This handbook is designed for students, families and key school staff. It
provides a summary of the CHES Higher Education Studies (HES) programs,
the application process and the expectations and requirements of studying a
HES subject at CHES.
Welcome to CHES 3
Higher Education Studies (HES) in the VCE 4
Benets of studying a HES subject through CHES 6
Making Higher Education Studies (HES) accessible 7
Applying for Higher Education Studies (HES) 8
Key Dates for 2024-2025 10
Steps to apply for a HES through CHES 11
Unit outlines for each HES offered in 2025 12
We Reach; We Connect; We Understand.
We Think Ahead.
Centre for Higher Education Studies (CHES)
Welcome to the next stage in your educational journey. This is your opportunity to challenge yourself and to gain
a head start on university by studying a Higher Education Study (HES). HES are rst-year university subjects
with two units, one per semester, that can be taken while you are still in school. We are excited to be expanding
access to HES to an even wider group of high-achieving students than ever before and we are proud of the
outstanding results of our students in 2023 and 2024.
CHES has been established as a centre of excellence to cultivate the potential of high-ability and high-
achieving senior secondary school students. It is a direct response to the Victorian Government’s intention
that all students, regardless of their location in Victoria are supported to realise their full potential. As our name
suggests, we are expanding access to Higher Education Studies (HES) for high-achieving government school
This handbook details the HES that are being offered for 2025 through CHES and our university partners,
including information about eligibility, enrolment applications, selection processes, and each of the subjects on
HES are rst year university subjects and are designed to extend high-achieving students. At CHES, we offer HES
to government school students across Victoria, including students in metropolitan, rural, regional, and remote
areas, students with disadvantaged backgrounds, and students who may be rst in their family to undertake
university studies. Through an innovative ‘hy-ex’ approach to teaching and learning, students can remain
enrolled at their chosen government secondary school and undertake one HES through CHES, as part of their
VCE program. To accommodate as many eligible students as possible, these programs are available through a
hybrid and exible approach, with opportunities to study conveniently online at school or home, or on-site at
CHES, and to visit and explore university campuses.
At CHES, we are proudly partnering with a range of Victorian universities to broaden the range of HES available to
senior secondary students. We are a bridge between schools and universities, students and university faculties,
and between high-ability students across Victoria. Students who undertake a HES subject with us will also have
access to our CHES student enrichment program, which includes masterclasses from a range of universities.
Our programs enable students to accelerate and deepen their learning. When enrolled in one of our subjects, you
have the opportunity to learn from university experts who are specialists in their eld, expand your knowledge
and skills, challenge yourself, build networks with other high-achieving students, experience university life
while still at school, potentially attain university credits, gain valuable ATAR points, and continue building an
impressive CV for your future.
At CHES we are forward thinking. We invite you to look to the future with us and take the rst step in your journey
to university. I encourage you to read the information in this handbook, on our website, and the links in this
document to nd further information on university websites, and to contact us with any questions or queries.
If you or your family would like to learn more about HES at CHES, please attend one of our online information
evenings. There is more information on our programs and upcoming school tours and information evenings on
our website: www.ches.vic.edu.au and we welcome enquiries on phone 9063 1170 or ches@education.vic.gov.au.
We welcome your application to enrol in a HES with us in 2025.
Stewart Milner
Foundation Principal
Welcome to CHES
Higher Education Studies (HES) in the VCE
What are Higher Education Studies (HES)?
Higher Education Studies (HES) are rst-year
university subjects that are taken as part of a student’s
VCE program. The HES constitute about 20% of
a full-time rst-year university course and are an
advance on a VCE Unit 3 and 4 subject, or provide the
opportunity to explore new areas of interest. Each HES
is equivalent in duration and workload of a VCE Unit
3 and 4 sequence.
The HES outlined in this handbook are being offered
through CHES and delivered by our university partners.
It is important to note that only one HES can contribute
towards satisfactory completion for the award of the
Technical details of completing a HES
Through CHES students can apply to study a HES as
part of their VCE program.
Students accepted into a HES enjoy a wide range
of benets including academic challenge from an
extension subject and a contribution towards the
calculation of the ATAR. Students who successfully
complete a HES will have the title of the study, the
year of enrolment, and the university name reported
on their VCE Statement of Results.
ATAR increment
HES can only be used as a fth or sixth subject in the
calculation of the ATAR. Depending on a student’s
results, completion of the HES can contribute 3 to 5
points to the ATAR aggregate.
The Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC)
provides an ATAR increment for a HES as a fth or sixth
subject, provided that the student has:
satisfactorily completed four VCE Unit 3 and 4
sequences for which study scores have been
calculated, including one from the English group
satisfactorily completed at least one VCE Unit 3
and 4 sequence in the same year as the HES
satisfactorily completed the full year of the HES
been awarded a pass result by the university.
The table below outlines the points students will
receive, and the equivalent VCE study score value, for
completion of a HES (accurate at time of publication).
You can nd more detailed information about how
the VTAC calculates the ATAR contribution at
Please note: HES subjects are included in Study Area
groupings for calculation of ATAR. Students should
ensure they have read the information on the VTAC
website before selecting a HES.
Higher Education Studies (HES) in the
What are Higher Education Studies (HES)?
Higher Education Studies (HES) are rst-year
university subjects that are taken as part of a student’s
VCE program. The HES constitute about 20% of a full-
time rst-year university course and are an advance
on a VCE Unit 3 & 4 subject. Each HES is equivalent in
duration and workload of a VCE Unit 3 & 4 sequence.
The HES outlined in this handbook are being offered
through CHES and delivered by our university
It is important to note that only one HES can contribute
towards satisfactory completion for the award of the
VCE. Students are only permitted to enrol in one HES
through CHES.
What are the benets of studying a HES as part of
your VCE?
Through CHES students can apply to study a HES as
part of their VCE program.
Students accepted into a HES can enjoy a wide range
of benets including academic challenge from an
extension subject, to be considered for credit towards
a university qualication, a potential university
entry pathway, contribution towards completion of
the VCE as a Unit 3-4 sequence, and a subsequent
contribution towards the calculation of the ATAR via
an increment for a fth or sixth study. Students who
successfully complete a HES will have the title of the
study, the year of enrolment, and the university name
reported on their VCE Statement of Results.
ATAR increment
HES can be used as a fth or sixth subject in the
calculation of the ATAR. Depending on a student’s
results, completion of the HES can contribute 3 to 5
points to the ATAR aggregate.
The Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC)
provides an ATAR increment for a HES as a fth or
sixth subject, provided that the student has:
satisfactorily completed four VCE Unit 3 and
4 sequences for which study scores have been
calculated, including one from the English group
satisfactorily completed at least one VCE Unit 3
and 4 sequence in the same year as the HES
satisfactorily completed the full year of the HES
been awarded a pass result by the university.
The table below outlines the points students will
receive, and the equivalent VCE study score value, for
completion of a HES (accurate at time of publication).
You can nd more detailed information about how the
VTAC calculates the ATAR contribution.
Please note that International Baccalaureate (IB)
students are not eligible to receive an ATAR increment
upon successful completion of your HES. However,
they are eligible for all other benets outlined on the
following page.
Average mark for HES subject HES ATAR aggregate
VCE study score
90 or more 5.0 points 50
80-89 4.5 points 45
70-79 4.0 points 40
60-69 3.5 points 35
50-59 3.0 points 30
ATAR Increment Conversion
Please note: International Baccalaureate (IB) students are not eligible to enrol in a HES subject. Students
in government schools completing the IB should contact CHES to discuss their options.
Where students withdraw from, or fail to satisfactorily
complete, the VCE study listed either as a prerequisite
or concurrent subject, they will not be eligible for a
HES increment in their ATAR calculation regardless of
their performance in the HES.
Earning university credits
Students who successfully complete the HES may
be considered for a credit towards an undergraduate
course at the university where the study was
satisfactorily completed if the subjects can be taken
as part of that course. Where students apply to study
an unrelated undergraduate course at the university
that delivered the HES, or apply to study at another
university, students may also be considered to receive
credits, at the discretion of the university.
To be considered for course credits, students will need
to submit a ‘credit application’ when applying to study
the undergraduate qualication or when students
receive their course offer from the university. Each
university has their own processes and requirements
for recognising prior learning and these policies are
available at the following links:
Moving condently into university life
Students enrolled in a HES have the opportunity
to experience university study and tertiary life. This
includes visits to university campuses, opportunities
to engage with university students and academics,
and access to university resources.
Adding credentials to your CV
Students will receive their academic transcript on
the successful completion of their HES. CHES also
offers student leadership opportunities, including
nominating for election to the CHES school council.
Student educational resources
There are no enrolment costs or subject fees for
students to study a HES through CHES. Students
will be advised if they need to acquire educational
items such as textbooks (paper or digital versions),
stationery, calculators, and digital devices.
No penalty for withdrawal or failure
At CHES, our aim is for all students to successfully
graduate from the HES they undertake with our
university partners. If a student withdraws from or fails
the HES, they will not experience any disadvantage
when subsequently applying to study at that university
or any other tertiary institution.
Students should ensure that withdrawal from their HES
subject will still allow them to meet the requirements
to be awarded their VCE and receive an ATAR. This is
the best determined by speaking to the Carers Advisor
or VCE Co-ordinator in the base school.
Deakin University:
Recognition of prior learning
Federation University:
Pathways and credit - Federation University
La Trobe University:
Advanced Standing, Information for new students
Monash University:
Credit for prior study – study at Monash University
RMIT University:
Apply for credit - RMIT University
Swinburne University:
Credit for Prior Study or Experience | Swinburne
University of Melbourne:
Advanced Standing
Victoria University:
Credit for skills and past study
Benets of studying a HES subject through CHES
1. CHES provides coordination, resourcing and support for students enrolled in HES
In partnership with universities and the student’s base school, CHES will provide oversight, coordination and
support for their HES program. The CHES staff will guide and support students with transitioning into and
through their HES program. We will provide wrap-around support to enable students to be successful.
All students accepted into CHES have access to the CHES Learning Management System (LMS) and this
provides them with a common platform for access to collaboration spaces, news and key information updates,
links to services and staff at CHES, booking options for the masterclasses, and a place to connect with other
CHES students.
The universities also provide students with access to their own LMS platform, libraries, and other tertiary
At CHES we work closely with the base schools throughout the time that students are engaging in the HES
2. Opportunities to make new friends and connections
Through their HES, students will meet leading academics, teachers and university students. Students will be
learning together with other high-ability students from across Victoria and will have the opportunity to develop
positive relationships with others, fostering a strong friendship network before continuing to university after
graduating from secondary school.
3. Student enrichment opportunities
At CHES we recognise the importance of supporting students with their transition to university. Together with
our university partners, CHES offers enrichment and extension opportunities to further stretch and challenge
senior students.
These student enrichment programs are available to students who are enrolled in a subject through CHES, and
includes masterclasses, workshops, and seminars.
Making Higher Education Studies (HES) accessible
Hy-ex learning through CHES
CHES expands access to HES for high-achieving senior secondary students in government schools across
Victoria. The HES are delivered by our university partners through hybrid online and on-site learning options,
with greater exibility and choice in how students engage with their program.
