Policy Document
Protect and Assist
Accident and Health
March 2020 - UK
March 2020 - UK
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Table of Contents
1 Insuring Agreement ............................................................................................................ 3
2 General Policy Conditions ................................................................................................... 4
3 How to Make a Complaint .................................................................................................... 8
4 How to Make a Claim .......................................................................................................... 9
5 AXA XL Assistance ............................................................................................................. 10
6 General Policy Definitions ................................................................................................. 14
7 Operative Time Definitions................................................................................................ 19
8 General Policy Exclusions .................................................................................................. 21
9 General Claims Settlement Conditions ............................................................................... 21
10 Personal Accident Insurance ............................................................................................. 23
11 Medical Repatriation and Emergency Travel Expenses Insurance .......................................... 30
12 Travel Disruption Insurance .............................................................................................. 33
13 Evacuation Insurance ....................................................................................................... 34
14 Personal Baggage and Business Equipment Insurance .......................................................... 36
15 Personal Money and Financial Card Misuse Insurance .......................................................... 38
16 Hijack, Kidnap & Extortion Insurance ................................................................................. 39
17 Legal Expenses Insurance ................................................................................................. 41
18 Personal Liability Insurance .............................................................................................. 43
19 Personal Security Specialist Expenses Insurance ................................................................. 45
20 Rental Vehicle Excess Insurance......................................................................................... 46
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1 Insuring Agreement
Thank you for choosing this Policy which is underwritten by XL Catlin Insurance Company UK Limited or XL Insurance
Company SE depending on the Insured’s location.
(a) XL Catlin Insurance Company UK Limited
XL Catlin Insurance Company UK Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by
the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority (Firm Reference No. 423308).
Registered Office 20 Gracechurch Street, London, EC3V 0BG.
Registered in England Number 5328622.
The Insured can check this out on the FCA’s website at www.fca.org.uk which includes a register of all the firms they
regulate or by calling the FCA on 0800 111 6768.
(b) XL Insurance Company SE (XLICSE)
XL Insurance Company SE is a European public limited liability company and is regulated by the Central Bank of
Registered Office 8 St. Stephen's Green, Dublin 2 D02 VK30, Ireland.
Registered in Ireland Number 641686.
You can check this information on the Central Bank of Ireland’s website at www.centralbank.ie which includes a
register of all the firms they regulate
(c) XL Catlin Services SE
XL Catlin Services SE acts as an agent of XL Catlin Insurance Company UK Limited and XL Insurance Company SE
in connection with this policy. XL Catlin Services SE is a registered insurance intermediary authorised and
regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland (No. 659610).
Registered Office XL House, 8 St Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2 Ireland.
In consideration of the payment of the Premium, the Insurer will provide the insurance described in this Policy, the
Schedule(s) and any Endorsement(s) for the Period of Insurance up to the limits stated in the Schedule.
This Policy is not for consumer use. The Insurer will only provide the insurance described in this Policy to the Insured
and to no other person. The Insured Person has no direct rights or obligations under this Policy.
Each section of this Policy, the Schedule and any Endorsement(s) together with this Insuring Agreement and the
Definitions, Exclusions and Conditions shall be read as one document and any word or expression to which a specific
meaning has been attached shall bear such meaning whenever it appears.
The terms of this Policy shall not be waived or changed, except by Endorsement(s) issued and attached to this Policy.
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2 General Policy Conditions
2.1 Accessibility
Upon request the Insurer can provide Braille, audio or large print versions of the Policy and the associated
documentation. If the Insured requires an alternative format the Insured should contact the Insured’s broker
through whom this Policy was arranged.
2.2 Acquisition
If during the Period of Insurance the Insured acquires or creates any new office, branch, subsidiary or Associated
Company either directly or through one of its subsidiaries cover shall automatically apply from such date of
acquisition or creation (provided either the wage roll or number of Insured Persons or travel pattern does not
increase by more than 10% of the estimate provided at inception or renewal) at no additional charge.
Otherwise the Insurer agrees to provide cover from the date of creation or acquisition for a period of thirty (30)
days during which time the Insured shall provide any additional information and pay any additional premium as
may be reasonably required by the Insurer.
Cover shall not apply where the Insurer is not permitted by applicable law or regulation to provide that
coverage or would become exposed to legal or regulatory sanction as a consequence of providing that
2.3 Cancellation
(a) The Insured’s right to cancel
The Insured is entitled to cancel this Policy by notifying the Insurer in writing within fourteen (14) days
of either:
(i) the date the Insured receives this Policy; or
(ii) the start of the Period of Insurance;
whichever is the later.
A proportional refund of any premium paid will be made unless the Insured has made a claim in which
case the full annual premium is due.
An Insured Person has no cancellation rights under this Policy.
(b) The Insurer’s right to cancel
The Insurer can cancel this Policy by giving thirty (30) days' notice in writing of such cancellation to the
Insured’s last known address. The Insurer can only cancel for a valid reason, including for example:
(i) any failure by the Insured to pay the premium; or
(ii) a change in risk which means the Insurer can no longer provide the Insured with insurance
cover; or
(iii) non-cooperation or failure to supply any information or documentation the Insurer requests,
such as details of a claim;
The Insurer may cancel all or any part of any cover provided under this Policy in the event of a War
happening anywhere in the world by giving the Insured seven (7) days’ written notice to the last known
address of the Insured.
Any return premium due to the Insured will depend on how long this Policy has been in force. Return
premium will be payable only where no claim has been paid or is payable and no incident has occurred
which could give rise to a claim under this Policy.
2.4 Change in Circumstances
The Insured must tell the Insurer as soon as practicable of the Insured becoming aware of any changes in the
information the Insured has provided to the Insurer which happens before or during any Period of Insurance.
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On being notified of a change, the Insurer will tell the Insured if this change has a significant bearing on the risk.
If so, the Insurer has the right to cancel the Insured’s Policy in accordance with the Cancellation provisions or
propose amendments to the terms of the Insured’s Policy, including an increase in premium. If the Insured does
not agree the proposed amendment(s) within fourteen (14) days of it being notified of them, the Insurer may
cancel the Policy in accordance with the Cancellation provisions.
If the Insured does not inform the Insurer about a change in accordance with this provision and such change had
a significant bearing on the risk, the Insurer has the right to reject any claim the Insured makes if that claim arises
out of an Insured Journey which commenced after the date of the change in circumstances.
2.5 Fair Processing Notice
This Privacy Notice describes how XL Insurance Company SE and Xl Insurance Company UK Limited (for the
purpose of this notice “we”, “us” or the "Insurer") collect and use the personal information of insureds, claimants
and other parties (for the purpose of this notice “you”) when we are providing our insurance and reinsurance
The information provided to the Insurer, together with medical and any other information obtained from you or
from other parties about you in connection with this policy, will be used by the Insurer for the purposes of
determining your application, the operation of insurance (which includes the process of underwriting,
administration, claims management, analytics relevant to insurance, rehabilitation and customer concerns
handling) and fraud prevention and detection. We may be required by law to collect certain personal information
about you, or as a consequence of any contractual relationship we have with you. Failure to provide this
information may prevent or delay the fulfilment of these obligations.
Information will be shared by the Insurer for these purposes with group companies and third party insurers,
reinsurers, insurance intermediaries and service providers. Such parties may become data controllers in respect
of your personal information. Because we operate as part of a global business, we may transfer your personal
information outside the European Economic Area for these purposes.
You have certain rights regarding your personal information, subject to local law. These include the rights to
request access, rectification, erasure, restriction, objection and receipt of your personal information in a usable
electronic format and to transmit it to a third party (right to portability).
If you have questions or concerns regarding the way in which your personal information has been used, please
contact: legalcompl[email protected].
We are committed to working with you to obtain a fair resolution of any complaint or concern about privacy. If,
however, you believe that we have not been able to assist with your complaint or concern, you have the right to
make a complaint to the UK Information Commissioner's Office or relevant Data Protection Authority.
For more information about how we process your personal information, please see our full privacy notice at:
Brokers, Intermediaries, Partners, Employers and Other Third Parties
If you provide us with information about someone else, we will process their personal information in line with the
above. Please ensure you provide them with this notice and encourage them to read it as it describes how we
collect, use, share and secure personal information when we provide our services as an insurance and reinsurance
2.6 Duty of Fair Presentation
The Insured has a duty under Section 3 of the Insurance Act 2015 to make a fair presentation of the risk to the
(a) If, prior to entering into this Policy, the Insured shall breach the duty of fair presentation, the remedies
available to the Insurer are set out below.
(i) If the Insured’s breach of the duty of fair presentation is deliberate or reckless:
1. The Insurer may avoid the contract, and refuse to pay all claims; and,
2. The Insurer need not return any of the premiums paid.
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(ii) If the Insured’s breach of the duty of fair presentation is not deliberate or reckless, the
Insurer’s remedy shall depend upon what the Insurer would have done if the Insured had
complied with the duty of fair presentation:
1. If the Insurer would not have entered into the Policy at all, the Insurer may avoid the
Policy and refuse all claims, but must return the premiums paid.
2. If the Insurer would have entered into the Policy, but on different terms (other than
terms relating to the premium), the Policy is to be treated as if it had been entered into
on those different terms from the outset, if the Insurer so requires.
3. In addition, if the Insurer would have entered into the Policy, but would have charged
a higher premium, the Insurer may reduce proportionately the amount to be paid on
a claim (and, if applicable, the amount already paid on prior claims). In those
circumstances, the Insurer shall pay only X% of what it would otherwise have been
required to pay, where X = (premium actually charged/higher premium) x 100.
(b) If, prior to entering into a variation to this Policy, the Insured shall breach the duty of fair presentation,
the remedies available to the Insurer are set out below.
(i) If the Insured’s breach of the duty of fair presentation is deliberate or reckless:
1. The Insurer may by notice to the Insured treat the Policy as having been terminated
from the time when the variation was concluded; and,
2. The Insurer need not return any of the premiums paid.
(ii) If the Insured’s breach of the duty of fair presentation is not deliberate or reckless, the
Insurer’s remedy shall depend upon what the Insurer would have done if the Insured had
complied with the duty of fair presentation:
1. If the Insurer would not have agreed to the variation at all, the Insurer may treat the
Policy as if the variation was never made, but must in that event return any extra
premium paid.
2. If the Insurer would have agreed to the variation to the contract, but on different
terms (other than terms relating to the premium), the variation is to be treated as if it
had been entered into on those different terms, if the Insurer so requires.
3. If the Insurer would have increased the premium by more than it did or at all, then the
Insurer may reduce proportionately the amount to be paid on a claim arising out of
events after the variation. In those circumstances, the Insurer shall pay only X% of
what it would otherwise have been required to pay, where X = (premium actually
charged/higher premium) x 100.
4. If the Insurer would not have reduced the premium as much as it did or at all, then the
Insurer may reduce proportionately the amount to be paid on a claim arising out of
events after the variation. In those circumstances, the Insurer shall pay only X% of
what it would otherwise have been required to pay, where X = (premium actually
charged/reduced total premium) x 100.
2.7 Law Applicable
The parties are free to choose the law applicable to this Policy. Unless specifically agreed to the contrary this
Policy shall be governed by English law and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and
The language of this Policy and all communications relating to it will be in English.
2.8 Sanctions
The Insurer shall not be deemed to provide cover and shall not be liable to pay any claim or provide any benefit
hereunder to the extent that the provision of such cover, payment of such claim or provision of such benefit would
expose that Insurer to any sanction, prohibition or restriction under United Nations resolutions or the trade or
economic sanctions, laws or regulations of the European Union, United Kingdom or United States of America or
of any other jurisdiction applicable to the Insurer.
