Your policy booklet
April 2021 edition
AXA Car Insurance
This policy booklet contains details of what is covered and how claims are settled.
We recommend that you check your cover meets your needs.
Choice of cover 4
Making a claim 5
Your policy 6
Meaning of defined terms 7
General conditions applicable to all parts of the policy 8
Claims conditions 11
General exclusions applicable to all parts of the policy 13
Part A – Loss and damage 14
Part B – Liability to others 19
Part C – Territorial limits and foreign use 21
Part D – Injury benefits 22
Part E – Personal belongings 23
Part F – Additional covers and benefits 24
Endorsements 26
How we use your data 28
Important notes 29
Making a complaint 30
Choice of cover
All parts of the policy apply except where
amended by endorsement.
Third Party Fire and Theft
Loss and damage under Part A is only
covered where loss or damage to
your car is caused by fire, lightning,
explosion, theft or attempted theft.
You are not covered under sections 2
and 5 of Part A – Loss and damage.
You are not covered under Parts
D – Injury benefits and E – Personal
belongings and other parts amended
by endorsement.
Third Party only
You are not covered under Parts A,
D and E and other Parts amended by
Your policy schedule will show what
sections are in force.
We want you to understand your policy
and everything we can do for you and
have tried to design your policy booklet to
help you do this. You will find the following
headings on many pages:
What is covered
This provides detailed information on the
insurance provided and should be read
with ‘What is not covered’.
What is not covered
This tells you what is not included in
your policy.
To help you further…
We have included some explanatory
notes in your policy. These are headed
Useful information and are printed in
italics at the bottom of the page. They
are not part of the insurance contract but
they are there to help you understand it.
If you need to make a claim or think
you do please call our claims team on
0345 608 0230* who will immediately
take action to help you. We will take all
the details and if appropriate, give you
the telephone number and location of
our nearest recommended repairer
and inform you of any further action you
may need to take.
To make the claims process quicker
please have your policy number to hand
and a full description of the incident. We
will keep you informed about how we are
progressing with the resolution of your
claim. We are committed to dealing with
each claim quickly and effectively.
*Telephone calls may be monitored and
Making a claim
This policy is a contract between you
and us.
This policy describes the insurance cover
provided during the period of cover
you have paid for, or have agreed to pay
for, and for which we have accepted the
The contract between you and us is
formed of this policy, the schedule
and any endorsements shown in the
You will be provided with a copy of your
statement of fact or proposal form.
This document lists the answers to the
questions you were asked when applying
for this insurance.
The insurance cover applies anywhere in
the UK except when we state otherwise in
this policy – see Part C – Territorial limits
and foreign use. Your car is also covered
when it is being transported within the UK
and between any UK ports.
Please read the policy, the certificate
of insurance and the schedule as one
document to ensure that it meets with
your requirements.
The law which applies to
your policy
You and we can choose the law which
applies to this policy. We propose that
the Law of England and Wales apply.
Unless we and you agree otherwise, the
Law of England and Wales will apply to
this policy.
Changes to your
It is important that you tell us as
soon as reasonably possible if your
circumstances change or if any of the
information shown in your proposal
form, statement of fact, schedule or
certificate of insurance changes
during the period of cover. Please refer
to the ‘General conditions applicable
to all parts of this policy’ section of this
policy wording.
Your policy
Meaning of defined terms
Where we explain what a word means
that word will have the same meaning
wherever it is used in the policy,
endorsements and schedule. These
words are highlighted by the use of
bold blue print.
Certificate of insurance
The certificate of motor insurance which
is evidence of your motor insurance.
The amount you are required to pay
as the first part of each and every
claim made.
Market value
The cost of replacing your car in the
UK with one of the same make, model,
specification, mileage, age and condition.
Accidental filling of the fuel tank with
inappropriate fuel for your car.
Period of cover
A period of 12 months from the start date
of your current policy.
Personal belongings
Clothes and items of a personal
nature belonging to you and your
passengers, including portable
navigational equipment, car phones,
radios, CD players, cassette players,
games consoles or any other audio or
visual equipment.
Recommended repairer
A repairer that we recommend to you,
who we will authorise to repair your car
following a claim under Part A – Loss
and damage.
The schedule forms part of this policy.
Please read the schedule carefully.
It defines the cover you have under
this policy.
Your husband, wife or civil partner.
England, Scotland, Wales, Northern
Ireland, the Isle of Man and the
Channel Islands.
AXA Insurance UK plc.
The policyholder named in the schedule.
Your car
Any private motor car insured under this
policy and/or any other car which is added
by you during the period of cover each
as identified by its registration mark in
your current certificate of insurance or
temporary cover note.
You must comply with the following
conditions to have the full protection of
your policy.
If you do not comply with them we may
at our option take one or more of the
following actions:
cancel the policy;
declare your policy void (treating your
policy as if it had never existed);
change the terms of your policy;
refuse to deal with all or part of any
claim or reduce the amount of any
claim payments.
Statutory cancellation rights
You may cancel this policy within 14 days
of receipt of the policy documents
(new business) or the renewal date
(the Cancellation period) by writing to
us at the following address during the
Cancellation period:
AXA Personal Lines Customer Service
PO Box 7072
There is no refund of premium in the
event of a total loss claim. However, in
all other cases, we will keep an amount
of premium in proportion to the time
you have been on cover and refund the
balance to you.