CHES is the physical hub for Higher Education Studies
Our state-of-the-art centre is designed to reect the nature of a mature, tertiary learning environment, while
providing secondary school students with the comfort and familiarity of a dedicated centre and a team of
support staff.
Many of our partner universities use the CHES facilities for both on-site and online delivery of HES which enables
students across Victoria to participate in interactive classes with other CHES students.
University excursions and seminars
Students have the opportunity to attend university campuses to access on-site specialist facilities. This boosts
the preparedness of students for transition to full-time tertiary study in the following years. Students and families
should note that visits to universities will normally be unsupervised excursions and students will be expected to
make their way to and from those programs independently.
Hybrid and exible learning options
To help students t HES in with their overall VCE program, universities will deliver programs in a variety of ways.
Students will remain enrolled at their chosen government secondary school and undertake a study at CHES as
part of their VCE program.
We use a hy-ex approach to teaching and learning through CHES. There is online learning access each step
of the way so that students can access these courses, regardless of where they live in Victoria. This blended,
hybrid and exible approach means that at times HES is delivered on site at our state-of-the-art CHES facility
and at other times there are seminars and excursions to the university campus. To ensure that all students have
an equitable learning experience, our hy-ex delivery model is mediated through extensive technology installed
and embedded within the CHES facility for effective online learning.
Active participation is key. Regardless of their location, all students are able to access lesson content at different
times and engage in class activities. Together with the university staff, we promote and expect full and active
participation of all students and genuine engagement in classroom activities between students whether on-site
and online. Punctual and regular attendance is crucial.
Close, supportive connections with base schools
CHES liaises closely with students’ base-schools and the universities to support the academic progress,
wellbeing, and engagement of students, including those who are learning remotely.
Applying for Higher Education Studies
Eligibility to enrol in a Higher Education Study through CHES
Higher Education Studies (HES) are offered to high-achieving and high-ability senior secondary students.
Students will not be required to undertake an entrance exam to enrol at CHES. There is a simple online application
for enrolment into HES programs accessed via the CHES website. The student application includes two parts:
section one to be completed by the student and their parent/carer
section two by the student’s base school with a statement that conrms student suitability for a CHES
program and any details regarding special circumstances or considerations that the CHES Selection Panel
should be aware of.
A student’s suitability to undertake the HES must be approved by their Principal. In addition, schools will need
to nominate a base school supervisor and agree to support the student as per the roles and responsibility
documentation provided in the Base School handbook.
Students enrolling should have the capacity for independent and collaborative learning. The HES selected
should appropriately reect each student’s prospective future study pathway, career choice or interests.
Students must have completed the prerequisite study or be completing the study concurrently, if applicable.
Please refer to each HES subject description in the following sections for further information about prerequisite
and co-requisite VCE subjects.
To be eligible for a HES through CHES, students must be enrolled in VCE in the year they intend to participate
(i.e. have at least one VCE Unit 3 and 4 during the year in which they undertake the HES).
For students to be considered for a CHES program current enrolment in a government school is required. If a
student has a dual enrolment across the government, catholic or independent school sectors, the student must
be undertaking the majority of their studies at the government school (for example, if a student is currently
enrolled in an independent school where the majority of their VCE studies are being completed but is also
undertaking a subject through Virtual School Victoria or the Victorian School of Languages, this student would
not be considered eligible for participation in a CHES program).
Students must maintain their enrolment in a Victorian government school (as their main school) for the
duration of their course at CHES. Students who do not maintain their enrolment in a Victorian government
school may be ineligible to continue their studies, or payment may be sought to fund their participation. The
CHES principal will determine the most suitable approach in such a situation.
At this time international students and those who are home-schooled are not eligible to apply.
There is no limit on the number of applications that can be received nor number of students that can be enrolled
at CHES from any one school. Each and every individual application will be considered on its merits.
Please note that universities may have other eligibility criteria for each of their HES. In each of the HES listed,
the universities have indicated if there are additional academic standards or other additional requirements for
acceptance into the specic subjects they offer (e.g., some universities have indicated an average grade level
required across non-prerequisite subjects). Links to university webpages have been included in the HES subject
section of this handbook.
How many HES can I apply for?
Students can enrol in only one HES. Through the application process students may apply for a maximum of two
HES and indicate the order of preference. If students are not accepted into one HES, they may be eligible for the
other if they meet the selection criteria.
How will my application be assessed?
Ultimately, universities retain the autonomy to determine whether students will be enrolled in their HES units
and they will make the nal decision on student enrolment. The allocation of student places to CHES courses will
be based on merit, with allowances made to ensure student selection is informed by the principles of excellence
and equity.
The student selection process is designed to streamline the review of applications and selection of students for
each of the HES. CHES coordinates the application process, reviews applications and provides recommendations
to each university. An enrolment committee convened by the CHES Principal will assess each application,
including each student’s current and likely attainment levels (including performance so far in any prerequisite
subjects), as well written statements from the student and their school that provide insight into the student’s
suitability to undertake a HES through the CHES.
The CHES Principal reserves the right to request an interview with applicants for whom additional information is
required to enable appropriate consideration of their application.
Who teaches the HES subjects?
The HES subjects are taught by university staff and the universities deliver the curriculum, teaching and
assessment of the HES subjects. HES subjects are delivered by the universities, not by CHES. Staff at CHES
provide ongoing support and guidance to students throughout their HES journey and communicate with and
liaise between universities and the base schools of students.
When are classes held?
The exact timing of the HES classes will be conrmed by universities after the start of the academic year. The
HES are usually available after normal school hours to minimise clashes with the scheduled VCE classes of
students. Some subjects may require attendance during school hours, with the option of attending online or on-
site, and there may a small number of full-day or half-day seminars held during school holidays or on weekends.
Students are advised of key dates as early as possible.
What is the time commitment? What are the attendance requirements?
The time requirements for each HES are equivalent to the time allocation for a standard VCE study. To help
students complete a HES as part of their VCE timetable, CHES works closely with partner universities on
scheduling of HES programs, to ensure minimal disruption to the VCE program.
Students are able to attend online or on-site for their HES classes. The number of classes and the time
commitment each week depends on the subject area studied. It is important to note that each HES will have
a compulsory attendance requirement, that is similar to existing VCE attendance requirements at schools. In
addition to formal class time, all subjects will require a certain number of hours of self-study each week.
In terms of assessments, CHES will work closely with HES coordinators at universities to minimise clashes with
VCE exams and other major VCE commitments. Students should note that there may be a requirement to attend
on site for major exams or assessments at certain points in the year.
Monday 15 July 2024 Applications open for 2025 HES programs
Tuesday 16 July 2024, 6.00pm HES information evening (online – session 1)
Monday 22 July 2024, 6.00pm HES information evening (online – this is a repeat of session 1)
Friday 30 August 2024 , 11.59pm Applications close for 2025 program
Friday 29 November 2024 Round 1 application outcomes
Outcomes of applications emailed to student applicants and their
schools will be:
Yes: unconditional offer of acceptance
Yes: provisional offer (pending the semester 2 results of students)
No: application declined as the selection criteria was not met,
places on the course were exhausted by students who achieved a
higher ranking, or the course has not attracted a suitable number of
For students who receive an unconditional or provisional offer
of acceptance, CHES will provide links to the university’s online
enrolment process (as necessary) as the nal step in the process.
For students who were declined their rst preference but have
indicated a second preference, their application for the second
preference subject will be considered as part of round 2 of the
selection process in November and December.
Where preferences have been exhausted but minimum criteria have
been met, the student will be encouraged to consider an enrolment
directly with the university.
Thursday 19 December 2024 Students submit semester 2 reports to CHES
No later than Friday 10 January 2025 CHES will communicate updated outcomes (accepted or declined) to
all students (and their schools) for round 1 and round 2 offers.
Friday 14 February 2025 HES orientation program
Late February/Early March 2025 HES classes commence for each university course
Registrations for the information evenings will be available through the CHES website as well as a recording of
the information evening afterwards.
Key Dates for 2024 - 2025
We welcome your enquiries
If you have any questions about the Higher Education
Studies, please contact the CHES team on 9063 1170
or ches@education.vic.gov.au
The CHES website should be accessed regularly
by students, parents/carers and their schools to
ensure that they are accessing the most up-to-date
information on HES through CHES.
Steps to applying for a CHES Higher
Education Study
1. Choose your preferred HES subject
There are a range of subject areas available. The full list
of HES subjects are included below for each university.
In choosing which subject to apply for, we encourage
you to consider your strengths, interests and future
career aspirations rst and foremost. Two key things to
keep in mind are:
The VCE subjects you most enjoy and achieve
most highly in;
The prerequisites and any other requirements for
enrolment into each particular HES subject
In your application, you can choose up to two HES.
You will need to list them in priority order. If you are
not accepted into your rst preference, you may be
considered for your second.
2. Check your eligibility and permissions
See the ‘Eligibility to enrol in a Higher Education Study
through CHES’ section in this handbook and ensure
that you meet those requirements before applying,
including any university-specic eligibility criteria for
the HES (see university entries in the HES subject
section of this handbook).
The principal of your school will need to approve your
application to study at HES through CHES.
Apply online
Once you have conrmed that you are eligible
to apply for the HES, you will need to submit an
online application through the CHES website:
To submit an application, follow the steps on the CHES
enrolment application page. Choose your preferred
HES (up to two HES can be selected in preference
order) and provide your response to the Student
Statement section. Please note that your school
principal (or their representative) will be asked to verify
your information and provide some of your results to
support your application. An automated request for
information will be sent to your school principal once
your section of the application has been submitted.
The ‘Student Statement’ section of the application
will ask you to prepare a short response to the
following two questions:
1. Drawing on your skills and attributes, outline why
you feel you are well-suited to study at CHES.
Please share some examples that highlight your
skills and strengths (Word limit: 300 words)
2. What is it about the HES units you have selected
that appeals to you? Why is commencing tertiary
study as part of your VCE important to you? (Word
limit: 300 words)
While preparing your application, you can click the
‘Save’ button at any time and return to your application
later. Once you have successfully submitted your
online application, you will receive an automatic email
from CHES conrming receipt of your application.
Unit outlines for each HES offered in 2025
Before selecting a HES to apply for, please read carefully through the following subject information pages.
In this section, the details of each particular HES have been outlined by the universities, including an overview of
the HES, any prerequisite or co-requisite VCE studies, the intended learning outcomes, the linked undergraduate
qualication, any specic requirements (including any mandatory dates and times for holiday seminars and
intensives or excursions), and the links to the university websites for further information on the units and any
further university eligibility requirements.
CHES is proud to be partnering with the following Victorian universities in the delivery of Higher Education
Studies for 2025:
Unit outlines for each HES offered in 2023
Before selecting a HES to apply for, please read carefully through the following subject information pages.
In this section, the details of each particular HES have been outlined by the universities, including an
overview of the HES, any prerequisite or co-requisite VCE studies, the intended learning outcomes, the linked
undergraduate qualication, any specic requirements (including any mandatory dates and times for holiday
seminars and intensives or excursions), and the links to the university websites for further information on the
units and any further university eligibility requirements.
