Data Protection
Summary for
Broker Customers
26th November 2019
for Broker
This document is a summary of the AXA
Insurance Data Protection Statement.
It contains a brief description of the
information you need to understand
how we use your data.
If you would like more detailed information on how we
use your data, please contact your Broker and request the
full AXA Insurance Data Protection Statement or send an
email to AXA at dataprot[email protected]. We encourage
you to periodically review this document (or an updated
version of it) or our full Data Protection Statement to keep
informed about how we use your personal data.
Please note references to “AXA, “us”, “our” and “we” mean
AXA Holdings Ireland Limited and its subsidiaries, including
AXA Insurance dac (the ‘data controller’), and any associated
companies from time to time.
1 General
Please make sure that anyone else who is
insured under your policy has provided you
with permission to provide their personal
information to us.
It is important that you show this document
or the full AXA Insurance Data Protection
Statement to anyone else who is insured
under your policy of insurance, including
any named drivers and anyone living at the
property insured under your policy, as it also
applies to them.
Queries and Complaints:
If you would like to contact us in relation to any
aspect of our use of your personal data, please
contact our Data Protection Oicer (or ‘DPO’) at
+353 (0)1 471 1812 or complianc[email protected] or write
to: DPO, AXA Insurance dac, Wolfe Tone House,
Wolfe Tone Street, Dublin 1.
Alternatively you have the right to lodge a
complaint with a data protection regulator, such
as the Data Protection Commission. Their contact
details are available at dataprotection.ie.
2 Collection
As a Broker customer, the majority of the
information we receive about you (and any other
people insured under your policy of insurance)
comes from your Broker. We may also obtain
personal data from various other parties or sources,
including you, your representatives (if applicable),
other insurance companies, third parties involved
in a claim or potential claim, the emergency
services and from searches (such as industry
databases, State or government departments,
bodies or agencies, media outlets or credit
reference agencies).
3 Use of Information
We mainly use your personal information so that
we can provide a quote, set up, administer and
manage your policy and to manage and investigate
complaints and claims. However, we may also use
the personal data we gather for any or all of the
following purposes:
to verify your (or your representative’s) identity;
to provide customer loyalty programmes and
value added services;
for statistical analyses and the review and
improvement of AXAs products, services and
to carry out market research and to improve our
processes, products or services;
for the detection and prevention of fraud, money
laundering and other oences;
for sta training and management;
for storage and to make back-ups of data;
for reinsurance purposes and AXA Group
reporting purposes (where necessary);
for compliance with all relevant laws and
regulations; and/or
as set out in this documents and other
documents provided or made available to you.
Legal Basis for processing:
The legal bases we rely on for using your personal
data for the above purposes in the majority of
circumstances are where:
the processing is necessary for the performance
of a contract to which the data subject is party
or in order to take steps at the request of the
data subject prior to entering into a contract
(including a quote that is not taken up);
the processing is necessary for compliance with
a legal obligation to which we are subject;
the processing is necessary for the performance
of a task carried out in the public interest; and
the processing is necessary for the purposes of
the legitimate interests pursued by us. In such
cases, our legitimate interests are as follows:
to use your data to make certain types of
payment that are not required by law or a
to add value to the AXA product oering;
to engage in activities to improve and adapt
the range of products and services we oer
and to help our business grow and to ensure
that our systems are eective and eicient;
to investigate and prevent potential
fraudulent and other illegal activity; or
the proper running of its business.
Sensitive data (such as criminal conviction and
health related data) will only be processed for
any of the above purposes by way of (a) explicit
consent, (b) for the assessment of risk, (c) for the
prevention of fraud, (d) for the establishment,
exercise, enforcement or defence of legal claims or
(e) to protect the vital interests of a person.
Telematics is a system that is used to measure
your driving performance and to determine the
risk associated with your insurance policy. If your
policy has this feature (check your Policy to see if
it applies to you), we will analyse certain aspects
of your driving behaviour, such as your speed, to
determine your premium. We may cancel your
insurance policy if we determine (at our sole
discretion) that you are driving unacceptably.
If you allow someone else to drive your car,
you must inform them that the trips are being
recorded and that details of the trips will be
available to you, your Broker and your Insurer.
It is also important to note that anyone who
drives your car will aect the evaluation of the
risk associated with your policy, which may
result in a higher premium or cancellation of
your insurance policy (in addition to any other
rights we may have under your policy).
4 Sharing of Information
In providing our services to you we may share your
personal data with various third parties, including:
Your representatives, such as a relative, another
person insured under your policy, your Broker or
your lawyers;
Our representatives, such as companies
that provide various services (including
telecommunications, data storage, document
destruction, fraud detection, credit checking,
IT, risk analysis and complaints handling),
claims related service providers (including for
the assessment of liability, injuries, damage to
vehicles and other property), lawyers and, from
time to time, private investigators;
Other third parties, such as other individuals
involved in incidents (and their representatives),
other insurance companies, anti-fraud
databases (such as InsuranceLink, the Claims
and Underwriting Exchange Register and the
Motor Insurance Anti-Fraud and The Register),
reinsurers, external advisors and auditors and
AXA Group companies; and
State or government departments, bodies or
agencies (such as the police, the Department of
Transport and the Driver and Vehicle Licensing
Agency, the Motor Insurance Database, the
National Vehicle File, the Motor Insurers’ Bureau
and the Motor Insurers’ Bureau of Ireland).