If there is a total loss and if you are
paying by instalments, you will either
have to continue with the instalment
payments until the premium is paid in full
or we may, at our discretion, deduct the
remaining instalments you owe from any
claim payment made.
Cancellation outside the
statutory period
You may cancel this policy at any time
by giving prior written notice to the
above address.
As long as you have not incurred any
eligible claims, apart from a claim for
Windscreen Repair or Windscreen
Replacement, we will keep an amount of
premium in proportion to the time you have
been on cover and refund the rest to you.
If you are paying by instalments your
instalment payments will cease and if
you incur eligible claims you will either
have to continue with the instalment
payments until the premium is paid in full
or we may, at our discretion, deduct the
outstanding instalments due from any
claim payment made.
Cancellation by us
We may cancel your policy:
If you or anyone else covered by
this policy breaks any of the General
conditions applicable to all parts of this
policy section of your cover set out in
pages 8-10.
If you or anyone else covered by this
policy ignore or fail to comply with
the General Exclusions. Please see
“General exclusions applicable to all
parts of this policy” section set out on
page 13.
If you provide any inaccurate or
incomplete information. Please see
“Providing accurate and complete
information” section on page 9.
If you act in a fraudulent manner when
incepting, making an amendment or
renewing this policy.
General conditions applicable to all
parts of this policy
If you act in a fraudulent manner when
making a claim. Please see “Claims
condition applicable to all parts of this
policy” section set out on pages 11-12.
If we are unable to continue cover due
to changes in your circumstance or
to your policy information. Please see
“General conditions applicable to all
parts of this policy” section set out on
pages 8-10.
If you fail to respond to a written
request for further information or
If we believe you or anyone else
covered by the policy seek to use the
benefits of the policy for any use in
which the policy is not intended for,
including any commercial use.
If you do not pay your premium,
please see “Non payment of premiums
“section on page 9.
If we cancel your policy we shall provide
you with 7 days’ prior written notice to
your last known address. Within this
notice we will advise you of our reason
for cancelling your policy.
Any premium refund will be calculated in
accordance with the above.
Non payment of premiums
We reserve the right to cancel this policy
immediately on written notice in the event
of non payment of the premium or default
if you are paying by instalments.
If we are unable to collect a payment by
instalments we will contact you and use
reasonable endeavours to collect the
outstanding payment(s) before exercising
our right to cancel the policy.
Providing accurate and
complete information
When taking out, renewing or making
changes to this policy, you or your
agent (acting on your behalf) must take
reasonable care to provide accurate and
complete answers to all questions.
It is a criminal offence under the
Road Traffic Act 1988 to make a false
statement for the purposes of obtaining a
Certificate of Motor Insurance.
We may ask you to provide further
information and/or documentation to
ensure that the information you provided
when taking out, making changes to or
renewing your policy was accurate and
Changes to your
You must tell us as soon as reasonably
possible if your circumstances change
or if any of the information shown in
your statement of fact, proposal form,
schedule or certificate of insurance
changes during the period of cover.
Examples of the changes we must be
made aware of are:
A change to the people who need to be
insured under this policy.
If any person insured under this
policy receives any motoring
conviction including driving licence
endorsements, fixed penalties and
pending prosecutions.
If any person insured under this policy
receives a criminal conviction.
General conditions applicable to all parts of this policy continued
General conditions applicable to all parts of this policy continued
If you change your car.
If the owner of your car changes.
If the main driver of your car changes.
If you change the way in which your
car is used. For example, you begin to
use your car for business purposes.
If your car is modified in any way
including, but not limited to:
changes to the bodywork such as
spoilers or body kits
changes to the suspension or
cosmetic changes such as alloy
changes affecting performance
such as changes to the engine
management system or exhaust
changes to the audio/entertainment
If you change your address or the
address where your car is kept
You must ensure that you provide us with
accurate and complete information when
asked questions about the changes in
your circumstances.
Any changes to your circumstances
including changes to the people who
need to be insured under this policy, or a
change to your car or main driver of your
car, whether a permanent or temporary
change, shall be a variation of this
contract which means it will continue with
the relevant changes made.
Taking care of your car
You must do all you can to protect your
car and keep it in a roadworthy condition.
If you do not do this your right to claim
under your policy may be affected.
You must:
ensure the car is locked, windows,
including sunroofs are closed, and any
required security devices are activated
and all keys and keyless entry system
devices are removed when the car is
left unattended
when leaving your car take personal
belongings with you, lock them in
your boot or glove compartment.
Do not leave them in open view in your
when leaving your car unattended
remove if physically possible your
radio and other audio equipment or
activate any security features they may
maintain your car in roadworthy
condition and ensure you have a valid
MOT certificate where appropriate
always keep the tyres within the legal
requirements at all times.
Access to your car
You must let us examine your car at any
reasonable time if we ask you.
Keeping to the terms and
We will only provide the insurance
described in this policy if anyone claiming
protection has met all its terms
and conditions.
You must comply with the following
conditions to have the full protection of
your policy.
If you do not comply with them we may
at our option take one or more of the
following actions:
cancel the policy;
change the terms of your policy;
refuse to deal with all or part of any
claim or reduce the amount of any
claim payments.