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In the event that the Insurer has to provide a guarantee or similar instrument to a third party in an emergency
situation, which it later transpires could result in the Insurer being exposed to any sanction, prohibition or
restriction under United Nations resolutions or the trade or economic sanctions, laws or regulations of the
European Union, United Kingdom or United States of America or of any other jurisdiction applicable to the
Insurer, the Insured agrees to substitute the Insurer’s guarantee or similar instrument with one of its own
immediately upon notice by the Insurer.
2.9 Third party rights
A person who is not a party to this contract of insurance (including any Insured Person) has no right to enforce
any term of this contract of insurance.
2.10 Insurance Act 1936 (applicable if the Insurer is XLICSE)
All monies which become or may become payable by the Insurer under this policy shall in accordance with
Section 93 of the Insurance Act 1936 be payable and paid in the Republic of Ireland.
2.11 Stamp Duties Consolidation Act 1999 (applicable if the Insurer is XLICSE)
The appropriate stamp duty has been or will be paid in accordance with the provisions of Section 5 of the Stamp
Duties Consolidation Act 1999.
2.12 Shared limits
The total amount payable under the applicable limits of cover provided under the contract of insurance
underwritten by XL Catlin Insurance Company UK Limited and issued to you combined with the corresponding
limits of cover provided under the contract of insurance underwritten by XL Insurance Company SE and issued to
you combined with the corresponding limits of cover provided under any contract of insurance underwritten by
XL Insurance Company SE, where issued to you in respect of the same loss and/or occurrence and/or claim and/or
in the aggregate shall not exceed the applicable limits of any one of these contracts of insurance.
2.13 Cyber Affirmative Clause
Any claims caused by or arising out of a Cyber Act or Cyber Incident are payable subject to the terms,
conditions, limitations and exclusions of this Policy.
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3 How to Make a Complaint
The Insurer is dedicated to providing a high quality service and the Insurer wants to ensure that this is maintained at all
If the Insured has any questions or concerns about the Policy or the handling of a claim then the Insured should contact
the broker through whom this Policy was arranged.
If the Insured wishes to make a complaint the Insured can do so at any time by referring the matter to:
Telephone Number:
+44 (0)20 7743 8487
XL Catlin Services SE acts on Our behalf in the administration of complaints.
Insurance Guarantee Scheme
The Insurer is covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. The Insured may be entitled to compensation
from the Scheme if the Insurer is unable to meet their obligations under this policy. If the Insured is entitled to
compensation under the Scheme, the level and extent of the compensation will depend on the nature of this policy.
Further information about the Scheme is available from the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (PO Box 300,
Mitcheldean, GL17 1DY) and on their website: www.fscs.org.uk.
For EEA Risks
Depending upon where in the EEA the Insured and/or the insured risk is located there may be a local scheme that applies.
Where a scheme is available in an EEA member state it may cover only limited types of insurance (e.g. compulsory motor
cover) although some jurisdictions have wider schemes. If the Insured has any questions, please contact the Insurer.
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4 How to Make a Claim
Conditions that apply to the Policy and in the event of a claim are set out in this Policy wording. It is important that the
Insured complies with all Policy conditions and the Insured should familiarise themselves with any requirements.
Directions for claim notification are included under General Claims Settlement Conditions and the Additional Conditions
applying to certain sections.
Please be aware that the occurrence of any Accident, Incident, event or circumstance which may give rise to a loss which
is covered under this Policy must be notified to the Insurer no later than one hundred and twenty (120) days although
there are some situations where notice is required to be given more quickly to AXA XL Assistance.
Claims Conditions require the Insured to provide the Insurer with any assistance and evidence that the Insurer requires
concerning the cause and value of any claim.
Initially a notification of any claim should be sent to:
Telephone Number +44 (0) 800 279 9488
Address AXA XL Accident & Health Claims
c/o Claims Settlement Agencies Limited
308-314 London Rd
Please also ensure that AXA XL Assistance is advised as appropriate of any potential claim.
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5 AXA XL Assistance
The cover provided under this Policy includes a range of assistance services supported by AXA XL Assistance, as detailed
below. Assistance can be accessed 24 Hours a day, 365 days a year.
Please note that these services are supplied by third parties whom are contracted to the Insurer and certain services are
subject to maximum limits as set out in the Schedule.
If assistance is required please use the contact information set out in the sections below or call the AXA XL Assistance
telephone helpline on:
Telephone: 0800 279 7745
Email: protectandassist@healix.com
Services can also be accessed via the AXA XL Assistance “Protect & Assist” App.
When contacting AXA XL Assistance the following information is required (where applicable):
name of the Insured and Insured Person
policy number on the AXA XL Assistance e-card
telephone contact details for the Insured Person or their representative
address where the Insured Person is located abroad
the nature of the emergency or the assistance required
5.1 Travel Assistance Services
AXA XL Assistance provides medical, security and other information and assistance both in preparing for travel
and whilst on an Insured journey as follows:
1. Travel, Medical and Security Advice
Provision of travel, medical and security advice including country specific information, currency and
banking regulations, entry requirements, visas and passports, health advice, travel risk advice,
vaccinations, travelling with medicines, emergency contacts and reciprocal agreements.
This advice is accessed via telephone, online and via the AXA XL Assistance “Protect & Assist” App.
Telephone: 0800 279 7745
Medical & Security Online: https://traveloracle.healix.com/login/
2. Pre Travel Medical Assessment
Provision of pre-deployment medical risk rating and assistance to provide wellbeing and appropriate
medical advice to ensure Secondees are fully supported for the duration of their placement.
Please contact AXA XL Assistance to arrange this service.
3. Travel Safety Learning
Provision of online interactive training in travel safety and minimising risk for the Insured Person while
on an Insured Journey.
Travel APP: Apple / Iphone or Android
4. Detailed Preparation Reports
Provision of detailed reports relating to current topical travel risk issues.
5. Home Emergency Response
Assistance with finding a suitable local contractor to fix an emergency problem (such as plumbing or
electrical issues or to make a premises safe and secure) at an Insured Person’s private residence
occurring whilst they are on an Insured Journey. This is an arrangement service only, and the Insurer
will not be responsible for paying the contractor’s costs.
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6. Lost Document and Baggage location
Assistance in replacing lost or stolen tickets, passport or other travel documents and/or assistance in
locating lost or delayed luggage Emergency Cash Advance.
7. Emergency Cash Advance
Assistance in replacing cash that has been lost during an Insured Journey as set out in the Emergency
Cash Extension of the Personal Money and Financial Card Misuse Insurance Section of this Policy.
8. Repatriation of Household Goods
Managing the repatriation of a Secondee’s household goods if an Insured Person dies during the
course of an Insured Journey as per the Repatriation of Household Goods Extension in the Medical
Repatriation and Emergency Travel Expenses Insurance section of this Policy.
9. Identity Theft Helpline
Provision of advice and help to minimise the impact of identity fraud, including assistance in reporting
the incident to authorities.
5.2 Medical Assistance Services
In the event that an Insured Person is travelling on an Insured Journey and requires medical assistance they
should contact:
Telephone: 0800 279 7745
Email: protectandassist@healix.com
The helpline is manned 24 hours a day 365 days a year by multi-lingual assistance co-ordinators experienced in
managing medical assistance cases with hospitals and clinics worldwide.
AXA XL Assistance must be informed as soon as possible of any situation that may give rise to an Insured Person
requiring In Patient treatment.
The medical assistance services provided are as follows:
1. Repatriation
Where medically necessary and where provided under the Medical Repatriation and Emergency Travel
Expenses Insurance section of this Policy, repatriating an Insured Person by air ambulance, scheduled
airline service or other more medically appropriate transport including qualified medical escort as
2. Guarantee of Payment / Direct Billing
Arranging direct billing with a network of hospitals and clinics worldwide in order to guarantee the
payment of Medical Expenses and Emergency Travel Expenses where appropriate. The Insurer will only
be responsible for these costs where they are covered under the Medical Repatriation and Emergency
Travel Expenses Insurance section of this Policy.
It should be noted that in some limited circumstances and/or territories medical establishments may
refuse to accept a guarantee of payment.
3. Emergency Travel Assistance
If an Insured Person falls ill or sustains Bodily Injury following an Accident during an Insured Journey
and relatives, friends or business colleagues need to travel to or remain with the Insured Person,
assistance will be provided in making the travel and accommodation arrangements.
Arrangements will also be made for the safe return home of any Child who is left unattended as the
result of a Medical Repatriation and Emergency Travel Expenses Insurance claim.
4. Emergency Medical Supplies
Where practical and legal to do so, helping to locate any medicine or equipment essential to the
treatment of an Insured Person during an Insured Journey that is unavailable locally.
5. Medical Referral
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Where out-patient treatment is required, making referrals to a suitable hospital, doctor or dentist.
Advice can be provided by qualified medical consultants on a range of medical conditions.
6. Medical Consultants
Providing access to a team of qualified medical consultants and nursing staff to coordinate medical
assistance cases, arranging hospital admissions and ensuring that the most appropriate care and
treatment is provided.
7. Emergency Communication
Passing on messages to family and colleagues in an emergency.
8. Family liaison officer
Providing assistance with managing communications in a crisis to keep all those affected well informed.
9. Funeral Arrangements
Managing the repatriation of mortal remains if an Insured Person dies during the course of an Insured
Journey overseas and cover is provided under the Medical Repatriation and Emergency Travel
Expenses Insurance section of this Policy.
10. Online GP Appointments
For Secondees, providing access to consultations with an experienced general practitioner.
Telephone: 0800 376 0269
5.3 Security Assistance Services
In the event that an Insured Person is travelling on an Insured Journey and requires security assistance they
should contact:
Telephone: 0800 279 7745
Email: protectandassist@healix.com
The helpline is manned 24 hours a day 365 days a year by multi-lingual assistance co-ordinators experienced in
managing security assistance cases worldwide.
AXA XL Assistance must be informed as soon as possible of any situation that may give rise to an Insured Person
requiring Evacuation.
The security assistance services provided are as follows:
1. Evacuation
Managing the logistics and security support involved in the event that an Insured Person is forced to
Evacuate during an Insured Journey and the Evacuation Insurance section of this Policy is triggered.
AXA XL Assistance must be informed a soon as possible of any incident, event or circumstance likely to
give rise to a claim.
2. Trauma Risk Management Counselling
Providing access to specialist trauma risk management counselling services following an Evacuation in
accordance with the Trauma Risk Management Counselling Extension of the Evacuation Insurance
section of this Policy.
3. Local Nationals
Managing logistics and security support in the event that local nationals accompanying an Insured
Person are forced to Evacuate, where coverage is provided to the local national under the Local
Nationals Extension of the Evacuation Insurance section of this Policy.
4. Personal Security
Providing assistance in respect of, and managing, a Life-Threatening Situation needed to safeguard an
Insured Person subject to coverage being provided under the Personal Security Specialist Expenses
Insurance section of this Policy.
5. Hijack Kidnap & Extortion
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Investigating and managing a response to a Hijack, Kidnap or Extortion incident covered under the
Hijack, Kidnap and Extortion Insurance section of this Policy.
Telephone: 020 3889 7024
5.4 Other Assistance Services
The following additional services are also available through AXA XL Assistance:
1. Second Medical Opinion
In the event that an Insured Person sustains an injury or contracts an illness, provision of access to a
second medical opinion.
Telephone: 0800 376 0269
2. Corporate Reputation Protection
Arranging the services of a public relations media or similar consultant to help manage a public
relations crisis and safeguard the Insured’s reputation following the death or Disablement of an
Insured Person on the Insured’s premises subject to coverage being provided under the Corporate
Reputation Protection part of the Personal Accident Insurance section of this Policy.