International Transfers
On occasion we or a service provider may
transmit certain aspects of your personal
data outside the European Economic Area. In
such circumstances, we will ensure that such
transmissions are carried out securely and in
accordance with data protection law.
The non-European Economic Area countries to
which we send personal data include i) The UK
(in the event that the UK leaves the EU without a
deal) ii) the United States of America, iii) India, iv)
Switzerland and v) AXA Group companies in non-
EEA countries.
AXA complies with the law regarding international
transfers of data by relying on the European
Commission’s standard data protection contract
clauses under Article 46.2 of the General Data
Protection Regulation (in relation to items i, ii and iii
above), the decisions of the European Commission
stating that certain countries, such as Switzerland,
ensure adequate levels of data protection in their
law, as per Article 45 of the GDPR (in relation to item
iv above) or binding Corporate Rules under Article
47 of the GDPR (in relation to item v above).
If you would like more information about the
relevant safeguards involved in the transfer
of personal data to countries or companies
outside the European Economic Area, please
visit the European Commission’s website
on international data transfers at https://
or contact our DPO using the details
in Section 1 ‘General’ above.
5 Data Collected
The table below contains examples of the types of data we collect for the purposes set out in this
Category Type of Data Collected
Policy information Name, address, date of birth, gender, licence details, payment details,
vehicle and property details, driving and claims history, relevant
criminal convictions, penalty points, etc.
Information obtained from
sources other than you
Penalty points, address look up, geocoding information, vehicle details
and history, credit score, etc.
Claims information The circumstances of an incident, health information (injuries and
relevant pre-existing health conditions), relevant criminal convictions,
6 Retention of Data
Generally we keep personal information for the following periods:
Type of Information Retention Period
Quote information (where a
policy is not taken out)
15 months
Policy information The life of the policy plus 10 years
Claims information 10 years from when the claim is nalised (settlement, court hearing,
withdrawal of claim, etc.)
Claims information – where
there is the potential for a
child to make a claim
Up to 3 years aer the child in question turns 18 years of age
We also retain certain limited details beyond these periods to deal with any claims we receive aer the
statute of limitations has expired (late claims) and any claims we receive where the claimant was not aware
of the damage until a long time aer it was caused (latent claims). We retain these details (for example
names, policy start and nish dates and cover details) for 25 years (for late claims) and 60 years (
for latent claims).
7 Automated Decision-Making
We use automated decisions-making, using
information including customer details and
claims experience, in the underwriting of your
insurance policy.
Underwriting is the process by which an insurance
company examines, accepts or rejects risks and
classies those selected in order to charge an
appropriate premium. We use an algorithm, which
uses complex mathematical and actuarial methods
of calculating and pooling risk, for insurance
underwriting purposes. Where we use automated
decision-making, you are entitled to make
representations to a member of sta in relation to
the decision in question.
If you have a telematics device installed in your car,
we also use automated decision-making in relation
to your driving behaviour. These decisions relate to
the calculation of your premium and, if applicable,
the cancellation of your policy for unacceptable
8 Your Rights
As a ‘data subject’, you have the right:
a. to withdraw consent where we are processing
your information on the legal basis of consent;
b. of access to the personal data concerning you
that we hold and to be informed why and how
we process that data;
c. to require us to correct any inaccurate
information about you (including missing
details). In certain cases, you are required by
the terms of your insurance policy to make
such corrections.
d. of erasure/to be forgotten, which means you
have a right to have personal data concerning
you erased. However you may only request the
deletion of your data in specic situations.
e. to data portability, which means you may
request from us all personal data that you
provided to us. You may also request that we
send this data to another company or person.
f. to restrict processing of your personal data
where you feel that it is inaccurate, that we are
processing it unlawfully or that we no longer
need it or where you have invoked your right to
object (as set out in Section 8 (g) below).
g. to object to the processing of your personal
data, where we do so in the public interest
or on the basis of a ‘legitimate interest’ (see
the Legal Basis section above). We will then
stop processing the personal data in question
unless we can demonstrate compelling
legitimate grounds for the processing that
override your right or unless we need to use it
in a legal claim.
Please send all requests to us (details in Section 1
‘General’ above) in writing (by post or email).
If you have any
queries about your
insurance policy,
please contact
your Broker.
AXA Insurance dac, Wolfe Tone Street, Dublin 1. Registered in Ireland number 136155. We may record or monitor phone calls
for training, prevention of fraud, complaints and to improve customer service. AXA Insurance dac is regulated by the Central
Bank of Ireland. For business in Northern Ireland, AXA Insurance dac is authorised by Central Bank of Ireland and authorised
and subject to limited regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority. Details about the extent of our authorisation and
regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority are available from us on request.
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