The Centre for Higher Education Studies is proud to be partnering with the following Victorian universities in
the delivery of Higher Education Studies for 2023:
Unit outlines for each HES offered in 2023
Before selecting a HES to apply for, please read carefully through the following subject information pages.
In this section, the details of each particular HES have been outlined by the universities, including an
overview of the HES, any prerequisite or co-requisite VCE studies, the intended learning outcomes, the linked
undergraduate qualication, any specic requirements (including any mandatory dates and times for holiday
seminars and intensives or excursions), and the links to the university websites for further information on the
units and any further university eligibility requirements.
The Centre for Higher Education Studies is proud to be partnering with the following Victorian universities in
the delivery of Higher Education Studies for 2023:
Unit outlines for each HES offered in 2023
Before selecting a HES to apply for, please read carefully through the following subject information pages.
In this section, the details of each particular HES have been outlined by the universities, including an
overview of the HES, any prerequisite or co-requisite VCE studies, the intended learning outcomes, the linked
undergraduate qualication, any specic requirements (including any mandatory dates and times for holiday
seminars and intensives or excursions), and the links to the university websites for further information on the
units and any further university eligibility requirements.
The Centre for Higher Education Studies is proud to be partnering with the following Victorian universities in
the delivery of Higher Education Studies for 2023:
Unit outlines for each HES offered in 2023
Before selecting a HES to apply for, please read carefully through the following subject information pages.
In this section, the details of each particular HES have been outlined by the universities, including an
overview of the HES, any prerequisite or co-requisite VCE studies, the intended learning outcomes, the linked
undergraduate qualication, any specic requirements (including any mandatory dates and times for holiday
seminars and intensives or excursions), and the links to the university websites for further information on the
units and any further university eligibility requirements.
The Centre for Higher Education Studies is proud to be partnering with the following Victorian universities in
the delivery of Higher Education Studies for 2023:
Unit outlines for each HES offered in 2023
Before selecting a HES to apply for, please read carefully through the following subject information pages.
In this section, the details of each particular HES have been outlined by the universities, including an
overview of the HES, any prerequisite or co-requisite VCE studies, the intended learning outcomes, the linked
undergraduate qualication, any specic requirements (including any mandatory dates and times for holiday
seminars and intensives or excursions), and the links to the university websites for further information on the
units and any further university eligibility requirements.
The Centre for Higher Education Studies is proud to be partnering with the following Victorian universities in
the delivery of Higher Education Studies for 2023:
Aboriginal Studies and Anthropology La Trobe University 14
Accounting La Trobe University 15
Biological Sciences Federation University 16
Climate Change Monash University 17
Construction Management Deakin University 18
Disability, Diversity and Inclusion Deakin University 19
Educating for the Future Victoria University 20
Health Science La Trobe University 21
History Monash University 22
Human Biosciences La Trobe University 23
Information Technology Federation University 24
Introduction to Psychology Federation University 25
Law La Trobe University 26
Maths and Analysis Federation University 27
Mathematics University of Melbourne 28
Physics University of Melbourne 29
Politics, Philosophy and Economics La Trobe University 30
Psychology University of Melbourne 31
Psychological Science Deakin University 32
Public Relations Deakin University 33
Space Industry Swinburne University 34
Sport Management Deakin University 35
Sustainable Dev. and Innovation Ecosystems RMIT 36
HES Unit Outlines Offered in 2025
Aboriginal Studies and Anthropology
La Trobe University
and Torres Strait Islander people.
On successful completion of Unit 2, you will be able to:
1. Develop an introductory knowledge of key concepts,
topics and issues in anthropology and the social sciences.
2. Research and write thoughtfully about social and cultural
3. Apply ethical and cultural awareness to issues of cultural
and social change.
Indicative assessments
Assessment type Unit 1 Unit 2
Online Quiz(zes) 25% 30%
Research Assignment 30%
Major Essay 50% 40%
Essay/Report 25%
Linked undergraduate qualication
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Archaeology
Bachelor of Global Studies
Bachelor of Social Work
Eligibility requirements
Applicants must provide evidence of successful completion of
Year 11 (Units 1 and 2) and be studying VCE Year 12 in the year
of their enrolment.
Students must have achieved at least a 70% average grade
across Year 11.
Proposed delivery arrangements
Both units are delivered online. Synchronous activities will be
scheduled after 4pm where possible.
Further information
It is recommended that you dedicate between 10 – 12 hours
of study to each of your enrolled units per week (over a 12 –
14-week period). Studying these units requires good time
management skills, the ability to work independently and a
proactive attitude. University study is very exible, and this
allows you to work your study time around other commitments
such as a part-time job or sport.
Unit 1 – Introduction to Aboriginal Australia (ABS1IAA)
Unit 2 – Transforming Lives Through Care (ANT1TLC)
Unit 1 In this subject students will be introduced to various
elements of Indigenous Australia. They will study a broad range
of issues of relevance to contemporary Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander people. There will be a particular emphasis
on the Indigenous topics of Australia. Students will gain an
understanding of regional variation throughout Australia.
Issues discussed include cultural continuity and differences,
identity, self-representation, spirituality, family, gender, land,
politics, law, economics, education, health, history, art and
Unit 2 Want to understand everyday and radical change
and learn ways to be a part of bringing about positive social
transformations locally and globally? In this subject students
will explore how people living in diverse cultural contexts
experience change. Students will learn about how engaged
research can be used to help build community resilience and
bring about meaningful positive changes at local and global
levels. This unit presents a series of specic case studies that
introduce students to key issues such as: Anthropological
Responsibility and Community Change; Anthropology and
Human Rights; Gender and Empowerment; Structural Violence
and Resilience; How to Think Critically about Development;
VCE pre-requisite or co-requisite required
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of Unit 1, you will be able to:
1. Analyse a range of texts in the eld of Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander studies.
2. Apply knowledge to understanding concepts and issues
and interpreting data about Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander people in Australia and the world today.
3. Apply suitable research methods to addressing social
issues involving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
4. Produce a sustained, complex written argument about
social research methods relating to a topic on Aboriginal
La Trobe University
On successful completion of Unit 2, you will be able to:
1. Explain the role of accounting information systems and
technology in business processes to support operational
and management decision making.
2. Apply relevant ICT to analyse data, and identify, report
and manage risks in an organisation.
3. Use an accounting software application and/or an
enterprise business intelligence tool to manage business
4. Assess the adequacy of ICT processes and controls, and
develop strategies for improvement.
Indicative assessments
Assessment type Unit 1 Unit 2
Individual Assessments 40% 50%
Examination 60% 50%
Linked undergraduate qualication
Bachelor of Accounting
Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Commerce
Eligibility requirements
Applicants must provide evidence of successful completion of
Year 11 (Units 1 and 2) and be studying VCE Year 12 in the year
of their Extension enrolment.
Students must have achieved at least a 70% average grade
across Year 11.
Proposed delivery arrangements
Both units are delivered online. Synchronous activities will be
scheduled after 4pm where possible.
Unit 1: One 2 hour workshop each week
Unit 2: One 2 hour workshop each week
Further information
It is recommended that you dedicate between 10 – 12 hours
of study to each of your enrolled units per week (over a 12 –
14-week period). Studying these units requires good time
management skills, the ability to work independently and a
proactive attitude. University study is very exible, and this
allows you to work your study time around other commitments
such as a part-time job or sport.
Unit 1 – Fundamentals of Accounting (ACC1AMD)
Unit 2 – Accounting Information Systems (ACC1AIS)
Unit 1 This subject provides students with an understanding
of accounting process and application in the business
environment. The subject covers the conceptual framework
underlying accounting practices and the application of
accounting information systems in the process of recording and
reporting business transactions. After studying this subject,
students will understand the use of accounting information
to make business decisions and judgments incorporating both
technical knowledge and ethical principles.
Unit 2 The digital transformation of business operations
has led to an increasing demand for accounting and business
professionals to develop information and communications
technology (ICT) skills. This subject is designed to develop
your ICT skills in the context of accounting practice. You will
learn the impact of ICT on an organisation’s environment
and how it is used to analyse data and support operational
and management decision making. Systems design and
development, database management systems, database
design, relational database, responsible data management,
and emerging accounting technologies are also discussed.
VCE pre-requisite or co-requisite required
Students will have completed, or be concurrently enrolled in,
Units 3 & 4 VCE Accounting.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of Unit 1, you will be able to:
1. Explain the role of accounting in the business environment.
2. Apply fundamental accounting concepts and ethical
principles in recording and reporting business transactions.
3. Prepare basic nancial statements and analyse nancial
reports for decision making purposes.
4. Use information communications technology (ICT) in the
process of reporting, recording and analysing accounting
Unit 1 – Principles of Biology (SCBIO1001)
Unit 2 – Systems Biology (SCBIO1020)
Unit 1 will provide a broad overview of biological sciences
from molecular biology of cells through to populations. With
the inclusion of the examination of various aspects of biology
drawing from all kingdoms of life, students will appreciate the
commonalities amongst all living organisms and how these have
evolved, developing an understanding of the basic processes
underpinning life and how organisms and populations change
over time.
Unit 2 introduces students to the anatomy and physiology of
the body. It focuses on anatomy (structure) from the cellular
to the organ level of arrangement and how cells, tissues
and organs work together to maintain physiology (function).
Major concepts in cellular and subcellular biology are revised
before understanding cellular function and arrangement into
tissues, tissue function and arrangement into organs, and how
organs work together both as part of separate systems and in
cooperation with each other (integration).
VCE pre-requisite or co-requisite required
Students will have completed VCE Units 3 and 4 of Biology as
the pre-requisite.
Students must have successfully completed Principles of
Biology as a pre-requisite to System Biology.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of Units 1 and 2, you will be able to:
1. Conduct lab-based studies using standard methods,
equipment, technology and approaches in biological
2. Observe key biological processes, functions and structures
and report observations in standard lab report formats.
3. Use standard biological terms and terminology to describe
and report observations.
4. Review the major concepts in each system and record
these in written format.
5. Apply anatomy and physiology knowledge to the
evaluation and measurement of vertebrate specimens in
normal states.
6. Be able to interpret and report on anatomical and
physiological data.
Indicative assessments
Assessment type Unit 1 Unit 2
Online Quiz(zes) 20%
Lab Reports 20% 20%
Laboratory Worksheets 20% 15%
Science Fair Project 25%
End of Semester Test 40% 40%
Linked undergraduate qualication
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Biomedical Science
Bachelor of Veterinary and Wildlife Science
Bachelor of Environmental Conservation Science
Eligibility requirements
Not Applicable
Proposed delivery arrangements
Two 2-hour (recorded) lectures at the start of each semester
and one 1-hour online tutorial each week. There will be up to
three compulsory laboratory sessions each semester held at
CHES. Optional weekly peer assisted study sessions are also
held online.
Further information
It is recommended that you dedicate between 8-10 hours of
study to each of your enrolled units per week (over a 12 week
period). Studying these units requires good time management
skills, the ability to work independently and a proactive attitude.
University study is very exible, and this allows you to work your
study time around other commitments such as a part-time job
or sport.