Telephone: 0800 376 0265
3. State Benefit Advice
Helping Insured Persons understand local health and welfare systems following a covered Personal
Accident Insurance claim.
5.5 Wellbeing Support
AXA XL Assistance can also provide certain counselling and well-being assistance as follows:
1. Counselling
Arranging telephone or face to face counselling services including cognitive behavioural therapy as
prescribed by a Medical Practitioner and agreed by the Insurer to support the Insured Person
following a covered death or Disablement claim under the Personal Accident Insurance section of this
Telephone: 0800 376 0252
2. Wellbeing Support
Arranging access to immediate emotional and psychological support for Secondees when needed.
Telephone: 0800 376 0252
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6 General Policy Definitions
There are words and expressions used in this Policy which have a specific meaning unique to this Policy. These words
are shown below and when shown in bold type the specific meaning will apply. Plural forms of the words defined have
the same meaning as the singular form.
Please also read individual Policy sections for additional definitions applicable to those sections.
6.1 Accident
A sudden unexpected unforeseen incident which occurs at an identifiable time and place.
6.2 Aircraft Accumulation
All Insured Persons travelling in any one aircraft.
6.3 Annual Salary
The total annual remuneration as declared to the Insurer and upon which the premium is based including
overtime but excluding payments for commission or bonus (unless otherwise agreed in writing) payable by the
Insured to the Insured Person at the date Bodily Injury following an Accident is sustained.
6.4 Associated Companies
A company or organisation of the Insured whose name has been advised to and is accepted by the Insurer.
6.5 AXA XL Assistance
The providers of telephone advice, information and counselling services and/or the travel assistance and
emergency medical and repatriation services and/or security information, advice or assistance services arranged
by the Insurer, the names of which are detailed in the Policy.
6.6 Baggage
Personal effects belonging to or in the custody or control of the Insured Person at the time of the loss excluding
Business Equipment.
6.7 Bodily Injury
Identifiable injury external to the body caused solely by accidental means.
6.8 Business Equipment
Equipment belonging to the Insured and used for the purpose of the Business and which is in the custody or
control of the Insured Person at the time of the loss.
6.9 Business
The business description detailed in the Schedule.
6.10 Child
Any unmarried child, stepchild or legally adopted child for whom an Insured Person is the parent or legal
guardian who is
1. under eighteen (18) years of age or
2. under twenty five (25) years of age if in full-time education or
3. dependent on the Insured Person by reason of diagnosed permanent mental or physical disability.
6.11 Contractor
Any person employed by the Insured on a temporary contract for services that the Insured has agreed to be
included under this Policy.
6.12 Corporate Event
Any event arranged and funded in whole or part by the Insured, the main purpose of which is to entertain
Directors, Employees or Guests of the Insured in a business or leisure capacity.
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6.13 Deferment Period
The initial period of Temporary Total Disablement or Temporary Partial Disablement during which the Sum
Insured is not payable as stated in the Schedule.
6.14 Director
1. a serving director (other than a non-executive director) of the Insured:
(a) whose details have been notified to Companies House in accordance with Section 12 (upon
incorporation) or Section 167 (at any other time) of the Companies Act 2006 or any statutory
amendment modification or re-enactment of such Act where the Insured is a company
registered in the United Kingdom, or.
(b) who sits on the Insureds Board of Directors where the Insured is a company registered
outside of the United Kingdom.
2. a member of a limited liability partnership as defined under the Limited Liability Partnership Act 2000.
3. any person who has signed the partnership deed of the Insured.
6.15 Employee
Any person under a contract of employment, contract of service or contract of apprenticeship with the Insured
excluding any Director.
6.16 Expatriate
An Insured Person who is not a Secondee and is resident in a country that is not their country of nationality or
origin and who has no definite date of return and has taken permanent residency citizenship or become
naturalised in the country.
6.17 Face
The area bordered by the natural hairline surrounding the forehead the front of the ears and the lower jaw.
6.18 Financial Card
Debit credit or charge cards for which the Insured Person is the authorised cardholder.
6.19 Full Thickness Burn
Burns which result in the destruction of both the epidermis (the outer layers of skin) and dermis (the layers of the
skin that contain hair follicles nerve endings sweat and sebaceous glands) and which a Medical Practitioner
recommends requires surgery or a skin graft to treat.
6.20 Guest
Any person whom the Insured consents to be covered under this Policy other than a Child, Spouse or Visitor.
6.21 Gradually Operating Cause
A cause that is the result of a series of events which occur or develop over time that cannot be wholly attributable
to a single Accident.
6.22 Gross Weekly Wage
Shall be calculated by dividing an Insured Person’s Annual Salary by fifty two (52).
For Insured Persons paid on a weekly basis this means the average gross weekly salary paid by the Insured for
the thirteen (13) weeks prior to sustaining Bodily Injury following an Accident or the average for the period of
employment if less than thirteen (13) weeks.
6.23 Incident
All individual losses arising out of and directly occasioned by one sudden unexpected specific event occurring at
an identifiable time and place.
6.24 In Patient
An Insured Person who has gone through the full hospital admission procedure and for whom a critical case
record has been opened and whose admission is necessary for the medical care and treatment of Bodily Injury
and not merely for any form of nursing convalescence rehabilitation rest or extended care.
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6.25 Insured
The legal entity or organisation shown in the Schedule.
6.26 Insured Journey
Any journey as declared to the Insurer or which the Insurer has agreed to accept and upon which the premium is
based which commences during the Period of Insurance and is undertaken by an Insured Person within the
Operative Time as detailed in the Schedule.
An Insured Journey shall not exceed twelve (12) months duration unless prior written agreement has been
received from the Insurer.
6.27 Insured Person
Any person or category of persons as detailed in the Schedule or any Endorsement or memoranda attached.
6.28 Insurer
If the Insured is located within the EEA means XL Insurance Company SE.
If the Insured is located anywhere else means XL Catlin Insurance Company UK Limited.
6.29 Loss of Hearing
Total and permanent loss of hearing in one or both ears.
6.30 Loss of Limb
1. in the case of a leg, loss by permanent physical severance at or above the ankle or permanent and total
loss of use of a complete foot or leg.
2. in the case of an arm, loss by permanent physical severance of the four (4) fingers at or above the meta
carpo phalangeal joints (where the fingers join the palm of the hand) or permanent and total loss of use
of a complete arm or hand.
6.31 Loss of Sight
Permanent and total loss of sight which will be considered as having occurred:
1. in both eyes if the Insured Person’s name is added to the Register of Blind Persons on the authority of
a fully qualified ophthalmic specialist.
2. in one eye if the degree of sight remaining after correction is 3/60 or less on the Snellen scale (meaning
seeing at 3 feet what the Insured Person should see at 60 feet).
6.32 Loss of Speech
The total and irrecoverable loss of use of the power of audible and intelligible speech.
6.33 Maximum Incident Limit
The maximum amount the Insurer will pay under this Policy and any other Policy of Personal Accident Insurance
issued by the Insurer in the Insured’s name in respect of all losses and in respect of all Insured Persons arising
out of one and the same Incident, the amount of which is set out in the Schedule.
6.34 Medical Expenses
The cost of medical surgical or other remedial attention treatment or appliances given or prescribed by a Medical
Practitioner and all hospital nursing home and ambulance charges.
6.35 Medical Practitioner
A Medical Practitioner or specialist who is registered or licensed to practice medicine under the laws of the country
in which they practice but does not include an Insured Person or a member of the Insured Person’s family.
6.36 Money
Coins bank and currency notes, cheques, postal and money orders, travellers cheques, travel tickets and petrol
and other coupons which have monetary value provided that such Money had been obtained for travel
accommodation meals and personal spending during the Insured Journey and belonged to or was in the custody
and control of the Insured Person at the time of the loss.
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6.37 Operative Time
When the Insured or an Insured Person is actively covered by this Policy as stated on the Schedule and as defined
in the Operative Time Definitions.
6.38 Paralysis
1. Quadriplegia
Complete paralysis of all four (4) limbs bladder and rectum.
2. Triplegia
Complete paralysis of three (3) limbs bladder and rectum.
3. Paraplegia
Complete paralysis of the lower half of the body including total loss of use of two (2) legs bladder and
4. Hemiplegia
Complete paralysis on one (1) side of the body including total loss of use of one (1) leg and one (1) arm.
6.39 Payment Period
The period of Temporary Total Disablement or Temporary Partial Disablement for which the Sum Insured is
payable as stated in the Schedule.
6.40 Period of Insurance
The period of time shown in the Schedule during which cover applies.
6.41 Permanent Country of Residence
A country in which an Insured Person currently resides has resided or intends to continue to reside for a
continuous period of 12 months or longer for reasons of employment.
6.42 Permanent Partial Disablement
Loss of or loss of use of body part which in the opinion of the Insurer will in all probability exist for the remainder
of the life of the Insured Person.
6.43 Permanent Total Disablement
Permanent and total disablement which in the opinion of the Insurer will prevent the Insured Person from
engaging in the Insured Person’s usual occupation in the Business for the remainder of their life.
6.44 Residence
The place where the Insured Person normally resides.
6.45 Secondee
An Insured Person who is not an Expatriate and who is resident in a country which is neither their country of
nationality or origin and has been temporarily assigned to that country for employment purposes with a known
return date within twelve (12) months.
6.46 Schedule
The document showing details of the Period of Insurance, Insured Persons, Operative Time, included Policy
sections and Sums Insured and Maximum Incident Limits which should be read with this Policy.
6.47 Spouse
The legally married spouse or civil or cohabiting partner of an Insured Person whom the Insured consents to be
covered by this Policy.
6.48 Terrorism
Any act including but not limited to the use of force or violence or threat thereof of any person or group(s) of
persons whether acting alone or on behalf of or in connection with any organisation(s) or government(s)
committed for political religious ideological or similar purposes including the intention to influence any
government and/or to put the public or any section of the public in fear.
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6.49 Temporary Total Disablement
Temporary disablement which entirely prevents the Insured Person from engaging in their usual occupation in
the Business.
6.50 Temporary Partial Disablement
Temporary Disablement which prevents the Insured Person from engaging in at least fifty percent (50%) of the
Insured Person’s usual occupation in the Business.
6.51 United Kingdom
England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man.
6.52 Visitor
Any person legally on the Insured’s premises other than
1. Directors or Employees of the Insured.
2. any other Insured Person more specifically insured under this Policy.
3. any Guest.
4. members of the emergency services.
6.53 War
Armed conflict between nations including forces acting for any international authority whether war be declared
or not, invasion, civil war, any attempt to usurp power or any activity arising out of an attempt to participate in
military force between nations.
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7 Operative Time Definitions
An Insured Person is only covered for the Operative Time shown in the Schedule. A full definition of each Operative
Time is shown below or if different by endorsement to the Schedule.
Please also refer to General Policy Definitions for definitions that apply to the Policy as a whole.
7.1 24 Hour
At any time
7.2 Occupational Accidents Only
1. while engaged in the Insured Person’s occupation in the Business or
2. Assault or
3. at any time while travelling on the Business of the Insured. Insurance cover commences on the
departure of the Insured Person from the Insured Person’s Residence or normal place of Business
(whichever occurs first) and ceases on the Insured Person’s arrival back at such Residence or normal
place of Business (whichever occurs last) at the end of the journey.
Occupational Accidents Only excludes Commuting.
7.3 Commuting
While in the course of daily travel directly between the Insured Person’s Residence (normal or temporary) and
the Insured Person’s place of Business (normal or temporary).