What you must do in making
a claim
If bodily injury, loss, theft or damage
happens to you, your car or anyone else
you must immediately:
call the claims telephone helpline
0345 608 0230
do whatever you can to protect the car
and its accessories
take all reasonable steps to recover
missing property and to prevent a
further incident
provide us with full details of any other
party involved in the incident
send us any letters and documents
you receive in connection with the
incident before you reply to them
if you know of any future prosecution,
coroner’s inquest or Fatal Accident
Inquiry about any incident, you must
tell us immediately in writing.
If we ask you must send us written
details of your claim within 31 days.
Anyone making a claim under this policy
must give us any information and help
we need.
What you must not do
You, and anyone covered by this policy,
must not:
admit anything, or
make any offer or promise about a
claim, unless you have our written
permission to do so.
What we will do
We will:
take all the details and if appropriate,
give you the telephone number
and location of our nearest
recommended repairer and inform
you of any further action you may
need to take
have the right to take over and deal
with the defence or settlement of
any claim in the name of the person
making a claim under this policy. We
may also pursue any claim to recover
any amount due from a third party in
the name of anyone claiming cover
under this policy
only pay our share of the claim if you
make a claim for any liability, loss or
damage that is also covered by any
other insurance policy
have the right to recover any payment
we make from you or from the person
responsible if, under the law of any
country in which you are covered by
this policy, we have to pay a claim
which we would not normally have
to pay.
Claims conditions
Claims conditions continued
If your car is a Total loss
In the event of a total loss, if your car is
the subject of a hire purchase or leasing
agreement we will make the payment for
the total loss of your car directly to the
owner described in the agreement.
If our estimate of the market value
is more than the amount you owe the
finance or leasing company, we will pay
you any remaining balance of the agreed
settlement. If our estimate of the market
value is less than the amount you owe
the finance company, you may have to
pay them the rest of the agreed balance.
Any payment we make for total loss will
be after we have taken off any policy
You must not act in a fraudulent manner.
If you or anyone acting for you
Make a claim under the policy knowing
the claim to be false or fraudulently
exaggerated in any way or
Make a statement in support of a
claim knowing the statement to be
false in any way or
Submit a document in support of a
claim knowing the document to be
forged or false in any way or
Make a claim for any loss or damage
caused by your wilful act or with your
We will not pay the claim.
We will not pay any other claim which
has been or will be made under the
We may make the policy void from the
date of the fraudulent act.
We will be entitled to recover from you
the amount of any claim already paid
under the policy.
We will not refund any premium.
We may inform the police of the
General exclusions applicable to all parts of
this policy
1 This policy does not apply when
your car:
is being used for purposes that are
not specified in your certificate of
is being driven by or in the charge
of any person who is not covered by
your certificate of insurance
is being driven by you or with your
permission by any person who
you know has not got a driving
licence or who you know to be
disqualified from driving or getting a
licence or is prevented by law from
holding one
is being driven or in the charge of
a person, including you, who fails
to meet the conditions of the
licence they hold
is towing a caravan, trailer, or other
vehicle for payment
is being used on a track or roadway
designed or designated for track
use or vehicle performance
is ‘airside’ on any airport or airfield
premises (‘airside’ includes
runways, hangars, aprons, or
anywhere aircraft have access to).
2 This policy does not cover any liability
which you have as a result of an
agreement or contract, unless you
would have had that liability anyway.
3 This policy does not provide cover for
any loss of or damage to property,
legal liability, injury or other loss
directly or indirectly caused by,
contributed to by, or arising from the
ionising radiations or contamination
by radioactivity from any nuclear
fuel or from any nuclear waste from
the combustion of nuclear fuel
the radioactive, toxic, explosive
or other hazardous properties of
any explosive nuclear assembly or
nuclear component thereof.
4 This policy does not provide cover
for any loss or damage which results
from war, invasion, act of foreign
enemy, hostilities (whether or not
war is declared), civil war, rebellion,
revolution, military force or coup.
However, this policy covers you so far
as is necessary to meet with any law
on Compulsory Insurance.
5 This policy does not provide cover
except under Part B – Liability to
others for any accident, injury, loss or
damage caused by:
a earthquake
b riot or civil commotion if it occurs
outside England, Scotland, Wales,
the Isle of Man or the Channel
6 This policy does not cover any liability,
damage, cost or expenses, which are
more than our legal liability under
the relevant road traffic legislation for
any claim, if you or any other person
entitled to drive your car is:
a found to be over the limit for
alcohol to the extent which would
constitute an offence under the
laws of the country in which the
accident occurred
b is driving whilst unfit through drink
or drugs, whether prescribed or
c fails to provide a sample of breath,
blood or urine when required to do
so, without lawful reason.
Part A: Loss and damage
What is covered
1 Loss of or damage to your car or
spare parts
If your car, accessories or spare parts are
lost, stolen or damaged, we will:
repair the damage;
replace what is lost or damaged and is
too expensive to repair; or
pay you the cost of the loss or damage.
We can choose which of these actions we
will take for any claim we agree to and the
repairer can use parts that have not been
produced by the vehicle manufacturer.