Biological Science
Federation University
Climate Change
Monash University
Indicative assessments
Assessment type Unit 1 Unit 2
Portfolio of in-class activities 25% 25%
Mind Map 25%
Climate model report 25%
Risk management assignment 25%
Climate risk assessment 25%
Group project 25% 25%
Linked undergraduate qualication
Bachelor of Science and all associated double degrees
Relevance to Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Business,
Bachelor of Commerce
Eligibility requirements
Students are required to have at least a B+ average across
all subjects in Year 11. The course is only available to Year 12
students. Student and school statements will be taken into
strong consideration when determining offers.
Delivery arrangements
Both units comprise approximately 2 hours of self-paced
content (a mix of readings, interactive content and videos
delivered online) and one 2-hour weekly applied class. Applied
classes will be held at the CHES facility.
It is expected that you dedicate between 10 – 12 hours of
study to each of your enrolled units per week (over a 12-
week semester). Studying these units requires good time
management skills, the ability to work independently and a
proactive attitude. University study is very exible, and this
allows you to work your study time around other commitments
such as a part-time job or sport.
Unit 1 – Climate Change: Risks and Responses
Unit 2 – Climate Change: Impacts and Adaptations
Unit 1 Climate change presents a challenge that society
must meet head-on. In this unit, you will learn to view climate
change as an intersectional problem with the potential to
affect every part of human life. You will begin at the start of
the story: how has our climate changed in the past, and how
is it changing now? You will learn how to measure changes
in the climate system, how to project these changes into the
future, and how to predict the impacts that those changes
might have. You will learn to understand the risk that these
changes and impacts present to the world. Finally, you will
respond to climate change, and think about how to reduce the
rate and severity of climate change.
Unit 2 We are transitioning into a new era, where a changing
climate presents new challenges for society. You will learn
how we can adapt, change and mitigate to prevent the most
dangerous impacts of climate change. You will analyse the risks
presented by climate change to biodiversity, food and water
security, cities and settlements, health, mental health, society
and the economy and pose responses to manage those risks.
You will then consider the transitions required for the new
normal, and how to empower and enable those transitions.
VCE pre-requisite or co-requisite required
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of Units 1 and 2, you will be able to:
1. Interpret climate change as an intersectional and
interdisciplinary problem;
2. Apply contemporary scientic knowledge to describe the
climate system and how and why it is changing;
3. Analyse data and risks to predict our future under a
changing climate;
4. Assess the risks posed by climate change across a range
of sectors and disciplines;
5. Develop solutions to climate risks and strategies to
implement and execute these solutions in a variety of
6. Communicate climate change information and responses
to a variety of stakeholders.
Construction Management
Deakin University
In this study area you will learn about the purpose and context
of project management within the construction industry and
gain hands-on experience with information management
systems and methodologies.
Unit 1 SRM181 – Project Management 1
Unit 2 SRM165 – Introduction to Building Information
Unit 1 In this unit students will learn about purpose of
project management and the context of project management
within the Australian construction industry. Students will be
introduced to project management activities of planning,
monitoring and control.
Unit 2 Students will learn about and engage in specic
methods to imagine, conceive and represent the spatial
geometry and form between digital environments and tangible
manifestations. They will be provided with the opportunity
to learn and apply new platforms and software for the digital
engagement of architectural representation.
VCE pre-requisite or co-requisite required
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of Units 1 and 2, you will be able to:
1. Discipline-specic knowledge and capabilities
2. Self-management
3. Team work
4. Critical thinking
5. Communication
6. Digital literacy
Indicative assessments
Assessment type Unit 1 Unit 2
Group presentation 30%
Essay 50%
Group report 20%
Report 20%
Model assessment 30%
Group presentation 50%
Linked undergraduate qualication
Bachelor of Design (Architecture)
Bachelor of Design (Architecture)/Bachelor of
Construction Management (Honours)
Bachelor of Design (Architecture)/Master of Architecture
Bachelor of Design (Architecture)/Bachelor of Property
and Real Estate
Eligibility requirements
Students are required to have at least a 65% grade average
across all subjects in Year 11. The course is only available to Year
12 students. Student and school statements will be taken into
strong consideration when determining offers.
Delivery arrangements
Both units comprise of weekly independent and collaborative
learning content (including but not limited to: readings,
interactive content and videos delivered online) and ve one x
hour online seminars per trimester.
It is expected that you dedicate up to 10 hours of study to
each of your enrolled units per week (over a 11 week trimester).
Studying these units requires good time management skills,
the ability to work independently and a proactive attitude.
University study is very exible, and this allows you to work
your study time around other commitments such as a part-time
job or sport.
Disability, Diversity and Inclusion
Deakin University
Learn about inclusive communication, including spoken, written
and non-verbal methods, while exploring the interrelationships
between people with a disability and society.
Unit 1 HDS101– Communication and Diversity
Unit 2 HDS106 – Diversity, Disability and Social Inclusion
Unit 1 This unit examines the principles of effective
communication and how these can be applied in a range
of clinical and professional situations. The unit has a focus
on communication with people with a disability, and those
from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Students
will learn about the process involved in spoken, written, and
non-verbal communication, and the impact of communication
partners and environments. They will examine communication
issues specic to physical disability, autism spectrum disorder,
brain injury, and vision/hearing impairment. Students will also
practice applied communication skills including sign language,
assertive listening, professional writing and communication
resource development.
Unit 2 This unit explores the complex and dynamic
interrelationships between people who have a disability
and the society in which they live. Students learn about the
different models and frameworks used in dening disability, and
their impact on social structures and policy. The unit examines
the mechanisms behind social inclusion and exclusion of
people with disability, including structural, environmental, and
personal inuences, from childhood to old-age.
VCE pre-requisite or co-requisite required
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of Units 1 and 2, you will be able to:
1. Discipline-specic knowledge and capabilities
2. Critical thinking
3. Problem solving
4. Self-management
5. Digital literacy
6. Communication
Indicative assessments
Assessment type Unit 1 Unit 2
Online multiple choice quiz 20%
Reective essay 40%
Communication prole 40%
Written reection on learning 50%
Multimedia presentation and
annotated bibliography
Linked undergraduate qualication
Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science
Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science - Advanced
Bachelor of Health Sciences
Bachelor of Nutrition Sciences
Bachelor of Occupational Therapy
Eligibility requirements
Students are required to have at least a 65% grade average
across all subjects in Year 11. The course is only available to Year
12 students. Student and school statements will be taken into
strong consideration when determining offers.
Delivery arrangements
Both units comprise of weekly independent and collaborative
learning content (including but not limited to: readings,
interactive content and videos delivered online) as well as a
two hour seminar each week.
It is expected that you dedicate up to 10 hours of study to
each of your enrolled units per week (over a 11 week trimester).
Studying these units requires good time management skills,
the ability to work independently and a proactive attitude.
University study is very exible, and this allows you to work
your study time around other commitments such as a part-time
job or sport.
Educating for the Future
Victoria University
Indicative assessments
Assessment type Unit 1 Unit 2
Develop STEM Model 15%
Conduct STEM Enquiry 55%
STEM Quizzes 30%
Creative Work Design Brief 25%
Create Digital Artefacts 40%
Presentation/reection 35%
Linked undergraduate qualication
Bachelor of Education (P-12)
Bachelor of Education (Primary)
Bachelor of Education Studies
Eligibility requirements
Delivery arrangements
Both units will be taught in a combination of hybrid and in
person modes. There will be one hour of self-paced learning
activities and one two-hour workshop each week. Where
possible, synchronous activities for these units will be delivered
after 4pm.
Both units are designed to be delivered in collaboration with
CHES and the futuristic learning environment at Wyndham
Tech School.
It is expected that you dedicate between 10 – 12 hours of study to
each of your enrolled units per week (over a 12-week semester).
Studying these units requires good time management skills, the
ability to work independently and a proactive attitude. University
study is very exible, and this allows you to work your study time
around other commitments such as a part-time job or sport.
Successfully completing these units will entitle you to receive
credits for prior learning. This may mean you will not have to
undertake as many undergraduate units as your peers on
related undergraduate courses. Please visit Credit for Skills and
Past Study site on the Victoria University website
Unit 1 – Educating for STEM
Unit 2 – ICT in Education for the 21st Century
Unit 1 This hands-on, minds-on unit invites students
to engage in an active exploration of the STEM skills,
concepts and techniques vital to 21st Century educators in
all disciplines. Students will develop condence in the use
of STEM thinking as a practical creative tool, allowing them
to develop an appreciation of the role this practice and
approach plays in helping students and educators create new
knowledge about the world.
Unit 2 The future is digital. Tomorrow’s educators need to
be informed and critical users and creators of the technologies
that will drive that future. This unit introduces students to a
range of digital technologies currently in use in education,
emphasising the critical knowledge and skills necessary for the
creative, yet responsible and ethical use of ICTs in learning and
VCE pre-requisite or co-requisite required
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of Units 1, you will be able to:
1. Demonstrate knowledge of STEM and utilise evidence-
based resources to explore foundational STEM concepts;
2. Understand how a number of foundational science,
technology, engineering and mathematics concepts are
interdisciplinary and build on each other;
3. Analyse and articulate the role of STEM in everyday life
through evidence-based argumentation;
4. Conduct a STEM inquiry.
On successful completion of Units 2, you will be able to:
1. Explain, explore and theorise the ways children learn
through ICTs in the educational settings, including
developing awareness of technology enabled learning for
disability education;
2. Investigate and analyse issues of safety, ethics and
responsibility when using ICTs;
3. Employ a range of ICTs to create digital artefacts that
engage and enhance learning;
4. Engage in reections, both individually and collaboratively,
on the uses of ICTs in learning environments and in the
wider world; and
5. Examine and discuss the literacy and numeracy demands
of ICT.
Health Science
La Trobe University
6. Analyse factors that can inuence the emergence, re-
emergence and/or spread of specic infectious diseases.
7. Apply knowledge of different laboratory techniques that are
used to isolate and identify microorganisms, and diagnose
infectious diseases caused by these microorganisms.
8. Evaluate and interpret results from various diagnostic
microbiology techniques.
9. Work collaboratively with peers in a small group to
complete an infectious disease case study, including
disease diagnosis, treatment options, and prognosis for
Indicative assessments
Assessment type Unit 1 Unit 2
Assignment 15%
Presentation 15% 30%
Tests/quizzes 60% 45%
Portfolio/workshop 10%
Examination 25%
Linked undergraduate qualication
Bachelor of Health Science
Bachelor of Biomedicine
Eligibility requirements
Students must have achieved at least a 70% average grade
across Year 11.
Proposed delivery arrangements
Both units are delivered online. Unit 1: 2 hrs online workshop per
week; Unit 2: One 1.5 hour online workshop per week plus one
1 hour online revision class per fortnight. Lectures delivered
asynchronously. Synchronous activities will be scheduled after
4pm were possible.
Two group activities, including a visit to La Trobe University’s
anatomy labs, are also included (subject to availability).
Further information
It is recommended that you dedicate between 10 – 12 hours
of study to each of your enrolled units per week (over a 12 –
14-week period). Studying these units requires good time
management skills, the ability to work independently and a
proactive attitude. University study is very exible, and this
allows you to work your study time around other commitments
such as a part-time job or sport.
