in association with
Arranged by
policy document
camper insurance
Quality cover for
people on the move
NI November, 2018
In the event of a claim
please call our 24 hour
Claims Helpline on:
03458 282823
+0044 3458 282823 (from outside NI)
camper insurance CONTENTS
Your policy 2
Caring for you 3
Definitions 4
Section 1 - Loss of or Damage to your vehicle 5
Section 2 - Third Parties 10
Section 3 - Personal Accident Cover 13
Section 4 - Hospital Benefits 15
Section 5 - Breakdown Assistance 16
Miscellaneous Provisions 17
General Exceptions 18
Conditions 20
Endorsements 21
General Information 24
What to do after an accident 25
Driving in Spain 27
Seguro en España 28
Data Protection Act 29
UK EU Exit Arrangements 33
Camper Insurance
Policy Document
Your Policy
Welcome to your policy. This document and
any endorsements that are included in it
sets out the rights and responsibilities of
both you, and us.
The cover you have bought has many
benefits to provide you with peace of mind.
However, as with all insurance contracts,
there will be circumstances where cover
will not apply. These are detailed in
this document.
Please read your policy carefully and keep it
in a safe place.
Your policy is in three parts:
the proposal form and declaration
the policy wording in this booklet
the current Certificate which gives details
of who may drive and the purposes for
which your vehicle may be used
AXA Insurance dac (hereinafter called
the company) will provide insurance as
described in the following pages for injury,
loss or damage happening during the period
of insurance or any subsequent period which
may be agreed anywhere
in Northern Ireland, Great Britain, Republic
of Ireland, the Isle of Man or the Channel
Islands (or in transit by recognised sea
transfer not normally exceeding 65 hours
between ports).
On behalf of AXA Insurance dac
Phil Bradley
Chief Executive
AXA Insurance dac
Registered Number: 136155
Registered Office: Wolfe Tone House,
Wolfe Tone Street, Dublin 1.
The law applicable to this contract
You and we are free to choose the law
applicable to this contract. Your policy will
be governed by the law of Northern Ireland
unless you and we have agreed otherwise.
camper insurance
Caring for you
For a complaint about your policy, contact your Broker or AXA on 0345 399 5346
For a complaint about your claim, contact our claims action line on 0345 828 2823
If we cannot sort out your complaint, you can contact our Customer Care Department on
0800 0391970 or: email: [email protected] or: write to AXA Insurance, Customer
Care Department, Freepost BEL 2531, Belfast, BT1 1BR.
If you are unhappy with the way we have dealt with your complaint, you may be able to
refer to:
The Financial Ombudsman Service,
Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR
Financial Ombudsman Service -
Customer helpline
Monday to Friday - 8am to 8pm
Saturday - 9am to 1pm
0800 023 4 567 - calls to this number are normally free for people ringing from a “fixed line”
phone - but charges may apply if called from a mobile phone
0300 123 9 123 - calls to this number are charged at the same rate as 01 or 02 numbers on
mobile phone tariffs.
These numbers may not be available from outside the UK – so please call from abroad on
+44 20 7964 0500. Email: [email protected]
Our promise to you
We will reply to your complaint within five working days.
We will investigate your complaint.
We will keep you informed of progress.
We will do everything possible to sort out your complaint.
We will use feedback from you to improve our service.
Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)
AXA Insurance dac is covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). You
may be entitled to compensation in the unlikely event we cannot meet our obligations to you.
This depends on the type of insurance, size of the business and the circumstances of the
claim. Further information about the compensation scheme arrangements is available from
the FSCS (
camper insurance
We/us/the company
means AXA Insurance dac.
means any camper for which there is in force an effective certificate of motor insurance
issued under the policy.
you/your/the insured
the person named as insured on the schedule.
Camper means
a Vehicle owned by the insured built or adapted to provide sleeping accommodation and
cooking facilities, including all fixtures and fittings but excluding other contents.
Motoring accessories
means an item or piece of equipment designed for use in conjunction with a motor vehicle
but not specifically for a camper.
The Continent of Europe
includes any country in or outside Europe whose Green Card Bureau is a member of the
Council of Bureaux in London.
camper insurance SECTION 1
Section 1 - Loss of or Damage to your camper
This section applies only to a camper notified to and accepted by the company.
Section 1 (A) Comprehensive
The company will pay for accidental loss of or damage to your camper, its motoring
accessories and specific items as shown below while they are in or on your camper or in your
own private garage.
Except for the items listed under “Specific Items” below, You will be required to pay the first
£100 of any claim under Section 1 (A). A separate excess is shown for the Specific items.
Section 1 (B) Fire & Theft
The company will pay for loss of or damage to your camper, its motoring accessories and
specific items as shown below while they are in or on your camper or in your own private
garage caused by fire, theft or attempted theft.
Your camper must be missing for at least 28 days before the company will consider it lost
by theft.
Looking after your campervan
You must do all you can to prevent injury to other people and protect your campervan and
keep it in a roadworthy condition. If you do not do this, your right to claim under your policy
may be affected. If your campervan is stolen, you must tell us as soon as possible by phoning
our claimshelpline on 03458 282823. You must also tell the Police.
1. Loss or damage caused by theft or attempted theft if the campervan was taken by a
member of your family or household unless you can provide us with written confirmation of
notifying Police of the theft.
2. Loss or damage caused by theft or attempted theft if the keys (or keyless entry system) are
left unsecured or left in or on an unattended campervan.