If your car is damaged, we will use one of
our recommended repairers to repair
it. If you choose not to use them, we may
not pay more than our recommended
repairer would have charged and we may
choose to settle the claim by a financial
payment. Following damage to your car,
we may move your car to a place of safe
and free storage pending settlement of any
If you cannot use your car because of
loss or damage that is insured under this
policy, we will also pay the reasonable cost
of protecting your car and taking it to our
nearest recommended repairer. After
the repair, we will pay the reasonable cost
of delivering your car to your address in
the UK.
Where your car is not recovered following
a theft or is beyond economical repair we
will pay you the market value of your
car, including accessories and spare
parts at the time they are lost, stolen or
If we settle a claim as a total loss, we will
then take ownership of your car.
Accessories and spare parts of your car,
which are in your private garage at the
time of their loss or damage, will also
be covered.
New car replacement
If during the period of one year after the
first registration as new your car is:
stolen and not recovered; or
damaged so that repairs will cost more
than 60% of the manufacturer’s price
list (including taxes and the cost of
accessories) at the time of the loss
or damage;
and provided your car is owned by you then
we will replace your car with a new one of
the same make, model and specification.
Provided that:
one is available
you and anyone else we know who has
a financial interest in your car agree.
If your car is recovered before a new
replacement is ordered and the cost
of repairs are less than 60% of the
manufacturers list price, we will do one of
the following:
repair the damage
replace what is lost or damaged beyond
economical repair or
pay you cash for the amount of the loss
or damage.
Courtesy car
Following a claim under Part A – Loss and
damage, you will be provided with the
use of a courtesy car whilst your car is
Part A: Loss and damage continued
undergoing repair, subject to the repairer’s
terms and conditions. A courtesy car is not
available in respect of:
claims where your car is identified as
being beyond economical repair
claims where your car has been
stolen and has not been recovered
claims where a recommended
repairer has not been used
losses which occur outside of the UK.
2 Glass damage
We will pay for the repair or replacement of
glass in windows or windscreens (including
panoramic windscreens) in your car and
scratching of the bodywork caused by the
glass breaking.
If this is the only damage you claim for,
your no claim discount will not be affected.
Our windscreen supplier can use parts
that have not been produced by the vehicle
If you choose not to use one of our
approved repairers we will limit the
amount we pay under this section to
3 Audio – visual equipment and in-car
entertainment systems
We will pay for loss or damage to
your car’s permanently fitted in-car
navigational equipment, car phones,
radios, CD players, cassette players,
games consoles or any other audio or
visual equipment. Removable equipment
is covered if it can only be used whilst it is
attached to your car and is designed to
be totally or partially removed.
If the equipment was fitted by the
manufacturer of your car and was part
of the standard specification of your
car when it was first registered then
we will provide unlimited cover for the
loss or damage of the equipment.
If the equipment was not fitted by
the manufacturer of your car or
the equipment was not part of the
standard specification of your car
when it was first registered then the
maximum we will pay for the loss or
damage of the equipment is £500.
4 Replacement locks
If the keys, lock transmitter or entry card
for the keyless entry system of your
car are lost or stolen, we will pay up to
£1,000 towards the cost of replacing:
The door and boot locks
The ignition and steering locks
The lock transmitter; and
The entry card
Any other device designed and made
by the manufacturer to access and
start your car
Providing you report the loss to the police
within 24 hours of discovering the loss.
5 Medical expenses
If you, your driver or any of your
passengers are injured in an accident
involving your car, we will pay
medical expenses, which can include
physiotherapy if you ask us to and we
agree to provide the treatment, of up to
£250 for each injured person.
6 Hotel expenses and alternative
In the event that your car is not road
worthy following an accident and you
have reported a claim under Part A – Loss
and damage (subsection 1), we will pay
up to a maximum of £250 in the event
Part A: Loss and damage continued
that you can not complete your planned
journey to cover:
overnight accommodation, including
the cost of meals and drinks, for the
driver and passengers of your car; or
public transport for the driver and the
passengers of your car to return to
your home or your original planned
7 Child car seats
If your car is fitted with any child
car seats, we will pay up to £300 for
their replacement with the same or
similar model following an accident
covered by this policy. We will pay for
the replacement whether or not visible
damage has been caused to the child
car seat.
You should purchase the replacement
seat and we will reimburse you on
presentation of the receipt.
8 Misfuelling
If you or any named driver accidentally fill
your car with the wrong fuel please do
not start the engine. Please call us
on our claims line as soon as possible.
If your car is subject to misfuelling
during the period of insurance we will
pay up to a maximum of £250 per
claim for:
Drainage and flushing of the fuel tank
on site using a specialist roadside
vehicle. Or
Recovery of your car, the driver and
up to 6 passengers to the nearest
repairer to drain and flush the fuel
Replenishing the fuel tank with 10
litres of the correct fuel.
Damage to your car engine caused
solely and directly by misfuelling.
For damage to the engine, the excess
shown in your schedule under
accidental damage will apply.
A £75 excess applies in respect of
claims for draining and flushing the fuel
Claims for misfuelling should be
supported by original receipts and
a written report from the specialist who
drained or recovered your car.
Driver excesses
If your car or any of its accessories or
spare parts are damaged while your
car is being driven by a driver as shown
in the table below, you will have to pay
this additional amount, on top of any
other excess shown in your schedule,
towards any claim.