7.4 Away from Premises
While the Insured Person is travelling on the Business of the Insured and is not on any of the Insured’s premises
Insurance cover commences on the departure of the Insured Person from the Insured Person’s Residence or
normal place of Business (whichever occurs first) and ceases on the Insured Person’s arrival back at such
Residence or normal place of Business (whichever occurs last) at the end of the journey whether the Accident
occurs in the course of the Insured Person’s business duties or not.
Away from Premises excludes Commuting.
7.5 External Journey
Any Insured Journey undertaken by the Insured Person on the Business of the Insured (including incidental
holiday taken in conjunction with the trip) which commences during the Period of Insurance and involves travel
from the Insured Person’s Permanent Country of Residence.
Travel from the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man to any destination will be regarded as an External Journey
involving travel from the Insured Person’s Permanent Country of Residence.
Insurance cover commences on the departure of the Insured Person from the Insured Person’s Residence or
normal place of Business in their Permanent Country of Residence (whichever occurs first) and ceases on the
Insured Person’s arrival back at such Residence or normal place of Business (whichever occurs last) at the end
of the journey.
7.6 Internal Journey
Any Insured Journey undertaken by the Insured Person on the Business of the Insured (including incidental
holiday taken in conjunction with the trip) which commences during the Period of Insurance and involves travel
within the Insured Person’s Permanent Country of Residence but only if the journey requires the Insured
Person to obtain overnight accommodation or involves a rail journey or a flight.
Insurance cover commences on the departure of the Insured Person from the Insured Person’s Residence or
normal place of Business in their Permanent Country of Residence (whichever occurs first) and ceases on the
Insured Person’s arrival back at such Residence or normal place of Business (whichever occurs last) at the end
of the journey.
7.7 Holiday Travel
Any Insured Journey undertaken by the Insured Person other than whilst on the Business of the Insured which
commences during the Period of Insurance and necessitates an overnight stay.
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Insurance commences on the departure of the Insured Person from the Insured Person’s Residence and ceases
on the Insured Person’s arrival back at such Residence at the end of the journey.
7.8 Occupants of Vehicles
While the Insured Person is mounting into, travelling in, dismounting from, undertaking roadside repairs to,
loading, unloading or refuelling any vehicle owned by the Insured or hired by the Insured or any vehicle being
used as a temporary replacement for such vehicle, including Bodily Injury following an Accident sustained in
direct connection with such vehicle.
7.9 Assault
While the Insured Person is engaged upon duties incidental to the Business and as a direct result of assault, other
than by the explosion of any bomb or explosive device. Cover will also apply where the assault is a direct
consequence of the Insured Person’s employment with the Insured.
7.10 Robbery
While the Insured Person is engaged or thought to be engaged upon duties incidental to the Business and as a
direct result of robbery or hold up (actual or attempted).
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8 General Policy Exclusions
The Insurer will not pay any claim:
1. which arises out of or results from or is contributed to by War in the Insured Person’s Permanent Country of
2. after the expiry of the Period of Insurance in which the Insured Person attains the age of eighty five (85) years.
9 General Claims Settlement Conditions
Please also read individual Policy sections for additional claims conditions applicable to those sections.
9.1 Assignment
The Insured may not assign any benefit or right under this Policy without the Insurer’s prior written consent. The
Insurer will not be bound to accept or be affected by any trust charge lien assignment or other dealing with or
relating to this Policy.
9.2 Claims Notification
The Insured must provide notification to the Insurer no later than one hundred and twenty (120) days after the
occurrence of any Accident, Incident, event or circumstance which may give rise to a loss which is covered under
this Policy.
If the claim is made beyond one hundred and twenty (120) days, the Insurer has the right to:
1. reject the claim if the Insurer is as a consequence unable to investigate the claim fully.
2. decline to pay the full amount claimed if the amount claimed is increased as a result of the delay.
9.3 Duplicate Cover under this Policy
If a loss is covered under more than one section of this Policy the Insurer will provide cover under the section that
provides the most cover but never under more than one section of this Policy. In no event will the Insurer make
more than one payment for the same loss.
9.4 Evidence Required
The Insured must, in a timely manner, produce for the Insurer at the Insured’s own expense detailed particulars
and evidence relating to the cause and amount of the loss damage or expenses and any other information that
the Insurer reasonably requires.
The Insured will procure that each Insured Person gives the Insurer permission to obtain any medical reports or
other records from any Medical Practitioner who has treated the Insured Person otherwise the Insurer may not
pay the claim.
The Insurer may request a medical examination including post mortem as often as the Insurer may require in
connection with any claim. The Insurer will pay the cost of the examination and for any medical reports and
records including the costs of any person required to travel with the Insured Person provided these expenses are
agreed by the Insurer in advance.
The Insurer may also contact third parties who have or who were to provide services to the Insured or Insured
Person to verify the information provided to support the claim.
If the Insurer does not receive the information it needs the Insurer may reject the claim or withhold payment
until the information the Insurer requires has been received.
9.5 Foreign Currency
Claims involving foreign currency will be converted into the appropriate currency at the selling rate of exchange
published on www.oanda.com on the day nearest to the date of the loss or as otherwise paid on a documented
credit or debit card transaction or as agreed in advance in writing with the Insurer.
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9.6 Fraud
If the Insured or Insured Person, or anyone acting for the Insured or Insured Person, makes a fraudulent claim,
for example a loss which is fraudulently caused and/or exaggerated and/or supported by a fraudulent statement
or other device, the Insurer:
1. will not be liable to pay the claim and
2. may recover from the Insured any sums paid by the Insurer to the Insured in respect of the claim and
3. may by notice to the Insured treat this Policy as having been terminated with effect from the time of
the fraudulent act.
If the Insurer exercises their right under 3. above:
(a) The Insurer shall not be liable to the Insured in respect of a relevant event occurring after the time of
the fraudulent act. A relevant event is whatever gives rise to the Insurer’s liability under this Policy
(such as the occurrence of a loss, the making of a claim, or the notification of a potential claim) and.
(b) The Insurer need not return any of the premium paid.
9.7 Interest
Other than when it is required to do so by law, the Insurer will not be responsible for any interest on any sum
payable under this Policy.
9.8 Other Insurances
If at the time of the claim there is another insurance Policy in the Insured’s name which covers the Insured or any
Insured Person for the same expense or loss the Insurer will only pay a proportion of the claim determined by
reference to the cover provided by each of the policies except for Personal Accident Benefits 1- 3 which are
payable in full.
9.9 Other Interests
The Insured’s receipt of payment shall discharge the Insurer’s liability to pay any amount in respect of a claim.
Neither the Insured Person nor the Insured Person’s personal representatives shall have any right to claim from
or sue the Insurer. If the Insured comprises more than one party having an interest in the Insured Person or the
property insured, the settlement made by the Insurer shall represent the total amount payable in respect of that
Insured Person or property for all interests covered by this Policy.
9.10 Payment of benefits
Other than where directed by the Insured to pay the benefits and/or reimbursements to the Insured Person, the
Insurer will pay all benefits and reimbursements to the Insured.
Where the Insured directs the Insurer to pay benefits or reimburse an Insured Person the receipt of benefit or
reimbursement by such Insured Person shall be deemed sufficient discharge of the Insurer’s liability to
reimburse or pay benefits under this Policy.
9.11 Reasonable Care
The Insured and each Insured Person must take all possible steps to avoid or minimise any injury loss damage
or expense and must also make every effort to recover any property which has been lost or stolen.
9.12 Recovery from third parties
In the event that a third party is liable for all or part of any claim paid under this Policy the Insurer may exercise
its legal right to pursue the third party to recover its outlay and will be entitled to bring proceedings in the name
of the Insured.
The Insured will upon the Insurer’s request agree to and permit the Insurer to take any action as may be
necessary and required for the purpose of exercising this right and the Insured shall at all times take all necessary
and reasonable steps to preserve evidence and protect it and the Insured Person’s rights and remedies against
third parties. The Insured must give, and procure that each Insured Person gives, the Insurer all such assistance
in their power as the Insurer may require to secure their rights and remedies including making relevant personnel
available and executing all documents necessary to enable the Insurer effectively to bring proceedings in the
name of the Insured.
The Insurer will pay the costs and expenses involved in exercising its rights against the third party.
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10 Personal Accident Insurance
Please check the Schedule to determine what cover is available under this section.
10.1 The Cover
If during the Operative Time and the Period of Insurance the Insured Person sustains Bodily Injury following
an Accident which within two (2) years is the sole and independent cause of death or Disablement the Insurer
will pay to the Insured the appropriate Benefit amount shown in the Schedule subject to the Maximum Incident
Disablement shall mean Benefits 2- 5 of the Benefits Schedule below.
10.2 Benefits Schedule
1. Death
2. Permanent Partial Disablement
2.1 Loss of Sight 100%
2.2 Loss of Speech 100%
2.3 Loss of Hearing
a) in both ears 100%
b) in one ear 30%
Loss by permanent physical severance or permanent and total loss of use of
2.4 Loss of Limb(s) 100%
2.5 one big toe 15%
2.6 any other toe 6%
2.7 one thumb 30%
2.8 one forefinger 20%
2.9 any other finger 10%
Permanent total loss of use of
2.10 shoulder or elbow 25%
2.11 wrist hip knee or ankle 22%
2.12 the lower jaw following surgical removal 30%
2.13 the back or spine (vertebral column) 35%
with no injury to the spinal cord
3. Permanent Total Disablement
4. Temporary Total Disablement
5. Temporary Partial Disablement
The appropriate percentage as stated in the Benefit Schedule above shall be applied to the amount for Benefit 2
shown in the Schedule or to the limit per Insured Person under Benefit 2 whichever is the lesser.
Where an amount is claimed in respect of the same Insured Person under Benefit 2 for more than one benefit as
the result of the same Accident the total amount payable shall not exceed the 100% of amount for Benefit 2.
The amounts for Benefits 4 and 5 are subject to the Deferment Period and Payment Period.
If a claim is payable for loss of use of the whole body, a claim for parts of the body cannot also be made.
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10.3 Additional Benefits to Death
If during the Period of Insurance and the Operative Time the Insured Person sustains Bodily injury following
an Accident which within two (2) years is the sole and independent cause of death resulting in a valid claim being
paid under the Personal Accident Insurance section of this Policy the Insurer will pay or reimburse the Insured,
or at the request of the Insured, pay or reimburse the Insured Person for the following additional coverages:
Accidental Medical Expenses
Bereavement Counselling
Corporate Reputation Protection
Dependants Benefit
Executor Expenses
Funeral Expenses
Independent Financial Advice
Recruitment Expenses
Spouse Retraining
Temporary Personal Replacement
Where additional benefits are offered as a reimbursement of costs, such costs must have been incurred within
two (2) years of the date the Bodily Injury from an Accident is sustained.
All amounts payable will be subject to the Maximum Incident Limit (and inner limits where applicable) as
detailed in the Policy and/or in the Schedule.
10.4 Additional Benefits to Disablement
If during the Period of Insurance and the Operative Time the Insured Person sustains Bodily Injury following
an Accident which within two (2) years is the sole and independent cause of Disablement resulting in a valid
claim being paid under the Personal Accident Insurance Benefits 2-4 of this Policy the Insurer will pay or
reimburse the Insured, or at the request of the Insured pay or reimburse the Insured Person for the following
additional benefits:
Accident Medical Expenses
Chauffeur Expenses
Childcare Expenses
Corporate Reputation Protection
Cosmetic Surgery
Damage to Clothing and Baggage
Dental and Optical Expenses
Domestic Assistance
Facial Disfigurement
Home Vehicle and Workplace Adaptation
Hospital Out Patient Travel Expenses
Hospital In Patient Visiting Expenses
Independent Financial Advice
Recruitment Expenses
Relocation Expenses
Return Home Expenses
State Benefit Advice
Temporary Replacement
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Additional benefits payable shall be limited to those appropriate to the Disablement suffered and where offered
as a reimbursement of costs such costs must have been incurred within two (2) years of the date the Bodily Injury
from an Accident is sustained.