Section 1 (C) Windscreen
The company will pay broken glass in the windscreen, windows and roof of your camper. The
company will also pay for any scratching to the bodywork of your camper resulting solely and
directly from the broken glass.
Section 1 (D) Fire Brigade Charges
We will pay charges from a local authority (in line with the Fire Services Act 1981) for putting
out a fire in your camper if the fire gives rise to a valid claim under the policy,
or for removing the driver or passengers from your camper using cutting equipment.
The most that we will pay for any one claim is £1,000.
Specific Items
In addition to the camper and its motoring accessories, the following items are covered up to
the maximum amount, less the excess, shown here.
In the event of your campervan not being used for holiday purposes, not in use, or is laid up,
your contents cover for personal belongings will be reduced to £450. We will provide cover up
to £450 for items that are lost or damaged caused by accident, fire, theft or attempted theft.
camper insurance SECTION 1
Item Maximum amount Excess
Awnings attached to your camper £1,800 £80
Portable electricity generating
equipment in, on or connected £950 £80
to your camper
Contents of your camper
including clothing, personal £4,000 £80
effects, luggage and pedal
cycles, while in your camper
camper insurance SECTION 1
Pedal Cycles Theft Cover
This cover is designed to cover pedal bikes that might be stolen from your camper. It only
applies to cases where the bike was securely locked to a bicycle rack attached to the camper
at the time of the loss.
This cover is limited to £425 per total claim in any one insurance year. This may relate to
multiple incidents or to the theft of several bikes.
Limit per bike £170
An excess of £45 per claim will apply.
Replacement Car
If your camper is disabled as a result of an incident that will give rise to a valid claim under
this policy, we will at our option provide or arrange to provide you with a replacement car or
pay up to £20 per day incurred by you in hiring a replacement car. The company will decide
how long this benefit is payable for up to a maximum of 35 days.
Temporary use on the Continent of Europe
Section 1 of your policy also operates while your camper is on the Continent of Europe (or
in transit by sea between any port therein). The company will pay any customs duty you are
required to pay as a result of an accident covered by this policy.
What does the company pay?
The word ‘pay’ means that the company may, at its option, make a payment in cash of the
amount of loss or damage, or may repair, reinstate or replace.
If the company knows that your camper is the subject of a hire purchase or leasing
agreement, any cash payment may be made to the owner named in it (whose receipt will be a
full and final discharge).
The company will not pay more for a claim than the market value of your camper immediately
prior to the loss or damage.
The company will not pay more than the manufacturer’s current list price (plus the
reasonable cost of fitting) for any part or motoring accessory.
If the company settles a claim as a total loss, the company reserves the right to own
the salvage.
camper insurance SECTION 1
Repairs, storage, collection and delivery
You may authorise repairs, provided such repairs are economical and an estimate is sent
immediately to the company.
A maximum limit of £150 will operate for all fees connected with towage and storage of your
campervan provided you notify us of any accident or loss within 48 hours. If you notify us
after 48 hours we will determine the amount we deem reasonable to pay you for these fees.
If your camper is disabled, the company will pay the reasonable cost of protection and
removal to the nearest competent repairers.
After it has been repaired the company will pay for the reasonable cost of delivery of your
vehicle to your address in the Northern Ireland.
These costs will only be paid in connection with a valid claim for loss or damage.
Where an excess applies payment of this is your responsibility.
camper insurance SECTION 1
The company will not pay for:
- Losses you sustain through not being able to use your camper (including the cost of hiring
another vehicle)
- Depreciation
- Wear and tear
- Repairs or replacements which improve your vehicle beyond its condition before the loss
or damage
- Mechanical or electrical breakdowns, failures or breakages
- The company will not pay for the item which broke down, failed or broke but the
company will pay for any consequent loss or damage which is covered, except that
caused by a failure of portable electricity generating equipment
- Damage to tyres caused by applying the brakes, road punctures, cuts or bursts
- Loss or damage resulting from the use of your vehicle in a rally, competition
or trial.
- Loss or damage to anything in or on your vehicle other than its motoring accessories,
spare parts and specific items shown above
- The cost of importing parts or accessories from outside the EU
- Any additional cost of parts or accessories above the price of similar parts available from
the Manufacturer’s European representatives.
In respect of the specific items above and in addition to all other exceptions
- loss or damage caused by any gradually operating cause wear and tear
- losses caused by a failure to maintain equipment in efficient working order
- contents of your camper if they are stolen while the camper was left unlocked
- contents of your camper consisting of
- money, stamps, tickets, documents, securities, (financial certificates such as shares
and bonds), furs or jewellery
- tools, equipment, goods or samples or
anything carried in connection with any trade or business
- business or property insured by another insurance policy; or any article insured under any
other insurance whether effected by you or not
- Satellite Navigational Equipment unless fitted by the Manufacturer or
- Authorised Dealer as original equipment for the vehicle
camper insurance SECTION 2
Section 2 - Third Parties
Third Party Bodily Injury
The company will insure the people insured against legal liability (and the associated costs
below) for damages in respect of death of or bodily injury to any person as a result of an
accident involving your camper.