Unit 1 – Human Structure and Function
Unit 2 - Infections, Pandemics and Epidemics
In Unit 1 you will be introduced to the basic concepts and
principles of both structure (anatomy) and function (physiology)
of the human body. Your learning in this subject will be
supported by detailed online resources and a comprehensive
program of online workshops with expert facilitators. You will
also engage in career exploration activities, and begin building
your career ready eportfolio..
In Unit 2 you will learn about infectious diseases, both new
and ancient, and how these continue to threaten wellbeing by
causing localised, epidemic or pandemic disease outbreaks.
Students will learn about the chain of infection, immunity and
vaccination, disease prevention, and disease surveillance.
Selected microorganisms will then be described and compared:
the main focus is the natural habitat of the organisms (reservoirs
of infection), the ways in which humans can encounter the
organisms (routes of infection) and the strategies available
at the individual, community and global levels to prevent
disease and, in the diseased patient, to cure disease. In parallel,
workshops will focus on laboratory techniques that can be
used for disease diagnosis including culture-based methods,
molecular methods and immunological approaches. Workshops
will culminate in an infectious disease case study.
VCE pre-requisite or co-requisite required
Students will have completed or be concurrently enrolled in
Units 3 and 4 of VCE Biology
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of Units 1 and 2, you will be able to:
1. Relate the anatomical organisation of selected systems of
the body to their physiological function.
2. Explain how selected systems of the body are controlled
to maintain normal function.
3. Communicate basic physiological and anatomical
principles to your peers.
4. Describe and compare infectious agents, their biological
features, epidemiology, disease effects and disease
management, using appropriate microbiological terms and
scientic concepts.
5. Evaluate the different modes of transmission of infectious
agents and the effectiveness of corresponding control
and prevention strategies.
Monash University
Indicative assessments
Assessment type Unit 1 Unit 2
Analytical exercise(s) 35%
Essay 30% 30%
Take-home nal assessment 25%
Class participation 10% 5%
Online (Quizzes) 20%
Portfolio 45%
Linked undergraduate qualication
Bachelor of Arts and all associated double degrees
Bachelor of Global studies and all assoicated double
Eligibility requirements
Students are required to have completed VCE Unit 3/4 History
with a study score of at least 35 or concurrently studying
VCE Unit 3/4 History with completion of VCE Unit 1/2 History
with at least an A average (80%) and at least a B+ average
across non-prerequisite/non-corequisite subjects in Year 11.
The course is only available to Year 12 students. Student and
school statements will be taken into strong consideration when
determining offers.
Delivery arrangements
Both units comprise one 1-hour lecture (delivered online and
recorded for students to watch at a time that suits them) and
one 2-hour weekly tutorial. Tutorials will be held at the CHES
facility. Students who are unable to attend in person will be
able to attend online.
It is expected that you dedicate between 10 – 12 hours of
study to each of your enrolled units per week (over a 12-
week semester). Studying these units requires good time
management skills, the ability to work independently and a
proactive attitude. University study is very exible, and this
allows you to work your study time around other commitments
such as a part-time job or sport.
Unit 1 – ATS1610 The Making of the Modern world,
1750 – Present
Unit 2 – ATS1611 A world of exchange and encounter,
Unit 1 What denes the modern age? In this unit you will
explore three hundred years of history shaped by political,
cultural, economic and scientic revolutions; expanding and
disintegrating empires; periods of war, conict, and disorder;
and the circulation and clash of ideas about race, class,
gender, and human relationships with the planet. You will
interrogate these universal themes by using primary sources
and rich historical literatures to explore focused case studies
that span the globe. You will gain both a broad overview of
major events and developments in modern history and critical
insights into the different meanings of ‘modernity’.
Unit 2 The modern world is founded on the concept of a
rupture from the premodern past. But to what extent was this
so? How does our understanding change when Europe is just
one among several sites of historical interrogation? In this unit
students will explore the world from 1050 to 1750 on a global
scale to probe how societies were shaped by forces of colonial
expansion and armed conict, intellectual and religious debate,
artistic and technological exchanges, economic imperatives
and environmental pressures. Focusing on zones of encounter,
such as trade routes, royal courts, intellectual networks, military
conicts, pilgrimage and urban centres, students will examine
how civilisations in different continents were interconnected
and shaped in the centuries before the development of modern
empires and states.
VCE pre-requisite or co-requisite required
Students will have completed or be concurrently enrolled in
Units 3 and 4 of VCE History.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of Units 1 and 2, you will be able to:
1. Identify and discuss key debates in modern and
premodern history;
2. Analyse critically a range of historical texts;
3. Communicate research effectively through writing;
4. Collaborate with peers.
Human Biosciences
La Trobe University
Indicative assessments
Assessment type Unit 1 Unit 2
Online Quiz(zes) 60% 20%
Oral presentation -
Other 10% 15%
Examination - 35%
Team report 30% 30%
Linked undergraduate qualication
Bachelor of Nursing
Bachelor of Psychological Sciences
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Biomedicine
Eligibility requirements
Students must have achieved at least a 70% average grade
across Year 11.
Proposed delivery arrangements
Both units are delivered online. Each unit comprises
approximately 50 hours across each semester with a mix
of lectures, seminars (1 hour duration), online classes and
workshops. Synchronous activities will be scheduled after 4pm
were possible.
Two group activities, including a visit to La Trobe University’s
anatomy labs, are also included (subject to availability).
Further information
It is recommended that you dedicate between 10 – 12 hours
of study to each of your enrolled units per week (over a 12 –
14-week period). Studying these units requires good time
management skills, the ability to work independently and a
proactive attitude. University study is very exible, and this
allows you to work your study time around other commitments
such as a part-time job or sport.
Unit 1 – Human Biosciences A
Unit 2 – Human Biosciences B
In Unit 1, you will be introduced to human physiology - how
the body works. You'll learn how the body is organised and
the basics of cell structure and function, and how processes
in the body are controlled. This will provide the foundation
for the study of the major body systems important for support
and movement (muscular system); regulation, integration and
control (nervous and endocrine systems); uids and transport
(blood, heart, cardiovascular and immune systems); energy,
maintenance and environmental exchange (respiratory,
digestive and renal systems, metabolism); and the continuity of
life (reproductive systems).
In Unit 2, you are introduced to the study of anatomy. An
overview of anatomical terminology, basic tissue types and a
variety of techniques used to visualize the human body will be
given followed by a more detailed study of the anatomy of the
musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Anatomical principles
and terminology will be applied to relevant body systems and
the concept of integrated function of multiple systems in one
body region will be introduced through the study of the trunk.
VCE pre-requisite or co-requisite required
Students will have completed or be concurrently enrolled
in Units 3 and 4 of VCE Biology or Units 3 and 4 of Physical
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of Units 1 and 2, you will be able to:
1. Apply specialist terms and language associated with
physiology and anatomy to describe the human body.
2. Describe the structure and function of body cells, tissues,
and organs.
3. Explain the basic physiology of major organ systems of the
human body.
4. Work independently and in groups to communicate
physiology concepts to diverse audiences and in a range
of modes.
5. Demonstrate the skills for self-managing, giving and
receiving feedback, and successful learning at university.
6. Relate the anatomical organisation of the human body to
whole body function.
7. Explain how cellular activity contributes to the function of
organs and the body as a whole.
8. Explain how a given body system contributes to
homeostasis under normal conditions.
Unit 1 – IT Problem Solving (ITECH1101)
Unit 2 – Game Development Fundamentals (ITECH2001)
Unit 1 This unit introduces students to the fundamental
techniques and strategies involved with problem solving,
with an emphasis on analysing and resolving IT problems
in particular. Students are expected to develop a sound
methodological approach to problem solving that will equip
them to propose, develop, implement, and evaluate solutions
to problems fundamental to the IT industry, aligned with
the activities undertaken by Service Designers and other IT
occupations. Key to this process is developing condence,
resilience and perseverance in team-based environments,
basic IT modelling and algorithm development.
Unit 2 This course introduces students to Games
development, emphasising a mix of creative content design,
development, and technical specialisation. Students will gain
an understanding of the Games industry from its conception
through to current trends. They will study the lifecycle of
games development, focusing on story design, character
design, game mechanics, and level design, as well as content
development including textures and interface, 3D modelling,
game development, and programming. Students will learn
event driven programming through triggers and updates in a
games development environment.
VCE pre-requisite or co-requisite required
Students will have completed or be concurrently enrolled in
Units 3 & 4 Applied Computing.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of Unit 1, you will be able to:
1. Decompose a problem and create goals and plans to solve
that problem
2. Devise and implement problem solving strategies in teams,
which can be applied to a range of IT problems
3. Develop and verify algorithms based on conceptual
models used in programming
4. Construct documentation describing how to solve a
5. Convert basic algorithms to programming language code
6. Present complex ideas to engage audiences in diverse
On successful completion of Unit 2, you will be able to:
1. Select and apply appropriate games design and
development approaches to align with industry needs
2. Design and develop a range of art and programming assets,
implementing aesthetics and logic into a game project.
3. Analyse, design, implement and test game concepts using
a games engine and programming constructs.
4. Utilise appropriate software packages to design, build and
program game prototypes and assets that align with user
experience and project expectations.
Indicative assessments
Assessment type Unit 1 Unit 2
Lab Workbook Exercises 40%
Solve a Problem Video 10%
Design and Build a Minimal
Viable Solution
Reection Defense 10%
Game Pitch and Peer Feedback 10%
Prototype Plan and Art Assets 25%
Game Prototype 25%
Final Test Period 40%
Linked undergraduate qualication
Bachelor of Information Technology (all streams)
Eligibility requirements
Not Applicable
Proposed delivery arrangements
Online weekly workshop (2 hours; typically timetabled
Wednesday afternoon during school hours). Online lecture
which is recorded and can be viewed in own time. Online self-
paced learning tasks completed independently.
Further information
It is recommended that you dedicate between 8 -10 hours of
study to each of your enrolled units per week (over a 12 week
period). Studying these units requires good time management
skills, the ability to work independently and a proactive
attitude. University study is very exible, and this allows you
to work your study time around other commitments such as a
part-time job or sport.
Information Technology
Federation University
Introduction to Psychology
Federation University
Indicative assessments
Assessment type Unit 1 Unit 2
Online quiz(zes) and test(s) 55 55
Written assessment 45 45
Linked undergraduate qualication
Bachelor of Psychological Science
Eligibility requirements
Not Applicable
Delivery arrangements
Weekly online learning materials and discussion forums, and a
one-day workshop block delivered onsite at CHES. Students
must attend 1-day workshop.
Further information
It is recommended that you dedicate between 8 -10 hours of
study to each of your enrolled units per week (over a 12 week
period). Studying these units requires good time management
skills, the ability to work independently and a proactive
attitude. University study is very exible, and this allows you
to work your study time around other commitments such as a
part-time job or sport.
Unit 1 – Introductory Psychology A:
Biological and Cognitive Psychology (PSYCB1101)
Unit 2 – Introductory Psychology B:
Personality and Individual Differences (PSYCB1102)
These units are designed to enable students to gain an
understanding of the key psychological terms, concepts,
theories, methods and research ndings in contemporary
psychology. These courses enable will provide a foundation
for more advanced studies in psychology. The aims of
the courses are to provide students with a foundational
understanding of human behaviour and its application in a
variety of contexts. Topics introduce students to the study of
psychology and its application in a modern world and include
biological psychology; cognition; developmental psychology;
intelligence; motivation & emotion; developmental psychology;
health, stress, and coping; personality; social psychology; and
abnormal psychology.