All benefits payable will be subject to the Maximum Incident Limit (and inner limits where applicable) as detailed
within this Policy and/or in the Schedule.
10.5 Other Additional Benefits not connected to Death or Disablement
(a) Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Witnessing Terrorism
The Insurer will pay or reimburse the Insured, or at the request of the Insured pay or reimburse the
Insured Person for the Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Witnessing Terrorism additional benefit.
All benefits payable will be subject to the Maximum Incident Limit (and inner limits where applicable)
as detailed within this Policy and/or in the Schedule.
10.6 Special Definitions applying to this Section
There are words and expressions used in this section of the Policy which have a specific meaning unique to this
Policy. These words are shown below and when shown in bold type the specific meaning will apply. Plural forms
of the words defined have the same meaning as the singular form.
Please also refer to General Policy Definitions for definitions that apply to the Policy as a whole.
(a) Accident Medical Expenses
Reimbursement for reasonable costs of essential Medical Expenses or other remedial attention,
treatment or appliances given or prescribed by a Medical Practitioner and all reasonable hospital
nursing home and ambulance charges incurred as a direct result of a Bodily Injury following an
(b) Burns
Payment of a fixed benefit dependent upon the percentage of body surface area affected by Full
Thickness Burns as detailed in the Schedule.
(c) Bereavement Counselling
Reimbursement for expenses reasonably and necessarily incurred with the Insurer’s prior written
consent for either:
1. telephone counselling or
2. face to face counselling or
3. cognitive behavioural therapy
as prescribed by a Medical Practitioner for the Insured Person’s Spouse or Child.
(d) Catastrophe
Payment of the benefit stated on the Schedule in the event that any single Incident results in a valid
claim under Benefit 1 for five (5) or more Directors or Employees of the Insured who are covered under
the Personal Accident Section of this Policy.
(e) Chauffeur Expenses
Reimbursement for expenses reasonably and necessarily incurred to convey the Insured Person to and
from their normal place of business when the Insured Person is medically fit to return to work as
determined by a Medical Practitioner but unable to drive or travel on public transport.
(f) Childcare Expenses
Reimbursement for expenses reasonably and necessarily incurred for the services of a registered
childcare provider for the Insured Person but only in respect of additional costs that would not
otherwise have been incurred if the Insured Person had no valid claim under Benefits 2, 3, 4 or 5.
(g) Coma
Payment of the fixed benefit stated in the Schedule if the Insured Person is in a continuous
unconscious state within ninety (90) days of suffering Bodily Injury as a result of an Accident.
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(h) Corporate Reputation Protection
Where the Insured Person sustains Bodily Injury following an Accident resulting in Death on the
premises of the Insured the Insurer will pay to reimburse expenses reasonably and necessarily
incurred in the engagement of a public relations media or similar consultant to help manage a public
relations crisis and safeguard the Insured’s reputation subject to such costs being incurred within
fifteen (15) days of the date the Bodily Injury following an Accident resulting in Death occurs.
(i) Cosmetic Surgery
Reimbursement for expenses reasonably and necessarily incurred for reconstructive treatment which
is needed as a result of Bodily Injury as recommended by the treating Medical Practitioner so long as
the treatment is incurred within two (2) years of the date Bodily Injury following an Accident is
(j) Counselling
Reimbursement for reasonable and necessary expenses incurred with the Insurer’s prior written
consent for either:
1. telephone counselling or
2. face to face counselling or
3. cognitive behavioural therapy
as prescribed by a Medical Practitioner for the Insured Person.
(k) Damage to Clothing and Baggage
Reimbursement for expenses reasonably and necessarily incurred to replace as new an Insured
Person’s clothing or Baggage which is lost damaged or destroyed as a direct or indirect result of Bodily
Injury following an Accident subject to this not being included in any claim under the Baggage
Insurance Section.
(l) Dental and Optical Expenses
Reimbursement for expenses reasonably and necessarily incurred for dental or optical expenses as
prescribed by a Medical Practitioner for the Insured Person.
(m) Dependents Benefit
Following a valid claim under Benefit 1 for an Insured Person, payment of the benefit stated in the
(n) Domestic Assistance
Reimbursement for expenses reasonably and necessarily incurred to employ the services of domestic
help or other similar service provider necessitated as a direct result of the Insured Person’s Bodily
(o) Executor Expenses
Reimbursement for expenses reasonably and necessarily incurred as a direct result of the Insured
Person’s death which require immediate payment by the executor to the estate of the Insured Person
whilst the administration is being arranged.
(p) Facial Disfigurement
Payment of the fixed benefit stated in the Schedule dependent upon the extent of scarring of the
Insured Person’s Face other than Full Thickness Burns.
(q) Funeral Expenses
Reimbursement for expenses reasonably and necessarily incurred with the Insurer’s prior written
consent for funeral expenses subject to this not being included in any claim under the Medical
Repatriation and Emergency Travel Expenses Insurance Section.
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(r) Home Vehicle and Workplace Adaptation
Reimbursement for expenses reasonably and necessarily incurred with the Insurer’s prior written
consent to make alterations to the Insured Person’s home car or usual place of work as a direct result
of the Insured Person’s Bodily Injury.
(s) Hospitalisation
Payment of the fixed benefit stated in the Schedule for the Insured Person being admitted to hospital
as an In Patient on the recommendation of a Medical Practitioner.
(t) Hospital Out-Patient Travel Expenses
Reimbursement for expenses reasonably and necessarily incurred for the provision of a taxi or
chauffeur or other additional travel costs to convey the Insured Person to and from out-patient
hospital appointments.
(u) Hospital Visiting Expenses
Where Hospitalisation is paid, the Insurer will pay reimbursement for expenses reasonably and
necessarily incurred by the Insured Person’s Spouse and Child in respect of travel and
accommodation expenses in visiting the Insured Person in hospital for the period spent as an In
Patient subject to these not being included in any claim under the Medical Repatriation and Emergency
Travel Expenses Insurance Section.
(v) Independent Financial Advice
Reimbursement for fees reasonably and necessarily charged by an Independent Financial Advisor
authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority or equivalent regulatory body in the
Insured Person’s Permanent Country of Residence to provide the Insured Person with one session
of professional financial advice.
(w) Paralysis
Payment of the fixed benefit stated in the Schedule following Paralysis of an Insured Person as a direct
result of Bodily Injury following an Accident.
(x) Physiotherapy
Reimbursement for fees reasonably and necessarily charged by a physiotherapist registered with the
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy or equivalent body in the Insured Person’s Permanent Country
of Residence for the Insured Person where such physiotherapy is prescribed by a Medical Practitioner
as a direct result of the Insured Person’s valid claim under Benefits 2-5.
(y) Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Witnessing Terrorism
Payment of the Sum Insured stated in the Schedule for Benefit 4 for up to a maximum period of thirteen
(13) weeks if the Insured Person directly witnesses an act of Terrorism on public transport (other than
aircraft) and without sustaining Bodily Injury suffers Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as diagnosed by a
Medical Practitioner within six (6) months of the date of the act of Terrorism resulting in Temporary
Total Disablement.
(z) Prosthesis
Reimbursement for expenses reasonably and necessarily incurred for the cost of providing a prosthesis
recommended by the treating Medical Practitioner as a direct result of the Insured Person’s Bodily
(aa) Recruitment Expenses
Reimbursement for expenses reasonably and necessarily incurred for the cost of employing a registered
recruitment company to recruit a permanent employee as a direct replacement for any Insured Person
whom is unable to resume either their pre Accident employment or an alternate occupation with the
benefit of Retraining as a direct result of death or Bodily Injury.
Personal Accident Insurance Exclusion 10.7.1 below does not apply to this additional benefit
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(bb) Relocation Expenses
Reimbursement for stamp duty payments, solicitors’ and estate agents’ fees and removal costs
reasonably and necessarily incurred with the Insurer’s prior written consent necessitated as a direct
and necessary result of having to relocate as a direct result of the Insured Person’s Bodily Injury
subject to there not being any claim paid under the Home Vehicle and Workplace Adaptation
additional benefit.
(cc) Retraining
Reimbursement for expenses reasonably and necessarily incurred with the Insurer’s prior written
consent in retraining the Insured Person for an alternative occupation with the Insured.
(dd) Return Home Expenses
Reimbursement for additional travel costs reasonably and necessarily incurred with the Insurer’s prior
written consent in returning an Insured Person home after sustaining Bodily Injury following an
Accident more than ten (10) miles from the Insured Person’s home.
(ee) Spouse Retraining
Reimbursement for expenses reasonably and necessarily incurred with the Insurer’s prior written
consent in retraining the Insured Person’s Spouse following the death of an Insured Person as
covered by this Policy.
(ff) State Benefit Advice
Reimbursement for expenses reasonably and necessarily incurred in obtaining advice and information
on the financial implications of long term or permanent absence from work due to injury, and
information on state benefits entitlement, such information and advice to be provided by AXA XL
(gg) Temporary Personnel Replacement
Reimbursement for expenses reasonably and necessarily incurred for the cost of employing a
temporary replacement in the ninety (90) days following the death or Bodily Injury of an Insured
Person provided the replacement is sourced through a registered recruitment company. Cover will end
when the Insurer pays Benefit 1 or 3 or on the 90
calendar day after the date of Bodily Injury
whichever is the sooner.
10.7 What is not covered under this Section
The Insurer will not pay any Benefit where Bodily Injury following an Accident is the result of or is contributed
to by:
1. the Insured Person committing or attempting to commit suicide or as a result of self-inflicted injury.
2. illness or disease (not resulting from Bodily Injury following an Accident).
3. any naturally occurring condition or degenerative process.
4. any Gradually Operating Cause.
5. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or any psychological or psychiatric condition (not resulting from Bodily
Injury following an Accident and diagnosed by a Medical Practitioner) (other than as covered under
the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Witnessing Terrorism benefit).
10.8 Additional Conditions applicable to this Section
1. The Insurer will not pay more than 100% of the Sum Insured or the Limit per Insured Person set out in
the Schedule (whichever is the lesser) in respect of any one Insured Person in connection with the
same Accident.
2. Any claim(s) under Benefit 2 must be proved to the satisfaction of the Insurer to be permanent and
without expectation of recovery before the Insurer will pay the applicable Benefit.
3. For forms of Permanent Partial Disablement not specified the degree of disability will be assessed by
comparison with the percentages shown in the scale without taking into account the Insured Person’s
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In assessing the percentage the Insurer will ask the Medical Practitioner who treated the Insured
Person to assess the Insured Person’s degree of post-accident impairment and disability. If they are
unable to provide an assessment the Insurer will appoint an independent Medical Practitioner to
make this assessment.
The Insurer may also ask for a second opinion from an independent Medical Practitioner.
Once the Insurer is in receipt of the assessment(s) it will then calculate a percentage disablement of
the body as a whole and apply this to the amount shown for Benefit 2 to arrive at a claim payment
4. The Insurer will pay any amount claimed for Benefits 4 or 5 in addition to any amount claimed under
Benefits 1 to 3 in connection with the same Accident. Any payment under Benefits 5 or 6 will cease as
soon as any Benefit is paid under Benefits 1 to 3.
5. The Insurer will only pay for the Bodily Injury an Insured Person has suffered if it is directly as a result
of Accident. Any existing physical impairment or medical condition an Insured Person has before the
Accident will be taken into consideration in calculating the amounts payable on the basis of the
difference between their physical impairment or medical condition before and after the Accident.