Third Party Property Damage
The company will insure the people insured against legal liability (and the associated costs
below) for damages in respect of damage to property, subject to the following limitations,
as a result of an accident involving your camper
i. The maximum amount we will be liable for is £20,000,000, including the associated
costs below.
ii. If this policy covers more than one person, this maximum amount is the aggregate
amount to be paid and you will have priority over any other people insured.
iii. In dealing with a claim or series of claims arising from one event, the company may
choose to pay you the full amount of this limit less any amounts already paid or any
less amount for which such claim or claims can be settled. The company will then take
no further part in the handling or settlement of a claim, except to pay legal costs and
expenses incurred in respect of matters prior to the date of such payment.
People insured
(a) You
(b) Any person allowed to drive by the Certificate
(c) Any person using (but not driving) your camper with your permission for
social, domestic and pleasure purposes
(d) If you wish, any person (other than the driver) in your camper, or getting into or
out of it
(e) The personal representative of any person in (a) to (d) following that person’s death
(but only in respect of the deceased’s liability)
(f) Any person using your camper in respect of liability under the Road Traffic Act to pay for
emergency treatment.
camper insurance SECTION 2
1 Costs and expenses recoverable by any claimant
2 All other costs and expenses
3 Solicitor’s fees for representation at the coroner’s inquest or fatal inquiry or Court of
Summary Jurisdiction
4 The cost of defence up to a maximum of £1,000 against a charge of manslaughter or
dangerous driving causing death or serious bodily injury.
2,3 and 4 must be incurred with the written agreement of the company.
Temporary Use on the Continent of Europe
Section 2 applies while the vehicle is on the Continent of Europe (or in transit by sea between
any ports therein).
Exceptions to Section 2
The company does not cover
- Damage to property belonging to, or held in trust by, or in the custody or control of,
the person insured
- Damage to any camper being driven or used by a person insured
- Any of the poeple insured in (c) or (d) if to that person’s knowledge the driver of the
camper does not hold a licence to drive it
This exception does not apply if the driver had held such a licence and is not disqualified
from holding or obtaining one
- Any person other than you who has insurance under another policy
- Any person in the Motor Trade driving the vehicle for overhaul upkeep or repair
- Any person insured who does not comply with the terms, exceptions and conditions
of the policy
- Death of or bodily injury to any person driving or in charge of the vehicle.
If the law requires the company to pay a claim which would otherwise not be covered,
we reserve the right to recover the amount from you.
Section 3 - Personal Accident Cover
We will pay the relevant benefits as detailed below in the event that you yoou are killed or
sustain bodily injury as a result of an accident :
1. While traveling in or on, including getting into or out of:
a) Any Road Vehicle (excluding Motor Cycles, Tractors, Combines and Farm Implements
but including Pedal Cycles, whether motor assisted or not) as a passenger or driver.
b) Any Boat or Railway Train as a fare paying passenger
2. In connection with a Railway Train or Road Vehicle in which you are involved as
Benefits Payable
Section A – Death
Where death is as a direct result of the accident, occurring within twelve calendar months
from the date of the accident
Section B – Permanent Disablement
Total loss by physical separation at or above the wrist or ankle of at least
one hand
or one foot
or total and irrecoverable loss of all sight in one eye
Occurring within twelve calendar months from the date of the accident
Section C – Temporary Total Disablement
In consequence of which you are immediately following the injury and continuously thereafter
entirely incapacitated from attending to any business or following any occupation as a direct
result of the accident.
camper insurance SECTION 3
Section Benefit
A £30,000
B £30,000
C, per week £75
camper insurance SECTION 3
We will not pay benefit:
for death that is not a direct result of the accident
for suicide or attempted suicide or intentional self injury or you being in a state
of insanity
for your own criminal act
for any physical defect or infirmity
for pregnancy or childbirth
if you are engaging in or taking part in racing or speed testing
where death is sustained whilst you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs
a) Compensation under Section C shall only be payable if :
i. Notification of a claim under this section is made to us within 28 days of the date of
occurrence and
ii. You immediately attend a duly qualified Medical Practitioner and commence suitable
Payment will be made only in respect of the period during which you are undertaking
medical treatment. Inability to take part in sports or pastimes will not, of itself, constitute
total disablement.
b) Compensation will not be paid :
i. Under more that none of Sections A or B
ii. Under Section C for any disablement for which compensation is payable under
Sections A or B.
If a claim arises under Section A or B this section will cease to operate from the date
of the accident.
iii. Under Section C, until the total amount payable is agreed, and not from more than
156 weeks in respect of any one accident.
c) If you make a claim under Section C, and subsequently make a claim under Section A or
B in respect of the same injury, the maximum amount payable under this section will be
that payable in respect of Section B.
camper insurance SECTION 3 & 4
1. You must give us immediate notice of any accident which causes disablement that is
within the meaning of this section, and you must place yourself in the care of a duly
qualified Medical Practitioner and commence suitable treatment.
2. We must be given immediate notice of death resulting or alleged to result from an
accident within the meaning of this section.
3. We will not pay any compensation unless our Medical Adviser(s) are allowed as often
as they require to medically examine you.
Section 4 - Hospital Benefits
If you are hospitalised for more than 6 consecutive days as a result of a road traffic accident
involving your vehicle, we will pay you an amount of £190 per week or part thereof while you
are hospitalised, up to a maximum of 20 weeks.
We will not pay where death or injury is :
sustained while you are under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs.
consequent upon suicide or attempted suicide.
otherwise intentionally inflicted.
camper insurance SECTION 5
Section 5 - Breakdown Assistance
AXA Assistance (Ireland) Ltd operates the 24 hour motoring assistance helpline. Their registered
office is Kilmartin N6 Retail Park, Athlone, Co. Westmeath, Ireland
To avail of the benefits provided by this endorsement you must use the number 0345 873 4435
(or +353 906 486335 if calling from abroad). Any expenses incurred prior to or without calling this
number will not be covered.