VCE pre-requisite or co-requisite required
Students will have completed VCE Units 3 and 4 of
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of Units 1 and 2, you will be able to:
1. Identify and describe theories, principles, and concepts in
several major areas within psychology.
2. Review, discuss and appraise major psychological terms,
methods, and research ndings.
3. Identify, describe and interpret research techniques.
4. Critically review and evaluate psychological literature
and concepts, and interpret experimental ndings.
5. Conduct, analyse, and communicate psychological
research at a basic level.
6. Choose and apply the appropriate American
Psychological Association (APA) conventions when
describing psychological research and prepare a written
assignment using these conventions.
7. Communicate an understanding of key psychological
principles and concepts.
La Trobe University
Indicative assessments
Assessment type Unit 1 Unit 2
Online Quiz(zes) 15% 25%
Report/assignment 40% 60%
Examination 45%
Oral presentation 15%
Linked undergraduate qualication
Bachelor of Laws (Honours)
Eligibility requirements
Students must have achieved at least a 70% average grade
across Year 11.
Proposed delivery arrangements
Both units are taught online and comprise one 1 hour lecture
and one 2 hour tutorial. Synchronous activities will be
scheduled after 4pm were possible.
Two group activities, including a visit to La Trobe University’s
Moot Court, are also included (subject to availability).
Further information
It is recommended that you dedicate between 10 – 12 hours
of study to each of your enrolled units per week (over a 12 –
14-week period). Studying these units requires good time
management skills, the ability to work independently and a
proactive attitude. University study is very exible, and this
allows you to work your study time around other commitments
such as a part-time job or sport.
Unit 1 – Legal Institutions and Methods (LAW1LIM)
Unit 2 – Principles of Public Law (LAW1PPL)
Unit 1 provides students with an introduction to the legal
system in Australia and its core institutions, with a particular
emphasis on courts, including the court hierarchy, the
doctrine of precedent and reading and analysing cases. The
subject will require students to critically assess the differential
impact that the legal system has on particular groups in
society, including First Nations peoples. It also introduces
students to the role of legal professionals and covers legal
methods with particular emphasis on the fundamentals of
legal research and problem-solving.
Unit 2 In this subject, students will explore the fundamental
principles of public law in Australian and foreign jurisdictions,
with a focus on human rights. 'Public law' can be dened as
the body of legal rules that govern the relationship between
the State and its citizens and the relationship between the
institutions of the State (i.e. the legislative, executive, and
judicial arms of government). Public law concerns itself with
the nature, sources, and extent of State power to ensure that
power exercised by the State is authorised and legitimate.
Within this subject, there is also a focus on industry-informed
career development learning activities to support setting goals
for personal and professional development.
VCE pre-requisite or co-requisite required
Students will have completed or be concurrently enrolled in
Units 3 and 4 of VCE Legal Studies.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of Units 1 and 2, you will be able to:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the basic aspects and
workings of Australian legal systems such as the main
legal institutions and their functions as sources of legal
2. Analyse and apply case law to legal issues using
appropriate legal problem-solving methodology.
3. Demonstrate an awareness of the social and ethical
impact of the Australian legal system and the role of
lawyers in the system.
4. Analyse and critique primary and secondary sources of
law relating to the principles of public law.
5. Demonstrate accurate adherence to the rules of
referencing by applying the Australian Guide to Legal
Citation in your written assessment tasks.
Maths and Analysis
Federation University
On successful completion of Unit 2, you will be able to:
1. Explain and classify, apply operations to, calculate the
determinant and inverse of, matrices.
2. Explain the nature of, evaluate simple algebraic statements
about, solve problems involving, vectors.
3. Express and solve systems of linear equations, graphically
explain linear programming problems in 2 dimensions.
4. Apply appropriate algorithms to solve linear programming
5. Apply appropriate software packages to solve elementary
problems of linear programming.
Indicative assessments
Assessment type Unit 1 Unit 2
Class Activities / tutorial
10-20% 10-20%
Assignment 20-40%
Projects 10-30%
Presentation 10-20%
Tests and Exam 50-70% 40-60%
Linked undergraduate qualication
Bachelor of Engineering (all streams)
Bachelor of Mathematical Science
Eligibility requirements
Not Applicable
Proposed delivery arrangements
Online, self-paced delivery. There are weekly online classes.
Attendance at these classes is optional.
Further information
It is recommended that you dedicate between 8 -10 hours of
study to each of your enrolled units per week (over a 12 week
period). Studying these units requires good time management
skills, the ability to work independently and a proactive
attitude. University study is very exible, and this allows you
to work your study time around other commitments such as a
part-time job or sport.
Unit 1 – Statistical Methods (STATS1000)
Unit 2 – Linear Algebra and Applications (MATHS1102)
Unit 1 This course introduces students to the full range of
descriptive statistical techniques, and also introduces the
key concepts underlying statistical inference. A wide range of
basic inferential techniques are introduced. Data from various
disciplinary contexts is utilised, and there is a strong emphasis
on computing skills, interpretation of computer output and
communication of statistical results and conclusions.
Unit 2 This course aims to offer students from diverse
backgrounds an introduction to the use of mathematical
methods in nding optimal choices in business, industry,
economics, and social, behavioural and biological sciences. It
introduces students to linear algebra and linear programming
that underlie applications in operations research.
VCE pre-requisite or co-requisite required
Students will have completed or be concurrently enrolled in
Units 3 & 4 Mathematical Methods
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of Unit 1, you will be able to:
1. Describe data sets, quantitative data using probability
distributions, and relationships between two variables
using linear regression equations.
2. Use standard statistical computer packages to perform
routine data management tasks and statistical analysis.
3. Obtain a linear regression equation and interpret the
coefficients and associated statistics.
4. Select and perform appropriate statistical tests for given
data sets and problem situations.
University of Melbourne
Indicative assessments
Assessment type Unit 1 Unit 2
3 Written Assignments 25% 25%
Examination 75% 75%
Linked undergraduate qualication
Bachelor of Science
Eligibility requirements
To be eligible for the program you must:
Satisfy the prerequisite and co-requisite for the subject.
Have at least a B+ average across non-prerequisite/ non-
corequisite subjects in Year 11.
Must be enrolled as a Year 12 student in 2023 completing
your VCE/IB studies.
Proposed delivery arrangements
Each unit will be taught over 13 – 15 classes. These sessions
will run weekly for two hours and will be delivered at CHES.
Students can attend these sessions in person or online.
These subjects have a minimum requirement of (or at least)
80% attendance at classes.
Further information
For more information, please visit the University of Melbourne
Extension Program website.
Students who successfully complete subject areas as part of
the Extension Program and subsequently enrol in a University
of Melbourne undergraduate course may be granted advanced
standing for that unit if the completed subjects can be taken as
part of the chosen degree.
Unit 1 - Linear Algebra Extension Studies (MAST10018)
Unit 2 - Calculus Extension Studies (MAST10019)
Unit 1 gives a solid grounding in one of the key areas of
modern mathematics needed in science and technology. It
develops the concepts of vectors, matrices and the methods of
linear algebra. Students should develop the ability to use the
methods of linear algebra and will develop a capacity to write
mathematical proofs.
Unit 2 extends knowledge of calculus beyond the standard
school curriculum. Students are introduced to hyperbolic
functions and their inverses, the complex exponential and
functions of two variables. Techniques of differentiation and
integration will be extended to these cases.
VCE pre-requisite or co-requisite required
One of the following:
Enrolment in Specialist Mathematics 3/4 and completion
of Mathematical Methods 3/4 with a study score of at least
37; or
Enrolment in Mathematical Methods 3/4 and Specialist
Mathematics 3/4 after completion of Mathematical
Methods 1/2 with at least an A average and General
Mathematics (Specialist Mathematics orientation) 1/2 with
at least a B+ average.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of Unit 1, you will be able to:
1. Be able to use matrix techniques to represent and solve a
system of simultaneous linear equations;
2. Understand the use of vectors in describing lines and
planes in solid geometry;
3. Understand the extension of vector concepts to abstract
vector spaces of arbitrary nite dimension;
4. Understand linear transformations, their matrix
representations and applications;
On successful completion of Unit 2, you will be able to:
1. Use the Sandwich Theorem and L’Hôpital’s rule to nd
limits of functions of one variable;
2. Evaluate integrals using trigonometric substitutions,
partial fractions, integration by parts and the complex
3. Find analytical solutions of rst and second order ordinary
differential equations, and use these equations to model
some simple physical and biological systems;
4. Calculate partial derivatives and gradients for functions of
two variables; and use these to nd maxima and minima.
University of Melbourne
Indicative assessments
Assessment type Unit 1 Unit 2
Ongoing assessment of
practical work
25% 25%
Ten weekly assignments
(10 x 1.5%)
15% 15%
Written examination (3 hours) 60% 60%
Linked undergraduate qualication
Bachelor of Science
Eligibility requirements
To be eligible for the program you must:
Satisfy the prerequisite and co-requisite for the subject.
Have at least a B+ average across non-prerequisite/ non-
corequisite subjects in Year 11.
Must be enrolled as a Year 12 student in 2023 completing
your VCE/IB studies.
Eligibility requirements may vary and will be published on the
University’s entry requirements website and published when
approved by the University’s Academic Board.
A Physics Selection Test will also be required for applicants that
have not completed both VCE Unit 3 and 4 Physics, and VCE
Unit 3 and 4 Mathematical Methods or Specialist Mathematics.
Proposed delivery arrangements
Each unit consists of 1 x two hour lecture per week;
1 x one hour online homework per week;
15 hours of practical work (6 x 2.5 hour laboratory sessions).
Satisfactory completion of practical work is necessary to pass
these subjects (i.e. attendance and submission of work for
at least 80% of workshop sessions together with a result for
assessed work of at least 50%). Students may also be required
to attend either CHES or the university campus onsite for
end-of-unit examinations. Additionally, laboratory-based
practical classes onsite at the Parkville campus have mandated
attendance once a semester during the school holiday periods
(two days each between Terms 1-2 and 2-3).
Further information
Students who successfully complete subject areas as part of
the Extension Program and subsequently enrol in a University
of Melbourne undergraduate course may be granted advanced
standing for that unit if the completed subjects can be taken as
part of the chosen degree.
Unit 1 - Physics 1 (PHYC10003)
Unit 2 - Physics 2: Physical Science and Technology
Unit 1 is designed for students with a sound background in
physics and aims to provide a strong understanding of a broad
range of physics principles.
Unit 2 is designed for students with a sound background in
physics, whose interests lie mainly in applications of physics to
systems in the physical sciences, technology or engineering.
Physics 2: Physical Science and Technology introduces
calculus techniques to the study of the range of principles and
applications presented.