The Insurer will ask the Insured Person’s treating Medical Practitioner to make this assessment (or
an independent Medical Practitioner or other suitably qualified person if the Medical Practitioner is
unable or unwilling to do so). The assessment will be converted into a percentage and applied to the
Policy benefit payable.
6. If Benefit 1:
(a) is not included for an Insured Person the Insurer will not pay for Loss of Limb or Loss of
Sight or Loss of Speech or Loss of Hearing until at least thirteen (13) weeks after the date of
the Accident and the Insurer will only then pay if the Insured Person has not in the
meantime died as a result of the Accident.
(b) is included but the amount payable is less than the amount for Loss of Limb or Loss of Sight
or Loss of Speech or Loss of Hearing the Insurer will not pay more than the amount for
Benefit 1 until at least thirteen (13) weeks after the date of the Accident and the Insurer will
only then pay the balance if the Insured Person has not died in the meantime as a result of
the Accident.
7. Disappearance - In the event of the disappearance of an Insured Person during the Period of
Insurance if after a suitable period of time it is believed that death has occurred as a result of Bodily
Injury following an Accident Benefit 1 shall become payable to the Insured subject to a signed
undertaking by the Insured that if the belief is subsequently found to be wrong such amount shall be
refunded to the Insurer.
8. Exposure - If an Insured Person suffers death or Disablement as a result of exposure to the elements
the Insurer will consider that as having been caused by Bodily Injury following an Accident.
9. Minors - If the Insured Person is under the age of sixteen (16) and not an Employee of the Insured:
(a) The amount for Benefit 1 will be limited to £25,000.
(b) Benefit 3 shall be defined as Permanent Total Disablement from gainful employment of any
and every kind.
(c) No amount will be payable under Benefit 4 or 5.
10. Non-Employees If the Insured Person is not a Director or Employee of the Insured:
(a) Benefit 4 shall be defined as Permanent Total Disablement which in the opinion of Insurer
will prevent the Insured Person from engaging in any gainful employment for which the
Insured Person is fitted by way of training education or experience for the remainder of their
(b) No amount will be payable under Benefit 4 or 5.
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11 Medical Repatriation and Emergency Travel Expenses
11.1 The Cover
If during an Insured Journey an Insured Person sustains Bodily Injury following an Accident or falls ill the
Insurer will reimburse the Insured in respect of:
1. Medical Expenses
2. Emergency Travel Expenses
3. Repatriation Expenses
as detailed below which are reasonably and necessarily incurred as a direct result of such Bodily Injury following
an Accident or illness.
The Insurer will pay up to but not exceeding the appropriate Sum Insured shown in the Schedule for all
Medical Expenses, Emergency Travel Expenses and Repatriation Expenses reasonably and necessarily incurred
in respect of any one Insured Person.
11.2 Special Definitions applying to this Section
There are words and expressions used in this section of the Policy which have a specific meaning unique to this
Policy. These words are shown below and when shown in bold type the specific meaning will apply. Plural forms
of the words defined have the same meaning as the singular form.
Please also refer to General Policy Definitions for definitions that apply to the Policy as a whole.
(a) Medical Expenses
The cost of medical, surgical or other remedial attention, treatment or appliances given or prescribed
by a Medical Practitioner and all hospital, nursing home and ambulance charges:
1. incurred on an External Journey and within two (2) years of the date that the need for
treatment first arises.
2. incurred within the Insured Person’s Permanent Country of Residence on return from an
External Journey not exceeding the appropriate Sum Insured stated in the Schedule
(i) in respect of In Patient charges
(ii) in respect of out-patient charges
per Insured Person and incurred within three (3) months of the Insured Person’s return to their
Permanent Country of Residence.
Dental and optical expenses are included only if necessitated by Bodily Injury following an Accident
or incurred for emergency treatment.
Pregnancy or childbirth expenses are included but only if necessitated by Bodily Injury following an
Accident or incurred for pregnancy related illness or complications requiring emergency treatment.
(b) Emergency Travel Expenses
The additional cost of travel, sustenance and accommodation reasonably and necessarily incurred
during an Insured Journey upon the recommendation of AXA XL Assistance in respect of:
1. the Insured Person
2. any business colleague, relative or friend who have necessarily to travel to or remain with or
escort the Insured Person
less any saving by or recovery available to the Insured or Insured Person concerned.
(c) Repatriation Expenses
The necessary cost of:
1. repatriating the Insured Person to their Permanent Country of Residence upon the
recommendation of AXA XL Assistance.
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2. in the case of death of the Insured Person the necessary cost of transporting the body or
3. transporting the Insured Person’s Baggage and Business Equipment to their Permanent
Country of Residence.
11.3 Additional Extensions applicable to this Section
(a) Coma Benefit
If during the course of an External Journey the Insured Person sustains Bodily Injury following an
Accident or falls ill, which within ninety (90) days is the sole and independent cause of the Insured
Person being in a continuous unconscious state, the Insurer will pay the appropriate Sum Insured
stated in the Schedule per full twenty four (24) hours up to a maximum of one hundred and four (104)
weeks any one Insured Person while they remain in a continuous unconscious state.
(b) Foreign Hospitalisation
If during the course of an External Journey the Insured Person is admitted to a hospital on the
recommendation of a Medical Practitioner the Insurer will pay appropriate Sum Insured stated in the
Schedule per full twenty four (24) hours up to a maximum of fifty-two (52) weeks while the Insured
Person is a hospital In Patient.
(c) Funeral Expenses
If during the course of an External Journey the Insured Person dies the Insurer will pay up to
appropriate Sum Insured stated in the Schedule for the reasonable and necessary cost incurred with
the Insurer’s prior written consent for funeral expenses.
(d) Repatriation of Household Goods
If during the course of an External Journey exceeding six (6) months the Insured Person dies the
Insurer will pay up to appropriate Sum Insured stated in the Schedule for the reasonable and necessary
cost incurred with the Insurer’s prior written consent of repatriating household goods.
(e) Search and Rescue Costs
If during the course of an External Journey the Insured Person is reported as missing and a search or
rescue is instigated by approved rescue or police authorities because:
1. it is known or believed that the Insured Person has sustained Bodily Injury following an
Accident or fallen ill or
2. weather and safety conditions are such that it becomes necessary to instigate a search or
rescue to prevent the Insured Person from sustaining Bodily Injury following an Accident
or falling ill
the Insurer will pay up to the appropriate Sum Insured stated in the Schedule for the costs incurred.
11.4 What is not covered under this Section
The Insurer will not pay:
1. for any Medical Expenses incurred in the Insured Person’s Permanent Country of Residence other
than as provided under the Medical Expenses above.
2. any claim if the Insured Person is travelling against medical advice given by a Medical Practitioner or
for the sole purpose of obtaining treatment.
3. any claim handled by AXA XL Assistance where it is subsequently found that the person receiving
treatment or incurring costs is not an Insured Person on an Insured Journey in which event such costs
will be the sole responsibility of the Insured.
11.5 Additional Conditions applicable to this Section
1. AXA XL Assistance must be informed as soon as possible of any situation that may give rise to an
Insured Person requiring In Patient treatment.
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2. AXA XL Assistance shall take such steps as they deem necessary to provide Medical and Travel
Assistance services under this Policy and shall be allowed sole responsibility in determining any
appropriate course of action with regard to the provision of such services.
3. AXA XL Assistance shall provide Medical and Travel Assistance services under this Policy on a best
endeavours basis worldwide but shall not be obliged to provide such services where:
(a) to do so would breach national or international laws and/or regulations
(b) they are unable to obtain necessary authorisation where required to do so
(c) where appropriate AXA XL Assistance will work with search and rescue operations organised
by the police or coastguard or other authority responsible for rescue services.
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12 Travel Disruption Insurance
12.1 The Cover
If during the Period of Insurance the Insured or the Insured Person is forced to:
1. Cancel an Insured Journey
2. Curtail an Insured Journey
3. Replace an Insured Person on an Insured Journey
4. Rearrange to resume an Insured Journey
5. Change the itinerary of a pre booked Insured Journey
as a direct and necessary result of any unforeseen cause outside the Insured’s and the Insured Person’s control
the Insurer will reimburse the Insured for:
(a) deposits and advance payments (on a proportionate basis in respect of Curtailment)
(b) charges for transport
(c) charges for accommodation and sustenance
(d) any other charges
reasonably and necessarily incurred and that are forfeit under contract or are not otherwise recoverable.
The Insurer will pay up to the cost of the Insured Journey including those trips on the Insured’s Business funded
wholly or in part by air miles but not exceeding the appropriate Sum Insured stated in the Schedule in respect of
any one Insured Person subject to the Incident Limit as stated in the Schedule.
12.2 Additional Extensions this Section
1. Travel Delay
If, during the Period of Insurance, the departure of the means of transport on which an Insured Person
is booked to travel as part of an Insured Journey either at the start of or during an Insured Journey is
delayed as a direct result of any cause outside the Insured or the Insured Person’s control the Insurer
will compensate the Insured for the inconvenience caused to the Insured Person for which the Insured
is or has agreed to be responsible.
The Insurer will pay the Insured the appropriate Sum Insured stated in the Schedule after the first four
(4) consecutive hours of delay and an additional Sum Insured as stated in the Schedule for each
subsequent hour delayed after that up to the maximum Sum Insured stated in the Schedule in respect
of any one Insured Person.
12.3 What is not Covered under this Section
The Insurer will not pay any claim as a result of:
1. disinclination to travel.
2. redundancy of the Insured Person or any of the Insured’s Directors or Employees.
3. the Insured’s financial circumstances.
4. the financial failure or omission or neglect of any provider (or their agent) of transport or
5. regulations made by any Government or public authority except in response to a natural catastrophe.
6. strike or industrial action which existed or of which advance notice had been given on or before the
date on which the journey was booked.
7. circumstances involving a person who is travelling or intending to travel
(a) against the advice of a Medical Practitioner or
(b) for the purpose of obtaining treatment.
8. circumstances more specifically insured under the Evacuation Insurance Section of this Policy.
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13 Evacuation Insurance
13.1 The Cover
If an Insured Person is forced to Evacuate during an External Journey as a direct and necessary result of
Evacuation from any cause outside the Insured’s or the Insured Person’s control the Insurer will reimburse the
Insured for all Evacuation Expenses reasonably and necessarily incurred.
The Insurer will pay up to but not exceeding the Sum Insured stated in the Schedule in respect of any one Insured
Person subject to the Incident Limit as stated in the Schedule.
13.2 Additional Definitions applicable to this Section
There are words and expressions used in this section of the Policy which have a specific meaning unique to this
Policy. These words are shown below and when shown in bold type the specific meaning will apply. Plural forms
of the words defined have the same meaning as the singular form.
Please also refer to General Policy Definitions for definitions that apply to the Policy as a whole.
1. Evacuation/Evacuate
The necessary emergency evacuation of an Insured Person from a country or area within a country in
which the Insured Person is travelling outside of their Permanent Country of Residence as
recommended by:
(a) the British Government via the Foreign and Commonwealth Office; or
(b) any legally empowered regulatory governmental or local authority in the country or region
in which the Insured Person is travelling; or
(c) AXA XL Assistance.
2. Evacuation Expenses
The additional cost of travel accommodation and other expenses incurred by the Insured or the
Insured Person in evacuating the Insured Person to their Permanent Country of Residence or the
nearest place of safety.