What is covered:
AXA Assistance (Ireland) Ltd will arrange the dispatch of a Motor Trade Professional (MTP) to the site
of breakdown or accident. The cost of this callout is covered. In the event of breakdown, the MTP will
attempt to get the vehicle mobile, and the cost of up to one hours labour to achieve this is covered.
Events covered:
• electrical or mechanical breakdown;
• the campervan does not start;
• accident or fire;
• theft, attempted theft or malicious damage;
• punctures where you need help to replace or repair a wheel;
• loss or theft of keys;
• breakage of keys in the lock, or keys locked into the campervan; or
• loss of, or running out, of fuel.
Our network of service providers are capable of towing most campervan vehicles including large
vehicles up to 8.5 metres in length and 7 tonnes gross vehicle weight. If in the opinion of our local
service provider, it is possible to tow your vehicle and you require a tow we will cover the cost of towing
to either the nearest competent repairer or to any other chosen location (including repatriation) up to a
maximum of £450 for any one incident and £1300 per policy year. If the vehicle is too large to tow we
will cover the cost of an additional one hour’s labour attempt to get the vehicle mobile.
Please note under French Law we can not assist on French Motorways. You will need to contact the
Police if you breakdown on a French Motorway.
The following countries are covered:
Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany,
Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and the Vatican City.
Please ensure you have your policy book with you when travelling abroad.
Hotel Accommodation
If it is not immediately possible for you to continue your Journey or return to your address
we will pay the cost of one night’s bed and breakfast accommodation for the Driver and
passengers while waiting for your Campervan to be repaired. The maximum amount we will
pay arising from any one incident is £350 and up to £800 per policy year.
We will not be liable:
Losses of any kind that come from providing, or delaying providing, the services this cover
relates to. (For example, a loss of earnings, the cost of food and drink and costs we have
not agreed beforehand.)
To pay for expenses which are recoverable from any other source.
For any claim where your camper is carrying more passengers or towing a greater weight
than that for which it was designed as stated in the manufacturer’s specification.
For any claim arising out of unreasonable driving of the vehicle on unsuitable terrain.
For any accident or breakdown brought about by an avoidable, wilful and deliberate act
committed by you.
For the cost of repairing the vehicle except as outlined above.
For the cost of any parts, keys, lubricants, fluids or fuel.
For any claim caused by fuels, mineral essences or other flammable materials, explosives
or toxins transported in the campervan.
For any breach of this section of the policy or failure on our part to perform any obligation
where such failure is beyond our reasonable control.
Any claim where the vehicle is not a campervan.
If you agree to a temporary roadside repair, you will be responsible for any costs or any
damage to the vehicle it suffers if you continue to drive the vehicle as if a permanent
repair had been carried out. You acknowledge that a temporary roadside repair is aimed
only to allow you to drive the vehicle to a suitable facility so a permanent repair can be
carried out.
No benefit shall be payable unless we have been notified through the emergency phone
number of 0345 873 4435 (within Northern Ireland) or +353 906 486335
(to Northern Ireland from Abroad)
In the event of theft or attempted theft of your camper, the theft must be reported to the
local Police station as appropriate.
Your policy number must be quoted when calling for assistance.
Any parts, including the battery, found to be defective
camper insurance GENERAL EXCEPTIONS
Miscellaneous Provisions
Avoidance of certain terms and right of recovery
Nothing in the policy or any endorsement will affect the right of any person to obtain payment
of a sum of money which the company is obliged to pay by reason of the law of any country
in which the policy operates relating to the insurance of liability to third parties. However, you
must repay to the company any amount paid which would not have been payable but for the
provisions of such law.
General Exceptions
Applicable to all sections of the policy.
The Company shall not be liable in respect of:
1. Any injury, loss or damage occurring while your vehicle is being:
(a) Driven by any person not covered by the certificate of motor insurance.
(b) Used for any purpose not covered by the certificate of motor insurance.
(c) Driven by you, unless you hold a licence to drive such a vehicle or have held and
are not disqualified from holding or obtaining such a licence.
(d) Driven with your permission, by any person who to your knowledge does not hold a
licence to drive such a vehicle unless such person has held and is not disqualified
from holding or obtaining such a licence.
(e) Driven by any person who does not comply with the terms exceptions and
conditions of the policy.
(f) any claim under any section of the policy if the camper van is used as a permanent
residence or an extension of your permanent residence, as the Dolmen camper van
scheme is specifically designed to cover camper van’s used for holiday purposes
2. Any liability which attaches by virtue of an agreement but which would not have
attached in the absence of such agreement.
3. (a) Loss or destruction of or damage to any property
whatsoever or any loss or expense whatsoever resulting or arising therefrom or any
consequential loss or
(b) Any legal liability of whatsoever nature directly or indirectly
caused by or contributed to by or arising from:
(i) Ionising radiations or contamination by radioactivity from any irradiated
nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel.