VCE pre-requisite or co-requisite required
One of the following:
Completion of Physics 3/4 and Mathematical Methods 3/4
with study scores of at least 37; or
Enrolment in Physics 3/4 and Mathematical Methods 3/4
after completion of Physics 1/2 and Mathematical Methods
1/2 with at least A averages.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of Unit 1 and Unit 2, you will be able
Understand and explain the physics principles of
translational and rotational mechanics, waves, optics and
special relativity;
Apply these principles using logical reasoning, together
with appropriate mathematical reasoning, to a variety of
familiar and novel situations and problems;
Make considered and logical predictions of the outcomes
of different physical situations in the context of the
relevant physics principles; and
Acquire experimental data using a range of measurement
instruments and interpret these data.
Politics, Philosophy and Economics
La Trobe University
On successful completion of Unit 2, you will be able to:
1. Analyse and evaluate arguments pertaining to a wide
variety of topics and drawn from a wide range of sources
(e.g., books, newspapers, podcasts, videos).
2. Produce clear, precise and well-informed writings that
analyse, critique, and develop arguments on a wide
variety of topics.
3. Demonstrate an understanding of elementary technical
concepts pertaining to argumentation, including
deductive soundness and inductive strength.
4. Represent complex arguments in visual form, using
argument diagramming techniques.
Indicative assessments
Assessment type Unit 1 Unit 2
Short Paper 30%
Essays 40% 50%
Reective Journal 30%
Weekly quizzes 30%
Argument Analysis 20%
Linked undergraduate qualication
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Global Studies
Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics
Eligibility requirements
Applicants must provide evidence of successful completion of
Year 11 (Units 1 and 2) and be studying VCE Year 12 in the year
of their Extension enrolment.
Students must have achieved at least a 70% average grade
across Year 11.
Proposed delivery arrangements
Both units are delivered online. Synchronous activities will be
scheduled after 4pm where possible.
Further information
It is recommended that you dedicate between 10 – 12 hours
of study to each of your enrolled units per week (over a 12 –
14-week period). Studying these units requires good time
management skills, the ability to work independently and a
proactive attitude. University study is very exible, and this
allows you to work your study time around other commitments
such as a part-time job or sport.
Unit 1 – Politics, Philosophy and Economics (POL1PPE)
Unit 2 – Critical Thinking and Innovation (PHI1CTO)
Unit 1 This subject introduces students to the disciplines of
politics, philosophy, and economics (PPE). Students will learn
how inuential theories and concepts from each discipline
can illuminate different aspects of a particular problem. They
will use PPE perspectives to analyse markets, inequality,
environmental degradation, educational opportunity, and
Unit 2 Thinking and reasoning are essential components of
human life, but much of our thinking and reasoning is biased,
distorted, and uninformed. This subject trains you to reason
well, to think clearly and independently, and also to engage
fairly with others in discussions and debates. You will develop
useful skills in presenting, analysing and evaluating different
types of arguments. You will learn to apply these skills to real
cases from popular culture, current affairs, and philosophy. You
will also learn to use diagrams and symbols to assist higher
and more abstract levels of logical reasoning and systematic
VCE pre-requisite or co-requisite required
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of Units 1, you will be able to:
1. Identify key concepts and theories in Politics, Philosophy
and Economics and demonstrate a command of the
relevant literature.
2. Demonstrate an understanding of the interconnections
and differences between the study of Politics, Philosophy
and Economics (PPE).
3. Use PPE perspectives to analyse how public policy might
respond to particular problems (for example, inequality,
environmental degradation, educational opportunity, and
University of Melbourne
Indicative assessments
Assessment type Unit 1 Unit 2
Laboratory report/assignment
(1500 words total)
Participation in up to ve hours
of research activities
Multiple-choice examination
(3 hours)
Online hurdle module
(500 words equivalent)
Individual written assessment
(1200 words)
Team-based project
(1500 words total for team)
Multiple-choice examination
(2 hours)
Research participation (Up to 5
hours (1% credit per hour)
Eligibility requirements
To be eligible for the program you must:
Satisfy the prerequisite and co-requisite for the subject.
Have at least a B+ average across non-prerequisite/ non-
corequisite subjects in Year 11.
Must be enrolled as a Year 12 student in 2023 completing
your VCE/IB studies.
Delivery arrangements
1. Two 1-hour weekly lectures, which are presented online in
each of the 12 teaching weeks comprising each semester
unless otherwise specied.
2. One 1-hour compulsory weekly tutorial class, which are
held in weeks 2 to12 in each semester.
3. Optional weekly 1-hour Q&A sessions, which are presented
4. Opportunities to obtain up to 5% unit credit through
participation in the psychological Research Experience
Program (REP).
Students will be able to view weekly lectures online at a time
of their choosing unless otherwise specied.
Students may be required to attend the University of Melbourne
campus to undertake end-of-semester examination. These
subjects require an attendance of at least 80% of laboratory
classes. In case of failure to meet the attendance requirement,
additional work related to the missed class activities (e.g., an
essay with a length of 500 words for each tutorial missed) will
be required before a passing grade can be awarded.
Further information
Students who successfully complete subject areas as part of
the Extension Program and subsequently enrol in a University
of Melbourne undergraduate course may be granted advanced
standing for that unit if the completed subjects can be taken
as part of the chosen degree.
Unit 1 - Mind, Brain and Behaviour 1 (PSYC10003)
Unit 2 - Mind, Brain and Behaviour 2 (PSYC10004)
Unit 1 Mind, Brain & Behaviour 1 provides an introduction to
how we uniquely sense and perceive our world to construct
our own internal psychological experience. The subject
explores how we learn, think, remember, and operate within our
constructed worlds; and explains the neural mechanisms that
underpin psychological processes and experiences.
Unit 2 The subject comprises ve core topic areas: Human
Development; Social Psychology; Personality Psychology;
Clinical Psychology; and Quantitative Psychological Research
Methods. In presenting these topics, the subject aims to
provide students with knowledge of major theories, historical
trends and empirical ndings.
VCE pre-requisite or co-requisite required
One of the following:
Completion of Psychology 3/4 with a study score of at
least 38; or
Enrolment in Psychology 3/4 after completion of
Psychology 1/2 with at least an A average.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of Units 1 and 2, you will be able to:
1. The fundamental principles of behavioural neuroscience,
including the structure and function of the nervous
2. The mechanisms underpinning human sensation and
3. Psychological research methods;
4. Cognitive processes of learning and memory;
5. Psychologically informed approaches to maintaining
wellbeing and mental health in the context of tertiary
6. Human Development, Social Psychology, Personality
Psychology, Clinical Psychology and Inferential
Quantitative Methods.
7. Some key psychological concepts and theories from Human
Development, Social Psychology, Personality Psychology,
Clinical Psychology and Quantitative Methods.
8. Clinical and social perspectives of psychological health
and wellbeing, including correlates of wellbeing and risk
factors for diminished wellbeing.
9. Cultural diversity and its impact on research methodology
in psychology, including an emphasis on the specic ethical
requirements for working with indigenous populations.
Linked undergraduate qualication
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Biomedicine
Psychological Science
Deakin University
Learn about the primitive roots of our behaviour and delve into
theoretical perspectives of psychological concepts relating to
how we function as individuals in a social world.
Unit 1 HPS111 – Introduction to Psychology: Human
Unit 2 HPS121 – Introduction to Psychology: Individual and
Social Developmenta
Unit 1 This unit explores the fundamental principles
underpinning the study of human psychology. As such, it will
cover the denition and scope of the discipline of psychology;
the primitive roots of our behaviour; the neurological structures
and processes that are responsible for our mental life; and the
important elements in our adapting to the world as individuals
such as learning and intelligence.
Unit 2 This unit focuses on the science of the human
individual in context. Different theoretical perspectives
of psychological concepts relating to how we function as
individuals in a social world are contrasted and evaluated
throughout the unit.
VCE pre-requisite or co-requisite required
Prerequisite: Units 3 and 4 VCE Psychology to be completed
in Year 11
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of Units 1 and 2, you will be able to:
1. Discipline-specic knowledge and capabilities
2. Critical thinking
3. Global citizenship
4. Digital literacy
5. Self-management
6. Communication
7. Problem solving
Indicative assessments
Assessment type Unit 1 Unit 2
Data extraction assessment 25%
Critical response task 35%
End of unit assessment 40%
Lab report 35%
Lab report 35%
End of unit assessment 30%
Linked undergraduate qualication
Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)
Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science
Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Science - Advanced
Bachelor of Health Sciences
Bachelor of Human Resource Management (Psychology)
Bachelor of Marketing (Psychology), Bachelor of
Occupational Therapy
Bachelor of Psychological Science
Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)
Bachelor of Social Work
Bachelor of Criminology/Bachelor of Psychological
Bachelor of Nursing/Bachelor of Psychological Science
Eligibility requirements
Students are required to have at least a 65% grade average
across all subjects in Year 11 and meet the study area
prerequisite/co-requisite requirements. The course is only
available to Year 12 students. Student and school statements
will be taken into strong consideration when determining offers.
Places within this study area are limited and will be allocated in
order of highest achieving students.
Delivery arrangements
Both units comprise of weekly independent and collaborative
learning content (including but not limited to: readings,
interactive content and videos delivered online) as well as a
weekly online seminar and lecture per trimester.
It is expected that you dedicate up to 10 hours of study to
each of your enrolled units per week (over a 11 week trimester).
Studying these units requires good time management skills,
the ability to work independently and a proactive attitude.
University study is very exible, and this allows you to work
your study time around other commitments such as a part-time
job or sport. your study time around other commitments such
as a part-time job or sport.
Public Relations
Deakin University
Discover how to apply PR and communication theories to real-
world scenarios and produce content and tactics for traditional
and digital channels.
Unit 1 ALR103 – Introduction to Public Relations
Unit 2 ALR104 – Strategic Communication and Writing
Unit 1 The unit focuses on how businesses, non-prots, and
governments use public relations to solve communication
problems, nd opportunities, and forge successful relationships
with internal and external stakeholders, target publics and
audiences. You will also learn how to research, and plan, and
write a simple public relations campaign.
Unit 2 This unit develops foundation skills and knowledge
required for understanding public relations as a strategic
and communications function within organisations. Students
will learn how to conduct effective research to solve public
relations problems and develop written tactics for traditional
and new media channels that encourage mutual understanding
between organisations and their publics.
VCE pre-requisite or co-requisite required
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of Units 1 and 2, you will be able to:
1. Discipline-specic knowledge and capabilities
2. Communication
3. Critical thinking
4. Digital literacy
5. Problem solving
Indicative assessments
Assessment type Unit 1 Unit 2
Research and writing
Planning project 50%
Online exercises 20%
Quiz 20%
Group project 40%
Portfolio 40%
Linked undergraduate qualication
Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Communication
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Information Technology
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Communication
Bachelor of Health Sciences/Bachelor of Arts
Eligibility requirements
Students are required to have at least a 65% grade average
across all subjects in Year 11. The course is only available to Year
12 students. Student and school statements will be taken into
strong consideration when determining offers.
Delivery arrangements
Both units comprise of weekly independent and collaborative
learning content (including but not limited to: readings,
interactive content and videos delivered online) as well as
a weekly online seminar and lecture in trimester 1, and a
fortnightly lecture and weekly seminar in trimester 2.
It is expected that you dedicate up to 10 hours of study to
each of your enrolled units per week (over a 11 week trimester).