An inexperienced driver is someone who
holds a provisional driving licence, or has
held a full driving licence for less than 12
If we pay the inexperienced driver
excess, you will have to repay that
amount to us as soon as possible.
Age of driver Level of experience Excess
25 years and over Inexperienced £100
21 years to 24 years inclusive Experienced £150
21 years to 24 years inclusive Inexperienced £200
17 years to 20 years inclusive All drivers £500
Part A: Loss and damage continued
You will not have to pay the driver excess
shown in your policy schedule if the loss
or damage is caused by fire, lightning,
explosion, theft or attempted theft.
What is not covered
Loss of or damage to your car or spare
parts exclusion
You are not covered for the following:
Loss of use, loss of value, wear and
tear, mechanical or electrical failure,
breakdowns or breakages.†
Loss of value after a repair.
The cost of any repair or replacement
which improves your car beyond the
condition it was in before the loss or
damage occurred.
Loss of or damage to your car arising
from or as a result of water freezing in
the cooling circulation system of
your car.
Damage to tyres from braking,
punctures, cuts or bursts unless as
a result of an accident.
Loss or theft of your car by deception.
This includes, but is not limited to:
Loss or theft as a result of handing
the keys of your car over to
someone who claims to be a buyer
or agent without taking precautions
to ensure your car is returned to
you. An example of an acceptable
precaution is to attend the test drive
with the prospective buyer.
Loss or theft as a result of someone
purchasing your car using a payment
method which does not result in you
receiving the payment for your car.
Loss from taking your car and
returning it to its legal owner.
Loss or damage to your car by theft
or attempted theft if you or anyone
else has left it unlocked or with keys or
keyless entry system in your car,
or on it.
Confiscation or requisition or
destruction by, or under the order
of, any government or public or land
Unless we provide cover under this
insurance, any other loss, damage or
additional expense following on from the
event for which you are claiming.*
Any excess that applies to this
Glass damage exclusion
The excess shown in your policy
schedule or in Endorsement 29 –
Windscreen breakage if it is applicable.
You will not have to pay this amount
if the glass is repaired and not
To repair or replace any other glass
forming part of your car including
sunroofs and panoramic sunroofs,
where the roof glass is a separate unit
to the windscreen glass. Please note,
you may be entitled to make a claim
for other glass under Part A – Loss
and damage (Subsection 1), this
will however be subject to a different
excess and may impact your no
claims discount.
Audio – visual equipment and in-car
entertainment systems exclusion
Any removable or portable equipment that
is able to be used whilst not attached to
your car. This equipment may be covered
under Part E – Personal belongings.
Part A: Loss and damage continued
The excess shown in your schedule
Replacement locks exclusion
the theft excess shown in
your schedule
any amount in excess of £1,000.
Misfuelling exclusion
any claim resulting from foreign matter
entering the fuel system except for
diesel or petroleum.
claims for misfuelling outside
the UK
fuel, other than the 10 litres of correct
fuel to replenish the fuel tank after
draining and flushing out incorrect
for damage to the engine, the excess
shown in your schedule under
accidental damage will apply.
a £75 excess applies in respect of
claims for draining and flushing
the fuel tank.
Useful information:
† This policy does not cover mechanical breakdown, or computer
failure. But, if for example your engine management system fails
and causes the engine to shut down, any accident that happens as
a result would be covered (although the cost to repair the fault of
the engine management system would not be covered). The same
applies if your vehicle catches fire – the faulty item would not be
covered, but you would be covered for the other fire damage.
*Examples of such loss, damage or additional expense are the
costs incurred in preparing a claim or loss of earnings following
your bodily injury or illness.
** Excesses
The excess is the amount you have to pay for every claim for
loss of or damage to your vehicle (for example, if your repairs
cost £1,000 and you have a £100 excess, you pay £100 and
the insurer pays £900). Excesses apply whoever was to blame.
^You can save money by having the glass repaired instead of
replaced. Ask the glass supplier to check the damage to see
whether it can be repaired. Have your certificate of insurance
ready when you have the glass repaired or replaced. The glass
repairer needs this for your claim.
Part B: Liability to others
What is covered
1 Cover provided for you
This policy covers you for the amounts
shown below:
a Death of or injury to any person
b Damage to any other person’s property
up to £20,000,000, plus all legal costs
and expenses provided the total does
not exceed £25,000,000
which you become legally responsible
for paying due to the death of or injury to
any person and damage to any person’s
property in respect of any claim or series
of claims arising out of one event involving
your car, or caused by a trailer, caravan or
other vehicle that is attached to your car.
The same cover will apply if you are driving
any other car which your certificate of
insurance allows you to drive. This cover
ceases if you dispose of your car shown
in the certificate of insurance or it
becomes a total loss.*
2 Cover provided for other people
If you ask us to, we will give the following
people the same level of cover as
provided in 1 above
Anyone you allow to drive your car
and who is allowed to drive it in the
certificate of insurance.
Any person using (but not driving) your
car with your permission for social,
domestic and pleasure purposes.
Any person travelling in or getting into
or out of your car.
Your employer or business partner,
as long as your car is not owned by
or hired to either your employer or
business partner and your car is being
used for a purpose that is allowed in
your certificate of insurance.
3 Your legally-appointed
After the death of anyone insured under this
policy, we will protect that person’s estate
against any liability the deceased person had
if that liability is insured under this policy.