(ii) The radioactive toxic explosive or other hazardous properties of any explosive
nuclear assembly or of its nuclear components.
camper insurance GENERAL EXCEPTIONS
4. Liability loss damage cost or expense of whatsoever nature directly or indirectly caused
by resulting from or in connection with any of the following regardless of any other
cause or event contributing concurrently or in any other sequence to the loss (except so
far as is necessary to meet the requirements of Road Traffic Legislation):
(a) War invasion acts of foreign enemies hostilities or warlike operations (whether
war be declared or not) riot civil war mutiny civil commotion military rising
insurrection rebellion revolution military or usurped power martial law confiscation
or nationalisation or requisition by or under the order of any Government or public
or local authority
(b) Any act of terrorism
For the purpose of this exception an act of terrorism means an act including but
not limited to the use of force or violence and/or the threat thereof of any person
or group(s) of persons whether acting alone or on behalf of or in connection with
any organisation(s) or government(s) committed for political religious ideological
or other purposes including the intention to influence any government and/or to
put the public or any section of the public in fear
This exception also excludes liability loss damage cost or expense of whatsoever
nature directly or indirectly caused by resulting from or in connection with any
action taken in controlling preventing suppressing or in any way relating to (a)
and/or (b) above If the Company alleges that by reason of this exception any
liability loss damage cost or expense is not covered by this insurance the burden
of proving to the contrary shall be upon the Insured In the event any portion of this
exception is found to be invalid or unenforceable the remainder shall remain in
full force and effect.
5. Any injury, loss or damage (except under Section 2 of the Policy) caused by Earthquake.
6. Any accident, injury, loss, damage or liability (except so far as is necessary to meet the
requirements of Road Traffic legislation) while your vehicle is in or on any part of an
aerodrome, airport or airfield provided for:
(a) The take-off and landing of aircraft and for the movement or parking of aircraft on
the ground.
(b) Service roads, ground equipment, parking areas and those parts of passenger
terminals coming within the Customs examination area.
7. Liability loss damage cost or expense of whatsoever nature directly or indirectly caused
by resulting from or in connection with:
(a) The loss of alteration of or damage to or
(b) A reduction in the functionality availability or operation of
A computer system hardware programme software data information repository
microchip integrated circuit or similar device in computer equipment or non-computer
equipment whether the property of the Insured or not that results from the malicious
or negligent transfer (electronic or otherwise) of a computer programme that contains
any malicious or damaging code including but not limited to computer virus worm logic
bomb or trojan horse.
This Policy does not apply
1. If campervan is being used for purposes that are not shown in your certificate of
2. Is being driven by, or in the charge of any person who is not covered by your certificate
of insurance
3. Is being driven by you and you have not got a licence, or if you have had a licence, are
disqualified from driving or getting a licence
4. Is being driven with your permission by any person who you know has not got a driving
licence or who you know to be disqualified from driving or getting a licence.
If an accident happens and:
(a) As a result you and any insured person is convicted or has a prosecution pending
of an offence involving alcohol or drugs:
(b) You or any person is driving while unfit to do so due to alcohol or drugs;
(c) you or any insured person is driving after drinking alcohol and, three hours after
the accident, the amount of alcohol in the breath, blood or urine is above the legal
limit for driving.
(a) The cover provided under the loss of or damage to the insured campervan will not
(b) you or any person driving must repay all the amounts we have paid to cover any
claims arising from the accident,
(c) This policy does not cover anyone who does not meet the policy terms and
(d) This policy does not cover any liability which you have as a result of an agreement
or contract, unless you would have had that liability anyway.
camper insurance GENERAL EXCEPTIONS
camper insurance CONDITIONS
1. Claims procedure
In connection with any injury loss or damage which may give rise to a claim under
the policy
You must contact AXA on 03458 282823
In the event of an incident such as accident, injury, loss or damage involving the insured
campervan which could lead to a claim, You must immediately do whatever you can to
protect your campervan and its accessories. You or your legal representative must give us
full details by phoning the claims helpline
You must send to the Company immediately any writ or summons, and as soon as
possible any letter, claim or other document unacknowledged.
You must notify the Company immediately of any impending prosecution, inquest or
fatal inquiry.
You must not admit liability for or negotiate the settlement of any claim without the
Company’s written agreement.
You must give the Company all information and assistance required.
The Company is entitled to take over and conduct the defence or settlement of any claim,
and to pursue any claim for its own benefit in the name of any person insured. However, the
Company does not have to do so.
2. Looking after your camper
You must take all reasonable precautions to
(a) Prevent injury, loss or damage
(b) Maintain your camper in an efficient and proper roadworthy condition
(c) Ensure your camper and its motoring accessories and specific items are free from
any defect.
The Company shall have at all times free access to examine your camper.
3. Other Insurance
If any loss or damage is covered by any other insurance, the Company will not pay more than
its rateable proportion, except as otherwise stated in the policy.
4. Changes to your policy
You must tell the company immediately of
- Any change of camper
- Any convictions or pending prosecutions
- Any change in driver’s health
- Any change in address or occupation
- Any change or modification of the camper
- Any additional camper
- Any change in use
- Any change in main user
- Any change in any other material fact
5. Cancellation
The Company may cancel the policy by sending 7 days notice by registered letter to
you at your last known address. In such event we may return a proportionate part of
the Premium, provided the certificate has been returned. You may cancel the policy by
returning the certificate to the Company with a written instruction to cancel.
If you cancel within the first 12 months of the policy we will not refund your premium.
If you have had continuous cover for more than 12 months, we will work out the percentage
of premium for the period you have been insured and refund any balance after an
administration fee has been taken away.