Studying these units requires good time management skills,
the ability to work independently and a proactive attitude.
University study is very exible, and this allows you to work
your study time around other commitments such as a part-time
job or sport.
Space Industry
Swinburne University
Indicative assessments
Assessment type Unit 1 Unit 2
Online Quiz(zes) 30% 30%
Online Discussion 20% 20%
Portfolio 50% 50%
Linked undergraduate qualication
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Engineering
Bachelor of Computer Science
Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Arts
Bachelor of Media & Communication
Eligibility requirements
Delivery arrangements
This course is delivered in a blended mode, with 12x 1-hour
tutorials (hy-ex)
Further information
Between online learning, tutorials, assessments and your own
study, it is expected you are spending around ten hours per
week on your enrolled units (over a 12- week period). Studying
these units requires good time management skills, the ability to
work independently with a proactive attitude. University study
is very exible, and this allows you to work your study time
around other commitments such as a part-time job or sport.
Unit 1 – Space Applications (AER10001)
Unit 2 – Space policy, law and the New Space (LAW10027)
Unit 1 provides you with an understanding of the different
types of end-user Australian space applications such as
research, communications and defence and recognize the
importance of collaboration at the domestic and international
Unit 2 provides you with a foundational understanding of the
International and Domestic Legal frameworks relevant to space
operations and research in Australia and a basic understanding
of what factors shape current and future space activities.
VCE pre-requisite or co-requisite required
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of Unit 1 & 2, you will be able to:
1. Identify key stakeholders within the Australian space
industry ecosystem and relationships between those key
2. Discuss and debate current opportunities within national
and international space industries for entrepreneurs and
3. Appraise the legal challenges and locate relevant
applicable legal and regulatory instruments related to
space research and operations in Australia.
4. Describe practical legal aspects of space activities and
apply that knowledge to describe effective ways to
minimize project risk.
Sport Management
Deakin Universtity
Examine the structure of the Australian sports system, reviewing
trends that have shaped the sports system, while exploring the
social sciences and their application to sport studies.
Unit 1 MMS100– Sport Organisation
Unit 2 MMS201 – Sport in Society
Unit 1 This introductory unit that aims to allow students
to examine the structure of the Australian sports system.
Students will be encouraged to review past trends that have
shaped the sports system, gain an understanding of the
current status of agencies and organisations nationally and
internationally, and to draw upon this information to explore
future directions in the organisation and governance of sport.
Unit 2 This unit explores social sciences and their application
to sport studies. Methodologies of history and sociology will be
considered and applied to prominent issues in Australian and
international sport. The social signicance of sport in Australian
culture and the need for sport managers to be sensitive to that
signicance are examined.
VCE pre-requisite or co-requisite required
Prerequisite/co-requisite: Units 3 and 4 VCE Business
Management – to be completed in Year 11 or be enrolled to
complete in Year 12.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of Units 1 and 2, you will be able to:
1. Discipline-specic knowledge and capabilities
2. Communication
3. Global citizenship
4. Self-management
5. Critical thinking
Indicative assessments
Assessment type Unit 1 Unit 2
Seminar activities and
Business report 35%
Business report 50%
Seminar activities and
Essay 30%
Written assessment and
online presentation
Linked undergraduate qualication
Bachelor of Business (Sport Management)
Bachelor of Sport Development
Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science/Bachelor of
Business (Sport Management)
Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science/Bachelor of
Eligibility requirements
Students are required to have at least a 65% grade average
across all subjects in Year 11 and meet the study area
prerequisite/co-requisite requirements. The course is only
available to Year 12 students. Student and school statements
will be taken into strong consideration when determining offers.
Delivery arrangements
Both units comprise of weekly independent and collaborative
learning content (including but not limited to: readings,
interactive content and videos delivered online) as well as a
weekly class and seminar each trimester.
It is expected that you dedicate up to 10 hours of study to
each of your enrolled units per week (over a 11 week trimester).
Studying these units requires good time management skills,
the ability to work independently and a proactive attitude.
University study is very exible, and this allows you to work
your study time around other commitments such as a part-time
job or sport.
Sustainable Development and
Innovation Ecosystems
Indicative assessments
Assessment type Unit 1 Unit 2
Online Quiz(zes) 15%
Written Assessment 35%
Studio Showcase & Reection 50%
SWOT Report 25%
Business Plan & Reection 25%
Presentation 25%
Business Pitch & Reection 25%
Linked undergraduate qualication
Bachelor of Engineering (all)
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Biomedical Science
Bachelor of Laboratory Medicine
Bachelor of Psychology
Bachelor of Computer Science
Bachelor of Information Technology
Bachelor of Data Science
Bachelor of Food Technology and Nutrition
Bachelor of Space Science
Eligibility requirements
Applicants must provide evidence of successful completion
of Year 11 (Units 1 and 2) and be studying VCE Year 12 in the year
of their Extension enrolment.
Proposed delivery arrangements
Unit 1: Online delivery comprising of weekly lectorials
and workshops. Up to 2 hours of online interaction per
week. Workshops may be available after school hours.
Unit 2: Online delivery comprising of weekly lectorials and
workshops. Up to 2 hours of online interaction per week. An
additional 2-hour workshop every 3 weeks.
No onsite attendance is mandated; however, students may
be required to attend either CHES or the university campus
support services.
Further information
It is recommended that you dedicate about 6-8 hours of study
to each of your enrolled units per week (over a 12 – 14-week
period). Studying these units requires good time management
skills, the ability to work independently and a proactive
attitude. University study is very exible, and this allows you
to work your study time around other commitments such as a
part- time job or sport.
Successfully completing these units may entitle you to receive
credits for prior learning. This may mean you will not have
to undertake as many undergraduate units as your peers on
related undergraduate courses.
Unit 1 – STEM for Sustainable Development
Unit 2 – Innovation Ecosystems and the future of work
Unit 1 will explore the nexus between topics such as
environmental sustainability, climate change, biodiversity,
health, food and nutrition and energy and transport and the
application of sustainable sciences and technologies. You
will also explore how diversity, inclusion, reconciliation, and
equity act as driving forces within sustainability to co-create
sustainable futures. You will learn to bring a sustainability focus,
approach and agency into your future studies and resulting
Unit 2 will broaden and strengthen your innovation
effectiveness. You will discover how technology, society,
governments, and global trends drive change in the future
of work over the span of your career. You will gain a holistic
view of innovation - of self, others, and the task. You will aim
to understand how bringing people and project together in
innovation ecosystems brings new ideas to life, strategically
delivering an innovation’s true value into the hands of adopters.
VCE pre-requisite or co-requisite required
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of Unit 1, you will be able to:
1. Identify and explain key concepts, processes, and
frameworks within Sustainable Development.
2. Discuss, illustrate, and assess how sustainable
development in STEM and/or Health can drive better
outcomes for a sustainable future.
3. Propose and communicate solutions to industry- based or
real-world interdisciplinary sustainability challenges using
key concepts, processes, and frameworks for sustainable
development in the context of STEM and/or health.
4. Demonstrate consideration of the principles of diversity,
equity, inclusion, and Reconciliation as pillars of sustainable
On successful completion of Unit 2, you will be able to:
1. Identify strategies for managing the STEM innovations
trends impacting on the student’s future of work.
2. Examine how a systems approach changes managing
people and projects in innovation ecosystems.
3. Describe how the creative and pragmatic processes
determine innovation outcomes.
4. Formulate and communicate a commercialisation strategy
to connect innovation with adopters.
5. Reect how the innovation process is applied to a
University Course Units Pre/Co-requisites
La Trobe University Aboriginal Studies and
Unit 1: Introduction to Aboriginal Australia
Unit 2: Transforming Lives through Care
La Trobe University Accounting Unit 1: Accounting for Management Decisions
Unit 2: Accounting and Information Systems
Completed or concurrently studying Unit 3/4 Accounting
Federation University Biological Sciences Unit 1: Principles of Biology
Unit 2: Systems Biology
Completed Unit 3/4 Biology prior to commencement
Monash University Climate Change Unit 1 – Climate Change: Risks and Responses
Unit 2 – Climate Change: Impacts and Adaptations
Deakin University Construction Management Unit 1 - Project Management 1
Unit 2 - Introduction to Building Information Modelling
Deakin University Disability, Diversity and Inclusion Unit 1 - Communication and Diversity
Unit 2 - Diversity, Disability and Social Inclusion
Victoria University Educating for the Future Unit 1: Educating for STEM
Unit 2: ICT in Education for the 21st Century
La Trobe University Health Science Unit 1: Human Structure and Function
Unit 2: Infections, Pandemics and Epidemics
Completed or concurrently studying Unit 3/4 Biology
Monash University History Unit 1: Revolution and Empire in the Modern World
Unit 2: Exchange and Encounter in the Premodern World
Completed or concurrently studying Unit 3/4 History (any)
La Trobe University Human Biosciences Unit 1: Human Biosciences A
Unit 2: Human Biosciences B
Completed or concurrently studying Unit 3/4 Physical Education or Biology
Federation University Information Technology Unit 1: IT Problem Solving
Unit 2: Game Development Fundamentals
Completed or concurrently studying Unit 3/4 Software Development
Federation University Introduction to Psychology Unit 1: Introductory Psychology A: Biological and Cognitive Psychology
Unit 2: Introductory Psychology B: Personality and Individual Differences
Completed Unit 3/4 Psychology
La Trobe University Law Unit 1: Legal Institutions and Methods
Unit 2: Principles of Public Law
Completed or concurrently studying Unit 3/4 Legal Studies
Federation University Maths and Analysis Unit 1: Statistical Methods
Unit 2: Linear Algebra and Applications
Completed or concurrently studying Unit 3/4 Maths Methods
University of Melbourne Mathematics Unit 1: Linear Algebra Extension Studies
Unit 2: Calculus Extension Studies
Completed Unit 3/4 Maths Methods and concurrently enrolled in Unit 3/4 Specialist
Maths or concurrently studying Unit 3/4 Maths Methods and Specialist Maths
University of Melbourne Physics Unit 1: Physics 1
Unit 2: Physics 2: Physical Science and Technology
Completed or concurrently studying Unit 3/4 Physics and Maths Methods
La Trobe University Politics, Philosophy and
Unit 1: Politics, Philosophy and Economics
Unit 2: Creative Thinking and Innovation
University of Melbourne Psychology Unit 1: Mind, Brain and Behaviour 1
Unit 2: Mind, Brain and Behaviour 2
Completed or concurrently studying Unit 3/4 Psychology
Deakin University Psychological Science Unit 1: Introduction to Psychology: Human Behaviour
Unit 2: Introduction to Psychology: Individual and
Social Development
Completed Unit 3/4 Psychology prior to commencement
Deakin University Public Relations Unit 1: Introduction to Public Relations
Unit 2: Strategic Communication and Writing
Swinburne University Space Industry Unit 1: Space Applications
Unit 2: Space Policy, Law and the New Space Economy
Deakin University Sport Management Unit 1: Sport Organization
Unit 2: Sport in Society
Completed or concurrently studying Unit 3/4 Business Management
RMIT Sustainable Development and
Innovation Ecosystems
Unit 1: STEM for Sustainable Development
Unit 2: Innovation Ecosystems and the future of work