the World, 2021-2022
Sport & EU Review, Co-editor, 2010-2014
Communication and Sport (impact factor: 3.183), 2019-present
Sociology of Sport Journal (impact factor: 2.349), 2014-2017
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Journal of ALESDE (Asociación Latinoamericana de Estudios Socioculturales del Deporte),
Šport (Ljubljana), 2009-2011
Chinese Journal of Communication; Communication and Sport; Edward Elgar (book chapter
review); European Journal of Communication; International Journal of the History of Sport;
International Journal of Sport Communication; International Review for the Sociology of
Sport; Journal of Sport Management; Mass Communication and Society; Medijska
istraživanja/Media Research; New Media and Society; Routledge (book proposal reviewer);
Science of Gymnastics; Sociology of Sport Journal; Šport; Sport in Society.
Northwest Association for Sport in Higher Education, Program committee, Seattle,
Wash., April 5, 2024
Play the Game 2019 conference, Program Committee, Colorado Springs, CO, 2019
Conference of the European Association for the Sociology of Sport, Secretary,
Organizing Committee, Bled, Slovenia, 2008
European Association for the Sociology of Sport, European Communication Research and
Education Association, Kinesiology, National Communication Association, North American
Society for Sport Management, Play the Game, Summit on Communication and Sport.
Athletics Council, member, Fall 2023-present
Faculty Senate Committee on Committees, member, 2022-present
College Graduate Studies Committee, member, 2022-present
Sport Management Students of Color affinity space, creator, 2021-2023
College Scholarship Committee, member, 2020-2022
University Graduate School Mentor Academy, member, 2020-present
Faculty mentoring committees, Dr. Elodie Wendling, 2024-present; Dr. Chinhoo “Alex”
Gang (chair), 2023-present; Dr. Jeff Walls, 2019-2024; Dr. Scott Jedlicka (chair),
2019-2023; Dr. Emma Ariyo (chair), 2021-2023; Dr. Tae Ho Kim (co-chair), 2019-2020
College Grants and Research Advisory Committee, member, 2017-2020, 2023-present
University Visioning Conference, delegate, 2019
Hiring committees, Sport Management tenure-track assistant professor (chair, three hires),
2022-2023; University Recreation, Assistant Director for Competitive Sports, 2022;
Administrative manager (two searches), 2022; Sport Management career-track
assistant professor, 2021; Kinesiology tenure-track assistant professor, 2018-2019
WSU Unified Sports Club, committee chair, 2018-2020
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College Leadership Team, member, 2018-2023
Memorandum of Understanding, Orchestrated the signing of a MOU between Washington
State University and Beijing Sport University, 2017-2018
Sport Management Research Meetings (Monthly faculty and student research presentation
series), Creator and director, 2016-2020
Study Abroad Program Director (cancelled due to insufficient registrations), 2016
College Diversity and International Committee, member, 2015-2020
Three-Minute Thesis, judge, 2015
Undergraduate program assessment, committee member, 2014-2017; director, 2018-2023
Graduate program assessment, committee member, 2014-2017; director, 2018-2023
Gordon-Enberg Sport Management Speaker Series, Jens Sejer Andersen (convenor,
2014), Andrew Billings (convenor, 2015), Mike Gastineau (support, 2016), Tom
Farrey (support, 2017), Ashleigh Thompson (convenor, 2019), Vitaly and Iuliia
Stepanov (convenor, 2020, cancelled/Covid-19).