If you have made a claim or there has been any incident that is likely to result in a claim
during the current period of insurance, we will not refund your premium.
6. Suspension
There is no refund if your campervan is laid up and/or out of use.
7. Fraud
You must not act in a fraudulent manner. If you or anyone acting for you:
Fails to disclose or conceals a fact likely to influence the assessment or acceptance of
a proposal, a renewal, or any adjustment to the policy or
Fails to disclose or conceals a fact likely to influence the provision of indemnity or the
extent of indemnity provided by the company or
camper insurance CONDITIONS
camper insurance CONDITIONS
Makes a statement to the company or anyone acting on the company’s behalf knowing
the statement to be false in any respect or
Submits a document to the company or anyone acting on the company’s behalf knowing
the document to be forged or false in any respect or
Makes a claim under the policy knowing the claim to be false or fraudulently exaggerated
in any respect or
Makes a claim in respect of any loss or damage caused by your willful act or with your
then and in addition to any other rights or remedies which the company may have under this
Policy or otherwise the Company:
will not pay a claim
will not pay any other claim which has been or will be made under the policy
may at the Company’s option declare the policy void
will be entitled to recover from the Insured the amount of any claim already paid under
the policy
will not make any return of premium
may inform the appropriate law enforcement authority of the circumstances
8. Arbitration
Any difference arising under the policy shall be referred to Abitration in accordance with the
statutory provisions then being in force and the making of an Award shall be a condition
precedent to any right of action against the Company. Any claim for which the Company
disclaims liability and which has not within a year of such disclaimer been referred to
arbitration shall be deemed to have been abandoned and not recoverable thereafter.
9. Observance of policy conditions
The policy cover will only operate if its terms, provisions, conditions and endorsements are
complied with and the statements and answers in the proposal forms or information given
orally and outlined in the proposal confirmation, which forms the basis of the contract are
complete and correct.
camper insurance ENDORSEMENTS
The Company will indemnify you in the terms of Section 2, Third Party, in respect of liability
arising while any trailer or caravan, details of which have been supplied to the company, is
detached from any vehicle insured under this policy.
The company does not cover any liability if the trailer or caravan is attached to a vehicle
which is not covered by this policy.
Endorsement 6205 Extra Benefits
Your schedule will show if you have chosen this cover which is available at an
additional charge.
This package gives you additional cover as outlined below.
External Motor Bike Rack limit £850
Crash Bar limit £200
Tow Bar limit £425
Solar Panels limit £850
Satellite Systems limit £2,000
What is not covered:
An excess of £100 applies to this extended cover.
This cover only applies to purpose built camper vans that are less than 10 years old.
camper insurance GENERAL INFORMATION
General Information
Moving home?
Please bear in mind that the company needs to have your current address. This will make
sure that your renewal invitation will reach you in good time and avoid confusion in the event
of a claim.
Change of camper?
You are reminded of Condition 3 of the policy. Cover applies only to the camper notified
to and accepted by the company. If you get a new vehicle or an additional vehicle you
must supply the company with full particulars if you want cover for it. You may need
a new Certificate.
Other Changes?
The policy cover is based on the details you supplied on the proposal form.
Hence it is important that any subsequent alterations to these details should be notified
to us without delay.
camper insurance GENERAL INFORMATION
What do you do after an accident
This page is for your assistance and does not form part of the policy.
Note the registration number of the vehicles involved.
Ask for the names and addresses of other people involved and any witnesses.
Make a sketch plan of the scene of the accident.
Do not admit responsibility or sign any statement to this effect.
If the accident results in damage to another vehicle, an animal, or other property, to comply
with the law you must
- stop
- give your name, address and registration particulars of the vehicle (along with the owner’s
name and address) to anybody reasonably requiring the information.
If anyone other than yourself is injured you must show your Certificate to the Police or to any
other person reasonably asking. If you cannot do this at the time of the accident, report the
accident to the Police as soon as possible and in any case within 24 hours.
You must also show your Certificate to any person reasonably asking, if you have caused
damage to another vehicle or property.
Getting your camper repaired
If the damage is covered by your policy
- please arrange to remove your vehicle to the nearest competent repairer and ask for an
estimate to be sent to the company as soon as possible.
Where a damage claim is subject to an excess, it is the company’s practice to instruct the
repairer to collect the excess from you directly, when the repair is complete.
camper insurance GENERAL INFORMATION
Telling the Company
Complete and send an accident report form as soon as possible. If you do not have one, they
can be obtained from your broker or local office of the company.
You must let the Company know at once if you receive notice of any intended prosecution as
a result of the accident.
It would also help the Company as your insurers to know if other parties involved in the
accident are to be prosecuted. Please tell the Company.
Claims made against you by other persons
Send all letters and other correspondence to the company as quickly as possible so that the
company can deal with them on your behalf.
Do not admit liability for the accident or make any offer of payment.
In your own interest, you should contact the company if you are asked to give a statement
to anyone.
Stolen campers
Please notify the Police, as soon as the loss is discovered.
If the vehicle is not recovered the company will negotiate settlement of your claim on the
basis of the market value in accordance with the policy.
camper insurance INSURANCE IN SPAIN
Insurance in Spain
This policy insures the person or persons named in section 4 of the certificate of motor
insurance for the period shown in that certificate against LIABILITY TO THIRD PARTIES
as follows:
Unlimited indemnity against liability at law for damages and claimants’ costs and
expenses in respect of death of or bodily injury to any person (including passengers)
where such death or injury or such damage arises out of an accident caused by or in
connection with the vehicle described and specified in section 5 of the said certificate.