4 Legal fees and expenses
If we give our written permission, we will
pay for solicitors fees to:
represent anyone insured under this
policy at any Coroner’s Inquest or Fatal
Accident Inquiry; or
defend anyone insured under
this policy in a court of summary
for any incident which might give rise to a
claim under Part B – Liability to others of
this policy.
5 Proceedings for manslaughter or
causing death by dangerous driving
We will pay fees for legal services to
defend anyone insured under this policy
if legal proceedings are taken against
that person for manslaughter or causing
death by reckless driving. The following
conditions will apply to this cover:
You must ask us to provide it.
The death or deaths giving rise to the
proceedings must have been caused
by an incident covered by this policy.
6 Emergency medical treatment
We will pay for any emergency medical
treatment that must be provided under
the Road Traffic Act. If this is the only
payment we make, it will not affect your
no claim discount.
Part B: Liability to others continued
What is not covered
You are not covered for the following:
1 Anyone driving your car who is
disqualified from driving or has never
held a driving licence, or is prevented
by law from holding one.
2 Liability for loss of or damage to
property which belongs to, or is with,
any person who is insured under this
policy and who is driving your car.
3 Any loss of or damage to property,
legal liability, injury or other loss directly
or indirectly caused by, contributed
to by or arising from terrorism or any
action taken in controlling preventing
suppressing or in any way relating to
terrorism. However this policy covers
you so far as is necessary to meet any
law on compulsory insurance.
For the purposes of this exclusion
terrorism means any act or acts that
the government of the United Kingdom
considers to be an act of terrorism
or any act which could be defined
as terrorism under the Terrorism
Act 2000 and/or subsequent acts
pertaining to terrorism. This involves
but is not limited to the use of or
threat of action, force or violence by
any person or group of people acting
alone or on behalf of any organisation
or government. This could be for
political, religious, ideological or
similar reasons. This includes trying
to influence any government or
intimidate the public.
Useful information:
* If an accident causes damage to another car, an animal or
property, or if anyone is injured, the law says you must stop.
You must give your name, address and car registration number
to anyone reasonably asking.
What is covered
This policy provides the cover described in
the schedule within the UK.
Your policy also provides the minimum
cover you need by law to use your car in:
1 any country which is a member of the
European Community; or
2 any other country which has agreed
to follow Article 8 of the EU Directive
2009/103/EC relating to insurance
against civil liability in respect of the
use of motor vehicles and is approved
by the commission of the European
Communities. We will also provide
this cover while your car is being
transported between any of those
countries and the UK.
Where the level of cover in any European
Community Member State is less than
that provided by the legal minimum
requirements of UK, the level of cover
that applies in UK will apply in that
Member State.
Your policy automatically extends the
cover shown in the schedule to the
countries described in 1 and 2 above for
up to 93 days in any one period of cover.
If you want to extend your cover for more
than 93 days you must contact us before
you travel.
It is no longer necessary to have an
International Motor Insurance Certificate
(Green card) when travelling to countries
covered by 1 or 2 above. In the absence
of a Green card you must carry your
current certificate of insurance
when travelling.
If you plan to travel to any other country,
please notify us at least three weeks
before you leave as you may require a
Green card, which may be supplied if
we agree to extend cover. An additional
premium may be charged for this
additional cover.
When contacting us please supply the
following information:
your policy number
the period for which cover is required
the registration number, make and
model of your car
details of any trailer or caravan
being towed
countries to be visited.
What is not covered
You are not covered for any legal action
taken against you outside the UK, unless
it is a result of using your car in a country
for which we have agreed to extend this
insurance cover.
Part C: Territorial limits and foreign use
What is covered
you or your spouse are injured solely
as a result of an accident involving your
car; or while travelling in or getting into
or out of your car; or
any other person is injured while
travelling in or getting into or out of
your car;
we will pay you or your legal
representatives or if you ask us to, the
person injured or their legal representative
the compensation specified below:
Provided that death or loss occurs within
three calendar months and solely and
directly as a result of the accident.
You and
of your
living with
Death £15,000 £15,000
Total and
loss of sight in
one or
both eye
£10,000 Nil
Total and
loss of one
or more limbs
£10,000 Nil
What is not covered
You are not covered for the following:
any person who, at the time of the
injury, has not reached their sixteenth
in respect of death or injury as a result
of suicide, attempted suicide or any
intentional self-injury.
Part D: Injury benefits
Part E: Personal belongings
What is covered
We will pay up to a maximum of £300 for
personal belongings carried in or on
your car if lost or damaged by:
accident to your car;
fire, lightning, explosion;
theft or attempted theft.
What is not covered
You are not covered for the following:
money, stamps, tickets, documents or
tools, equipment, goods or samples
carried in connection with any trade or
property insured by another policy;
theft of personal belongings if carried
in an open-top or convertible car, unless
contained in the locked boot.
1 No claims discount
As long as a claim has not been made
on your policy during the current period
of cover, we will include a discount in
your renewal premium. We will give you
a discount for each claim-free year up to
the maximum entitlement.
Please note this is no guarantee your
premium will not rise.
The table below shows what would
happen to your NCD if you were to make
one or more claims.