13.3 Additional Extensions applicable to this Section
1. Trauma Risk Management Counselling
If a claim is paid under this section of the Policy the Insurer will also pay the expenses incurred with the
Insurer’s prior written consent for trauma risk management counselling to the Insured Person to be
delivered by AXA XL Assistance up to the appropriate Sum Insured stated in the Schedule any one
2. Local Nationals
If during an External Journey the Insured Person is forced to Evacuate and at the time of the
Evacuation is being escorted or accompanied by any local national whom is also an Employee of the
Insured this Policy will extend to cover Evacuation Expenses for local national Employees reasonably
and necessarily incurred up to the appropriate Sum Insured stated in the Schedule any one Incident.
13.4 What is not covered under this Section
The Insurer will not pay any claim as a result of:
1. the Insured or the Insured Person violating the laws or regulations of the country in which they are
2. the Insured Person failing to produce or maintain immigration work residence or similar visas permits
or other relevant documentation for the country to which they are travelling.
3. redundancy of the Insured Person or any of the Insured’s Directors or Employees.
4. the Insured’s financial circumstances.
5. Evacuation of nationals of the country in which the Insured Person is travelling other than as provided
under the Local Nationals Extension.
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6. disinclination of the Insured Person to continue an Insured Journey.
7. regulations made by any Government or public authority except in response to a natural catastrophe.
8. Evacuation undertaken without the prior consent and agreement of the Insurer’s security service
provider AXA XL Assistance.
9. circumstances more specifically insured under the Travel Disruption Insurance Section of this Policy.
10. any claim responded to by AXA XL Assistance where it is subsequently found that the person incurring
costs is not an Insured Person on an Insured Journey in which event such costs will be the sole
responsibility of the Insured.
13.5 Additional Claims Conditions applicable to this Section
1. AXA XL Assistance must be informed as soon as possible of any incident, event or circumstance likely
to give rise to a claim.
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14 Personal Baggage and Business Equipment Insurance
14.1 The Cover
If an Insured Person’s Baggage is lost damaged stolen or destroyed during an Insured Journey the Insurer will
reimburse the Insured for any liability it has to the Insured Person concerned for the cost of repair or
The Insurer will pay the cost of replacement as new, except for items that can be economically repaired including
clothing where the cost of repair will be paid, up to the Sum Insured stated in the Schedule in respect of any one
Insured Person less any amount recoverable from any transport provider.
14.2 Additional Extensions applicable to this Section
1. Automatic reinstatement of Sum Insured after a loss
In respect of any one Insured Person the Sum Insured shall not be reduced by the amount of any loss
incurred during any one Insured Journey and no additional premium shall be payable for such
automatic reinstatement of cover.
2. Business Equipment
If Business Equipment is lost, damaged, stolen or destroyed during an Insured Journey the Insurer
will reimburse the Insured for the cost of repair or replacement, less Value Added Tax recoverable by
the Insured up to but not exceeding the appropriate Sum Insured stated in the Schedule.
3. Delayed Baggage
In the event of the Insured Person’s Baggage being delayed during an Insured Journey for more than
four (4) hours, the Insurer will reimburse the Insured in respect of any liability it has to the Insured
Person towards the cost of purchasing emergency replacement clothing, toilet requisites and similar
items up to but not exceeding the appropriate Sum Insured stated in the Schedule for any one Insured
4. Loss of Keys
If the keys to the external doors, safes or alarms of the Insured Person’s home or car keys are lost,
damaged, stolen or destroyed during an Insured Journey the Insurer will reimburse the Insured in
respect of any liability it has to the Insured Person for the replacement of the lock mechanisms and
new keys and the re-programming of remote control car keys up to but not exceeding the appropriate
Sum Insured stated in the Schedule for any one Insured Person.
5. Travel Documents
If the Insured Person loses or damages their passport, visa, travel tickets or other essential travel
documents during an Insured Journey or the one hundred and twenty (120) hours immediately
preceding the commencement of the Insured Journey, the Insurer will reimburse the Insured in
respect of any liability it has to the Insured Person for the additional cost of travel and accommodation
and other costs incurred to enable the Insured Person to obtain replacement documents up to but not
exceeding the appropriate Sum Insured stated in the Schedule for any one Insured Person.
14.3 What is not covered under this Section
The Insurer will not pay:
1. more than £3,000 or the Sum Insured as detailed in the Schedule, whichever is the lesser in respect of
any one item, pair or set.
2. for loss or damage, theft or destruction of Money and Financial Cards bonds negotiable instruments
or securities of any kind.
3. for loss or damage or destruction caused by:
(a) atmospheric or climatic conditions or any other Gradually Operating Cause.
(b) any process of cleaning dyeing repairing or restoring.
(c) delay confiscation or detention by order of any Government or public authority.
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4. for mechanical or electrical breakdown or derangement.
5. for any Baggage that is lost damaged stolen or destroyed while being shipped as freight air waybill or
under a bill of lading.
6. In respect of Business Equipment:
(a) left in an unattended vehicle.
(b) where the loss has not been reported to the police or other recognised authority as soon as
practicable after discovery of the loss.
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15 Personal Money and Financial Card Misuse Insurance
15.1 The Cover
The Insurer will reimburse the Insured in respect of any liability it has to the Insured Person if:
1. an Insured Person loses Money during an Insured Journey or the one hundred and twenty (120) hours
immediately preceding the commencement of the Insured Journey or the one hundred and twenty
(120) hours immediately after its completion, and/or
2. an Insured Person suffers financial loss solely as a result of a Financial Card being stolen or lost during
an Insured Journey and subsequently misused by any person other than the Insured Person or a
member of the Insured Person’s family.
The Insurer will pay up to the appropriate Sum Insured detailed in the Schedule in respect of any one Insured
15.2 Additional Extensions applicable to this Section
1. Automatic reinstatement of Sum Insured after a loss
In respect of any liability to any one Insured Person the Sum Insured shall not be reduced by the
amount of any loss incurred during any one Insured Journey and no additional premium shall be
payable for such automatic reinstatement of cover.
2. Emergency Cash
AXA XL Assistance will replace up to but not exceeding the appropriate Sum Insured stated in the
Schedule for cash lost during an Insured Journey covered above. Any amount paid under this
extension will be deducted from any subsequent amount payable under this Personal Money and
Financial Card Misuse Insurance Section for the same loss.
15.3 What is not covered under this Section
The Insurer will not pay:
1. for losses exceeding £3,000 or the Sum Insured as detailed in the Schedule whichever is the lesser in
respect of coin bank and currency notes.
2. for shortages or loss due to error omissions depreciation in value or confiscation or detention by
customs or other lawful officials or authorities.
3. any claim for Financial Card misuse unless the Insured or the Insured Person has complied with all
the terms and conditions under which the card was issued where reasonably able to do so.
4. any claim for Money due to devaluation of currency or shortages due to errors or omission.
15.4 Additional Claims Conditions Applicable to this Section
1. The Insured and each Insured Person must take care to prevent loss and, in the event of a loss, the
Insured Person must report all losses to the police or similar authority as soon as possible after
discovery of the loss.
2. Claims under the emergency cash extension should be made to AXA XL Assistance.
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16 Hijack, Kidnap & Extortion Insurance
16.1 The Cover
If an Insured Person is Hijacked, Kidnapped or allegedly Kidnapped during an External Journey the Insurer
shall cover the Insured for:
1. Kidnap or Extortion Consultant’s Costs
2. Kidnap or Extortion Expenses
3. Kidnap or Extortion Payment
4. Hijack Benefit amount shown in the Schedule
5. Kidnap Benefit amount shown in the Schedule.
The Insurer will pay up to but not exceeding the appropriate Sum Insured in respect of any one Insured Person
subject to the Incident Limit as detailed in the Schedule in respect of any one Insured Person.
16.2 Additional Definitions applicable to this Section
There are words and expressions used in this section of the Policy which have a specific meaning unique to this
Policy. These words are shown below and when shown in bold type the specific meaning will apply. Plural forms
of the words defined have the same meaning as the singular form.
Please also refer to General Policy Definitions for definitions that apply to the Policy as a whole.
1. Cash
Coins or banknotes which are taken on or acquired during an Insured Journey by the Insured Person
and are intended for personal expenditure or business expenditure that is reclaimable from the
2. Express Kidnapping
The wrongful abduction and detention of an Insured Person against their will or by deception by a
person or group for the purpose of obtaining Cash directly from the Insured Person by way of the
fraudulent or coercive use of a Financial Card.
3. Extortion
A threat made directly against an Insured by a person or group to Kidnap or cause bodily harm to an
Insured Person for the purpose of obtaining a Kidnap or Extortion Payment.
4. Hijack(ed)
The unlawful seizure or taking control of an aircraft or other public conveyance in which an Insured
Person is travelling.
5. Kidnap(ed)
The wrongful abduction and detention of an Insured Person against their will or by deception by a
person or group for the purpose of obtaining a Kidnap or Extortion Payment as a condition of the
release of that Insured Person. A Kidnap in which more than one Insured Person is wrongfully
abducted or detained shall be considered as a single Kidnap.
6. Kidnap or Extortion Consultants’ Costs
Reimbursement of fees and expenses of the consultants chosen by the Insurer to investigate and
negotiate the release of an Insured Person which have been incurred in response to a Kidnap or
Extortion including but not limited to costs of travel accommodation qualified interpretation
communication and payments to informants.
7. Kidnap or Extortion Expenses
(a) travel and accommodation expenses incurred by the Insured.
(b) any payments to informants.
(c) fees and expenses of an independent public relations consultant incurred with the prior
consent of the Insurer.
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(d) the continued payment of the remuneration that the Insured Person received as a salary
from the Insured prior to being wrongfully abducted or detained for the duration that it is
believed that the Insured Person remains alive or until the release of the Insured Person
subject to a maximum of six (6) continuous months.
(e) fees for independent legal and medical advice incurred by the Insured with the prior consent
of the Insurer.
8. Kidnap or Extortion Payment
Any consideration paid or promised by the Insured to a person or group believed to be responsible for
Kidnap or Extortion which is incurred to terminate the Kidnap or Extortion.
9. Payments to Informants
Reimbursement of necessary payments paid or promised by the Insured to any person providing
information which leads to the arrest of the person or group responsible for Kidnap or Extortion of an
Insured Person(s).
16.3 Additional Extensions applicable to this Section
1. Express Kidnappings
If an Insured Person is the victim of an Express Kidnapping during an External Journey the Insurer
shall cover the Insured for any financial loss incurred directly as a result of a Financial Card being used
fraudulently or under coercion up to the amount stated in the Schedule per Insured Journey.
16.4 What is not covered under this Section
The Insurer will not pay any
1. claims due to any fraudulent dishonest or criminal act of the Insured or the Insured Person including
any person who has custody of any ransom monies.
2. claim for an Insured Person within their Permanent Country of Residence.
3. claim for a Kidnap or Extortion which occurs in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Mali, Mexico, Niger, Nigeria,
Pakistan, Somalia, Syria or Yemen.
4. claim for a Child kidnapped by their parent or guardian.
5. sums the Insured becomes legally liable to pay as the result of any legal action for damages including
legal costs incurred by the Insured in defence of such action as the result of alleged negligence or
incompetence in hostage retrieval operations or negotiations following the wrongful abduction or
detention of an Insured Person or alleged negligence in not preventing the wrongful abduction of the
Insured Person.
6. sums property or other consideration surrendered to any person other than those responsible for
making a previously communicated ransom demand to the Insured or any person(s) authorised to act
on behalf of the Insured.
7. claim where the Insured or the Insured Person has made an offer promise or payment without the
express consent of the Insurer.
8. any claim responded to by AXA XL Assistance where it is subsequently found that the person incurring
costs is not an Insured Person on an Insured Journey in which event such costs will be the sole
responsibility of the Insured.