An amount of not more than £20,000,000 in respect of damage to property where such
damage arises out of an accident caused by or in connection with the vehicle described
and specified in section 5 of the said certificate.
We authorise:
Paseo De La Castellana, 79
28046 Madrid
to make such guarantees or deposits as may be necessary but not exceeding £1,500 in order
to obtain the release of the vehicle and / or the Insured and / or the persons authorised
to drive the vehicle from official detention following an accident which is or might be the
subject of indemnity under the foregoing Third Party Insurance and to accept service of
legal proceedings and to handle and eventually settle on our behalf all claims under this
Insurer / Asegurador: AXA Insurance dac, Wolfe Tone House, Wolfe Tone St., Dublin 1,
Ireland. Tel: 00353 1 8583470 Fax 00353 1 8721633
Note: If any part of this guarantee or deposit is wholly or partly forfeited, or is taken for
payment in fines or costs, you are liable to repay that amount to the company.
Seguro en España
La póliza asegura a la persona o personas mencionadas en la sección 4 del certificado
del vehículo asegurado por el periodo mostrado en el certificado. Riesgo a terceros
como sigue:
Indemnización ilimitada de la obligación en la ley por los daños y perjuicios y costes
de los demandantes y gastos con respecto a la muerte o la lesión corporal a cualquier
persona (incluyendo pasajeros) y daños a la propiedad donde tal muerte o lesión
o tal daño surgiese del accidente causado o en relación con el vehículo descrito y
especificado en la sección 5 de dicho certificado.
Una cantidad de no mas de £20.000.000 con respecto a los daños a la Propiedad
donde tal daño surgiese del accidente causado por o en conexióncon el vehículo descrito
y especificado en el certificado en la sección 5.
AXA Seguros
Paseo De La Castellana, 79
28046 Madrid
para hacer tales garantías o depósitos necesarios no excediendo £1,500 para obtener
la libertad del asegurado o de su vehículo y/o las persona autorizadas para conducir dicho
vehículo de detención oficial que sigue un accidente que es o podría ser el asunto de
indemnización bajo seguro procedente a Terceros y aceptar servicio o procedimiento judicial,
administrar y liquidar en nuestro nombre todas las demandas baja este seguro.
Insurer / Asegurador: AXA Insurance dac, Wolfe Tone House, Wolfe Tone St., Dublin 1,
Ireland. Tel: 00353 1 8721000 Fax 00353 1 8721633
Note: If any part of this guarantee or deposit is wholly or partly forfeited, or is taken for payment in fines or costs,
you are liable to repay that amount to the company.
camper insurance SEGURO EN ESPAÑA
Data Protection Notice & Privacy Statement
Data Protection
AXA considers that protecting personal information including sensitive personal information,
is very important and we recognise that you have an interest in how we collect, use and
share such information. This information will be processed in accordance with Data
Protection Acts and principles and in compliance with any code(s) of practice issued by the
Data Protection Commissioner or IIF (Irish Insurance Federation). We invite you to review this
Data Protection Statement, which outlines how we use and protect that information.
References to “AXA” means AXA Holdings Ireland Limited, and its subsidiaries including
AXA Insurance dac and any associated companies from time to time. The information
that you provide to AXA will be held on a computer, computer database, e-mail, imaged
documents, files, telephone recording, CCTV and letter and/or in any other way.
Use of information
AXA will use this information to (i) administer and process any products /services you
have purchased from us, (ii) administer any future agreements we may have with you,
(iii) manage any claim notified by you or by a third party and (iv) for client services, research
and statistical analyses. When considering a proposal or administering your insurance
contract(s), handling claims, or making decisions regarding deferred payment arrangements,
including whether to continue or to extend an existing deferred payment arrangement, AXA
may carry out searches (for the purpose of verifying your identity and driving experience)
and/or a credit search with one or more licensed credit reference agencies.
Rights of Customers
You have the right of access to the personal data held about you by AXA by sending a written
request to the Data Protection Unit, AXA Insurance dac, Wolfe Tone House, Wolfe Tone
Street, Dublin 1, and on payment of a fee of £5.00. You also have the right to require AXA to
correct any inaccuracies in the information we hold about you.
Sharing of Information
We shall not disclose personal information without the consent of the individual to which
it relates except in limited circumstances as permitted or required by law. We may share
personal information with agents or service providers in connection with providing,
administering and servicing the products you have purchased from us or in the course of
handling third party claims. Where we choose to have certain services provided by third
parties, we do so in accordance with the applicable law and take reasonable precautions
regarding the practices employed by the service provider to protect personal information.
Other Products and Services
In the future we, AXA, would like to use your personal data for the purpose of offering you
other products and services, including those available from companies in the AXA Ireland
Group and carefully selected third parties, which AXA thinks may be of interest to you. In this
connection, and occasionally for market research and statistical purposes, the services of a
reputable external agency may be used.
If you decide to proceed with this proposal or have any other communication with AXA
through or in relation to its products and services you accept the use by AXA of your personal
data as indicated.
Claims and Underwriting Exchange Register
Insurers pass information to the Claims and Underwriting Exchange Register, run by the
Insurance Database Services LTD (IDS Ltd) and the Motor Insurance Anti-Fraud and Theft
Register, run by the Association of British Insurers (ABI). The aim is to help us to check
information provided and also to prevent fraudulent claims. When we deal with your request
for insurance, we may search these registers.