No Claims Discount at Next Renewal Date
without NCD Protection
of years
No Claims
1 claim
during the
period of
2 claims
during the
period of
3 claims
during the
period of
4 or more
during the
period of
1 year Nil Nil Nil Nil
2 years Nil Nil Nil Nil
3 years 1 Nil Nil Nil
4 years 2 Nil Nil Nil
5 or more
3 1 Nil Nil
Your no claims discount will not be affected by
payments for emergency treatment which the
Road Traffic Act says we must pay or payments
made under Part A (2) – Windscreen Damage
for windscreen replacement/repair.
2 Protected no claims
Once you have five years no claims
discount and a claim has not been made
on your policy for at least three years,
if you are aged at least 25 years and all
drivers are aged at least 21 years, then
you can protect the discount if you pay
an extra premium at each renewal.
No claims bonus protection does not
protect the overall price of your insurance
policy. The price of your insurance policy
may increase following an accident even
if you were not at fault.
No claims bonus protection allows you
to make one or more claims before your
number of no claims bonus years falls.
Part F: Additional covers and benefits
Part F: Additional covers and benefits continued
3 Uninsured driver promise
If you have comprehensive cover and
you make a claim where the driver of the
other car involved in the accident is found
to be uninsured, you will not have to pay
your excess or lose any part of your no
claims discount (NCD) as long as:
You are able to provide the make,
model and registration number of the
other car involved, and
We can establish that you were not at
fault in any way.
It will also help if you are able to provide
the details of the other driver involved
and details of any independent witnesses
if possible.
When you first claim you may have to
pay your excess and your NCD may
be affected. However, once we have
established that you were not at fault
in any way and the driver of the other
car was uninsured, your excess will be
refunded to you and your NCD restored.
4 Car sharing
Your policy also covers your car
when you are being paid for carrying
passengers for social or similar purposes
as long as:
your car cannot carry more than
8 people including the driver;
you are not carrying the passengers
as part of a business of carrying
passengers; and
the total payment you receive for
the journey does not provide a profit
for you.
5 Car service cover
Car servicing and car parking
Subject to the terms and conditions of
this policy other than limitations to use
and driving we will provide an indemnity
to you whilst your car is in the custody or
control of:
A motor garage or other similar
business, which you do not own, which
has your car for the purpose of:
testing; or
A hotel, restaurant or similar business,
which you do not own, where your car
has been parked for you.
6 Driving other cars
Please refer to your certificate of
insurance to see if you are covered to
drive other cars which are not owned by
you or under a hire purchase agreement,
rental/short term hire agreement or annual
leasing agreement to you. If your cover
is extended to drive other private motor
cars, subject to the criteria listed on your
certificate of insurance, the cover when
driving that vehicle will be limited to Third
Party Cover. This means that the car that
you are driving will not be covered itself.
Please note that if your certificate of
insurance lists this cover then cover is
restricted to you, the policyholder only, and
not any other drivers named on this policy.
This extension does not provide cover to
drive vans, other commercial vehicles or
motorbikes of any description.
You are not covered under this section
whilst driving outside of the UK.
Your insurance under this policy may be
extended or restricted by endorsements.
Endorsements only apply if their numbers
appear in the schedule.
All the terms, conditions and exceptions
of the policy continue to apply along with
the endorsements.
Endorsement 9 – Exclusion
of personal belongings
You are not covered under Part E –
Personal belongings of this policy.
Endorsement 11 – Exclusion
of injury benefits
You are not covered under Part D – Injury
benefits of this policy.
Endorsement 12 – Own loss
or damage (voluntary)
You will pay the amount shown next
to this endorsement number in the
schedule towards each claim for loss or
damage to your car. This endorsement
will not apply if damage to the car:
is caused by fire, lightning, explosion,
theft or attempted theft; or
is limited to broken glass in the
windscreen or windows or bodywork
damaged by the broken glass.
This endorsement applies on top of any
other amount which you may have to pay
towards each claim. If we pay the whole
amount of the claim at first, you must
immediately pay us the amount you have
to pay under this endorsement.
Endorsement 13 – Own loss
or damage (compulsory)
You will pay the amount shown next
to this endorsement number in the
schedule towards each claim for loss or
damage to your car.
This endorsement will not apply if damage
to the car:
is caused by fire, lightning, explosion,
theft or attempted theft; or
is limited to broken glass in the
windscreen or windows or bodywork
damaged by the broken glass.
This endorsement applies on top of any
other amount which you may have to pay
towards each claim. If we pay the whole
amount of the claim at first, you must
immediately pay us the amount you have
to pay under this endorsement.
Endorsement 15 – Company
You are not covered under Parts D – Injury
benefits and E – Personal belongings of
this policy.
Endorsements continued
Endorsement 16 – Fire and
theft excess (compulsory)
You will pay the amount shown next to this
endorsement number in the schedule
towards each claim for loss or damage
to your car caused by fire, lightning,
explosion, theft or attempted theft.
If we pay the whole amount of the claim
at first, you must immediately pay us
the amount you have to pay under
this endorsement.
Endorsement 29 –
Windscreen breakage
You will pay the amount shown next
to this endorsement number in the
schedule towards each claim made
under Part A – Loss and damage (2) –
Windscreen damage.
Endorsement 30 – Protected
no claim discount
If you pay an extra premium, your no
claim discount is protected.