16.5 Additional Conditions applicable to this Section
1. AXA XL Assistance must be informed as soon as possible of any situation that may give rise to a claim.
2. The Insured must provide AXA XL Assistance with all assistance and information as soon as possible
and no offer, promise or payment shall be made by the Insured or Insured Person without the express
consent of the Insurer.
3. A claim shall not be payable where the Insured or Insured Person has had Kidnap insurance declined
or cancelled prior to the inception of this Policy.
4. Ransom demands made by the same person group or collaborating groups with the apparent purpose
of creating a cumulative or coercive effect upon the Insured or Insured Person as these shall be
considered as one demand.
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17 Legal Expenses Insurance
17.1 The Cover
If an Insured Person sustains Bodily Injury following an Accident or illness caused by a third party during an
Insured Journey the Insurer shall pay the Insured for Legal Expenses incurred in pursuit of a claim for damages
or compensation against the third party.
The Insurer will pay up to but not exceeding the appropriate Sum Insured in respect of any one Insured Person
as detailed in the Schedule.
17.2 Additional Definitions applicable to this Section
There are words and expressions used in this section of the Policy which have a specific meaning unique to this
Policy. These words are shown below and when shown in bold type the specific meaning will apply. Plural forms
of the words defined have the same meaning as the singular form.
Please also refer to General Policy Definitions for definitions that apply to the Policy as a whole.
1. Legal Expenses
(a) Any fees, expenses and other disbursements reasonably incurred by a solicitor, firm of
solicitors or any other appropriately qualified person, firm or company appointed to act on
behalf of the Insured Person including costs and expenses of expert witnesses in addition to
those incurred by the Insurer in connection with such claims or procedures; or
(b) Any costs payable by an Insured Person following an award of costs by any court or tribunal
and any costs payable following an out of court settlement made in connection with any
claim or legal proceedings.
17.3 Additional Extensions applicable to this Section
1. Court Attendance Costs
If, reasonable additional travel and accommodation costs are incurred by an Insured Person in
connection with the requirement to attend court the Insurer shall, so long as the Legal Expenses for
that claim are recoverable under this section, pay the Insured up to the Sum Insured per Insured
Journey shown in the Schedule.
17.4 What is not covered under this Section
The Insurer shall not pay for:
1. Any Legal Expenses incurred for the defence in any civil claim or legal proceedings made or brought by
a third party against the Insured Person.
2. Any fines or penalties.
3. Any Legal Expenses incurred in connection with any criminal or wilful act.
4. Any Legal Expenses incurred in the pursuit of any claim against a travel agent, tour operator, insurer
or their agents which are eligible for consideration under an arbitration scheme or complaints
5. Any Legal Expenses arising out of any legal proceedings brought by the Insured Person against (a) the
Insured or (b) any other Insured Person.
6. Any Legal Expenses arising out of any legal proceedings brought by the Insured Person against the
Insurer, its agents, representatives and/or AXA XL Assistance.
17.5 Additional Conditions applicable to this Section
1. Written consent from the Insurer must be obtained prior to incurring Legal Expenses. The Insurer will
give prior consent if the Insured satisfies the Insurer that:
(a) There are reasonable grounds for pursuing the legal proceedings and it is likely that such an
action shall be successful; and
(b) It is reasonable for Legal Expenses to be provided in a particular case.
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2. Following notification under condition 1. above the Insurer will be entitled at any time in connection
with any claim:
(a) To take over within their sole discretion the conduct, control and settlement of any such
(b) To pay to the Insured the Sum Insured per Insured Journey as stated in the Schedule (after
deduction of any sums already paid and subject to the Incident Limit) or any lesser sum for
which, in the Insurer’s sole opinion, the claim can be settled and upon such payment being
made the Insurer will relinquish the conduct and control of and have no further liability in
connection with the claim. For the avoidance of doubt the Insurer will have no liability to pay
defence Legal Expenses incurred after the date upon which any such payment is made.
3. The Insurer shall not be required to pay, or continue to pay, Legal Expenses in respect of any legal
proceedings if it obtains an opinion from a lawyer with at least five (5) years’ experience that such
proceedings are more likely than not to be successful.
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18 Personal Liability Insurance
18.1 The Cover
If an Insured Person becomes legally liable to pay damages for which the Insured is or has agreed to be
responsible in respect of:
1. Bodily Injury to any person
2. the illness of any person or
3. the accidental loss or damage to the property of any person
occurring during an Insured Journey the Insurer shall:
(a) reimburse the Insured for any such damages incurred by the Insured Person; and
(b) pay any costs and/or expenses incurred by a claimant arising out of 1.,2. or 3. above and which are
recoverable by the claimant from the Insured Person or any representative of an Insured Person; and
any other costs and expenses incurred with the Insurer’s prior written consent.
The Insurer will pay up to but not exceeding the appropriate Sum Insured in respect of any one Insured Person
as detailed in the Schedule.
18.2 What is not covered under this Section
The Insurer shall not pay for:
1. Legal liability resulting from loss or damage to property belonging to or held in trust by or which is in
the custody or control of the Insured or Insured Person or any Employee of the Insured or any
member of the family of the Insured Person.
2. Legal liability resulting from injury or illness to any member of the family of the Insured Person.
3. Legal liability arising as a result of the ownership, possession or use of any:
(a) mechanically propelled vehicle
(b) aircraft or motorised watercraft or
(c) firearm (other than sporting guns).
4. Legal liability arising in connection with:
(a) any malicious or unlawful act
(b) any deliberate act that is intended by the Insured Person other than where the Insured
Person uses force to protect persons or tangible property
(c) the carrying out of any trade business or profession
(d) the rendering of or failure to render advice or medical assistance or
(e) the ownership possession or occupation of land or buildings.
5. Legal liability arising out of any legal proceedings brought against the Insured Person by another
Insured Person.
6. Damages which should be more specifically claimed under any other contract of insurance in the name
of the Insured and/or the Insured Person.
7. Damages resulting from venereal disease sexually transmitted diseases Human Immunodeficiency
Virus (HIV), Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or any AIDS related condition.
8. Any fines or penalties, punitive or exemplary damages.
9. Damages resulting from the actual alleged or threatened contaminative pathogenic toxic or other
hazardous properties of asbestos.
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10. Damages loss cost or expense resulting from any:
(a) request demand order or regulatory or statutory requirement that any Insured or others that
test for monitor clean up remove contain treat detoxify or neutralise or in any way respond
to or assess the effects of asbestos or
(b) claim or proceeding by or on behalf of a government authority or others for any damages loss
cost or cleaning up containing treating detoxifying or neutralising or in any way responding
to or assessing the effects of asbestos.
11. Damages resulting from an Insured Person committing or attempting to commit suicide or
intentionally inflicting self-injury.
12. Damages resulting from an Insured Person engaging in aviation as a pilot of a fixed wing or rotary
propelled aircraft.
18.3 Additional Claims Condition applicable to this Section
1. The Insured must forward to the Insurer as soon as reasonably practicable any letter of claim, writ,
proceeding or similar document received in connection with any claim made under this section.
2. The Insured must not make any admission of liability without the Insurer’s prior written consent
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19 Personal Security Specialist Expenses Insurance
19.1 The Cover
If during an Insured Journey an Insured Person becomes involved in a Life-threatening Situation the Insurer
will reimburse the Insured in respect of the costs reasonably and necessarily incurred by AXA XL Assistance in
extricating the Insured Person from such Life-threatening Situation.
The Insurer will pay up to the appropriate Sum Insured in respect of any one Insured Person subject to the
Incident Limit as detailed in the Schedule.
19.2 Additional Definitions applicable to this Section
There are words and expressions used in this section of the Policy which have a specific meaning unique to this
Policy. These words are shown below and when shown in bold type the specific meaning will apply. Plural forms
of the words defined have the same meaning as the singular form.
Please also refer to General Policy Definitions for definitions that apply to the Policy as a whole.
1. Life-threatening Situation
Any situation or event occurring on an Insured Journey where AXA XL Assistance agrees that the
Insured Person’s life is potentially in danger.
19.3 What is not covered under this Section
The Insurer will not pay in respect of any claim:
1. as a result of the Life-threatening Situation being directly due to circumstances within the control of
the Insured or the Insured Person.
2. involving any fraudulent dishonest or criminal act of the Insured or the Insured Person.
3. resulting from circumstances more specifically insured under the Hijack Kidnap and Detention
Insurance Section or Evacuation Insurance Section of this Policy.
4. handled by AXA XL Assistance where it is subsequently found that the person incurring costs is not
an Insured Person on an Insured Journey in which event such costs will be the sole responsibility of
the Insured.
19.4 Additional Conditions applicable to this Section
1. AXA XL Assistance must be informed as soon as possible of any situation or event that may give rise to
a claim.
2. The Insured and Insured Person must provide AXA XL Assistance with all information as soon as
possible and must not make or attempt to make arrangements without the involvement and/or
agreement of AXA XL Assistance.
3. Any extrication must be organised by AXA XL Assistance who will use the most appropriate method
including if necessary the attendance of a security specialist to accompany an Insured Person if
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20 Rental Vehicle Excess Insurance
20.1 The Cover
If an Insured Person sustains loss, theft or damage to a Rental Vehicle during an Insured Journey the Insurer
shall reimburse the Insured in respect of the monetary amount that the Insured Person is legally liable to pay as
an excess or deductible under a Rental Vehicle insurance policy or any other insurance policy applicable to the
Insured Person for which cover in respect of loss of or theft of or damage to a Rental Vehicle is in force.
The Insurer will pay up to but not exceeding the appropriate Sum Insured in respect of any one Insured Person
subject to the Incident Limit as detailed in the Schedule.
20.2 Additional Definitions applicable to this Section
There are words and expressions used in this section of the Policy which have a specific meaning unique to this
Policy. These words are shown below and when shown in bold type the specific meaning will apply. Plural forms
of the words defined have the same meaning as the singular form.
Please also refer to General Policy Definitions for definitions that apply to the Policy as a whole.
1. Rental Vehicle
Any vehicle rented by an Insured Person under a licensed rental vehicle agreement.
20.3 What is not covered under this Section
The Insurer shall not pay for:
1. Any loss of or damage to a Rental Vehicle caused deliberately by the Insured Person.
2. Any loss of or damage to a Rental Vehicle arising out of wear and tear or gradual deterioration,
mechanical or electrical failure not attributable to accidental damage.
3. any damage that existed at the commencement of the period of rental.
20.4 Additional Conditions applicable to this Section
1. A claim shall not be payable unless the Rental Vehicle has been rented from a licensed rental vehicle
2. A claim shall not be payable unless the Insured Person has complied with all requirements of the rental
vehicle agreement and of the rental vehicle insurance policy or any other insurance policy applicable
to the Insured Person under which the Insured Person is claiming in respect of loss of or theft of or
damage to the Rental Vehicle.
XL Insurance Company SE
8 St. Stephen's Green, Dublin, 2 D02 VK30, Ireland
Telephone: +353 1 607 5300 Fax: +353 1 607 5333 axaxl.com
XL Insurance Company SE, a European public limited liability company, 8 St. Stephen's Green, Dublin 2, Ireland.
Registered in Ireland No. 641686 I Regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland | Directors: P.R.Bradbrook (UK), J.R.Harris (UK), B.R.P.Joseph (UK), Y.Slattery, P. Wilson (UK), D. Palici-Chehab (FR), J. O’Neill,
H. Browne
XL Catlin Insurance Company UK Limited
20 Gracechurch Street, London, EC3V 0BG, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7626 0486 Fax: +44 (0)20 7623 9101 axaxl.com
XL Catlin Insurance Company UK Limited| Registered office: 20 Gracechurch Street, London, EC3V 0BG Registered in England No 5328622
XL Catlin Insurance Company UK Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.