It is a condition of the policy that you supply such details of the vehicles whose use is covered
by the policy as are required by the relevant law applicable in Great Britain and Northern
Ireland, for entry on the Motor Insurance Database. Under the conditions of your policy, you
must tell us about any incident (such as accident or theft) which may or may not give rise
to a claim. When you tell us about an incident, we will pass information relating to it to
the registers.
The policy details of customers in Northern Ireland, will be added to the Motor Insurance
Database (MID), run by the Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB). MID data may be used by the DVLA
and DVLNI for the purpose of Electronic Vehicle Licensing and by the Police for the purposes
of establishing whether a driver’s use of the vehicle is likely to be covered by a motor
insurance policy and/or for preventing and detecting crime. If you are involved in an accident
(in the UK or abroad), other UK insurers and the Motor Insurers’ Bureau may search the MID
to obtain relevant policy information.
Persons pursuing a claim in respect of a road traffic accident (including citizens of other
countries) may also obtain relevant information which is held on the MID.
You can find out more about this from us, or at
You should show this notice to anyone insured to drive the vehicle covered under this policy.
camper insurance UK EU EXIT ARRANGEMENTS
UK EU Exit Arrangements
In order to protect our customers from uncertainty resulting from Brexit we are making plans
to leverage the wider capabilities of the global AXA group. We have therefore added a new
term to your policy to allow us to automatically transfer the underwriting of your policy from
AXA Insurance dac (an Irish insurer) to AXA Insurance UK Plc (another insurer owned by the
AXA Group and licensed to carry on insurance business in the UK). This transfer would only
operate should, following Brexit, it not be possible for us as an Irish insurer to continue to
cover or enter into insurance policies with residents or companies based in the UK.
What does this mean to you?
This potential change will have no impact on either the service or benefits provided under
your policy, please continue to contact AXA Insurance dac. The same teams will continue to
look after any queries, amendments payments or claims that you may have.
Transfer of your policy when the UK leaves the EU
Your policy is underwritten by AXA Insurance dac, an Irish based insurer. This means that if
your principal country of residence is within the UK it may not be possible for us to continue
legally to meet our obligations under your policy when the United Kingdom leaves the EU
without a provision in our agreement with you to allow us to automatically transfer the
underwriting to AXA Insurance UK Plc.
By entering into this policy you agree that, if we believe that it may not be possible for AXA
Insurance dac to legally meet its obligations under your policy, we may write to you to let you
know that we plan to transfer all of AXA Insurance dac’s rights and obligations under this
policy to AXA Insurance UK Plc. This transfer will take place at 10.59 p.m. on 28 March 2019
or an earlier date which we will specify (the transfer date).
If we write to you to give you reasonable notice of the transfer described above, we will:
explain the process and any changes to your policy
give you an option to cancel your policy instead, explaining the process for cancellation
(including what you need to do to choose to exercise the cancellation option as well as
the terms governing the amount that we will refund you).
If we use this transfer right (and you do not choose to cancel your policy instead), then,
on the transfer date, AXA Insurance dac will be replaced by AXA Insurance UK Plc as the
underwriter of this policy. From the transfer date:
Section 1
camper insurance UK EU Exit Arrangements
AXA Insurance UK Plc will do everything that AXA Insurance dac has agreed to do under
this policy (except anything that AXA Insurance dac has already done by the transfer
date and except for any changes that may be required by law or regulation) as if AXA
Insurance UK Plc was named in this policy as the original underwriter
AXA Insurance UK Plc will have all the rights that AXA Insurance dac had under this
policy as if AXA Insurance UK Plc was named in this policy as the original underwriter,
including rights to receive payment of any outstanding or regular premiums due and/or
payment of “excess” amounts in relation to claims
AXA Insurance dac will have no further obligations toward you (including in relation to
things that AXA Insurance dac had agreed to do before the transfer date) and will not
have any rights at all against you or any other interest in this policy
all authorisations and instructions for the payment of premiums and/or excess to AXA
Insurance dac will take effect as providing for authorisation and instruction for the
payment of premiums and/or excess to AXA Insurance UK Plc
use of ‘we’, ‘us’ or ‘our’ in this policy will mean AXA Insurance UK Plc and when ‘AXA
Insurance dac’ is used this will mean AXA Insurance UK Plc
your policy renewal date will remain the same.
This section ‘Transfer of your policy when the United Kingdom leaves the European Union’ will
take precedence over any other part of this policy that is inconsistent with it.
camper insurance NOTES
camper insurance NOTES
AXA Insurance dac, Wolfe Tone Street, Dublin 1. Registered in Ireland
number 136155. We may record or monitor phone calls for training,
prevention of fraud, complaints and to improve customer service. AXA
Insurance dac is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. For business
in Northern Ireland, AXA Insurance dac is authorised by Central Bank of
Ireland and authorised and subject to limited regulation by the Financial
Conduct Authority. Details about the extent of our authorisation and
regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority are available from us on
request. AB078 11/18 OMI18369
Arranged by
Camper Careline +353 1 802 2330
For claims assistance 03458 282823
(+44 3458 282823 (from outisde NI)
For breakdown assistance 0345 873 4435
(+353 906 486335 from outside NI)
Dolmen Insurance Brokers Ltd is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.