New Faculty Orientation, panellist, 2014
Scholarship application reviewer, 2014-2022
Recruitment, retention and student development activities, incl. University Week of
Welcome, Department of Athletics Professional Development Kickoff, University
Preview, Future Cougars of Distinction (all multiple times), 2014-present
Social media director, Sport Management program, 2013-2023
Play the Game 2019 conference, Program Committee, Colorado Springs, CO, 2019
External Curriculum reviewer, Beijing Sport University, Department of Foreign Languages,
International Association for Communication and Sport, Board of Directors, 2012-2016
UNESCO Management of Social Transformation (MOST) National Committee, Member,
SPOLINTInternational Institute for Sustainable Development, Policy, and Diplomacy
of Sport, Advisory Board, 2010-2016
UNESCO Slovenian National Commission, Member, 2010-2014
Society of Young Researchers of Slovenia, President, Selection Committee, Mentor of the
Year Award, 2010, 2011
I Came to Play, Academic Director, basketball-humanitarian camp for youth from post-
conflict Yugoslavia, Fruška Gora, Serbia, 2009-2010
Society of Young Researchers of Slovenia, Executive Board, 2007-2009
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Institute for Sports and Events Medvode (Zavod za šport in prireditve Medvode),
Technical Committee, 2013-2014
Sport Union of Slovenia (Športna unija Slovenije), Technical Committee, 2009
Association of Basketball Officials of the Slovenian Coast (Društvo obalnih košarkarskih
sodnikov), Founding Member (2003), Board Member (2003-2011), President,
Technical Committee (2003-2007)
Slovenian Association of Basketball Officials (Združenje košarkarskih sodnikov
Slovenije), Secretary of the Technical Committee, 2003
2022 FIFA World Cup (Qatar, 2022), Attended and credentialed as part of RTV Slovenija’s
broadcasting crew
XXIV Olympic Winter Games (Beijing, 2022), Credentialed as part of RTV Slovenija’s
broadcasting crew, did not attend due to Covid-19 restrictions
Games of the XXXII Olympiad (Tokyo, 2021), Credentialed as part of RTV Slovenija’s
broadcasting crew, did not attend due to Covid-19 restrictions
Games of the XXXI Olympiad (Rio de Janeiro, 2016), Attended and credentialed as part of
RTV Slovenija’s broadcasting crew
Interviewed by or quoted in the following media outlets in Estonia, Italy, Serbia, Slovenia, the
United Kingdom, Ukraine, the United States: Ampak (2008), Daily Evergreen (May 1, 2017,
October 5, 2017, February 13, 2019, April 18, 2024), Delo (incl. Dec 22, 2011, May 11, 2013,
May 8, 2018), Dnevnik (incl. Aug 19, 2014), Finance (Sep 17, 2013), The Guardian (Oct 9,
2014), Harrisburg Patriot-News (April 24, 2011: 1, 2), Huffington Post (op-ed on Aug 22,
2016), Jalka (October 2015), KLEW (Aug 21, 2014, TV and web), Lewiston Tribune
(October 28, 2014), MMC RTVSLO (incl. Jul 31, 2009, Mar 30, 2011, Feb 5, 2014, Mar 24,
2014, Sep 1, 2014, Aug 3, 2016, Mar 27, 2019), Nedeljski Dnevnik (Sep 2017), NetsDaily
(Sep 16, 2006), Pacific Standard Magazine (Jan 30, 2014), POP TV (incl. Nov. 5, 2020),
Primorske novice (incl. Dec 22, 2011), Radio Capodistria (Dec 5, 2015, Aug 7, 2016, Mar
4, 2018, Jul 4, 2018, Aug. 31, 2020), Radio Capris, Radio Hit, Radio Slovenija (incl. 1, Sep
18, 2013, Jan 9, 2014, Feb 4, 2014, Jun 12, 2014, Aug 3, 2016, Aug 18, 2016, Aug. 28,
2020), Radio Sora, Slovenian Press Agency, Slovenske novice, Sotočje (2013), Številke
podcast (Jan 30, 2015), Tennis Italiano (September 2005), TV Apolo (August 2010), TV
Koper-Capodistria (incl. Oct 29, 2015), TV Maribor, TV Medvode, TV Slovenija, Večer
(incl. Aug. 6, 2022), WalletHub (August 2016), Washington State Magazine (Summer
2015), WikiNews (November 16, 2013, in English and Ukrainian), WSU News (Oct 7, 2013,
Aug 12, 2014, Oct 27, 2014, Mar 25, 2015, Jan 17, 2017, Feb 26, 2019, Mar 27, 2019, Nov
14, 2023).
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PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS (alphabetical, selected)
Association for the Study of Sport and the European Union (Sport & EU)
Commission on Sport Management Accreditation (COSMA)
European Association for Sport Management (EASM)
European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA)
International Association for Communication and Sport (IACS)
National Communication Association (NCA)
North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM)
North American Society for the Sociology of Sport (NASSS)
Society of Sport Journalists of Slovenia (Društvo športnih novinarjev Slovenije)
World Association for Sport Management (WASM)