This protection will apply unless more
than two claims are made on your policy
in three consecutive periods of cover,
then protection will end and your no claim
discount will be reduced to nil at your
next renewal.
If we agree to transfer someone’s interest
under this policy, this endorsement will be
cancelled unless the person the policy is
transferred to can meet our conditions for
having a protected no claim discount.
Endorsement 39 –
Car security
You are not covered under Part A – Loss
or damage of this policy for any loss or
damage caused by theft and attempted
theft unless:
your car is fitted with a security device
conforming to Thatcham Category 1 or
2 standards; and
the security device is operational at
the time of any loss or damage to
your car.
How we use your data
Data Protection Notice
AXA Insurance UK plc is part of the AXA
Group of companies which takes your
privacy very seriously. For details of how
we use the personal information we
collect from you and your rights please
view our privacy policy at
privacy-policy. If you do not have access
to the internet please contact us and we
will send you a printed copy.
Motor Insurance Database
When you take out a car insurance policy,
your policy details will be added to the
Motor Insurance Database ("MID"), run
by the Motor Insurers’ Information Centre
("MIIC"). MID data may be used by the
Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency and
the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Northern
Ireland for the purpose of electronic
vehicle licensing and by the police for
the purposes of establishing whether
a driver's use of a vehicle is likely to be
covered by a motor insurance policy and
for preventing and detecting crime. If
you are involved in an accident, whether
in the UK or abroad, other UK insurers,
the Motor Insurers’Bureau and MIIC may
search the MID to obtain relevant policy
Persons pursuing a claim in respect of a
road traffic accident (including citizens
of other EU countries) may be entitled to
access relevant information held about
you on the MID. You can find out more
about this from us, or from the Motor
Insurance Bureau.
Motor Insurance law
DVLA will compare its records with details
of vehicles on the MID (Motor Insurance
Database) – the UK’s central record of
vehicle insurance.
If a vehicle does not have insurance and
a Statutory Off Road Notification (SORN)
has not been made, the registered keeper
could face;
a fixed penalty fine of £100
their vehicle being clamped, seized
and disposed of, and
a court prosecution with a maximum
fine of £1,000.
These measures are in addition to the
powers the police already have to seize an
uninsured vehicle and fine the driver.
If you want to check your vehicle is
recorded as ‘insured’ on the MID record,
visit the free service at
Do not contact DVLA as only your
insurance provider can update your
insurance details on the MID. If your
vehicle registration number is not on the
MID, contact your insurance provider
immediately to get the MID updated.
What this means for you
If you are keeping your vehicle for use on
the road and it is not insured, insure it
now. If you are keeping your vehicle off the
road and it is not insured you must make
a Statutory Off Road Notification (SORN).
If it is taxed you need to return the disc
(including nil discs) on a V14 form
to DVLA.
For more information and to get a V14
form, visit
Important notes
Making a complaint
AXA Insurance UK plc aims to provide
the highest standard of service to every
If our service does not meet your
expectations, we want to hear about it so
we can try to put things right.
All complaints we receive are taken
seriously. The following will help us
understand your concerns and give you a
fair response.
Making your complaint
If your complaint relates to a claim
on your policy, please contact the
department dealing with your claim.
If your complaint relates to your policy,
please contact the agent or AXA office
where it was bought, or AXA Insurance
UK plc.
Contact details
Head of Customer Relations
AXA Insurance
Civic Drive
Tel: 01473 205926
Fax: 01473 205101
When you make contact please provide
the following information:
Your name, address and postcode,
telephone number and e-mail address
(if you have one).
Your policy and/or claim number, and
the type of policy you hold.
The name of your insurance agent/firm
(if applicable).
The reason for your complaint.
Any written correspondence should
be headed ‘COMPLAINT’ and you may
include copies of supporting material.
Beyond AXA
Should you remain dissatisfied following
our final written response, you may be
eligible to refer your case to the Financial
Ombudsman Service (FOS).
The FOS is an independent body that
arbitrates on complaints about general
insurance products. You have six months
from the date of our final response to
refer your complaint to the FOS. This
does not affect your right to take legal
If we cannot resolve your complaint you
may refer it to the Financial Ombudsman
Service at the address given below.
The Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower
Harbour Exchange Square
E14 9SR
Tel: 0300 123 9123
Fax: 020 7964 1001
E mail:
Making a complaint continued
Our promise to you
We will
Acknowledge all complaints promptly.
Investigate quickly and thoroughly.
Keep you informed of progress.
Do everything possible to resolve
your complaint.
Use the information from complaints
to continuously improve our service.
We may record or monitor telephone calls.
Financial Services
Compensation Scheme
AXA Insurance is covered by the FSCS.
You may be entitled to compensation
from the scheme in the unlikely event we
cannot meet our obligations to you. This
depends on the type of insurance and
the circumstances of the claim. Further
information about the compensation
scheme arrangements is available from
the FSCS (
APLD0144P-L(04/21) (351123)
This document is available in other
If you would like a Braille, large print
or audio version, please contact your
insurance adviser.
AXA Insurance UK plc Registered in England and Wales No 78950.
Registered Office: 20 Gracechurch Street, London EC3V 0BG.
A member of the AXA Group of Companies. AXA Insurance UK plc
is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by
the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.
Telephone calls may be monitored and recorded.